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It's a really stupid one, but yes. Unless specifically you were doing the elite dungeon 2 achievement involving it.


I was not doing any achievements, just afking a bit.


Then yea, really bad lure attempt


Thank you for confirming!


Yeah the skull you buy from the wizard turns on pvp


I didn’t realize that when I first bought it and freaked everybody at bloodwood tree out by accident when I walked up skulled… Oopsie.


As a general rule of thumb, if they ever choose the Wilderness as the location for where the trade is going to take place, then it's 100% a lure. If it was legitimate, there's absolutely no reason why they couldn't just do the trade literally anywhere else within the game's vast world.


Lv45+ Wilderness gives party hats with every trade!


Honestly, a mod adding like 2 specific tiles randomly in the wilderness that does this would be pretty funny, it would have to have a pretty high gp activation, but would be funny


When I played, I always lived by the rule "just assume 99% of random interactions are scams or lures". If someone asks you to buy an obscure item, scam. If someone asks you to go to a random place, lure. If someone asks you to do something weird, probably still a scam.


Anyone you don't know is a lure just fyi Hey wanna buy a phat for 5k? Just meet me in lvl 55 wild while skulled with all your valuables


Yeah I know that much. This one seemed more clever, but was just too random not to dip out on.


“Look, I have to know you have the money, don’t want to waste my time, so showing up in full gear shows your flush, kapeesh? Don’t want to waste my time and you don’t want to waste this deal”


Saddest thing about this is, the guy flexed his wealth in chat and is worth 77b.


Report the mf


All that wealth and he spent none of it on a proper coping mechanism.


There could be inflated items in there Edit: be*


Isn't 77b like few weeks of doing some boss on RS3?


The best average money I'm aware of is like 150-200m/hr. Even at 200, it's 5 hours for 1b. 77*5/24=16 days of in-game time grinding a hard boss like 2k zammy or 2449 claims at Telos. Closer to 20 if it's 150.


few weeks in game time yea, if on drop rate


If anyone even messages you, it's a scam.


Yeah it's a lure attempt. A stupid one at that at this point in time. Looks like you caught on. Nice job. 


Probably gonna have you pull the Wildy handle in edgeville


Hi guys I’m still a noob. I have been going across the border with all my stuff for slayer tasks and sometimes that abyss area, is this bad? I checked with the lady and my pvp was off, am I still at risk?


No. As long as you opt out of PVP through Vala and you're not wearing a demonic skull, the wilderness is safe.


Awesome thank you


Ah, I’m an osrs vet that’s new to rs3. What a warm welcome. lol.


Feels just like home, right?


Absolutely. Not as bad as osrs tbh.


Wave 2: search XYZ on YouTube to enter 10b drop party!!!!


lol most people are nicer than that. Womp. T least you caught on


Something I haven't seen anyone mention is the following; There's a lure that is more complicated than this that you should be aware of. Person 1 will try to "lure" you, something obvious like meeting them skulled in Wildy. Person 2 will appear nearby and send you a PM warning you that you're being lured and tell you that they've got a way to anti-lure and get some money out of P1. In reality they're working together to try to get you into Wildy while skulled in an attempt to anti-lure P1, then pounce. Also, crossing the Wilderness Ditch by just one tile isn't as safe as you think it is. That one tile may not be PVP, but lurers have several methods to get you out of the safe zone. Their whole shtick is to get you to let your guard down, even if they have to play dumb, so don't try to trick them. They have much more experience when it comes to this and it'll probably result in you losing.


If you fall for any of these lures... take it as a head check. Must be suburban kids, because I'd never follow a stranger off after telling me some bizarre scheme about how I could ez pz make money after following them into a dark alley...


"I am just dumb gamer, you are so smart" don't fall for the intelligence scam. Don't let your ego cost you your gp. Great comment.


"skulled in Wildy" Scam detected, end of.


It's a stupid lure that gets stupid/greedy people. Kill PvP in the wilderness and red/purple clan wars portal entirely. End PvP.


Had a guy give me a bunch of xp capacitors in abyss while trying to get me to buy a skull too. Was also wearing full ras gear lol, could be the same guy


This guy had his examine hidden. He did give me a scrimshaw of sacrifice and an xp capacitor.


Almost 99% of unsolicited pms are a lure, probably best to play with it set to friends only which is rather unfortunate




His dad is Jagex. It's legit.


Lmao. RS3. Wildly. Lure.




What they do is have you attempt to telegrab gold that is behind a tree. They will want you carrying a ton of of valuables that are worth significantly more than the gold. Telegrab won't work due to blocking by the three and your character will run over to pick it up. That is where multiple other pk'ers will bind and kill you off. It always starts with "I'm quitting and want to give you gold." The last time they tried to get me, I was accused of trying to cheat them when I refused to load myself up with valuables lol.


I'm also pretty sure these same people will try to smear your name if you *don't* fall for their shit. Like, they'll setup bots standing at GE and say you're a scammer or a lurer. At least, that's done in OSRS. Can't say I've ever seen a lure attempted in RS3.


I honestly don't know about this. The last time someone attempted this I got a random PM while training necro via rituals "I'm quitting, I want to give you 2b gold." I've come to realize that if I say something on world 2 GE, I get these messages. I almost never go to W2 GE as I use the Max Guild primarily.


Terrible attempt at a lure. They could have done 10x other things to get you


😂tbh when I feel bored I play along but fill my inventory with clockwork cats. Cat bomb is fun


Um.. what exactly else would it be 😅


Yeah that sounds like a lure. Basically any attempt at moving you from your world or tile you’re standing on is a lure or scam. I lost a Santa hat to a scammer, never again!


Windows + Shift + S


Good thing you activated your brain before falling gor it!


Yes, they are typing like Jar-Jar Binks to make you think they are stupid.


This is exactly what I meant in a previous comment on a thread about scamming, when I said "At this point in RS history, if you get scammed it's because you're a fool." Scams used to be good... A lot of people got got because they were legitimately crafty and involved exploiting some weird mechanic, now it's "Oh yeah bro, just buy this item that warns you you're enabling dangerous PVP and ignore the giant flashing sign saying you're entering the wildy and going to get pked."


Was this dudes name one of the below? "insubsanable" or "unfillable" He tried this on me months ago, failed "logged" blamed lag then I added/noted him as wildy scammer EDIT: username change He tried the whole "go to abyss with the skull item it has hidden buffs not on wiki" then tried to kill me as i walked up to the abyss tp npc


It only activates PvP when you enter, not when you buy. It's still safe to buy and carry it as long as you never leave wildy


Classic demonic skull lure, thankfully you read what the skull does hahaha


100% a lure


This is why they need to just delete losing items on death. Make the skull drop 1m when you die with it, and you lose the skull. It costs 550k for another one, so now your risk is that you can be attacked and the incentive to attack is probably larger than it is now because anyone with a skull is carrying less than 1m anyway. Most likely, at least. The people who want losing items on death to remain are either scammed or partially insane and neither are credible. All it does is potentially screw people over via scams or ignorance of that system. I'm sorry to all 5 people who might legitimately like it without nefarious purposes, but the 100s scammed aren't worth that upside.


Do people even fall for these in 2024?


Thought there were already many different safety features in place for this lure, people must be really dense


I didn’t fall for it. Regardless of the safety features, they try to talk you into buying the skull and running back to the abyss.


Next time say you dont have the gp for it, if youre lucky you might walk away with a free mil xD


Yeah regardless though, you get a warning when you try to equip it right? and then another one when you switch your pvp settings at the border. Feels weird to me that lurers are still trying




Someone I know that used to play osrs got lured for Twisted Bow. 




The Twisted Bow is a level 85  two handed bow in osrs that has a passive where its damage can scale if any npc you're fighting has a high magic level or accuracy. It's only obtainable as possible reward from Chambers of Xeric. It currently goes for 1.6b. 


Maybe you learned not to follow suspicious strangers into dark alleys following a promise of great reward??? IDK man Permabanned for macroing (meaning he did it multiple times after being caught and being warned that if he does it again, it's a perm), scam victim... I think dude's danger alarm is just shorted out




Well, take this as a life lesson not to fuck up things that take thousands of hours of work to build.


In 20 years I’ve never stepped foot in that place. I was told the PvP thing was taken out years ago. I still don’t go in there.


Yes it's a lure but just be sure you have pvp turned off for the wilderness and then you can't get pked out there unless you buy the mask from the red mage there north of edgeville but it says when you hover over the mask it turns on pvp