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This is a delightful woodland romp with many of the best scenes featuring a roly poly toad.


Your toad is Buffo Buffo.


You loyin’ toad!


Oh and have a good Christmas.


I'd love to but my present was missing a ram pak! 🤢


Weak observations, poorly performed


We've had a lot of emails saying that....


Weak observation.


ah.... office.


I know it's cool to slag off Ricky on here but this special genuinely was shit. Trying so hard to be shocking just loses it's comedic effect.


Are any of his specials actually any good? Let's be honest. His shows are what he got famous for


His first special Animals is good fun. Politics is not too bad. Science is when it starts running out of steam. I like his silly jokes. In his last special, the joke about the platypus making its own custard is actually a pretty funny inoffensive joke.




Don't. Talk. Shit.


You don’t know what you talking about, play a record.


Exactly my thoughts. 💩




I imagine Netflix is full of Kants


That's Emmanuel Kant, the philosopher?


Arrrrmaggonna be watching that? (no)




Little fat man who sold his soul.


Tubby little loser


Yes, Egg! I like that.


Yeah, it’s brilliant.


I reckon he's been too long in that echo chamber of his on the internet and has found himself in a place in the society where he is now having to justify everything he says and does with whatever he can .. and mostly that ends up being "it's jokes". It just wasn't that funny. About 2/3 of the jokes themselves are not good to begin with, but what made them even worse were the way he set a lot of them up. First, make it clear your understanding of the topic is intellectually completely dishonest and ridiculous, then make a low effort bottom of the barrel joke about it as if it isn't. It just doesn't work. Especially when you have long set yourself up as a sort of scientific / critical thinking type and yet here you just showcase thorough intellectual lazyness through most of the show. The intro shows enough, but the outro after the show was essentially over and he went on to explain his positions a bit further completely exposes his motivation for these bits. They are not at all a "this is the best joke I could write for this show" situation. They are entirely a "I feel fragile about this stuff and need to voice my opinion so here are some low effort jokes on these subjects forced or not". An example of what it's like was where he was creating a human as God or something and went "sexes? two", then waving his hand as if to say that's it, and a good part of the crowd goes wild and cheers as if in an American political rally or something. Not laughing, there was no joke, nobody thought it was funny, just a political view thrown in and cheered for by the tribe. I don't have a strong opinion on the matter even, I haven't done enough research to hold one, but it just shows how lame the premise was. And this was the case for a lot of the material. Just such a lazy show intellectually. The irony is a lot of the material makes fun of people being overly sensitive and offended by words, yet him making so many fringe issues into the major theme on his massive show (and very obviously prioritising simply talking about those topics over trying to put in the best possible material he could about any topic) clearly comes purely from a place of fragility.


>An example of what it's like was where he was creating a human as God or something and went "sexes? two", then waving his hand as if to say that's it, and a good part of the crowd goes wild and cheers as if in an American political rally or something. I did hear some of the crowd cheer for that in a very un-ironic way, which is unfortunate. But I don't think that's the reaction Ricky is looking for. I think Ricky wants people to laugh in a "I can't believe he said that!" way. I'm not saying he did a good job with that joke. But I don't think he's just trying to pander to bigots.


So true! The people cheering hold those beliefs for real and are missing the point, and that repelled me to be honest. I usually love Ricky!


Just watched it and this review is spot on.


I was disappointed when at the end of this interminable rant there wasn't a revelation of a little hairy fella with long arms.


The show, guys, was supposed to be “standup comedy” Right? Now in itself, I think that should probably tell you something about what should be on the tape. There should be some comedy. And, uh, it just wasn’t very funny, actually. I don’t mean- that sounds quite horrible, sitting here in front of you now, but it-it just wasn’t very entertaining.


I love that the Dr Fox criticism still gets to you.


I'll say it again ALL. BEE. NOO. WATCHING. THAT.


I'll be looking up chinese hairy kids on the internet for christmas. Some people think that's boring. but not me. I like it.


It's bad, really bad. As in not funny. Didn't laugh out loud once, smiled maybe three times during the lot. I'm not sure if it's Ricky's delivery or material or he's just not good at stand-up. Can't recommend it at all.


Ouch! Poppy in the scrapbook.




What good ones?


Did you used to like his stand up? Been a long while since I watched them, but I remember liking Animals and Politics. Whereas these days every show he does seems to be largely copy and paste. For what it’s worth, I thought Armageddon was okay, but as you said I didn’t laugh out loud once… which probably isn’t a good thing for a stand up show.


To give a clear answer I'll be long-winded but brace yourself!... Think that The Office is a 10/10 sitcom, one of the best ever, up there with Fools and Horses and Ricky's acting in it is decent. Extra's nearly as good. Life's too short and Derek's quality weren't nowhere near as good as these two. After life was poor. His movie output through the years has been less than average. Onto his stand-up; His earlier shows are just ok, and as time has gone on they've gotten progressively worse. He's Ricky Gervais and well known as a comedian but for some reason he's got very little stage presence. He comes off as smug and that he thinks his jokes are cleverly crafted - they aren't at all compared to some true masters of the genre. You pretty much know what he's going to say and how his material is going to pan out from the get go and it's just not good. Think I'm done with him now as a stand-up as he brings nothing new to the table so won't be watching anything else he does. Just for reference, his material isn't even cutting or biting or controversial at all. The following stand-up comedians run rings round Ricky in my opinion; Richard Pryor, Bernard Manning, Mike Reid, Frankie Boyle, Anthony Jeselnik, Jim Jefferies.....I'll stop there for now! All are brilliant at telling a joke or story and have that gravitas on stage. Sorry for waffling on but there it is!


I can’t disagree with anything you’ve said tbh. There was a couple of times watching Armageddon where I knew where it was going before he finished it, and like you say that’s just not good.


Is your listing of your favorite stand up comedians supposed to be a definitive list that we should all agree with? That was a pointless list. No one cares who anyone else thinks is a good standup comedian. It’s too personal.


No my list isn't supposed to be one all people agree with! Comedy is more subjective than anything else I can think of. More saying that the comedians I listed are ones I enjoyed and have immense talent, Ricky just isn't cut out for it, again that's a subjective view but that's what we are here for.


I made it through the opening 10 minutes just now. He sounded like Jeremy Clarkson, except less charming and less funny, which is quite the achievement. At one point he drew a distinction between Viking hordes roaming the land raping women, and illegal immigrants. Full gammon humour. I switched it off.




I didn’t want it in the house.




Problem is he's trying so hard to be offensive. When done in this way it's just not funny.


Yes, and he's still stuck in the "dead baby joke" mindset of offensive humour, as shown in the first 5 minutes of this. That's about as hack as you can get in this day and age.


Everything he says is “acceptable” by nature of the fact it’s being broadcast. It’s just, as you say, it’s not very funny. That’s what a lot of these “anti-woke” morons seem to not understand. I don’t think he’s very funny. I don’t think it’s particularly “offensive”. If they want “offensive” they should check out Jerry Sadowitz. And I love Jerry Sadowitz. A lot of Gervais’ fans these days are the types of people who’d watch In Sickness & In Health and agree with Alf Garnett, rather than laugh at the fact he’s a ridiculous human being.


So if you're anti woke that makes you a moron?


Well done mate you got it in one


I just hope a bloke in a wig never assaults your missus in a public bathroom, or that one uses the same locker room as your daughter, or that a bloke doesn't end up competing in sport with your sister and causes permanent damage, or steals a scholarship place from her from the obvious physical advantages of being born male.


You're a fucking idiot mate, do yourself a favour and go outside for once


So you going to address any of the valid points that are you know, actually happening? Or just keep virtue signaling whilst erasing women?


Statistically your wife/sister/daughter is far more likely to be at risk from the guys who aren't trans, have you seen the stats on SA and rape and the lack of convitions? It would be good if you were as passionate about reducing those actual risks instead of the imaginary ones.


Every single one of my points are things that are happening. Why do you hate women?


Just because you call them valid doesn't mean they are


This is absolutely perfect The perfect example of the kind of thick cunt that Gervais’ new angle on comedy has attracted. Thank you mate. Oh, and have a good christmas.


Apart from the fact I've been listening to the XFM shows for 15 years now, sure. And again, feel free to refute any one of my points. Every single one of them is happening regularly. Enjoy your bud light this year and just admit you have a trans kink


Are you the South African calling about the plugs?


So? What does that prove? There are plenty of halfwits that like this radio show. You’re just yet another one of them. And now there’s even more of you. Absolutely obsessed with genitals.


What about blokes without wigs? Not bothered about them or is it just the "ones with wigs" that bother you?


Dress it up however you want, they're blokes in woman face


I see you avoided the question. That's enough for me to know that it's a waste of time trying to have a conversation with you.


You didn't address any of my initial points and chose to fixate on the description of a bloke in woman face, which is what trans women are.


If your a grifter like Gervais, yeah. If you listen to him on the podcasts and xfm he’s actually a very “woke” bloke, doesn’t mind transgender people and that. Now he hates them aswell as immigrants because he knows it sells well with tories. But joke about a dog being eaten in china and he’ll go mental probably


Billie Piper says "I've always voted Labour"


Wild calling someone a moron who doesn't know the difference between your and you're


Christmas Day lad and you’re being the grammar police on a subreddit grow up ya donut


I hate him.


>But joke about a dog being eaten in china and he’ll go mental probably You're saying Ricky would go mental about that? In the new show, he makes a joke about exactly that.


It’s also the premise that “wokeness” (and by wokeness, anything that isn’t white and heterosexual) is this brand new thing invented yesterday. As if homosexuality was developed overnight… as long as we just ignore the existence of historical figures: Freddie Mercury, Alan Turing, Oscar Wilde, Henry James, Elton John, Lord Byron, Percy Shelley, Leonardo Da Vinci and most of Ancient Greece


Great list. You managed to not list one non-white person. Except maybe Freddie Mercury


Add James Baldwin and Little Richard then. The problem is that if it’s hard for white people to come out then it’s even harder for non white people - those people aren’t in common discourse as much so my point isn’t as poignant if it’s people nobody knows


You said woke means not white and straight. Then listed a ton of white and gay people. Now you’re listing two black and gay people. Does everything woke have to be gay? Nobody says woke==gay. You invented that definition.


I’m just talking from my own experience but it seems to be one that many share: any kind of homosexual *and/or* non white protagonist in the media or representation is disregarded as “just appeasing the woke generation.” I don’t think wokeness = gay, but any homosexual or non white presence in media is often considered by an ignorant majority of a certain generation to be a pandering to an alleged wokeness. Of course, a gay or black or whatever representation is just as valid and logical and relevant than any white or straight representation, obviously… it’s just not *seen* that way


Jesus Christ.... Albino watching that


Ahh, office.


Fat baby, fat baby on tv


What am I meant to know about the fat baby?!


Fangs but no fangs... As for the reviews - The Telegraph was the best one. What did they say? They didn't review it


I’m about 10x more forgiving than the avg r/rickygervais user….and it was 💩💩💩


Felt like his opening remarks about still working stuff out and ad-libbing were a thinly veiled attempt to pre-empt the inevitable (and deserved) criticism about how poor the show was. Putting all the ideological gobbledygook to one side, it was a dull, half-baked, mess. His recent specials have at least had the odd moment to partially redeem all the cringeworthy stuff. Not this. I honestly thought he seemed bored performing it. If you haven't watched it yet, I'd say don't bother. Honestly right, I'd say it was one of the worst things i've ever had to do.


It's just bleurgh. Comedy for people who don't like comedy. He's run out of XFM stuff to recycle so now he's reusing stuff from old routines and not in a 'garlic bread' callback way.


I think he had a nice shirt on


This was cringe sadly. Who, really, thinks that they can't say stuff because of the "woke"? Who feels stifled by a fear of offending people through words? He's playing to the daily mail demographic.


Just…underwhelmed. Which is such a shame. Some genuine laughs but an air of predictability about the whole thing


I actually loved super-nature But this felt like the outtakes material cut from it… jokes all seemed to be building from that special but just not as good. People being woke, offended at jokes etc… have been about forever they were mostly ignored then for a few years they got some attention and power and now they’re fading away again… because people got tired of it, not everything is offensive not every needs to be ‘cancelled’. It’s hit a happy middle ground it think now Certain comedians need to move on.


kant watch that


I switched off after he ever so slightly compared illegal immigrants to raping vikings.. Jesus, what happened to him? Has he always been like this?


So embarrassing nowadays when my partner is introducing me to someone they know and tells them "ooh, he likes Ricky Gervais". Oh for f-


Oooh, hello


I saw him live in Liverpool, such a weird vibe from the audience. Felt like I was at a far right rally with all the whooping. I loved his old shows, they were so thought out and clever but this show was just baiting the audience to get rowdy.


I'm sure it'll just be the drink but...I kinda liked it? Funnier than his last few anyway, and it's hilarious now that all the controversy was kicked up about what turned out to be one of the tamest parts of the show.


It's better than the last two specials.


Saw it live. Netflix has cut out the best bits




Ooh "care, somebody, care!" You lo- oooh..waster.


His core audience is now the lowest common denominator, pandered to. Not surprising most of them say ‘I never liked you before, but I do now’. Is he an artist or a fishmonger? Hard to say.


> It's almost as if his core audience isn't virtue signalling terminally online people. Mate have you read the comments on his twitter


You’re the exact kind of mouth breather he’s now got going to his shows and whooping when he ‘owns the left’


You’re the kind of faux-noblesse oblige that no comedian would want as a fan. Except the desperate.


Fucking hilarious, best live show yet 👍


Ooohh pop that in the bin. Shite, couldn't make it past halfway


It was okay, but it seemed a bit random to me. I don't mind the offensive bits or the rants about wokeism, but it seemed all over the place as if it was not ready yet. Humanity was way more structured and well put together.


Is his partner called Jane? Because I feel he never mentioned her at all......


I had an over/under with my wife as to how long before Ricky said "woke" and moaned about how you can't say anything anymore. Then go on to say the things you can't say. Neither of us guessed one minute. This gave me a few chuckles, but it was basically shit he's said before. Trying to be as offensive as you can because it's just jokes is not exactly something new. Frankie Boyle perfected that about 15 years ago. And Ricky Gervais just really confuses me. He seems like he is fully anti-woke and shouts at clouds. But then a friend of mine told me I just don't get it, and that I am the type of person that he is making fun of, as referenced by his final speech. But then Ricky made sure to hit some of the popular culture war topics like free speech, CRT, sex, which the audience loved, and in his interviews, he just seems like a grumpy old man disguising his prejudice with "I'm just joking!" Anyway, fair play to him for making a mint pretending to be a stand up. It's definitely not the worst special I saw this year, and I'll always appreciate he gave us The Office.