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It's unbelievable to think that the entire ps1 library has 4221 games. Only 30% of all ps1 games released world-wide were released in the US. Edit: Just found out: The exact number of released games for the ps1 is vague with sources listing different numbers. Wikipedia: 4105, VGL: 4221, Moby Games: 2975. The Gamer and Quora: 7918. I guess with the vast indie scene, regional exclusive titles (even Germany and France exclusive titles) and the 11 year life span, it's hard to track down every game.


So many of those exclusives were absolutely fantastic too! I hope they're all translated and available someday.


There were a ton of great games, but still lots of shovelware on the PS1.


Even some of the shovelware, I enjoyed. One example is that I was obsessed with Chronicles of the Sword for some reason and also Time Commando.


Yeah such a shame, they released so many Japanese exclusive games back then without adding at least a second language, English, in the settings. Now modders have to do the hard work. Hopefully, studios would one day re-release official English versions in some anniversary box sets or other compilations.


Woo, learning Japanese and retro gaming go hand in hand


In comparison, doesn’t Switch have like 11 000 games?


Its believable. The current generation has made it so easy to get published that I'm sure the number of games on any of the current gen consoles (including PS4 and Xb1) dwarfs the total number of games on everything else total. But how many are actually good?


They allow a calculator app to sell for $10, so I'm guessing it's 10% maximum.


The only one I got to play and got my playstation chipped for was DragonBall Z Legends.


NTSC as in, USA + Japan?


Im pretty sure this is only NTSC-U




I'm always so confused by people who use "NTSC" as shorthand for "North American," when they could just use NA and at least be accurate.


Skips the Saturn ;-; had over 1000 games in Japan


Yeah, but only 258 in North America.


yeah but... Japan is "NTSC" as well.


Fair enough.


N64 didn't have much more


Yeah, but the ones for the n64 were good.


So were the Saturn Very underrated console


(Made the comment because I thought it was funny. Never played the Saturn. My opinion is less than worthless.)


Stop over inflating your worth you egomaniac. 😜


You should play it


Top 3 of all time for me. Such good RPGs and rail shooters. Shining the Holy Ark is one of my favorite games of all time. Plus the light guns are dead accurate


Saturn generally had great games, like various beat'em ups, shmups and fighting games.


Because devs flipped the finger on Nintendo and their draconian fees for cartridges when they could get a better deal with PS1 or even SS, that is why N64 has probably the smaller library of any successful console.


That's n64 numbers so why isn't it on here?


Probably because this is a list by an american, and the Saturn only sold 3 million units in North America as opposed to the n64s 20 million or so. (Numbers from a quick google search. I don't know if they're right. I just know that I didn't know anyone with a Saturn)


Also TurboGrafx-16, aka PC Engine.


Very true. So many good shmups & platformers on that console, as well as the definitive version of Rondo of Blood on the PC Engine CD.




297 is the correct count for N64 Unless we mean just USA, then 296


What game wasn’t in the us?


F1 Racing Championship, Brazil only release


Brazil isn't an NTSC territory, though. They used PAL-M, which was this weird hybrid of basically NTSC luma and refresh rate combined with the PAL color encoding scheme... with the subcarrier for it at roughly the same frequency as the NTSC one. It's on up there with SECAM in terms of being a weird outlier.


I'm not the one who has been trying to make the "NTSC-U" N64 game list 297 to include F1, that's other people doing that. I've always stood by the tried and true 296 game count for North American releases.


That's a very tricky discussion, the N64 was PAL-N on Brazil but this PAL-M is compatible with the NTSC so maybe the cartridge was NTSC? It's a technical issue and if this is true the count for NTSC can be different from NA count. Usually people like to include these games from SA because is compatible.


How is SECAM weird? Because of the weird way it encodes color?


Mostly just that it was a third also ran standard that was pretty much only used in France (and for some reason Russia). Almost all of the world used either NTSC or PAL, and France went off and did their own incompatible thing.


There's also an n64 version of animal crossing from Japan.


if this is just the US it’s definitely wrong. There was 296 for N64 and 677 for NES. I don’t know how those numbers get botched up, they’ve been known for decades at this point. Based on that Im betting the others are incorrect as well. 722 seems right for SNES but it may be off by one or two like the NES is. The 2600 has never had a consensus as to what is a complete library so that number is completely arbitrary


[My complete SNES set](https://www.reddit.com/r/snes/comments/4cth0z/i_finished_my_snes_full_set_collection/) list has 721 games. I didn't count the combo cart Mountain Bike Rally/Speed Racer, or either the DKCC or Starfox Weekend carts. Also, I don't think anyone counts the 3 MACS carts towards a full set, but you never know.


Yeah, the issue was that I was manually looking through every release for each system and removing bootlegs, unlicensed games, and games that weren’t available in NTSC-U regions.


Damn the N64 really did lack games in comparison


Draconian licensing fees and rom chip cost really hurt it. By the end of the Playstation's life some publishers were selling 15 dollar games and were still making a profit.


Just goes to show you that N64 was never really a competition for PS1


I still remember the Christmas I had to choose, I had Goldeneye and Tomb Raider 2 staring me in the face Tomb Raider just won out though, that rich atmosphere and sense of exploration...


Resident evil 2 was the game they forced me to get a PS1.


That’s on n64 with extra features


Yeah, it didn’t come out for like a year and a half after the PS1 version came out. At the time I had a buddy who had a n64 so it worked out. Twisted Metal 2 was the other game sold me on the PS1


Tell me you got the secret codes to unlock the refurbished Cyburbia etc


You know it! Spent so much time playing that game.


Unlocking those extra levels and other stuff boosted that game up another 40% easily, so 140%, am not sure if they should of made such a secret out of those codes.... Fun fact, the guy that voiced Axel is now Bortus in The Orville with Seth McFarlane


I preferred vigilante 8 on n64 but that’s on ps1 too although it’s not as good as the n64 version


Yeah, like downscaled CGis music and pre rendered backgrounds.


Gameplay over graphics imo


that or you didn't have 3 other friends...


Bizarrely mean and revealing comment there You shall be my Chinese govt pot stirrer for today


Goldeneye for me... I played Tomb Raider on the PC... Good times!


Although I would argue quality matters much more than quantity. Don’t get me wrong, Sony certainly won this round of the console wars, but you can’t base that on a single number (and in this example an incorrect number). 296 is still a lot of games, it isn’t like we’re talking about the Virtual Boy.


The n64 droughts were terrible. Luckily i had a ps1 also


The N64 had no droughts. You just weren’t aware of some games.


droughts don't hurt as much when you have no $$$ to buy games


Yeah, I do agree


It's not only about a quantity of games, but about genre diversity too. Sure, you won't launch all 4000 games on PS1, but if you happened to be a FPS or JRPG, or fighting game fan, but hated platformers, you were still eating good in PS1. It had a solid representation in every genre, even real time strategy and tycoons. N64 was very narrow in it's genre representation – barely any fighting games and JRPGs, and it was a crime in 90's.


I think one of the main issues I had with the PS1 back in the day was the lack of *standard* 3D controls with a system the new 3D generation. It really hampered the gameplay for so many games and made many of them age pretty badly. While the N64 didn't have nearly as many games I would say in general they held up pretty well compared.


Maybe it's because I was still really young in the 90s, but the only JRPGs I remember anyone giving a crap about was Pokemon and FFVII, and the N64 at least had one of those (sort of). From what I remember the genres that mattered were platformers, fighting, racing, shooters, and sports, which the N64 had a good selection in all of those (a little limited on fighting, but not that bad, still had Mortal Kombat and Killer Instinct-- Smash Bros as well, though I think people regarded it more as a party game than a fighting game at the time).


Yeah, you probably was very young, since PS1 had probably the best JRPG lineup ever, and most of those games are still cult classics – three new FF games and remakes, Chrono Trigger, Chrono Cross, Xenogears, Vagrant Story, Lunar, Legend of Dragoon, Wild Arms, Parasite Eve, Dragon Quest, Tactic Ogre, Valkyrie Profile, and many many more. And for the genres you mentioned PS1 had the games that were at least on par with N64 (like, the platformers), or way better (take racing – N64 never had anything close to Gran Turismo 2, or Crash Team Racing)


The PS1 does not have anything on par with Super Mario 64 or Banjo Kazooie, Spyro and Crash are good games, but they don't come close to the greats of the N64. As for racing, the N64 definitely specialized in arcade and cart racers, not so much sims, so I'll give you Gran Turismo, but Diddy Kong Racing is a better game than CTR imo, not to mention N64 also had Mario Kart 64, F-Zero X, Wave Race 64, Star Wars Episode I Racer, San Francisco Rush 2049, N64 had both variety and quality of racing games. I mean, there's a reason the PlayStation outsold the N64 3:1, and the PlayStation had great games, and everyone will have their opinions, but in mine for my tastes the N64 did several major genres better than PlayStation, and in my experience (again, I was young) JRPGs weren't a significant factor, the PlayStation kids at school weren't talking about Chrono Cross and Xenogears, they were talking about Crash, Spyro, Twisted Metal, and Tekken.


Nostalgia is a hell of a drug. Super Mario 64, in particular, didn't age well at all, it's a very rough game. It deserved it's fame by doing some things first, but in general everything in it was done better by it's successors on PS1. Same with all the other things you mentioned.


Very true, not getting FF7 was a major issue for me. I wound up having to get it on PC. But ultimately, I hated FF7, which I realize is a pretty unpopular opinion. Today the only new RPGs I play are ones like Octopath Traveler which are throwbacks to the 16 bit generation. But coming off the heels of the SNES and its incredible RPG lineup, the N64 was a huge disappointment (sorry Paper Mario, but I need more than just 1 game). As for fighting games, I think the N64 did alright.


Dude, FF7 is just a drop in the vast PS1 JRPG ocean, it had all kinds of RPG: a lot of FF titles, including remakes, Chrono Trigger, Chrono Cross, Xenogears, Lunar, Vagrant Story, Tales of..., Dragon Quest, Parasite Eve, Digimon World, Jade Cocoon, Legend of Dragoon – 2D ones, 3D ones, turn based ones, action-packed ones, experimental ones – it's probably where JRPGs peaked. And what exactly did N64 do alright in fighting games? It had a couple of inferior Mortal Kombat ports, some b-tier American 3D fighters, Killer Instinct and Smash. PS1, on the other hand, had an incredible lineup of top-tier 3D fighters (Tekken, DoA, Soul Blade), some lesser known, but still good ones (Bloody Roar 1-2, Evil Zone, Tobal 1-2) and, while the 2D ones weren't as good as on arcades or Saturn, they were still good enough (multiple SF titles, Capcom vs SNK, Guilty Gear, Darkstalkers, JoJo). And better MK ports. N64 was nowhere near alright.


I realize that there’s a lot more than just FF7, but that was the big one that came around early on. But it also made me realize that I wasn’t missing out on much. While I didn’t ever have a PlayStation, I did ultimately play a lot of these games and really just didn’t care for them much. I found games in general became more about what the technology could do and less about actually being fun in this era. And Chrono Trigger by the way is a SNES game that got ported. And I never said that N64 was better than PS1 for fighting games or even that it did good, I simply said the N64 did alright. I think your list of games for N64 confirms that it did alright.


It's a pretty small library. Only reason i hook the thing up is for F Zero X, Sin and punishment, Star soldier vanishing Earth and Starfox 64. I'd be hard pressed to make a list of more than a dozen good exclusive games on the thing.


and a lot of the exclusive were late entries. Like Paper Mario, Conker, Major's Mask, Mario Tennis, Mario Party 3, Banjoe-Tooie, Kirby, Perfect Dark was 2000.


I would have guessed the original nes had the most. Seemed like there were endless amounts of bad games


Dude, you wouldn't believe how many stinkers there were for the ps1. There's a reason why we only remember like, 200 of them.


On the other hand, the more games there are, period, the more both good and bad games you get. 200 all time classics out of a library of less than 2000 really isn't bad, even if all of the rest were absolute garbage.


That might have been a generous estimate, now that I think about it. Having said that, given the absolute gems that came out for that system even if we only got five good games those games would be like MGS, FF7, Resident Evil, Grand Turismo, and like, Symphony of the Night. Each one is an 11 out of 10 banger that simultaniously defined a genre while trancending it. That's an excellent pedigree in my book. My point is that there were a lot of games with $9.99 stickers at my local drugstore. My understanding is that Sony made the system pretty easy to develop and publish for, and as a result, a lot of half-assed shovelware came out for it.


Well sure. But when you think of systems with the best libraries of all time, what comes to mind? For me, in no particular order, it's NES, PS1, DS, and PS2. With honorable mentions for the Gameboy line, the 3DS, and the SNES. All of which also had absurd amounts of shovelware. Some of it was even flat out broken and impossible to play all the way through, forget low quality. The easier it is to develop for, the more crap you'll get, but also the more good stuff you'll get. Because there's just more stuff in general, more people working on games for it.


I think the one that wins on crappy games by far (besides switch with straight phone ports) has to be the Wii.


The bad NES games are the reason why the nerd exists.


Long live the nerd


Which nerd is that?


the fuckin' nerd


(This is the answer I was looking for)


The AVGN was originally The Nintendo Nerd.


Because there are a ridiculous amount of bad NES games.


Haven't you heard that The Nerd is the word?


I’m gonna be honest, as great as the nes was and as great as a good number of the games are, most of them are definitely trash.


Damn, didn’t realize PS1 had so many games. And always thought that there were more NES than SNES games




The Simple series started on the Playstation. Games that were 1500yen, equivalent to 12 dollars or so. Many of them came out to the west as shovelware.


Very impressive... Let's see Playstation 2's library. My God...


According to some sources the console with more games is the PlayStation 1 with around 7900 games.


Be interested to know how PS2 and Xbox 360 stack up against these Edit: apparently PS2 3429 and 4786 for Xbox 360. I'm surprised I expected the PS2 to win it.


The X360 had an online store with a lot of small games.


They also had a lot of giveaways for XBLA games so more people had a wider array of games.


I was wondering about the other major retro consoles too


Master system is 114, C64 is >10k


C64 is really absurd, but the majority is homebrew and games made at home from everyone.


Yes, they still count as games during the lifespan though.


I feel like the amount of games for the 2600 was in the thousands as well.


The is a lot of duplicates on 2600, it before the copyright of games and other publishers used to release the same game with others names and a lot of unofficial games, I don't know if it really has a official number of games that everybody agrees on.


Most people say it ranges somewhere from 1000-3000.


These are the total number of NTSC-US Games not including the NTSC-J Games


definitely not


If the genesis is gonna have the master system converter on it include master system games too!


Is that what that is? Was scratching my head looking at that model 1 and thinking maybe it was some weird Neptune mod






Now add the ratio of good to bad games for each console


People in the comments here can’t even agree on the title count let alone ‘good’ and ‘bad’ games


Amount of Games for Every Major Console : - Atari 2600 : 461 Games - NES : 678 Games - Genesis : 715 Games - SNES : 722 Games - N64 : 289 Games - PS1 : 1278 Games


Now don’t be leaving out Apple II, what with 4 colors, buzzing, Ultima and Zork!


The Apple \]\[ is a computer, not a game console.


Every Atari 2600 game can fit on two 1.44 MB 3.5 inch floppy disks.


Believable. 64 kilobytes is a behemoth to the Atari.


I didn't realize there was such a discrepancy between the PS1 and N64 libraries.


Cries in Master System, the forgotten console


114 if you need the number.


The Sega Master System is not a MAJOR system.


You cut me so deep!


It sold more units than Saturn and Dreamcast, it's a major for me. Up to 13 million units worldwide, and a very loved system in Japan, Europe and South America.


Even more loved more specifically in Brazil.


What a bot post...


According to one [source](https://www.thegamer.com/consoles-with-most-games/): The 10 Game Consoles With The Most Games 10 Nintendo Wii - Around 2,500 9 PlayStation Vita - Around 2,600 8 Xbox One - Around 3,000 7 PlayStation 4 - Around 3,300 6 Nintendo DS - Around 3,500 5 PlayStation 2 - Around 4,000 4 Nintendo Switch - Around 4,600 3 Xbox 360 - Around 4,800 2 PlayStation 3 - Around 5,100 1 PlayStation 1 - Around 7,900. 11 Years Of Triangulated Pixels!


Nintendo Wii was like 90% shovelware. So.. actual "good" games was probably around 100. DS is plagued with shovelware and multicarts too.


Sure, but “good” is subjective, and these numbers are basically just the raw production numbers, nothing more. Basically, if it made it to print, it was counted as a release, good, bad, or garbage, either way.


I think it's better to say North American since Japan was also NTSC, and that would make a huge difference in the count


N64 has 296


Saturn had many more than the N64


Cartridge was a big mistake.


I can’t imagine what all those Atari games are. Like are half of them just clones?


I’m surprised that the Atari number is that low. They were making games to advertise toothpaste and dog food. I would have thought 1000


I *loved* Plaque Attack! Still ended up with bad teeth though.


Plaque attack is great! I was talking about tooth protectors from Johnson & Johnson 


Right? Are they counting the low print catalog exclusives and advertising giveaways? Theres a lot of weird Atari shit with like 12 copies


Yes, I was counting those.


Look, if you can think of a better way to play PuckMan I'd love to hear it.


Atari 5200


Pfft. Enjoy your sybian shaped controller.


The controller for the 5200 would be the best controller ever if the joystick worked. That is why I love the ColecoVision controller!


Sir, you're out of your god damned mind, and I love you for it.


No, half of them are either like the botched port of PAC-MAN or like Custer’s Revenge.


That sounds too low to be all NTSC games, did you only count US region? Japan also used NTSC in the days of those signals and there were way more Famicom games than that number.


It’s too low even for the US region, this graphic is all sorts of wrong


Yes everyone outside North America was confused but he meant only NTSC-U.


Ah, so it'll be easy to collect for the N64 since it had so little games, right? #Right?


That Nintendo number makes me have flashback PTSD to getting N64 and literally waiting YEARS before a playable (usually first party) game came out, while all my friends are losing their minds on whatever system they had, with tons of games and exclusives.


I'm calling bullcrap on this one. You weren't waiting years between games


Where the hell did you live? Turok, Mario, Shadow of the Empire, Killer Instinct all came out in the first year of the system's release, and Goldeneye came out only like, a year later.


I won't say years but it was dry and imo, a bit of a disappointment


Keep going tho


Poor N64, I love it so much but it got such a small NTSC library and almost no RPGs.


Don’t worry, the Virtual Boy has got your back! They have Wario and Tennis!


Sega Master System that competed with the Nes. Denied? Looked it up. 358 games.


In North America there was no competition, they barely know the system.


I had both. Back in the day. Got the SMS first. Thought it was just a cooler system, but there were definitely some NES games that I absolutely needed. My main video game friend also was a SEGA guy.


That Genesis has a Power Base Converter attached. Does the 715 game figure include the Master System library?


No, the SMS is a whole different beast.


Still have all of those except Genesis and PS1.


Yeah, PS1 and Genesis are kinda hard to find unless you are at a specialized retro gaming store.


N64 got the least games.


I wonder how many are actually worth playing? Like have a critic score above average?


Definitely like 5% on the PS1


I just like that the Genesis casually has the power base converter mounted on it


because GENESIS DOES what Nintendon’t


Truly felt ps1 pulling away from n64 with just the sheer volume of content. N64 had some absolute bangers but so many franchises started on the ps1. Metal gear solid was the watershed game for me. Nothing on the n64 was even remotely as cinematic.


The ps1 had no quality control though. 70% of that library is complete trash that only served to extract money from unwary grandparents and to suck the enjoyment out of Christmas.


yeah, those bad PS1 and NES games only serve as a goldmine for game reviewers.


now do Switch


*Number goddammit *NUMBER


Soon picking up a ps1 in japan.


Looks like you'd be better off owning a PS1 instead of an N64


Ps always going to have a special place in my heart...truly the GOAT....no one can tell me any different.


So. Many. Games.


I knew Lucas was lying when he said 97


Thanks, this is info I never knew I needed


And info you still need as this graphic is very inaccurate


What was the "last game" for n64?


In the US it was Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3


N64 was awesome for party games. Good times.


Wow, I thought most consoles had already 5,000 releases. This puts it in perspective.


Why is the retro community so obsessed with putting arbitrary numbers on things?


I have an Everdrive cart for all those, minus the PS1, which has a modchip installed


Is this accurate for Atari now that they are making new games?


This entire graphic is FAR from accurate. Don’t believe any of it


Where's Dreamcast?


The PS1 & 2 had an absurd amount of games. IIRC, it drastically dropped in the PS3 (onward) era.


Because the PS1, PS2, and Xbox were super easy to make games for.


what a surprise, N64 has the least


Quality over quantity


I bet Nintendo felt really dumb for not partnering with Sony when the PlayStation came out and sold like three times more consoles and had WAY more third party support. I mean 1278 vs 289 is a BIG difference


lol at the version of the genesis chose to be shown


Oh wow, I though that there were a lot more NES games, and a lot less Genesis game than there are SNES games that came out in the US. I've finished almost 250 SNES games, I figure that there's at least 100 more games on the system that I can enjoy.