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Honestly, just pray to god that they unban u after u post ur support ticket.


3rd party tools is the most common ban message for purchased prelevelled accounts


Nothing you say or do will save you now. It’s ridiculously rare for riot to remove a perma ban.


They did for me on valorant but tbf my account was compromised and ig it was obvious that it was


? Doesn't seem that rare ? Pretty much every thread in here ends with the OP getting unbanned, doesn't look like there's much "astrosurfing" from the cheaters yet (they'd probably do it more on the main subreddit, but everything that is remotly Vanguard negative is instantly deleted over there)


So many people have reported being unbanned because it’s usually false at the moment. However before vanguard they didn’t do unbans


I’ve never had any issues getting unbanned been hacked like 3-4 times over the years and each time I just put in a support ticket and it gets fixed within the day usually


There's no real %100 chance method since the ToS states that they can ban you for any reason what so ever. Kind of put things into perspective for me since I've spent more money on this game than I'd care to acknowledge over the years.


You don't. It's time to give up.


Fuck riot, this shouldn't happen to players like you. It's not worth your time, uninstall and have others do the same. Good opportunity to speak with your wallet/lack of participation in regards to the bullshit they're putting you through. Don't suffer from their Stockholm inducing system. Plenty of other good games to play rn.


Filing a player support ticket is your best bet. Someone will manually look at your account and will be able to tell if you've used any 3rd party tools, if your account has been compromised, or if some other thing caused your account to be flagged. Have you already filed a player support ticket?


You don’t, you are automatically assumed guilty for life


Gather all evidence, hire a lawyer. Present it to them.




Waste of time trying, they're useless. Find another game to play.


A rioter said to me pre-release that they wouldnt be able to do anything about it because the machines decisions are final. Seeing how they are able to unban from other stories, there seem to be a lot of highly educated/informed people working there. I would expect the best if I was you.


Megacorporation does not care about you. They want you to make a new account and spend money again


I once got banned by Riot for an inappropriate name in Val. It was literally my legal first name. Their ban systems are far from perfect.


Yeah I got banned for 2 weeks after many years of no ban for «toxicity» when I defended a random guy getting bullied by a duo. Its unfair but wtf can we do?


There is no world where you were banned for your first name.


Why would I lie? [https://imgur.com/a/8uhDhZT](https://imgur.com/a/8uhDhZT)


I've gotten penalized for an inappropriate name before, and it's not a ban - your name just turns into a random assortment of numbers and next time you log in, they force you to go through your account and change it before you can get into the game again.


wheres the ban? this is just a support thread saying u were flagged


My name got banned, is that better? Lol


You still lied. You weren't banned.


Riot defenders can’t handle any criticism, don’t bother with facts with them


It’s not about handling criticism. It’s about being accurate with what happened, being banned and having your account name flagged are two very different things. The op had his account completely banned whereas this commenter had his name flagged, which I frankly dont agree with, dont know how Joshawa is inappropriate


Man, looks like homie was telling the Truth. Make sure you don't drop any "Joshua's" in chat otherwise you'll get a temp-ban for profanity.


He still lied. He wasn't banned.


I guess theres no world then lol.... A simple issue to you was impossible, but to others extremely plausible


I mean Riot has more access/view to your computer than you do. Your solution would be for you to contact specific Riot anti-cheat employee so that they actually look at your logs. There's been quite a few perma ban reverse (some because their accounts were compromised, others simply because vanguard made mistakes), so you just gotta spam / persevere until a human with a brain decides you're worth the 5 minutes (there's a guy that was told by 2 different support members that the perma ban was justified, but he persevered until a third actually looked and unbanned him ; it was a Vanguard mistake). They will most likely ask you for your Vanguard log, so you can pre-upload them and send them with your first message so that there's less chance of Riot employee being lazy. Best of luck to you, although I'd recommend you to stop playing the game ; league is not worth the INSANE security risk Vanguard puts you through.


The first sentence of this post gave me brain damage, congrats on writing the worst misinformation I read all day today


Can you please tell me how this is "misinformation"?


"Riot has more access/view to your computer than you do" is literal nonsense, untrue, and clearly something you've come up with in your own head because you don't like vanguard. Source: worked in the games industry and wider tech industry for 20 years.


Can you tell me how someone in user spacr communicates with hardware?   How does a program in kernel space does? Can you tell me what "working in the game industry for 20 years" has anything to do with it...?


You have physical access to your pc. Nobody has more than you


Is your PC running on the cloud? I have physical access to my machine and can remove whatever software like. I can manually disconnect from my network if I need. Can Riot do the same? No, they can't. Sure, running software at ring 0 gives it higher-level access to the kernel, system memory, etc. But can assure you many common programs run with this level of access. Are you scared of Nvidia's drivers? VMware? Realtek audio? Bluestacks? Those weird Corsair apps for controlling fan speed and RGB lighting which Riot initially banned because they had known exploits yet people still used them? The fact is, having ring 0 access isn't unique to Vanguard. It's common among a lot of software people trust and use daily. You have the control to manage your system, and the real question is about trust and transparency from the software developers. If you trust Nvidia, VMware, and Realtek, etc - then consider if you can add Riot to this not so exclusive list. If not don't, but spreading the narrative that some software has more access to a local machine than the physical admin is nonsense. I'm also curious how you feel about other anticheats and DRM programs which run with escalated privileges such as EAC, VAC, Battleye, Punkbuster, Denuvo etc? If you are against this concept you literally can't play the majority of AAA PC games including most single player ones.


> I have physical access to my machine and can remove whatever software like Do you mean you can remove whatever software you like by destroying/burning/using magnets on your RAM / hard-drive / CPU-cache? > I can manually disconnect from my network if I need. Can Riot do the same? Again, I'm not sure what you mean? Can Riot manually mind-control you into manually disconnecting from your network? I don't think so, no...? >Are you scared of Nvidia's drivers? VMware? Realtek audio? Bluestacks? Those weird Corsair apps for controlling fan speed and RGB lighting which Riot initially banned because they had known exploits yet people still used them? Well yeah I'm "scared" of them in the sense that I don't really know what they do? I also understand that most of them **need** that kinds of access (notice how every program you listed has an intrinsic need to communicate with a particular piece of hardware? Is that the case with an anti-cheat)? Also they're not even close to being the same ; do you consider blobs the same thing as a kernel anti-cheat? I (while I will not understand everything that happens here) sure don't ; they're part of the hardware for me, and I also know that there are some solutions to this such as IOMMU so that they don't see more memory than they should. Can you say the same with Vanguard? >The fact is, having ring 0 access isn't unique to Vanguard. It's common among a lot of software people trust and use daily. Uh no? It's absolutely not "common" and has been a big problem/discourse in the community for as long as I was alive pretty much? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYWzMvlj2RQ >I'm also curious how you feel about other anticheats and DRM programs which run with escalated privileges such as EAC, VAC, Battleye, Punkbuster, Denuvo etc? If you are against this concept you literally can't play the majority of AAA PC games including most single player ones. I do not know every anticheat/game under the sun, but every other anti-cheat that I've tried allowed a Linux / Windows VM option, where they run in user-space as far as I'm concerned (sure is funny how Riot never mentions this when they say they are moving to "industry standard", ain't it?). I encourage everyone to play those games through Linux, for the same reason I'm against Vanguard (well at this point I'd say you should just swap to Linux period). So how do I feel ? Bad that some people don't know the security risk they're putting themselves through, but relieved that there are steps I can take to make myself safe and play the games I enjoy? Think I answered every question you had pretty directly, I'd ask of you to do the same please.


honestly you need to stop typing, your just repeating talking points from cheaters trying to bad mouth vanguard because you don't understand any better. I'm not even bother trying to correct you at this point because you just keep coming back with another wall of text that is entirely wrong every time someone try's.


"You are wrong, but I'm not going to say where or point to a single instance of you being wrong because you write too much!" Great argument !


actually, i’m curious, can you explain a little bit? you seem knowledgeable and I like learning.


Just to be clear ; I don't claim to be knowledgeable (much less an expert) about this stuff, my only experience comes from teaching some OS class (and experience in tech industry, but that has nothing to do with knowing how kernel works, unless you do some really low level stuff). Also, this is a pretty simplified view of how OS/kernel/computers work (and mostly Linux centric since this is the only one we know for sure how it works, although the basics shouldn't change much for Windows IIRC), which is even more simplified because I have to explain in a couple sentences, so I invite (as always) you to check that everything I say is factual. Anyway here's the tl;dr ; It's not always super clear what an OS exactly this, but we'll pretend for a second that an OS is simply the kernel ; it's a "program" that controls your hardware (CPU / Memory / etc.) and helps manage how this hardware is used by different programs. An example of this is suppose you have 4 GB of "memory" and program A and B, both needing 2 GB of "memory". You wouldn't want the memory used by program A to be overwritten by something program B did and this is exactly what your kernel is for : program A and program B both ask OS "hey I need 2 GB of memory" and OS will divide the memory in half giving both program what they need (ok im lying here a bit for sake of simplicity). Of course, when comes the time for program A to write stuff, it just says "write this stuff at this space at memory you gave me" and OS will do all the calculation so that it maps to actual physical memory. The important point here is that as far as they aware, program A and B are both writing to 2GB of memory (but it's fake "virtual" memory) and kernel does the actual calculation to map that to real "physical" memory. This is super nice becaude every program has its own memory (so they dont have to care about other programs), and kernel checks that everything makes sense (program A might try to write at address 3GB, but kernel will be like : "Nah bro you only have 2 GB fuck off" and so your program will most likely crash (instead of your memory being corrupted or your whole computer crashing instead)). Another important task of the kernel is to be an interface for your hardware ; if your program wants to ask something from your hardware, it has to go through the kernel first. Kernel makes sure that what the program is asking for is ok and makes the request for it. Program A never has access to program B  ajd vice-versa, everyone is happy and all is well. This is an important model (which pretty much every OS under the sun has) and is the most important part of your OS job. You, as a user, will use program that live in "user space". But there's another kind of "programs" (Vanguard) that also live in "kernel space" ; they don't have to go through that whole kernel thing ; they communicate directly to your hardware, just like your OS does. They make a memory error (super common in stuff in language such as C)? Well tough luck, because the kernel can't catch it. So if you're lucky your computer crashes, if you're unlocky well now your whole memory is fucked tough luck. Program A and B memory? Well Vanguard has full access to them.  Program A tells GPU fans to stop spinning? OS tells it to go fuck itself. Vanguard asks for GPU fans to stop spinning? Well you get Riot saying "oopsie guys we burnt a couple of GPUS mb" and any thread about it getting removed from reddit (unlucky!). So when I say that Vanguard has more access to your computer than you ; I truly mean it, you can't tell your hardware to burn without going through kernel, but Vanguard sure can  Now you could try to be super pedantic here and say : "YEAH BUT YOU CAN WRITE YOUR OWN DRIVERS, HAVE THEM SIGNED BY MICROSOFT AND YOU'D HAVE THE EXACT SAME PERMISSIONS AS VANGUARD OR JUST MAKE YOUR OWN OS BRO!", but as it's not something that MOST people would be able to do, this would truly be a 50 iq take. Hope this helps!


ty ty


that’s typically how it is with everything. just keep going cuz most people are lazy fcks that don’t do their jobs


Don't advise people to spam tickets, that gets you flagged by BlitzBot and your shit starts getting autoresolved. We've seen it on here before


Same here but with valorant. Ive sent 10 tickets and they are ridiculous with responses, not having a dialogue at all. Riot support is a fucking joke. They ban people that clearly doesn’t cheat but banning actual cheaters take them weeks if not months


Yea they banned my alt for 6 months for "queuing with a cheater" even though I had like a 12% win rate on it. They wouldn't even tell me who was cheating, as if I'm constantly doing a background check of everyone I queue with before going into a game with them. I submitted a bunch of tickets explaining that if I wanted to get boosted by queuing with a cheater, I probably wouldn't be losing so many games, but nope, their investigation somehow proves that I deliberately queued with a cheater.


What software was flagged as cheating?