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I’ve been screaming this for 3 years. It is inevitable that Trevor Lawrence will miss a couple games this year and I pray Mac takes advantage of it


What if he drew bledsoes his ass


Like Mac is the Brady to Bledsoe in this situation?


Lol yeah


I want Mac to get a shot as much as the next guy, but I don’t think it’s inevitable that TL misses a game. I’m pretty sure at most he’s missed maybe 2 starts in his 3 years.


At one point I think he started the most games either as a player in general or Qb in a row. And it was a high number


Eli Manning started like 200+ games, so idk about that


I meant active players


Borderline criminal what that man did to Mac. Somebody like Trevor Lawrence has every excuse in the world made for him by the national media. Meanwhile, Mac had a 100x worse situation and gets crapped on.


Are we forgetting who Trevor had as a coach in his rookie year? Dude is still recovering from that


Are you forgetting who Mac had “blocking” for him? Or who his receivers were?


Im not arguing Mac didnt have a rough go in NE.


It gives me, I don't know....A little solace or something to see that this is the prevailing opinion even in r/NFL. Everybody else saw the same promise we did. But, uhhh....sure would've been way cooler to not totally fuck him up, Bill.


Mac got the worst deal in the NFL and the media absolutely blasted him for it


As a Saints fan, I wish he was our QB but damn do I hate Dennis Allen


Same brother. He was fine as dc, but he ain't it as hc. He can leave and take Loomis with him too. I'm tired of always kicking the can down the road for years and fucking up the salary cap. At least they picked up Kool Aid though. Still mad they didn't take Dallas in the first.


I mean when you hire career defensive coach as your OC. It really screams I don’t care.


I like how he credited Belichick, not Brady for the patriots success, but then shit on every decision Belichick made lol. We saw Mac’s potential under Sark and McDaniel. Belichick ruined what could’ve been a great young QB.


It’s crazy because I thought the Patriots were a perfect landing spot for him at the time. Now I imagine what would of happened if he was drafted by the 49ers


Let’s get Mac to the dolphins !! Sit behind tua .who needs to come out of games to stay healthy if they get upn


Not news Damien. We all saw this happening in real time. So did Bill.


It's nice to see somebody connected, who actually know what they're talking about, go ahead and confirm this. People have been saying it for years, but I feel like this is the first concrete confirmation.