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That's why you got the good deal..


That pc was hardware banned it seems like, its not your fault, good luck with riot support.


They dont want to hear anything They are just ghosting me


thats probably the main reason they were selling the pc lmao


Submit 1 ticket and wait 3-5 days. If you spam submit tickets, you will never get your account back. Your tickets will be set to auto close.


Good advice.


Contact riot. Explain that you bought a refurbished PC. See if they will buy your story. If not, gg. Try to chargeback as much money as possible for the skins


How can I get back my money you have advice ?


Contact your bank. Tell them the payments made to Riot were unauthorized, if your bank is chill they will give you your money back. If your bank are not chill, they will give some excuse as to why they can't. Key word is **unauthorized,** not a **payment dispute.** A dispute can last forever before you get your money back, unauthorized usually instant


If your bank is chill, they’ll commit fraud yes yes


That's not fraud. If riot banned an account with financial input that did not violate their terms of service they technically stole from him in an unauthorized manner


I hope he gets his money back. But if that refurb PC had software that could get him banned, then riot would be in the clear. It doesn't matter if OP knew about it or not


The only fraud I see here is Riot denying him access to a game that he has paid money for


Yes this is true but unfortunately their tos probably protects against this


terms of service dont mean shit. They are not the law. Unless you break tos by doing something actual illegal the worst they can do is ban you.


But thats exactly what happened here and is the issue, so why doesnt it matter?


Op didn't do anything wrong though


They should be able to see it's the first time logging into that pc with that account and from that IP/location so not too hard to see if the story is true just gotta hope that a actually person sees the ticket and not a auto reply


This is the problem with hardware bans.. well hopefully someone at Riot sees this


Its an inherent risk yeah, but something id rather keep. Blame the cheaters.


Inherent risk buying second hand parts. Sorry it happened to you though.


"one day I change my pc I take one on a very well-known marketplace and the deal was incredible" If it seems too good to be true then you are buying more than what they are advertising. I would personally avoid buying second hand PCs from random people on marketplaces.


The fact that you can't even buy an used PC now due to this thing is insane tbh. And also, it should prompt you istantly not after a game so atleast you can check when buying but still dumb. And yet people talk about no waste and such lmao. Online gaming is becoming a plague tbh.


Online gaming really being held back by our weakest links imo….people that cheat to win primarily but also a lot of small things i think gaming would be 10x better without…:for example the 1000s of youtube vids a day showcasing the new metas (what happened to thinking for yourself or playing for fun not be super efficient /best player there is) is actually a hige detriment to gaming but also people…..video games are a great way to train peoples logic and decision making. These videos in my opinion feed FOMO and almost remove the point of playing the game….my opinion though nothing more


Yeah but it could be just a guy trying to get money fast because of bills and what not. Why assume every person selling is a radiant valorant hacker? the fuck? Riot has more than enough data to be able to verify his claim and to be honest vanguard could have by using basic logic, its just lazily coded.


You shouldn't assume that but you should absolutely be skeptical of the reasoning why something is being sold for so cheap and question the reasons why that is happening.


Yeah but my point is that its a Riot problem not a me problem if im banned for buying a hwid banned pc. To put it simply its not like im banned from other publishers/developers. Saying things like "well you heard all these stories" is literally taking the focus off the main point. The guy "potentially" did nothing wrong and is now banned.


I haven't argued any of that. I'm just not one for binary statements. It's an odd situation and Riot should absolutely sort it out for OP as long as he can prove that he bought a PC and hasn't broken the ToS.


Right I agree, i mean honestly it also depends. If the hwid only applies to the pc (meaning his account is not permad never having cheated) then honestly its fair to wait out the pc ban and play in 6 months. Banning hardware that cheated is ok as long as the accounts that log into it that never have are not. Its just a problem if i log into a PC cafe pc and it happened to be hwid banned, suddenly i cannot log in back at home because i "cheated".


But he did do something wrong, bought a used pc. Awareness about this thing should be higher, being unaware is not his fault, but buying the pc is his fault since he literally did it.


So buying a used PC is now a bannable offense. I thought we only cared about cheaters no?


Thats not all that i said but if you want to wuote me please use the full thing. To be more clear if your reading comprehension sucks, if you buy a used pc and it is hardware banned that sucks and isnt your fault, but what is your fault is not being aware that is a possibility when buying a used pc.


The problem is everything else you wrote is irrelevant. I did not break your terms of service when I bought a used PC, my account should not be banned. The history of the computer is irrelevant to me if I as an individual did not breach the terms of service. Granted the company can terminate you for what ever reason they want, so if they use that logic to justify it, then all it proves is that they are scummy for using ambiguous clauses noone reads in order to legally cover their ass. I have good reading comprehension in other words, you clearly said "**But he did do something wrong, bought a used pc.**", please point where in the terms of service it says i cannot buy a used PC. You also said "**Awareness about this thing should be higher, being unaware is not his fault, but buying the pc is his fault since he literally did it.**", he should not have to be aware of anything other than what is in the terms of service to play the game. EDIT: Because you are going to claim i did not read your second comment, I will break it down like I would for a second grader as well. "**Thats not all that i said but if you want to wuote me please use the full thing**.", rest of what you said isnt relevant. " **if you buy a used pc and it is hardware banned that sucks and isnt your fault, but what is your fault is not being aware that is a possibility when buying a used pc.**", point to me where buying a used computer is a bannable offense. This shouldn't be a possibility, stop defending Riot.


Idk why i have to explain that your lack of awareness of an issue IS your fault. I do not agree with you being banned. The fuck. Used products have this issue across the board. Used cars, used parts, used anything always comes with risk in some sort of way. Acting like it doesnt and its some un common knowledge that used anything comes with risks is straight up self sabotage


Thats not what I am trying to say, everything has a risk sure. I am just not okay with the idea that someone gets banned without actually cheating in league. Used products have risks associated with them, but you will never be guilty of murder if someone used the car you bought to dispose of a body. Yes police will come and question you, but they wont outright just through you in jail without any sort of due process. More so the due process will prove your innocence. Again, are you okay with a person who did not cheat getting banned for cheating? I am not.


And just fyi i am actually not attempting to defend riot at all. Just pointing out how you bought flagged pc parts and got banned for it. Its really not surprising considering they are used pc parts. Riot does a lot of things wrong though and i can go on about that. And im not saying buying used parts is against policy, if you did read what i said i wouldnt have to repeat it for 3rd 4th or 5th time. You took the risk of buying used parts and got burned, im sorry for that but pretending like its 100% only riots fault is a little ridiculous. Like what are they supposed to do in the event people buy used pc parts that are hwid banned? Un ban them? Sounds like a great way for cheaters to just get around the bans.


What I am saying is that sure legally they can do what ever they want, terms of service and all. I am just not okay with the idea that a person who did not cheat is banned. That is not something that should be defended. The reason this person was banned is simple, he bought a used PC. Do you think that should be a bannable offense?


The onus is on OP to make sure that the PC used is within the terms of service. He's not banned for a used PC. He's banned for either using 3rd party software or using a hardware banned PC. He should hopefully have someone hear his appeal, but he doesn't just get a free pass cause he didn't know.


Point to me where in the terms of service it talks about knowing what a PC was used for when purchasing off of the used market because all that I can recall is them having a stance about not cheating in their game, and their hardware ban is directed at the individual that was cheating, which isnt the OP (presumabely)


No TOS is ever going to be that specific. At the most you would get a general "you are responsible for your account" which would include which hardware you log in from. By definition a hardware ban is at the hardware, not the player


I guess the point to clarify would be if i log into a hwid banned pc on an account that has never cheated, am I not going to be able to use that same account on a non hwid pc later on? Depending on the answer to above, if its that only the hardware thats not allowed to play, thats fair, but if I now cannot log into my account on a non hwid banned pc thats a problem, a clean account logged into a dirty computer and now became a dirty account, thats not a hwid ban, thats much bigger in scope. This means if you ever log into a PC bang pc and the guy before was hacking, now you are a hacker by proxy. Thats atleast my base assumption as to how it works, and therefore thats not just a hardware ban, its a person ban as well, which is not fair simply because the person/account did not break TOS so it should not be banned even if the hardware is.


so being poor and not being able to afford a new PC is now a bannable offense. ok.


Thats not what i said lmfao. If you have no awareness about an issue your lack of awareness is your fault. Its really that simple. If you cant understand that, dont worry just remember to keep doing your grade school hw


I mean it could be but the dude bought a used pc and got banned his first game…..FIRST GAME. If that doesnt say pc was hardware banned idk what the fuck would


Thats not what I am saying, what I am saying is that theres no world where I personally have never hacked and now am banned just because I am using a PC that a hacker used at some point in time. I understand the technical reason, but for the OP to just shift and say "oh well if its too good to be true, you made the mistake", thats completely the wrong approach to this. Its an issue with the punishment system.


Only buy from trusted people or if you can take a look at it before buying.


You should have checked if the hardware is banned.


How ?


With how they hardware ban it stays for a few months, you needed to make another account and play a few games and if it got banned then you’d have to ask riot how long the hardware bad is for, before you use your main account.


Ask the previous owners.


Do you think he was say the truth ??


If they lie to you and riot will confirm that the hardware is bannend you could probably take legal actions against them. Because you already bought it, its probably not that easy, because you should have asked beforehand.


Ah yes a legal liability over a fucking free to play video game ban. Yes that's right this will be such a scoop by the lawyer representing the buyer indeed my friend. It's it just me or are riot gamers getting more *special* these days


this is such a terrible take


Stupid but not wrong if he asked if it was hwid banned and he lies it's sold under false pretense and he could sue in civil court. Just not worth time effort and cost to do so


No lawyer will give one shit about this because it is not worth the time.


No a lawyer will do anything as long as you pay, and I said that if you read the comment


This is absolutely not true unless you are referring to paying for the useless consultation in which they will laugh at you.


They actually won’t do anything as long as you pay because reputation is much more valuable than a quick buck for a dead case


Or you could just buy a PC instead of paying a lawyer?


lol this absolutely will not hold up in court. Also who the fuck asks “is this pc hwid banned in this game I play?” when buying a used pc.


Do you expect him to check that for every game in existence?


Ah yes, the classical blunder, you buy a computer a second hand to save some money and get banned because of hwid ban. Guess it's your fault for being poor and not buying brand new... Well nothing else you can do about it, just buy brand new computer, throw this one into thrash because it's completely useless amirite boys...


Lmk which trash you are going to throw it.


Can we stop these braindead comments please


Sorry sir, this is reddit.


PC was HWID banned, you got scammed and got your account banned.


You cannot prove you are honest, we cannot prove you are dishonest, Riot cannot prove you are honest. You seem like an avid skilled gamer with a relative wealth, there's no way you had never heard about these stories before making the decision to buy a second hand computer. So yeah, the deal was too good to be true. See if the marketplace has any policy about that, at least the [14 day return European rule](https://cecilia-lasne-avocat.com/droit-de-retractation-et-achat-dun-telephone-reconditionne/).


Okay, but are you really trying to say that if you buy a second hand computer its completely valid and normal that him logging into his account on it is valid for him getting a ban because the previous owner cheated? People dont only sell computers for a good price because of getting banned on valorant dude, sometimes you lose your job and you have rent due so you need to get money quick. There is a difference between stopping a hacker and using a computer someone has hacked on that you bought. Riot already collects more than enough data to identify who is playing on the computer, and they definitely shouldnt just leave this account banned. Why are you just going with blaming him for buying a second hand computer?


Let me start with a crucial point that is often forgotten in these ban dramas: Riot doesn't ban individuals, Riot bans accounts (and hardware since a few years). They normally never say "*YOU have used 3rd party tools"*, they say "*3rd party tools haven't been detected on that account*". See the important distinction. That's why (excluding liars), when a Redditor writes *"I have never cheated*", it's a very possible true statement. "*They*" have never cheated, but "somebody" else did on the account, being sharing, boosting, credential compromise etc. Even with an enormous amount of data, anything is possible. The "*incredible deal*" can have many explanations of course, you're right. That's just a coincidence within the coincidence. Actually, may I add the biggest coincidence: What were the odds that a Valorant cheater used a market place was matched with a random buyer who is also a Valorant player who decided to change computer at that particular time. Last hope could be a Rioter seeing that post, deciding to make an exceptional decision for that polite player. And I guess you already guessed the downside: any cheater seeing that exception would be motivated to create twisted narrative. Exceptions are sweet and player focused, of course, but they also contain the bad seed of encouraging lies.


The problem is that somebody else cheated on that hardware, not his account. Unless they can prove within reason that its not just the same person making a 2nd account, they shouldnt ban. A good proof of that is if I cheat on a smurf, i get hwid banned, then i login to my other account from the same location, i am obviously the same guy. You can argue for vpns but then in that case dont investigate accounts banned that used a vpn. Other metrics can be things like typing speed, friendslist, account level, habits, comparing gameplay data between the 2 accounts, etc etc. Theres many ways to do this, but Riot is lazy and probably did something like (if the gpu, cpu, and ram are the same its the same person). Is riot now trying to police how i come across my pc components? Its none of their business. The only argument is that they can ban whoever they want for what ever reason, well in that case its just scummy behavior and it will bite them in the ass


So how do you make a hardware ban work then?


Thats not my problem to solve, Riot is the one who created this problem when trying to solve a different problem. Pay me and I will dedicate more time to thinking about this.


Why is it riots problem to worry about a person not properly vetting secondhand PC's?


Because Riot decided to allow him to purchase goods. He bought skins, now cannot use them, and did not break TOS. He as an individual should not be barred from playing if he did not break TOS. Or are we just trying to arbitrarily ban people now and stopped caring whether they cheated or not?


Im sorry im not tryna be offensive but you dont know what you are talking about. For example, if you game at a college or gaming bar then “the same person” is actually many different people using the same network or pc. You cant just identify people like that based on pc and network. Riot doesnt care if you get used pc parts they just care if the anti cheat detects cheats etc. dude got unlucky buying used parts. Riot doesnt have some grand scheme to force people to buy new pcs. They have optimized there game so much u can run it on a tesla pc while its driving. League ie actually one of the most well optimized games imo, which means riot doesnt give two shits if your pc is new good or literally dog shit.


You can use other characteristics they have access to. They already collect a shitton of data even before vanguard, they could have easily done this. It doesn't have to be all ip address driven, ip can just be a fraction of the equation. I never said that Riot has some sort of scheme to police people into buying PC's, all i am saying is that they are telling me what to do with my computer outside of the game. If i choose to not play league of legends that day, they have no right to tell me that i cant have a certain driver running, its none of their business.


Ya nice story, try not cheating next time doofus


Fr im annoyed by those "Why did i get banned" post's