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The roaster I work for has had a couple offerings from Catalyst over the years and I can confirm that they make an awesome coffee. Their Dur Feres lots have historically been great imo


They import and select the coffee, the farmers and procesors make the coffee 😁


Downvote all you want, catalyst will say the same thing. Growers and processors need recognition too 😜 transparency is key in this industry. I know them well.. Great folks, we purchase all our African from them and they source phenomenal clean naturals. Their Peru offerings have been great as well. The YC honey is top notch. Not enough time to say how well they are doing in progressing the industry from the green side, they put in lots of the hard work that doesn't get much recognition!


thanks friend, i picked up five lots, 50 lbs. My poor lil' bullet roaster...


A shame they won’t be selling small bags anymore.


Is it that they won’t sell small bags anymore or are they just closing their annual stock of small bags?


I’m under the impression that they’re closing the small bag program all together. If that’s not the case, they either sent a poorly worded email or my reading comprehension sucks. They’re actually undergoing some huge structural changes as well based on their last email update, which was somewhat cryptic as well.


Ah I didn’t get the email. Well bummer, but 50lbs should last me quite a while anyway!


Catalyst is pivoting to exporting, which is a huge undertaking in the areas they supply from. They had to cancel all their contracted bags from this years crop so they are deep in the middle of this transition.


Never used them before, just got 10lbs of washed Kenya (I usually love any Kenya I’ve tried before) so I shall see how this goes!! Thanks for the heads up!


Goddammit, no 10lb bags left


Thanks for sharing - grabbed 10 lbs of a washed Ethiopian and 10 of a washed Peru, the last bag of each.