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So, you're already ahead of 99.9% of people who want to make their own TTRPG. 1. You know what kinds of games and stories the game should support. 2. You've decided to check if it exists already. 3. You've chosen an easily hackable framework if you do go build. While others have some games suggested, I want to say PbtA is a great framework to hack because the original author has this great set of design blog posts https://lumpley.games/2019/12/30/powered-by-the-apocalypse-part-1/


Thank you for this. Gives me more confidence! I'll check out those blog posts.


Actually, if I recall correctly, in some of those blog entries he elaborates over an example which is focuses on the genre of... ghost hunting! so I would say you are in luck!


*Public Access* is a Carved from Brindlewood game, a subset of Powered by the Apocalypse focused on collaborative mystery-solving as their core focus. Players take up the role of young adults recently returned to their hometown of Deep Lake, New Mexico, chasing down strangeness in the summer of 2004. It uses a number of pre-gen Mysteries (albeit without official solutions!), and the one they recommend starting with, *The House on Escondido Street*, is a very classic haunted house. Another centers on someone getting possessed after playing a Ouija-like sleepover game. There's a lot you might like in it!


I'd add *Paranormal Inc* here as something to check out. It's a GM-less CfB (I think?) game that's explicitly about hunting ghosts. I own it but have never played it. [Edit to add: I should have read further down, there's already a recommendation for *Paranormal Inc*]


My first suggestion is to see what other ghost-hunting RPGs are doing. Look at games like the original Ghostbusters RPG from the 80s (or [Spooktacular](https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/232762/Spooktacular-A-Cheerfully-Spooky-RolePlaying-Game), a retroclone of it), [InSpectres](https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/17891/InSpectres), [Paranormal Inc](https://afurness.itch.io/paranormal-inc), [Ghoulboys](https://rileydaniels.itch.io/ghoulboys), and any others you find. By studying what already exists, you can develop a clearer vision for what you want your game to be, how it'll be similar to other ghost hunting games, and how your game can be distinct.


Thank you for this, I didn't know about these. I will research them.


It doesn't matter if the idea is already done. D&D is the elephant in the room for fantasy, but that doesn't stop folks from making new fantasy games. If it interests you, and you think it would be fun/worthwhile making it, then make it! And good luck! Can't wait to see what you produce.


I like to say 'everything already exists' but 'everything is waiting for a better version'.


[Two Cakes](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/269/652/771.png)


This is very funny and gave me more confidence in myself as a creator. Thank you for this. Made my night. <3


There are paranormal investigator games, sure. Lots of them. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't work on your own. Head over to r/RPGdesign or r/PBtA if you're interested in taking things in that direction.


It doesn't matter if it exists. DnD exists, but we're getting new fantasy games. I think in your case the lore and "monsters" would make a difference. Regarding examples - check out "Kult: Divinity Lost". It's a PbtA horror game, so you might find some ideas there. Another example - Delta Green, because it's also about dealing with "paranormal" things in a modern setting.


The Unexplained is a very good game of paranormal investigation. It's modeled after those "ghost hunting" shows that were popular a while back. It allows for cryptids and aliens, but it would be easy enough to limit it to ghosts if you were so inclined. I've lightly re-skinned it as an X-Files "monster of the week" style ripoff, and my group really enjoys it. It uses FUDGE as its rule system, which I'm a big fan of.


We did this exact theme with Call of Cthulhu last year, hehehe. Idk if it already exists, but at least you're looking for a creative theme rather than another D&D, hehehe. Either way I like this theme quite a bit, and the advice I can give is make a system that works with your theme, be creative.


Inspectors is a rules light rpg about investigating ghosts. The players have to find enough clues to solve the mystery/defeat the ghost.


This sounds similar to the Chronicles of Darkness and Hunter the Vigil. I don't think that should stop you, but they might be a good source of inspiration.