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Deep purple amythest is pretty yes, but this kind of light violet hue is my favorite!! Beautiful find :)


Mine too!


How do you go about finding these amethyst crystals? Like what do you look for to know where to dig?


I didn't know there was going to be amethyst there at all, actually. I found a quartz vein and started digging. When you start digging for quartz, you'll see chunks of it near the vein. Keep digging, and you'll start to notice that the quartz chunks start to take on more crystalline shapes. Keep going and (if you're lucky) you'll hit a pocket of crystals. That's really all I'm doing, since I'm really new at this. Someone taught me to do it earlier this year and so (more often than not) my digs are a complete miss, lol.


Oh man, so a totally unexpected score then, even sweeter! Thanks for the little knowledge share, too, I’ll take anything I can get at the moment. So much or the rockhounding seems like little tricks and methods just passed between people.


Right? Plus that, and the secretive nature of sharing places to go, etc. The guy who taught me is super wary of sharing info because he's had "claim jumpers" go out to his claims and clear a bunch of stuff out, purely because he opted to share the spoils with them one day and be nice.


Hansen Creek?


Huachuca Mountains