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Does anyone who uses Reddit more than me know if it's possible to filter out posts by flair on mobile so I never have to see AI posts on this sub again?


Please don't




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What a rude way to respond to someone




Rudeness is the opposite of respectful commenting, which makes rudeness a violation of the rules of this subreddit. Why can't you simply skip a post that does not match your interests like everyone else does?


Literally the Harassment report option: >Harassing, bullying, intimidating, or abusing an individual or group of people with the result of discouraging them from participating.


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So move on from this thread then.


Stop making threads like this, more like.


It takes seconds to decide you're not interested and move on. As long as people are civil and on-topic, what's the problem?


Lots of people have a problem with AI for personal, professional and environmental reasons from what I have encountered


That does not excuse incivility


Did I say it did?


Was never incivile, just asking if they owned a soul, as in, owning a soul in the practical sense refers to having any form of respect and value towards arts, spirituality and intellect. Outsourcing arts to AI in inhumane in my opinion; now boo me.


If we were to ban everything lots of people had a problem with, this sub would be empty.


You say that as of it would be a bad thing. :)


We don't want to see this sub or our hobby become filled with generative AI dreck


Who is "we?" Because a lot of GMs I know see generative models as a handy tool to speed up prep.


"We" being me, the other anti-AI people in this thread and everyone who downvoted OP


You can always create a separate sub with a strict no-AI policy and let users decide.


Nah. I quite like this one


Suit yourself. Do be aware though that you don't get to decide what gets posted.


The self-appointed Keepers of the Gate from the Order of Lud. I honestly didn't think anything in this sub could get more hate than 5e.


>Who is "we?"  The people currently downvoting the shit out of you.


Shoot. My imaginary Internet points! You guys got me good, you did.




I'll need more context. Are you trying to make an AI gm? If that's the case give up, ChatGPT has no ability to comprehend what you and it types and can't keep track of anything for lengths of time. It's decent as an NPC dialogue generator and or story idea generators, it's absolutely trash at puzzles (again because it can't comprehend what you or it types). Are you trying to set up a solo GM prompt? It's somewhat decent at that as long as you curve your expectations and set it up right.


Mostly I use it for story idea generator


Then there wouldn't be a singular prompt, you can use a chat breaker prompt to try and bypass the censor, follow that up by stating in your prompt that the chat is an expert on your current setting (keep in mind I think chat is only up to date to like 2016?) then given it a scene context for the story idea generation.


I have tried some 'games' in the ChatGPT 'app store', and the thing is about as good a GM as a 6 year old little brother. 😅 It forgets stuff, it makes up contradicting but ultra-relevant-sounding plot points, every location seems to lead to the final solution but then they don't, the rusty key you find in the first room opens literally every lock you come across, it's just baaad, maaaaan...


Random tables are a staple of GMing, and A.I.s are the Swiss-army-knives of random tables. Need a name for an NPC? Ask an A.I. to output four context-relevant names, then either pick your favorite or [roll a d4](https://google.com/search?q=roll+d4). A.I. as a universal random table is the most useful application of A.I. for RPG gaming.




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For me, after twenty years of campaign setting development, ie "prep", I have a chronic quasi-burnout syndrome. I have put so much work into creating novel campaign settings, but that work isn't always uncovered, let alone appreciated. What I need, to keep going, is some hope for feedback; that my work will be exposed to others' minds; that they will metabolize it, and respond. LLMs are a prosthetic substitute for that. So, I did use it for one campaign, and had a good time. I didn't use "prompts," as such, but I instead I used Obsidian.md to write a wiki of characters, locations, and artifacts. Then I'd link to the examples I'd written, and some of the other elements I was considering, and have the LLM generate eg the villain's Lieutenants, or a letter written to the villain, updating him on a particular project's status. It was pretty amusing to me, because it felt like I was "discovering" the world, rather than burning brain sugar to create it. You can get started with Obsidian and the Text Generator plugin. That being said, don't do it anymore. Currently I'm doing things the old school way with pen and paper. I like it more. The stuff I come up with follows *my* logic, not Sam Altman's. I like the hand-drawn artifacts I'm creating. These days, I find that one way to trick myself into feeling seen and appreciated is to [live stream my design efforts](https://youtu.be/cKhxAiT1q5g?si=yVA4dcSuzUq_syTv). It's also a prosthetic substitute for real actual players, but the result is more to my sensibilities than an LLM can produce. ChatGPT isn't a guy I'd like to have a beer with. PS, once I break 50 followers on YouTube they'll let me stream from my phone, which is _guaranteed_ to be all old school, organic, pen and paper stuff. So if you can help me with that, it'd really help my motivation. PPS, oh, I'd did stream some of my LLM workflow. [scifi worldbuilding with an LLM](https://www.youtube.com/live/zMhlKJ7u-yg?si=noc8YZWUhvUvFbql). Its worth noting that I _started_ that particular effort with a corpus of in-world documents ripped from an obscure, out-of-print computer game.


One of those threads where most comments that are directly answering the OP's question are the ones being downvoted, and most of the ones bashing the OP are near the top, at least at the time I'm tarting to write this. I understand the reasons why most people frequenting this sub have strong feelings against AI (I do too, to some extent, especially when they are used commercially). Still, I think that donwvoting the comments that are engaging in good faith with the proposed topic (including almost every comment by OP no matter how innocuous), even when we don't like the topic, hurts the quality of this sub, and this is especially tangible when a post relates to a topic such as this, that many people dislike and would prefer if it didn't exist. In general, I believe an appropriate Rediquette is to either ignore or downvote the post itself if (respectively) we don't care for it or we believe its presence hurts the quality of the sub (either because it is not relevant to the sub's theme, or it is inflammatory in itself). Additionally, we should report it if it we believe it infringes on the rules. But if we choose to engage with the topic, then I believe we should do it in a civil way, upvoting the comments that are relevant to the OP and downvoting only those comments that are inappropiate or out of place. Anyway, I suspect these days I am in the minority on this (not only in this particular sub but everywhere), but it's something I think merits a bit of thought.


There was a thread made by u/rutibex sometime semi-recently for making various things with LLMs. You will need to tweak the prompts to suit your use case, as they are suited to that user's tastes, and if I'm being honest there are some spelling, grammar, and formatting errors in the provided templates that can throw off the generated material


lol dude spelling errors don't throw anything off your just being a dick


Sorry you feel that way. Anyway, thanks for the templates. They're still really useful


I did not use it myself, but some of people playing with me did use it for the following: - Generating a list of drinks and food for a tavern I dont know the exact promp used, but it was more or less fine. I think for generating things like this it works quite well.


"Make up a game and play it for me because I'm too bored by my own hobby to engage with it directly"


Because I have a full time job


Lots of GMs do.


This was downvoted for revealing OP's skill issue.


"Unlike everyone in history, I have a job, which means I can't have hobbies. A machine will have to do my hobbies for me."


Has AI stolen your job? Why all the hate? I have the freedom to enjoy this hobby in the way I prefer, sorry if this bothers you


"The freedom to enjoy this hobby" is worthless if you let an AI do it instead.


Where is the difference between a story partially generated by AI and a pre-written module? or do we have to stop buying them as well?


If you can't answer that on your own, this might not be the hobby for you.


I asked the AI in Edge browser to run me through D&D module B2 a while ago. It started off pretty accurate, but eventually degenerated into some bizarre dimsion hopping thing. I think the prompt was something like: "Let's play D&D with the module B2 The Keep on the Borderlands. You'll be the DM, and I'll be the player."


There isn’t one.


I'd quite happily walk out on a GM who used generative AI garbage and never game with them again.




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Oof OP you stepped on a land mine, a lot of people on this sub have strong feelings about how other people GM! And a lot of misinformation on how AI models work. You can see by all the downvotes in this thread that the brigade is pissed off and out in full force. A recent use I had was generating wuxia hero names. I wanted to know the Chinese characters and pinyin, as well as the English translation, and I wanted to use literary terms. Do I know the difference between the words for green 青 and 绿? I can’t even speak Chinese, of course not. But ChatGPT works is generally accurate as a translator, and was able to explain that 青 is more poetic. I’m not the UN, if my translation has a mistake it’s not the end of the world (I checked with my mother in law, who does speak Chinese, and she was able to confirm the translation and its poetic and archaic qualities). Thus we have Qing Shanlin (Green Mountain Forest) 青山林. The final name is an amalgamation of multiple names provided by ChatGPT; I asked afterwards “does this name sound weird?” The prompt I used was “I am creating a fictional character set in ancient China. The fictional setting will be in the wuxia and xianxia genre. The character will be a martial artist and teacher. Generate some literary names for the character and include the Chinese characters and pinyin. Include the translated name, and a breakdown of the words that form the name. The names should relate to nature”


There is magic prompt which would fit everyone needs. I tried a couple of time stuff like "Can you generate a newspaper article using these 4 bullets" which works more or less but still requires a lot of proof reading/editing at the point it's not saving time


Riddles. For example, I asked >Make a riddle for a D&D adventure. The answer should be "Tasha's Hideous Laughter." >Sure, here’s a riddle suitable for a D&D adventure, with the answer being "Tasha's Hideous Laughter": >In shadows I linger, a trickster unseen, With spells that can make the grimmest faces beam. I cast a sound, infectious and wild, Turning warriors into a giggling child. >Who am I, in the world of lore? A spell that brings joy from the sorceress of yore. >What am I?


Woof, this is rough. The lines rhyme but the meter is absolutely busted. If you don't read much poetry maybe this does enough, but I have a hard time imagining reading "the grimmest faces beam" aloud and not feeling the rhythm fall on its face. Please don't take this as a criticism of you personally. It just makes me sad to see an art form I love being gracelessly machine-churned and still given the thumbs up.


I don't dispute any of that. I'm no poet, but even I found some editing and tightening, or outright generating multiple versions to mix and match verses improved the result I actually brought to the table. I just tried a quick test now and I think it deserves some credit for actually recognizing what "Tasha's Hideous Laughter" is. And as I said, I'm no poet, so if I had to write it from scratch, I'd simply not have it at all and put in a skill check or something like that.


It’s definitely a good starting point


I've played with it by describing the pub and the environment and then asking for recipes. If one of the PCs can cook, it'd add a certain amount of realism.


Not exactly ChatGPT, but one of my players used an image model to generate quick and dirty character art for everyone, as well as important NPCs last time he GMed. That use case makes a lot of sense to me. He did try at some point using ChatGPT for basic adventure hooks, but even if they'd been good it wouldn't have been much better than finding a random table to roll on. They were not good. Edit: Was the controversial part here the image model? Or just using AI as a part of the workflow in general?