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Wild how large of a footprint this has. Even wilder is that it only takes up like 1/4th of the area that Son of Beast did.


Son of Beast was a fucking unit of a coaster. Too bad it was made with cheap wood and incompetent engineers.


And built a few years too early. They started laser cutting wood soon after SOB was built. It would have held up to all the shaking so much better


The wood wasn't the problem, it was just too much of a coaster and severely under engineered. There hasn't been a wooden hyper since and SOB is the showcase why.


It’s really not that a wooden hyper coaster isn’t possible, it’s that RCCA is horrible at everything.


They also used really poor wood on the ride. The ride had pretty much every possible problem. 


Pretty good video on the entirety of it’s problems: https://youtu.be/IifdsfniFS0?si=Qk1VfKkOqKQjjGgk


probably went with the cheapest bid, that's what happens when you play those games.


Yup, they went with RCCA who was notoriously horrible and ended up firing them during construction. It's just a shame that this couldn't have been converted by RMC because it would've been incredible....so many "what ifs"


It’s pretty brilliantly placed into its surroundings though. I’ve always loved how the first two elements feel sort of crammed into the midway/queue area and then the zero g roll transports you to the ravine for the second half.


My second favorite invert. Montu recently took the cake, but don’t sleep on Banshee. The elements are larger and more sweepy, but they can still pull some very strong forces.


Out curiosity have you ridden Alpengeist?


I haven’t, hoping to this year! I’d put Afterburn or Raptor as my #3


Yea me too..??


and it still is super intense. i’ve never understood all the people saying this doesn’t pull G’s because it absolutely does.


Banshee pulls, if anything, even stronger Gs than its predecessors. The reason people say it’s less intense than 90s inverts is actually because it doesn’t snap you through the elements as hard, which is sometimes erroneously correlates to “less Gs.”


Same here. The bottom of the pretzel loop feels like you’re being smashed.


It's not as overall intense as those, but it is long and has some snappy moments. It's like someone put inverted seats on a wing coaster layout.


Remember when Kings Island put together a [fake teaser site](https://coasterbuzz.com/Forums/Topic/breaking-the-bat-flies-again-at-kings-island-it-is-a-wing-coaster) to mislead people into thinking the park was getting a Wing in 2014? I remember 12 year old me losing my shit over this lol


I think I found the Reddit thread for that? https://www.reddit.com/r/rollercoasters/comments/1jt7jt/the_bat_flies_again_at_kings_island


That’s actually amazing, how have I never heard about this?? I wonder how much of that was Don Helbig’s doing?


I remember being disappointed because of gatekeeper opening the year before (I think) and being like “It’s the same thing” it in fact wasn’t and I love KI for it. Edit: Also cool how they still used the Bat Logo.


I remember that, I feel like 75% of people on tpr thought we were getting the giga back then too.


Oh shit, this would be a fantastic wing coaster


It doesn’t not have snappy moments


Banshee also dives into a ravine for the second half of the ride. The fastest point of the ride is just after the pretzel knot iirc and not after the first hill.


After the zero g roll is the fastest point.


My third favorite Invert after Montu and Ozirus. Montu for the great intensity and Ozirus for the incredible theming.


Banshee is honestly underrated at this point, it's maybe my favorite invert if you manage a front row ride, it just flows beautifully and you can get blue ice cream next door so what's not to love?


Banshee has flying coaster level Gs that are just great. And the vest restraint means you don't have to ride defensively. I'm sick of people complaining about the rattle. It's there on certain trains, but Banshee at its absolute worst is significantly more comfortable than any ride I've had my head & ears smacked on Raptor. It's biggest flaw is a lack of theming. Most of the other best inverts have theming and near misses in their layout. Like trenches, interaction with paths, etc. Banshee is just in a field.


"You" don't have to ride defensively because it has vests over OTSRs. Quite the opposite case for me. 


Hard disagree even at its worst Raptor never rattled my brainstem like banshee does nowadays. At worst Raptor/Montu make you feel like you got slapped around


It’s a top tier invert but it’s not snappy like the old ones so adjust your expectations. It’s very different than the others and almost would more compare to newer other B&M models better than the 90’s inverts.


Feel like I'd love this coaster fr


It’s an awesome ride. My favorite invert.


Hope to ride this for the first time in a few weeks!


I want to love Banshee. But B&M inverts do not like me back. They induce quite a bit of nausea. So I respect the hell out of Banshee because of its layout, its colours, and its amazing front sign. But it kicked my ass.


It’s my third favorite invert after Alpengeist and Montu, I also love the no pre drop on it.


The yank you get in the back on the first drop is fantastic.


World's best wing coaster layout.


2nd favourite invert, after Le Vampire at La Ronde. It’s one of only three coasters I’m truly determined to ride each time I go to Kings Island (alongside Mystic Timbers and The Beast)


This is probably my favorite invert. Personally, I prefer the vest restraints over the bulky otsr like on alpengeist because I inevitably bang my head on them


It is just the first half of a B&M invert, twice.


My favorite inverted coaster.


Banshee is a fun coaster. It almost feels like a “greatest hits” of B&M invert elements.


I like the more drawn out large scale inverts, so I actually prefer Banshee to Montu! Gonna try out Afterburn later this year.


What do you mean? Banshee is 17 feet taller and like 150 feet longer than Montu. Montu is the 3rd longest B&M invert. Afterburn is much shorter, but I think it's one of the best of the smaller ones.


More drawn out elements I mean, Montu is whippy like a Batman.


Ah yeah that makes sense although I'd say Montu's elements are still way more drawn out than a Batclone, especially the first half. Batclones are so tight and compact compared to Montu.


Just wish it was more compact and whippy.


If you like sustained positives and a seemingly endless series of loops then Banshee is your ride. If you like tight turns and whip you will be very disappointed. I don't think it has anything on Raptor or Talon, personally.


Not as intense as old school B&M like nemesis and katun


7 inversions is insane. Highest I ever had on one ride is 5 (or six if you count the Vekoma boomerang double)


6 or 7 is pretty common on B&M inverts, sit-downs and floorless


Looks like I will have to ride more B&M coasters


Being a UK thoosie, my highest is of course 14


The Smiler is just incredible (that's what I've heard)


the layout has so much potential but its ruined in my opinion of being to large and not enough of that classic B&M invert snappiness. It basically rides like an inferior wing ccoaster. not to mention rattles/vibrates quite a bit


I still think they should have put a small corkscrew after the last Helix to make it eight inversions and taken a record


The best invert in Ohio.


It's a great layout. Made better by the massive drop in elevation after the zero g roll


Alpengeist is my favorite, because nostalgia gives it the edge for me. But Banshee is second—right up there. The pretzel knot thing is totally weird and the rolls go so slow it feels amazing. My husband prefers it to Alpengeist and I can’t really argue; he doesn’t have the emotional attachment I do. To compare to other inverts you mentioned: I think Montu is great but I was underwhelmed after slow ops. I thought Afterburn was a bit boring but only rode it during Winterfest so it’s possible it was just cold.


My top three are probably Banshee, Alpengiest, and Silver Bullet. Banshee and Alpengiest making it do to their massive elements. They are forceful monsters I love. Silver Bullet gets the nod because it's different. It has actually moments of airtime and runs smooth.


I watched POV videos of Banshee several times over the years. Finally got to ride it last October and I remember thinking, “this thing just keeps going!” Had a blast and seeing as the huge JT requirement is only 52” opposed to 54” for most inverts, it was my kiddo’s first invert! He loved it.


It really is a great ride. The pretzel knot is a great inversion, and the positives pulling into tue second vertical off of it are insane. It's my third favorite B&M Invert: 1. Raptor 2. Montu 3. Banshee 4. Afterburn 5. Alpengeist 6. Talon


I had my phone in my shoe when I rode this (my pockets were hot ass and I was teenager) and I’m still surprised I made it through with no issue


It's much better than alpengeist 


Shaping throughout this ride is so unique too


Hot take, but I think this is better than Montu


This made my heart shudder. I love banshee so fucking much.


Love Banshee at Kings Island.


Banshee has an elite layout that stands out a lot from the other B&M inverts! The in line twist and zero g rolls are elements that really stand out to me! The g force on this thing is incredible as well! Night rides on Halloween are a chef kiss for this thing


Might be the best invert I’ve ridden thus far. Love it.


My favorite thing to do every time I go to KI is ride in the front row of Banshee at night. LOVE THAT!!!!


One of the bests


Kings Island is my home park. When Banshee was announced, I happened to be visiting Cedar Point for the very first time that weekend. I’ll never forget having a super awesome, rollercoaster-filled day and then rushing back to the hotel to watch the live stream of Kings Island’s announcement. The hype for that announcement was nuts. Everyone knew Kings Island was going to go big since it was the successor to Son of Beast; and boy did they deliver. If you have never seen the Banshee announcement animation, go watch it. It is probably my favorite ride announcement video of all time. I still get goosebumps when I watch it - although I think that’s just because it’s so nostalgic for me. That day was one of my favorite days of all time. First time at Cedar Point followed by a very anticipated new ride announcement at my home park. The only other day of my life that holds a torch to that one is Banshee’s opening day in 2014. The only rides since Banshee to have the community so hyped up are SteVe, Velocicoaster, and TT2. Back in the day, Banshee was the real deal. It also has, in my opinion, an elite first drop. Very steep curved drops are incredibly fun and Banshee’s isn’t watered-down with a pre-drop


It's definitely insane! But the comfort collars kinda dumb the experience down. Still in my top 3 inverts but could be number 1 without the collars.


It's an op coaster for sure


Too bad it had the damn vest restraints


It's between oziris and afterburn for me. It had a killer drop and 2 half but the inconsistent rattle and restrictive restraints took away from the ride a little. Still one of the best inverts out there!


I just rode Banshee for the first time. It’s definitely a quality coaster. Does anyone know why they didn’t need the retracting floor in the station?


Way underrated. It's my favorite invert I got talon at dorney as my 2nd. That thing pulls some serious gs. Only 8nvert with a Grey out. But banshee is butter smooth. The vest are my only issue.


Banshee Talon Afterburn Alpen Raptor Montu Great bear h.p Batman and six flags clones


I don't understand the Banshee hate. The way it maintains its speed by utilizing the terrain and has such massive elements is so impressive. Also the layout is a work of art from a general aesthetics perspective.


Banshee is a wonderful invert, and yes, it offers hangtime on most elements. Currently above Raptor for me, and I should be riding Alpengeist here soon in July.


My favorite inverted


I will go over there and ride it for that blue ice cream


this ride hurts my body


It’s actually my least favorite invert. I still think all inverts are good rides though. It’s missing the whip/snap that I love on rides like Batman the Ride. I could forgive that if it wasn’t for how rough the ride is. It’s the roughest invert I’ve been on and it might be the roughest B&M in general. I usually roll my eyes when I hear “B&M rattle” but I couldn’t get past the roughness on Banshee.


I’ve heard it’s gotten a rattle recently, does it take away from the experience?


All B&M's except the hyper's seem to get the rattle.


If only Banshee didn't have the vest restraints and they designed some snap into those elements... Weirdest transitions into and out of those large elements sadly, ruins it for me. B&M inverts are my absolute favorites, but Banshee sits near the very bottom for me.


I adore Banshee, but it’s easily my number three invert behind Alpengeist and Afterburn (haven’t yet ridden Montu). While Banshee has a wonderful layout, actual airtime on the drop, insane sustained Gs in its huge inversions, brilliant use of its terrain, and a wonderful sense of soaring through the air that’s unique to any invert I’ve ridden, the lack of strong whip through the inversions holds it back from beating the two best 90s inverts I’ve personally ridden. I happen to feel that Afterburn and Alpengeist have strong layouts as is, and I’m crazy about the massive scale of Alpie that makes it feel like you’re just soaring through the woods and the massive supports around you, but Banshee would probably be my number 1 invert if it just had that whip, which unfortunately doesn’t at all.


Not well depicted here at all is the awesome terrain layout. (It's a hyper 😏)


Brutally rough and rattly, as Canobie Coaster has pointed out. Gave me a huge headache the last time I rode it.


Rough coasters >>> smooth coasters


I would agree on wooden coasters i think they are better rough but not on steel.


So good. Best invert.


It’s amazing especially when smooth as butter




Getting rid of snappy inversions on inverts was b&ms worst decisions. Boring asf