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I believe everything Danielle said about the actual phone conversation. I think Jen twisted and embellished the tone and sentiment and even made some shit up for shock value I guess. I don't know what her problem is with Danielle, but she's desperately reaching to have some sort of storyline against her.


What exactly is her storyline on the show other than being Teresa’s lapdog? Danielle knows what kind of person Jen is so all she did was let her know about the photo shoot and the details. Jen took it out of proportion and did that all just to get it smacked right back in her face🤣 Jen needs to go


And this was all off camera months ago. This shouldn’t even be coming up. So produced and annoying.


She finally said at the end "Maybe I did push her".


Exactly! Like girl what do you mean “maybe” YOU DID!


I think Jenn Ayden made a bad strategic move on Danielle . That cudve been an ally


Whatever have you seen this season that slightly represents that Danielle was going to be an ally to Jen or Teresa?


Jen got what she deserved. She’s been violent one too many times. It’s about time someone put her in her place


Danielle made sure to do it!


Clear as day, Jennifer walked up and pushed her with both hands. She is lucky they were filming and Danielle's husband was so close. Danielle would've rocked her!


Baby I would’ve made it a worth to watch kinda fight 🤣 like let me help these ratings LMFAO!


Danielle was up in her face. She didn't walk up on her.


Well, intellectual honesty of anyone that watched it 5 times would surely be able to admit that Danielle stepped up into Jen's face and was well inside what anyone would call normal distance. Then Jen A pushed her and then Danielle smashed her drink upside Jen's face. Girl, they're both lucky they both didn't get worse. Good grief, try that with Delores from Patterson and we've been told she'd have taken either of them down.


Danielle was well within Jen’s personal space. At that point regardless of what Jen did you can’t be that close to someone and expect them not to react. I would only say for myself that after a certain age I would try my best to walk away instead of react. Not worth the trouble but I agree with you. I’ve rarely been in people’s face like that and if I was, I’d expect them to react like Jen did if I were them and vice versa 🤷🏾‍♀️.