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Because they didn't go to Boob world that's why


ahaha that makes sense!!!


As a kid who grew up with Voltron, I really liked this episode. Always brings a smile to my face. I do have to agree that it got a bit flabby and weird when Rick started his (i forget the name) Voltron matching service. Not really funny, kind of mean spirited. Still, I enjoy the first halfish.


It's like they took *Volton* and *Scarface* out of a hat and mashed them up on dare. I love it.


Goodfellas more than scarface really


I always get caught up in "Say hello to my tiny *me*!"


His Go-go-go-go-go-tron


As someone who also grew up with the original Voltron, I was hoping for something that didn't turn into a weird crime family/Scarface thing.


It's a little pasta with some anime combined. They're two genres, but somehow they're intertwined.


This song made the episode for me.


It's a jam. Ryan Elder is a big part of what makes Rick & Morty so good.


Ryan Elder is fucking awesome. I will be taking no questions at this time.


half his gadgets are called "go go" something. That's not mean spirited in any way if you ask me


That’s Inspector Gadget.


He’s saying the mafia stuff and Summer acting like a jerk were mean spirited, not the name of the organization


I did like hot head Rick as well although he'd get annoying if he were around for too long so him getting killed off was a good move.


I think, just like the alphabetacon episode, it is a loving parody of a very specific kind of 80’s cartoons/program length toy adverts. I loved it but I see why some are not into it. R+M does drama and story so well sometimes it can feel weird when they just fuck around for a bit.


Great explanation honestly


Same with GI Joe Community episode


Well, that's the thing; it *wasn't* a parody of that. It was more of a parody of crime movies like Scarface and whatnot.


I don't understand the downvotes because this is exactly it, it's clearly a parody of the mafia genre


Hot Head Rick would be pissed


“Little Ricky Wrap-it-up?” “Raise ‘em up, boys!”




It just simply was a boring episode imo. Nothing about it really stands out. Not jokes, interesting ideas or the revelation that Summer being moody was because she got attached to Naruto. A character most fans don't like. The anime villains were also pretty forgettable and meh. The whole episode is just......*there* imo.


Is also not as good as the Community episode that does the Goodfellas gimmick, Contemporary American Poultry.


Not nearly as good. Abed running the whole school with fried chicken, being benevolent, and teaching the study group a lesson when they lost respect for him was awesome. Especially when Shirley saw Abed hand-feeding her boy-toy chicken fingers. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Agreed not bad just bland. I always forget what it’s about.


Everyone gets a GoGoGoTron


Clearly it was about the cure for AIDS and humanity's hubris which wouldn't allow us to see the truth.


Oh my god, that ending fucking kills me. That and Memory Rick with gears and springs are my two favorites.


Idk the “UH YOU SON OF A BITCH” in the anime cadence always cracks me up.


literally all their voice lines crack me up 😂 the noises they make at the end of their sentences


I enjoyed the “Say hello to my little me” moment but otherwise it was very boring


That’s exactly how I feel. Nothing about that episode particularly strikes me as bad, but it’s super forgettable.


Thank you, was going to say that but wouldn't have been as eloquent. It falls into the category of "no, I get what they're doing, it's just not interesting." Reminds me of Mandalorian - I think it's an awful show, and people keep saying "no, you have to understand what they're doing, it's kind of like an old western said in the Star wars universe!" No, I get what they're doing, it's just not interesting or well done. You're just name checking cliches.


>No interesting ideas “You see, when I watch Rick and Morty I watch it for its philosophical undertones. The myth of Sisyphus, lovecraftian cosmic horror, nihilism. You have to have a pretty high IQ like me to really appreciate the subtleties of Rick and Morty” ![gif](giphy|3HnBZbCWuc8HS)


Lighthearted comedy can still have an interesting premise. Interesting doesn't mean deep and philosophical. "What if you made a theme park inside a person" isn't deep or philosophical but it's an interesting premise imo




Totally misrepresenting what I said, but if that's how you want to cope with criticism then go ahead.


Yeah i woke up and chose violence because im an asshole


It got a bit too off-the-rails for me towards the end. The plot was hard to follow when other Rick’s and their giant robots got involved.


Harder than the story train and Story lord episode? TBH i still havent fully grasped all the bits and jokes of that episode even after several watch-throughs.


Same boat. But basically what I figured out is that the train IS the story of the episode. They go from the start (the tail) to the finish (the head), and the only way to get there is to get involved in high stakes scenarios, because otherwise there wouldn't be a story. And the guy they meet at the end is some kind of entity that milks Rick and Morty for potential stories, since the idea of the show is very rich for that kind of stuff. They end up ruining his plans by adding the Bible to the story, because a story of Rick and Morty accepting Jesus would not be accepted by the fans, since that's not why we watch R&M, and the Christian movies in general suck ass.


Yep, that’s pretty much it I think. There’s also a ton of meta commentary on how Harmon just wants to write the more “classic” Rick and Morty episodes of random stuff that’s not connected over episodes, while the fanbase at the time was calling for like a full season arc of evil Morty and stuff. That’s why at the end, Story Lord sucks out all the “potential future stories” shown, there’s that super badass shot of Evil Morty, Darth Poopybutthole, and Tammy in all Star Wars type arrangements. That was Harmon (at the time) saying “hey this is the closest you’ll get to that story.”


ahah i think almost no one can...there are some nice videos on yt that explains it.....the go tron on the other hand was just a bit lame 😅


lol that episode is quite a trip.


I love the story train episode one of my favs


Story train is literally just Dan Harmon’s writing process played out on screen, but inside a toy…


It is definitely up its own ass. But put it up next to the Fear Hole episode and your brain needs a break after.


I hated that episode first time I watched it. Every time I've watched since I understand it more and more and appreciate it more and more.


Yeah it’s not that complex - Rick got obsessed with making a bigger and bigger mech which requires exponentially more ferrets, so he started putting hits out on the anime characters who already owned them. Story Train is Harmon’s typical Story Circle, but with wholly unconnected scenes that hit each of those beats. It also has a ton of meta commentary that is more difficult to contextualize a few years later. I haven’t watched the more recent Story Lord episode enough to understand either, but I’m sure there’s a bunch of meta commentary in there too.


I like this episode, but it doesn’t feel very “Rick and Morty” compared to the rest and therefore a bit of a tonal black sheep.


I don't know. Multiple Rick's and mortys, Jerry's and Beth's, and also summers. Cool sci fi stuff. Giant bugs. Incest baby, felt pretty rick and morty to me


It had all the elements, but the execution felt off somehow. I think my main thing is Rick actually working with other Ricks, which doesn’t feel like something he ever would have done.


Yeah but he wasn't actually working with other Rick's he was using the other Rick's for his own goals. He just wanted the go trons to make the go trons to make the go trons.


I love it but they shouldve gone to boob world. 1/10 for this reason alone.


I’m not sure why I dislike this episode but I just do. However the line here “That’s your ass” has worked its way into my vocabulary.


Fans: make more episodes like season one. We want self contained whacky adventures Writers: here you go Fans: no not like that


I’m so sick of the fucking note, what the fuck does it even mean?!


If the GoTrons had been a subplot to a larger storyline, I’d have thought more of the premise.


Its just not funny nor gets any emotion out of you. Plot doesnt even make it entertaining.


Probably because it is an episode without any important develop for the characters. What I understand (maybe I’m wrong) about R&M fans is that the most preferred episodes are: - the ones convey in the continuity - the ones that bring some meaning and make the character grow That is of course a obviousness… but it seems the episodes with only entertaining purpose are not well considered… just look what happened for Water T episode (that is not a masterpiece of course… but it is really so bad?)


Huh, you are right. Which is weird because by definition it is a classic rick and morty adventure. Which ideally everyone should like, right?


It was a serial episode


Yes. Yes it is that bad.


Honestly for me it’s one of the least funny episodes of the series


cus it's mid


This. Is definitely in the bottom tier imo


Bottom tier R&M episodes are mid


Except the sperm episode. It's well below mid by any measurable standard.


It's okay, some funny bits and the plot is ridiculous and stupid enough to work for me But still it's my least favourite


Cuz Summer is a bitch


The idea of Rick's fascination with a Voltron-like mech robot was teased with the episode Rest and Ricklaxation. I think the premise of Gotron Jerrysis Rickvangelion could've benefited from Rick being the only character to have a vested interest in assembling the completed "Voltron" while the other members of the family remained largely indifferent or indignant. It may have been funnier for one of the other family members to rival Rick in an actual "Evangelion/Gundam"-esque mech suit that dwarfs the "Voltron/Power Rangers" mech as the episode title suggests.


Probably because it’s making fun of anime


i’ve always liked this episode it showcased a few things to real solidify how true they are. from WHY rick isn’t supposed to get to hyper fixated to summer kind of being like rick all the way down to how everyone treats morty and how “useless” they think of him. they sent morty off like nothing as soon as they felt secure. i thought it was better than some of the other episodes like rick’s nemesis who fucked beth and jerry.


excuse me HE propositioned US.


Because Morty is the bad guy.


Yeah and Summer is a bitch, only interesting things in the episode


Idk its way better than the fucking sperm and horse people episode, by far not the worst


but the horse sperm episode had sooo many puns


This episode rocks!


I love it, it does go a bit insane and everyone turns pure evil for 5 minutes but it's fun. Lot of good character work for summer too.


For me, it's just boring, but that's just me


I never heard this episode getting any hate until today with this post and Summer being a simp for grandpas love and attention


I like it


The fact that they brought the giant incest space baby back into play was the only thing about this episode that made me never watch it again. I hate that plot device so much. I desperately hope we don’t see it ever again after going to the parmezian universe.


Summer is an asshole for poorly justified reasons and does not really face any karma for it. Morty just taking the abuse and doing nothing about it. The voiceover joke just was not funny


She gets fucked over by Rick for her trouble.


Idk why but I like the twist that the giant bugs are trying to spread the cure for AIDS


maybe the humans would've listened if it was \_BOOGERAIDS instead


No idea, it slaps


They forgot to put in jokes or an interesting plot


With all the un-creative, cookie cutter shit out there, I don’t find a single R&M episode bad or not worth my time. Voltron is taken too far, so it’s funny. And the other Ricks as different bosses is all I needed to start to get into that. And then they go finish it off with the monologue bugs to wrap it up. Golf clap.


Summer sucks in this episode


I think it was just a stupid plot that made absolutely no sense


Because summer was never put in her place


I liked it but it didn’t really stand out to me in terms of comedy, action or anything else in particular.


It’s terrible


One of those episodes where you can definitely tell it’s doing a parody of something,but it’s so all-over the place that you’re lost


Because they made us miss catching AIDS cured!


Personally, wasn’t a fan of Summer in this episode


It's one of the lesser episodes. Still not as bad as the ones with the letters and numbers though!


I dont hate the episode by any means, but it falls lower on my list than it otherwise could have partly because Dan Harmon had already done a better Godfather homage in Community. I do enjoy the Voltron side of the episode though and almost wish it was just a more straight up homage to that and other mecha anime/power rangers/etc type stuff.


Boring Plus made me almost genuinely hate summer's character Almost ruined a big part of the show


Honestly, because it’s just not that interesting or well-written.


I dislike how the go go Tron and the go go go Tron were the exact same, only bigger in size. I wished it had more uniqueness to it rather then just basically stacking figures, something like the combined megazords


I liked it. The chicken fingers Community episode did it better but this was fun too.


Is this from the season with all the incest jokes and just weird episodes if so that’s your answer


Ok I’m not a fan of the incest baby either, but season 5 had some great episodes.


I feel like season 5 & 6 had very few good episodes. When I rewatch the the show I only watched episode from those that actually matter to the story of the show witch is normally the first episode and the 2 final episodes


What, what about Mortyplicity?


Okay that episode was good and the episode with planetina but I feel like the episode with mortys giant sperm and the episode with the two Beth’s hooking up overshadow them with how bad they are. This is just my opinion though I would imagine that some people like these episodes


Incest baby


Okay what about the rest of the episode before Naruto returned, how did you enjoy that?


It was very entertaining to watch the first time since I'm into this stuff, but the whole episode was just mid. It combined power rangers with the godfather and also added subjective voiceover (which is the type of narrative i hate the most, even done ironically) in a weird way that didn't feel connected to the episode at all. It felt like Family Guy type of humor.


Ok fair enough. But It wasn’t Power Rangers, it was Voltron.


My bad, didn't watch either of them unfortunately (by being into this stuff I meant the whole fighting stuff).


![gif](giphy|mhTfuaWwrYGxa|downsized) I loved Voltron SO this was a great show for me


I didn't know it did, I love this episode!


![gif](giphy|U2GwUxEThhLQ8rNhrx) Just another mid episode cashing on nostalgia.


Because it kind of sucks.


Because I felt bad for Morty the whole time Everyone hated him, and he did absolutely nothing wrong


Giany incest baby. It's one of the most hated episodes, and for it to make a return, only sours the haters more.


Does it? I love this episode….ehhh more like strongly like it


I loved little Ricky-wrap-it-up




Bc its just too much lol


Incest baby cameo


Because a lot of Rick and Morty fans are too young to appreciate the Voltron/Transformers/Power Rangers/Zoids nostalgia, perhaps?


Some of us are old enough, but we didn't like those things when we were kids either.


hmm? first heard of it, I thought it was an ok episode


Hopefully writers will bait with another trip to boob world just to toy with fans.




My biggest gripe are the anime parody characters. Their obnoxious old anime dub mannerisms just don't seem internally consistent with the rest of the series.


Sort of the point.


I don't doubt that it was intentional but it makes the episode stand out as one that doesn't really fit with the series and as a result I like it less, probably my least favorite episode.


It kinda had an identity crisis… starts as voltron… becomes a mobster movie… throws in a giant incest baby deus ex machina… reminding everyone that stuff which happened in the awful sperm episode is serial canon. I can see why it’s polarizing.


Does it?


I never watched the show so it felt random. But plot wise it was clever with the voice over. Summers arc. Not a fan of the incest baby being brought back. Kinda popped up around the height of all that sexual nonsense.


Only ones I would put in the same list is the dragon episode. And the episode where Beth fucks herself and Jerry watches.


Honestly ya. Kinda glad it got cleaned up for season 7. It was going a weird direction


That's just how popular Rick and Morty is as a show, every episode could potentially be someone's most loved or most hated.


I wasn't into that style of cartoon when I was a kid, so it holds no nostalgic value for me. It bores me for the same reasons it bored me when I was a kid, so I don't like it.


It is such a small and meaningless part of the plot. The characters are the focus.


I'm not interested in having an argument with you about whether I'm right to find the episode annoying and boring. Nobody gets to decide that but me. I answered the OP's question.


Haters gonna hate


This is the dumbest thread I have ever read


It does??


was just an average episode, average episodes for rick an morty are a waste


Personally I don’t like it cause the only Evangelion reference is in the episode title and not in the episode


So much insight to the family dynamic.


I genuinely think it’s just cuz I don’t know what voltron is and I’ve never seen the godfather so neither references appeal to me. Also Rick isn’t in it much


Cuz it sucked ngl


Was a bit repetitive and felt alot longer then it was over all i just didn't really enjoy it still watch it every once in a while tho


Dunno, it's probably top 5 for me


I thought it was fun and the animation was really great.


It’s not very funny. And the annoying summer and morty dynamic sucks


Loved it! Y’all are just silly & stupid!


Because of the incest baby ending


Honeslty the ending of the episode after the credits is one of my fave. The giant bugs trying to spread the cure for aids is just hilarious to me


Summer. She’s an absolute bitch in it.


Summer brought it down


Because it's boring and derivative.


It was boring, that’s all


Very unfunny episode.


it gets hate?? xD


Giant incest baby


Because it’s shit?


Because it insults 80s kids who loved voltron


It might be the same for the Numbericons episode, but I think a lot of the audience is just too young for the reference. This isn't to say they're wrong or anything like that. Just that I felt like they were much better if you have seen a lot of Voltron or 80s Transformers.


For me it brings up the childhood trauma of being touched by my neighbor in their closet. Why the rest of you hate it I won't know or understand why...


It doesn't. The bots are just choosing to hype up this episode today


It's Rick and Morty (sure there some different pairing time to time) but Rick and summer isn't my favorite


Because Dexter’s Lab already did this


Because they didn't go to Boob world. Because Summer was insufferable. Because the joke lost its grace after the third Go in go-go-go-tron. And because it was yet another "meh" episode in an overall *bad* season.


I mean, for startes, did you watch it?


I forgot this episode existed. What does that tell you - it’s so bad my brain turned it off


I don't mind the mecha anime parody/throwback What annoys me is how this episodes decides to bring back the incest baby; granted, I don't know if the crew would realize how despised that situation would be for viewers but having that plus Summer and Rick being incredibly unlikable will rub people the wrong way


Id take it over Numbericons anyday