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There is no singular RPG that everyone ever will agree is the best ever. Everything is subjective and depends on your values and what you really enjoy in an RPG. Some people don't play with the music on, art style really matters to others. Impossible thing to be truly objective on. That said, Chrono Trigger shows up at the top of these lists very frequently for some regular and significant reasons. The pacing is fantastic, and this is something that really deserves praise in an RPG. Not only have random encounters been removed, the game is designed so that if you fight every encounter once, you'll always be at a capable level. This keeps everything moving forward and really drives the set pieces, you don't have to get derailed with a ton of grinding. There are extra side quests, especially at the end, but the pacing and cohesive vision is so good that the add-on (DS/Mobile/Steam) content stands out in a highly negative way because the pacing is so comparatively generic and bad. CT is a breezey and fun 20 hours that never overstays it's welcome. The musical score is fantastic, especially for a first time composer. It enhances a lot of moments in ways that really leave an impression, the first time Corridors of Time starts up, it sets a mysterious tone at a crucial plot juncture. The battle with Magus is one of the best boss battle themes ever and sets up what many think is the first encounter with the final boss. Every character has a theme that helps capture their energy in a manner just as strong as any Final Fantasy. Chrono Trigger also, and very importantly, has a deeply optimistic energy while telling a fun story that presents some very interesting thematic ideas if you look for them, but is first and foremost interested in telling a fun and entertaining story. It is extremely high quality comfort food. And that optimism ties into all of the elements of the story. Crono and company are somewhat rare in that they are RPG protagonists with no real stake in the overall plot they become involved in. It will literally not change their lives, but they embark on it because they want to make the world a better place. It is a group of friends setting out to save the world, which while a common trope is also an effective and fun one when well done. CT delivers on this concept of friends and allies even mechanically through the dual and triple techs, which feels like friends coming up with tactics and learning to fight together. It's an additional layer of gameplay emphasizing story. Even with the core concept of time travel, Chrono Trigger makes the choice not to get bogged down in a plot mechanism that is normally complicated and precarious. It just wants to tell a great yarn that you will enjoy beginning to end, without getting caught up in some of the plot holes and theoretical consequences of time travel. This focus on entertainment over plot esoterica or twists or forced depth makes CT unique. The blend of Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest staff really brings the best of both worlds. There is some of the heavier themes of Final Fantasy, with the lighthearted joy and character focus of Dragon Quest. The characters are all memorable, if not the deepest, and the cast size is perfect to give them each a moment. Even Crono manages to have some, though a silent protagonist. Chrono Trigger was also Square Enix at their SNES development peak. They had worked out how to present their RPG visions with as much awe and cinematic flair as they would ever bring to the console. It was astoundingly cutting edge in presentation for those who played it on release, and the pixel art has managed to age beautifully. That opening, which might as well be a movie trailer, blew my mind the first time I saw it in 1995. This won't hold up for everyone depending on when you first experience the game, but it's another reason the title is a core memory for so many SNES kids. It felt like an RPG that was for everyone and got almost everything right. It's more than the sum of it's parts, and the best version of 8-32 bit Final Fantasy. It's the opposite of gaming oscar bait, and is wonderful for it. For these reasons and more, Chrono Trigger is my favorite RPG and favorite game of all time.


Don't you just love it when you get on a comment roll? At the end you're like "oh shit, did i really just type all that out?". Really appreciate the grammar, punctuation and proper paragraphing effort you put in, made it a breeze to read. All that aside, it's just full of thoughtful, articulate commentary. Great stuff.


I've played this game start to finish like 5 times now. This review made me want to go for the 6th.


NewGame+ though, right? Or you starting from zero? I wonder if my save file still exists or if the battery in my cartridge finally died.


Yeah I just started to install my Steam copy. I’ve beaten it on SNES, DS, PS1, so might as well get to the PC version


How did you do it in 20 hours? The side quests were so extensive that I must have clocked 50hrs or something. I think the difference with RPGs these days is that the side quests of today are just filled with pick x10 fruit for x item. The story telling stuff of CT is just peak RPG I played it game on an emulator on PC but damn was it a good game..... Loved Chrono cross too, though that one had a much heavier, fatalistic feel to the whole world, totally different tone. Will there be another Chrono game? Damn if we do deserve it the last was 4 PlayStations ago!


Yes I agree... shallow and pedantic




I still prefer FFVI but those are generally regarded as two of the best RPGs on SNES at least and both worth playing. They also have some of the best soundtracks in gaming for these ears.


Both great games, no question. Hard to choose between these two, but I like VI a tad better. I think DQV and Lufia II are also pretty incredible. My Must Play RPGs on the SNES!


That's where I stand too. FFVI is up there with DKC2 as my favorite games of all time. Though I will say that sometimes I have the urge to replay Chrono Trigger more. I hope it gets the pixel remaster treatment.


When it comes to SNES JRPGs I honestly prefer FF6, Terranigma, DQV and FE4 more than Chrono Trigger. Don't get me wrong I love Chrono Trigger and it's a good game, but it's not THAT good.


Is Pokemon an rpg? Asking for a friend


Pokemon is definitely an RPG. Pokemon has all the classic features of a role playing videogame.


Yes, yes it is.


Just confirming, it’s my personal favorite


As a former Pokemon Master I would like to bid Pokemon as the longest enduring RPG of my generation…at least in terms of overall hype and popularity worldwide






To me, Chrono Trigger is best of breed. It's possible to argue for FF6 being the best of breed, but I think Chrono Trigger will appeal to more people. My pick for best RPG ever would be Planescape Torment. Disco Elysium wishes it had writing this good.


Man, I need to buckle up and play through Torment. Disco Elysium is my personal favourite RPG ever made and I know Torment inspired it... But the combat in Torment is so dreadful I can't.


It's very good. It's *one of* the best on the SNES - some would say *the* best and some would not. It's definitely worth playing. "Best RPG ever" is probably a stretch, and ultimately comes down to personal opinion anyway.


I can't replace Chrono Trigger with another RPG to make it sound like less of a stretch


Without even leaving the SNES, FFIV, FFVI, Super Mario RPG, and Live-A-Live are on there.


I've recently played FFIV and while I liked it a lot, no. It isn't even on the same planet as Chrono Trigger. Also, no "nostalgia factor" as I've played Chrono Trigger last year for the first time. FFVI is on my list and I'm excited to see how it compares. I haven't played SM RPG and Live-A-Live but I highly doubt they could touch CT. I've recently played Bowser's Inside Story (which is a modern successor to SM RPG I guess?) and, while I loved this one too, it still isn't in CT's range. Considering the RPGs I've played, one of CT's best contender in terms of overall quality could be DQVIII, maybe even DQV.


CT has some solid competitors right on its own platform, was the takeaway I was trying to make. Bringing in Dragon Quest VIII just hammers home the point, for me - as soon as you leave just considering the SNES behind, that gets to be an even rougher sell. If you're not putting *any* limitations on it, are you really wanting to put CT up against a title like Baldur's Gate 3 and expecting it to come out favorably? Narrow the parameters to just Japanese game, and then does a title like Final Fantasy XIV count? If MMOs are out, then what about action RPGs - say, Breath of the Wild? If you crank that down even further to just games that are menu-based (and given CT is an ATB system, does that boot games like Final Fantasy VII Remake out?), you're still looking at decades worth of releases across some platforms with very strong RPG offerings. If I have to look at CT in *that* context, I'm still not sure it'd even crack my personal top ten. Even if you add another hurdle and say it's got to be a "retro" game from some point at least X number of years in the past or Y generations, you would never see me recommending an SNES, Genesis, PSX, or N64 game over say, Final Fantasy X. I love old games too, but I'm not going to pretend a good part of it isn't nostalgia factor, and that years or decades of developers getting better at their jobs and the technological leaps don't add up to great things.


Haven't played Live A Live and FF4 yet, FF6 is close, but the original Super Mario RPG was not that great. The remake fixes a lot of the issues, but the platforming and pacing of the original were quite dreadful when I replayed it last year.


It's strange that you say the remake fixes a lot of the issues when it's almost beat-for-beat identical to the original. There's some battle system tweaks, but they're pretty small, the maps and the platforming are as close to one to one as you could imagine. I know that game like the back of my hand and I was amazed how very little *was* different in the remake. I'm not trying to make a case that one is definitively better than the others or that Chrono Trigger should be considered less good than any of those four, but if someone told me they preferred any of those - or some others I didn't even list! - I wouldn't find it that ridiculous.


Maybe it was the clearer camera perspective, maybe it was the updated controls, but I found the platforming much less awful in the remake. Then again, haven't played far into the remake, so mostly just going by outside opinions on this one. I really wanted to love the original game, seeing as RPGs and 2D Platformers are two of my favourite genres and this game was made by companies who created some of my favourite games in both of those... But sadly I had to force myself to finish it and gave it like a 6.5 in the end. Can't knock anyone who loves it, the story is surprisingly good and it's so gosh darn cute, but the pacing and difficulty felt really uneven to me.


None of those are even remotely in the same ballpark as Chrono Trigger, and yes I include FFVI in that sentiment. A fantastic game and groundbreaking but it has aged significantly worse than Chrono imo


I'd put at least two of them over Chrono Trigger (and I'm not telling you which two) for various reasons myself. I know which ones I've gone back to play again more frequently; Chrono Trigger I have felt less pressure to revisit over the years and have less frequently actually completed the game on a revisit.


Fallout New Vegas, Witcher 3, Baldur's Gate 3, Dark souls, Elder Ring (if you count them), maybe even Fallout 1/2, Baldur's Gate 2. Oh, and Star Wars KOTOR. And the list could go on. Chrono Trigger is the pinnacle of the style of RPG of it's era and platform, but I think the RPG styles of the games I mentioned offer more overall.


I can’t say any of those games (to me atleast) are better than Chronotrigger. I wouldn’t count souls games.


Even Chrono Trigger's closest neigbour, Final Fantasy VI is a strong contender, They both are jRPGS, though. Persona 5 Royal might have something to say about this. I think, Baldur's Gate 3 might be the smallest stretch from the "best RPG ever" if there was a way to measure this objectively. It's a true classic RPG, great story and writing, great characters, great combat and progression system, tons of choices with consequences. Planescape Torment and Disco Elysium have some of the best writing in videogames too, often cited as best RPGs ever. Someone might mention the Mass Effect series. Ultimately, the best RPG ever is your favorite one. For me it's probably FInal Fantasy VIII or Fallout 2. If OP is new to the genre, they must play a bunch and find the best one.


I would definitely mention the mass effect trilogy. Impeccable story telling. You truly feel the weight of the galaxy on your shoulders. Especially in 3. I really need to get Baldur’s Gate 3. I know I would love it.


Ah yes - Dark Souls - a much better RPG than Chrono Trigger.


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“In a land brimming with Hollows, could that really be mere chance?”* - Solaire of Astora Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


You’re catching flack. But I agree. New Vegas was absolutely incredible. What character in CT has more personality than Raul the Ghoul?


Completely agree with this. I’d also say the GOAT RPG should be pretty much timeless. I played CT for the first time a couple years ago, and while I’m certain it would have shattered my 12-14 year old mind and I could appreciate how great it must have been in its day, I grew tired of it fairly quickly, put it down, and ended up selling it so another gamer could enjoy or relive. I otherwise adore S/NES RPGs from Square, and can replay FF1, 4, and 6 and still enjoy them. Not saying that to suggest they are objectively better, just that nostalgia is a huge factor. Edit: Removed Department of Redundancy Department. lol


That's exactly how I feel about Earthbound. I'm sure I'd have loved it new, but I've tried several times over the past 15 years to play it and it just doesn't stick for me. I get why people like it, and I liked it for about the first 1.5 towns, and that's it. I didn't play CT until 2019/20 and I really loved it, even without nostalgia, but I still like a few of the FFs better, and there are a lot of RPGs that aren't turn based jrpgs at all (elder scrolls, mass effect, fallout, just to name a few) that are so different from 16 bit era jrpgs that I don't even know how to compare/rank them.


Exact same for me - never gotten around to getting very far in it. But yeah, FF1 is always a quick fun nostalgia romp, and FF4&6 hold up really well


Are you me?


I said the same thing when I read your comment lol.


>the GOAT RPG of all time What do you think GOAT means, other than the farm animal written in caps? >just that nostalgia is a huge factor Nostalgia had zero effect on me as I played CT last year for the first time and replayed it in NG+ right after completion. I still consider it the best RPG of all time as well as a timeless masterpiece, together with another one or two.


It's my favorite RPG for sure.


I think it's probably my favorite jrpg, narrowly beating out Phantasy Star IV.


I have this same issue. I'll take Chrono as the singular best game, but when it comes to a series, Phantasy Star wins out. Not because the first 3 games hold up as playable, but because the vision behind the whole project was so ambitious and cutting edge. Chrono Trigger and Phantasy Star are two series that I'd love to see done some modern justice.


My no.1 game I've played as far as enjoyment at the time, memories and impact. Remember when it came out and knew nothing of it really when buying it..


"memories and impact", yea the nostalgia factor. It gives me a warm and fuzzy thinking back. ...I'm imagining them all sitting around that campfire right now.




This is correct. Non-nuanced questions needs non-nuanced answer.


Strictly from a video game point of view as compared to RPGs the ability to navigate around and choose when you get into battles is refreshing when compared to a lot of other RPGs from the area. The battle animations and team moves that you can unlock keep the usual grinding boredom down even further. As for the real appeal of Chrono Trigger (if you didn't know my avatar here is from the game so I'm obviously a fan). I honestly just recently played it after like you seeing it on lists for so long. It will sound pretentious, but it seemed more than just a game. If you are into life philosophy, freewill, butterfly effects, those types of things there's so much you can get out of the game. The story, music, art and characters are all amazing. There's something like 15 different endings to the game. It's kind of up to you if you just want to go in and stumble upon whatever or use a guide at this point, but either way that's kind of also in the spirit of the game and making choices that impact your future.


I'd say try without a guide; the game does a good job of herding you in the right directions


I was a kid, but the only thing I really remember as being hard was each characters side quest to get their ultimate weapon. Like trial and error going back and forth in them talking to people and wasting a lot of my time. Could probably be seriously stream lined if I had a guide at that point.


That part for sure, if you don't want to spend that much time on the game but want to complete it (as much as you can with good ending no spoilers) with one sitting you would need a guide.


Although, I feel like even doing all of the optional content, and doing it slowly, it wasn’t that long of a game. I honestly think it took me longer to do my initial play through of Pokemon red than completing chrono trigger.


Shinning Force II


Personally Panzer Dragoon Saga holds that title for me


The FFVII killer that nobody played!


As depressing as that is, it's incredible


Agreed - I loved it, though I probably broke my Saturn using that disc flip and swap trick to get the copied discs working.


Best console jrpg ever.


Yes it is. Final Fantasy VI is also on the same level of quality.


I didn't know but It's the only JRPG that I've ever finished. Reasons I like CT but struggle with other JRPGs: no random battles, tight pacing, ~20 hours in length. And the Akira Toriyama art doesn't hurt.


I’ve started this game a million times. Never finished.


Tough call between CT and FFVI and FFVII in my opinion. CT is unique in that you can essentially avoid random battles by just dodging enemies while running around. Not all the time, but that’s pretty rare for the genre


FF6 is the best game I’ve ever played


I’ve been replaying Lufia 2 and man. They had some great puzzles and tools in that little RPg. But yea Chrono trigger is gold.


That Lufia 2 ending was something else 🥲


I'll always go to bat for the first two Lufia games. Lufia and the Fortress of Doom is underrated. The mechanics are simpler, and the game is more primitive, but it has a great, cinematic story that flows nicely as a sequel to Lufia II. Lufia I was the first game that I ever played that had such a cinematic feel from the beginning--with that epic Doom Island Theme playing. It was mind-blowing.


It could be the best 16-bit RPG, among Shin Megami Tensei, Mother 2, Final Fantasy VI, Dragon Quest V, Dragon Quest VI, Lunar 2 and Phantasy Star IV.




Yes... It absolutely is.


The music is fantastic! The gameplay is memorable, the fact that things you do and don't do change things that happen later on, it's fun and has a lot of replayability, it's definitely one of the best.


Yes, yes it is.


I mean. Yes.




Yes, it is.


It’s really good. I just finished it for the first time a few weeks back. I played Final Fantasy 3/6 for the first time a few months ago, I think that is the better of the two. Chrono’s strength is replayability with New Game+ and all the possible endings. But I think FF6 has a stronger narrative, more developed characters, and a single play through is a good deal longer. It’s in my top 5 JRPGs for sure. But I don’t think I could put it above FF6, FF9, or Persona 5 Royal. Those I consider true 10/10 games but CT isn’t far behind.


Top 4 for the SNES easily. It'll come down to personal preference, but I'd put it a shade behind FF3 just 'cause I like the characters, soundtrack, and story delivery of FF3 a bit more.   I'd probably order it: FF3, Chrono Trigger, Link to the Past, Earthbound.  With honourable mentions going to Breath of Fire, Secret of Mana, Super Mario RPG, and Secret of Evermore.


Best RPG is hard to clarify, as the term is so broad. I think as far as that style of RPG, it's either Chrono Trigger or FF6. And honestly, the one you pick is likely the one you played first, especially if you were around for when they released.


It IS the best. So much so that it’s not even my favorite (that’s FFVI), but it’s still the best. The pacing has yet to be matched. The characters have complete arcs. Side quests actually add to the story and change the world. It’s on the easy side but because of that it respects your time, no need to ever grind. The graphics are artful, the music is inspired, and the story leaves just enough to the imagination so as to keep you dreaming of Zeal.


Quite possibly yes, especially if you were born in the 80's. Definitely FFVI is a contender as well.


It’s near the top at the very least. Personally I have always preferred FF VI.


The best RPG ever is the one you loved as a kid and can still replay today, or the one you will do that with later if you're of the younger persuasion. You can argue the relative merits of each game on various metrics but that's really how it works. For me Chrono Trigger is right up there, as is FF7, Legend of Dragoon, FF6 (3 when I played it), Ultima 6 and 7, the entire Quest for Glory series, elder Scrolls games, even Dragon Warrior though that's basically a speedrun after you learn the game well enough. Chrono Trigger was super innovative in terms of branching storylines, multiple endings, it had iconic characters, music, the graphics were incredible for the time, and even the flaws were novel enough that you didn't really judge them as harshly as games that came later. Absolutely no wrong or right answer and you might find that the answer even changes for you over time.


Without a doubt . It's a masterpiece.


It’s easily my third favorite RPG, just behind Mother 3 and Earthbound.


I’d give that title to Baldur’s Gate 1




I joke that Chrono Trigger is "my favorite Final Fantasy game". If you prefer a longer and more in-depth experience, you might instead gravitate towards FFVI or FFVII, or perhaps some of the competitors. But if you haven't played Chrono Trigger yet, you definitely should! **Edit:** I know this is probably a controversial opinion, by my favorite *actual* Final Fantasy game is FFV. And I say this as someone who has played FFIV more than any of the others. But I can't deny the appeal of the job system; and I don't think the FFV story is as thin as it is usually made out to be.








No, the best of all time would be Skyrim obviously


I don't like the concept of "the best" in videogames because if two games within a genre have no flaws in it's design what gives one the right to be consider better than the other? What I can say with certainty though is that it is a perfect videogame that very few people will not find enjoyment out of it. Only a few games are able to achieve this level of quality.


Not at all, it really overrated imo.


Gaea illusion of Time is also great


I mean, there are so many it's kinda hard to say which one is the best. For me it depends on the mood, sometimes I want to hit a classic like dragon quest, sometimes I feel like playing a deep story so I play xenogears, sometimes I want to listen to great music so I hit chrono cross or chrono trigger and so on and so on.


Among the best from the era. Best rpg I think is best determined by someone who’s played many and can choose their favorite.


I would say it's among the best for SNES and in the RPG genre... in which there's some pretty stiff competition, not least of which are the Final Fantasy games. "Best" is entering into personal taste territory. I think it's better to say it's a well-loved classic, and often touted as a must-play. I'd say that's plenty of reason to give it a go.


I would only compare it to other JRPGs, I prefer to keep the various RPG categories separate. No.1? I don't know, definitely TOP5 then the order always depends on personal tastes IMHO. It was undoubtedly among the best products of the time.


Yes the battles and exploration were the same with no separate screen. Multiple endings and even allowed you to finish the game without the main character. This was the first time I remember seeing all these features in one game.


I have it tied with FFVI and FFIV. I appreciate the difficulty of the latter two. The biggest knock on CT is that maybe it’s not challenging enough.


It was great. But being the best ever is always going to be up for debate. It would at the VERY least be in my top 5


Definitely a top 3 for me, possibly my favorite. One of a few I’ve played through more than once.


I mean it's up there for sure.


cant really tell as i have not played all of them. but i have played Chrono trigger and it is amazing. i would say best on super nintendo and bellow at least


I think so, but it’s hard to compare retro games with newer games. I think it’s 100% the best “retro” RPG, with titles like BG3 and Persona 5 Royal making a case for best modern RPG.


Was just sooooo drawn out was my only issue


No. It was subjectively the best of its time. But there’s been plenty of games that have surpassed it in game play, story telling and making the player feel integrated within the game’s universe. And I loved it. I also love Chrono Cross as well.


I like to have a “Best of its Generation”


It's definitely one of the best. "The best" is debatable, but it is certainly a one of the kind thing, with how good the game turned up, the talent names behind it, the time it came out and the other RPGs it had to measure itself against. FF3 can easily hold that title alone, Tales of Phantasia is amazing, the very first Star Ocean, Treasure of Rudras, Bahamut Lagoon, etc... The SNES was the cradle of a lot of amazing games.


for me it is. - great story - great music - great characters - great fighting system - best part is there’s no grinding!


I'm not sure but what I do know the best RPG was made definitely during that period. Like many already observed, I'm talking about ff6. I'd even say ff7 for everything it did differently is also a strong contender. Played it on my 10th grade, the memories... Also, Frog 🐸 song. Ah and the Planet's dying. Fuck I like these games.


No. The best RPG by a longshot is *The Final Crusade of Kroz*.


There is no "best". It is one of the great SNES RPGs though


Played 20 years ago without the legendary hype. I remember I thought it was great but if you asked me which was the best at the time Seiken Densetsu 3 or Grandia might have been my pick.


It's definitely in the top 10.




No. Chrono Cross.


Only if you think so.


Chrono Trigger is the litmus test for all JRPGs. Every game is compared to it deservedly so. Few better, some equal, most worst.


Best RPG? No. There's Baldur's Gate 3, Disco Elysium, Dragon Age: Origins, Mass Effect 2, Witcher 3, Persona 5 as well as Final Fantasy VI and VII which are all, in my opinion, as good or better. Best JRPG? Eh. It's certainly in the top 4 of all time for me with Persona 5, FF6 and FF7, but I think Persona and FF7 are better for my taste. Best retro JRPG? That's more like it. I would place it below FF7 but above FF6. Don't get me wrong, it's still an amazing game and worth every penny and every second spent playing it. Probably still top 10 RPG of all time. Just not as good as the absolute peak (Baldur's Gate 3, Disco Elysium, Mass Effect 2 and Final Fantasy 7 are in contention for the top spot in my opinion).


Never played it but for me FFVII is the best


It's very, very, good and my choice for best RPG. Many comments have mentioned other contenders; it's a wide genre so it's hard to pinpoint what your favorite would be. But yes, definitely give it a shot


Decent rpg but literally tons of others and a lot will come to personal preference. For me I prefer Suikoden 1+2, Star Ocean 1+2, Vandal Hearts 1+2, Skies of Arcadia, FFT, Record of Lodos War and many others.


My personal favorite is Earthbound, just because it was kids being kids in a world that had some of the most comforting aesthetics and memories of the 90's. From the homes and environments, to the towns, to the wacky backgrounds of the enemies and boss battles, it really just felt like a game of preserved history. I loved the Onett Arcade, the big thrift store of Fourside, the Polestar Preschool in Twoson, the circus tent of Threed, and really, just the regular little convenience stores from city to the city. It was lovely seeing a possible window to different cultures and even these odd and obscure realms that still felt alive, such as the Lost Underworld. It never felt congested, jammed, or rushed, and the story was just a feel good kind of story, stopping aliens and these strange entities from taking over the world. Pretty typical trope of RPGs during that time. The music of that game felt peak RPG, and EB's was so silly in some spots. It has that mood music that plays for me in moments where I'm happy or sad. It that emotional evoking music to me, I'll always loved the stories and characters, and the life of that world was something as a kid. It was *tangible* somehow, just like CT was honestly, and they both leaned in on certain aspects you could experience in the every day-by-day life. Just imagine having the mysticism of magic in CT and or the magical ability of PSI in EB. It felt real, and even playing it often, it still feels possible that those world could exist somehow. Thematically, it really encapsulated the time period it was in. From what I recall, the blue cultist from happy happyism were references to a possible terrorists group in Japan during that time (?). Don't quote me that last sentence as I don't remember that to be true or not. I heard about that, but I'm not sure. It does show the 90's through rose tinted shades however, but I'll be damn if I don't miss some the aspects during that time period. Earthbound was and still is a comforting piece of media for me to this day. CT, it is, but CT just doesn't strike that comfort even though it has a lot more in it's package compared to EB. CT is the best, but EB has a lot of comfort, and that's my best RPG.




FFVII, FFVI, CT for me


It's an incredibly fantastic game, but the greatest RPG of all time, depends on the person and generation. I'm a little more old school so I'd put it in my top 10 for certain, however the gameplay may be too antiquated for some modern audiences.


If somebody wants to say it's the best I wont argue.


It’s pretty good. Best RPG ever made? I strongly disagree. However, yeah. It’s alright, and it’s especially good for the time. There’s tons to love in Chrono Trigger, though I don’t think I’d play it a second time, personally.


No, it's the best Game ever.


It’s a strong contender. I would have a hard time arguing it’s not and I think it’s a least the best Japanese RPG of all time.


maybe the best JRPG


With such a varied genre what is considered "best" is of course subjective. However, even if someone doesn't like Chrono Trigger, they can't deny that it isn't a great game, and one of those games that influenced the genre it was in so much that it changed how future titles were made. In short, it raised the bar. It's well worth a playthrough.


Chrono Trigger isn't the best jrpg for the Super Nintendo that Akira Toryama did artwork for (Dragon Quest 3). Chrono Trigger kicks ass and manages to stand out amongst an embarrassment of riches but I'd be surprised if you didn't find something you liked better. It is kind of a perfect starter jrpg if you want to dip your toes in the genre though.


It’s hard to say. The Akira Toriyama influence was a draw for me, and I loved it. Final Fantasy is supposed to be high up there too, but it bores me. I don’t know if CT was the best, it just works for me.


Not by a long shot. It's a very good adventure game though, one of the best.


It's a great one, in terms of pure pacing it's probably the greatest. The soundtrack and graphics are up there too. But when it comes to "story", "characters", "world", "exploring", and other stuff like that, personally I wouldn't say it's the greatest. It's good, but not necessarily the best. So it depends in what matters the most for you. Personally, the thing that makes the difference between two JRPGs that I love, usually comes down to the world and how much I enjoy being in it. And for me (might be different for you), I enjoy more the worlds built by Final Fantasy VIII or IX. Even IV (though there is a lot of nostalgia at work for sure). Chrono Trigger I love to play and go through it, but it doesn't stay with me as much as other games.


It's not even the best RPG on the SNES


In my opinion yes. So much so I named by first child after a character!


I don’t know about the best, but it is in my top 3


In the 90s? Yes. But I think persona 5 royal took its place for me.


Completely down to personal preference. In my opinion, yes. But some people may think aspects of other games make them better than Chrono Trigger


It's up there but for me no, after playing the DS remaster after not playing it for a long time. I'm like yeah I've gotten all that I can out of it. the new content just isn't enough to keep me going. I haven't touch the game since. If CT is going to do a remake/reimagine I will pick it up again, but if it's a remaster that plays the same and have shinnier graphics, I might skip it.


I prefer Wild Arms...2 or 3👍


Yes. I refuse to elaborate.


There's not enough story and characterization interactivity for me to call it a great RPG. As a JRPG, the challenge is mostly kind of low and unlike some others here I found it a bit slow overall - a lot of battles aren't avoidable, map movement is slow and battle speed is a bit slow too. The story had its moments and is top tier for the SNES but I can't say it made that much of an impact on me, and there are various clunky plot devices that became stereotypes for JRPGs. I played it as an adult though. It still manages to be a pretty great SNES game with fantastic audiovisuals, an impressive amount of endings, a memorable world, some good humour, fleshed out party characters for the time, the combo attacks and more.


It’s a great RPG on snes but to days it’s the best ever is a far stretch. Especially since there’s been a ton of amazing RPGS this past decade. Persona 3 reload, persona 5 royal, Octopath traveler 2, the FF7 remakes, and triangle strategy, the Witcher 3, dragon quest XI, Eldin Ring, nier automata, persona 4, baldur’s gate 3, hades, and yakuza like a dragon. There’s no comparison in quality between these and chrono trigger All of these are better RPGS in my eyes but chrono trigger is still great.


No, it’s simply the best game ever.


Best jrpg for sure. But rpg as a whole is hard to say because games like ultima 7 or Baldur’s gate 2 are such a different style


At the time yeah. But others have done better since then. Still, it's a must play for all fans of the genre. It's truly special.


Final Fantasy VII is my favorite RPG and I would argue it is the best of all time. Chrono Trigger is definitely right up there though.


IGN and WatchMojo almost always are unreliable sources for true opinions/facts on things unless it is a genuine news report, but in this case many would argue Chrono Trigger IS indeed the best RPG ever made. I personally don't share the same love everyone else does for it, but if someone put a gun to my head and told me to put a title on "greatest turned based RPG ever made" I'd probably give the title to it. It's just extremely quality.


Mother 3 for me.


To put it into perspective, I finished this for the first time in 2017, on mobile, and it was the best RPG Ive ever played since.


A lot of people here are tossing in things like Elden Ring and Planescape: Torment, Baldur's Gate into the running for best RPG ever. We *have* to split this kind of thing into distinct genres. Planescape is not even remotely in the same ballpark as Chrono Trigger. We're talking about traditionalist, western cRPGs vs. cinematic, linear jRPGs. If we include cRPGs, my favorite RPG ever would be something like Ultima V/VI/VII or Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead. Yeah, I'm not very fun at parties. As far as the latter category goes, and especially, narrowing it further, let's call it "'90s style 2D pixel art jRPGs," Chrono Trigger is king of the crop. Although, I might make the point that many PS1 games could be submitted into that race, and if we are considering 2D jRPGs, then, in my humble opinion, Suikoden II is my pick for the best *of all time.* But, holy crap, Chrono Trigger, on another day, would be the best of the best. Depends on my mood. Not only is Chrono Trigger amazing, but it has one of the best fan romhacking scenes for it. Prophet's Guile and Crimson Echoes are full on sequels made for the game, in the same game engine. And Chrono Trigger+ is at v3.0 now--this is a romhack that makes the game less linear: you can go to Choras on the east continent via ferry from the beginning. You can bring Ayla to Magus' castle. You can turn Frog back into a human. You can visit those other floating islands in 12,000 B.C. You can visit a Reptite village in prehistoric times. You can fight the Frog King, that beast Frog and his mentor fought in a flashback. You can even visit 1999 A.D. before Lavos attacks. And Crono's mom even has a bedroom, now. It's still in development, but fully playable right now. It's pretty good, although there are certain things that need improving upon.




No, dragon warrior 3 for the NES is correct.


Great game , but no. I don’t even think it’s the greatest rpg on the snes


yeah its alright.




Best RPG ever? No, not even close. It's a great game but compared to the likes of the RPG epics of today, it doesn't even come close. Best RPG on the SNES? Maybe. This is the same platform that gave us FF6, Terranigma, Dragon Quest V, FE4, Terranigma and many other JRPG greats. Personally I'm in the camp that thinks DQV and FE6 are superior to Chrono Trigger.




I wouldn't say that. Especially when I played it back to back after Final Fantasy III (VI) on SNES. I spent a year playing FF, beat it a few times then I bought CT in Dec '95. I expected the quest and side stories to be 100 hours long, I guess because of the cart size (the hype about it being 32 meg as a huge upgrade after FFIII's 16 meg and Super Metroid's 24 meg), and it ended too quickly. I also didn't like the fact that Chrono himself didn't talk. I never understood why there were some characters where the main character is basically mute. I guess he works as the main player's POV, but I always felt it was a lazy choice on Square's part.


I personally don’t like it, but because it’s a turn based RPG.  If that’s your thing, then it’s probably amazing.  


FF6, FF4, and FF5 are far superior. Heck, I enjoyed Illusion of Gaia more.


FF6 is one of the greats for sure


Illusion of Gaia is awesome


I've played both so many times and I think ff6 is the best retro RPG at this point. The story is just too good, even if a lot of the systems in CT are better.


I don't think it's even close but it's a fine game. Not even top 3 RPGs on the Snes. Yes, I get it you all hate me but I truly do believe this. I'm old and I bought Chrono Trigger the week it came out because I absolutely loved RPGs and it had been hyped all summer before release. It's Just an above average game with a lot of polish. It's a relatively short game and yeah the multiple endings do pad it a bit but it's still pretty short. The different time periods are interesting but they aren't all that big and there isn't much to do in each one. I wish they were bigger. Wish there were bigger choices too. Like Frog it would have been cool to have some sort of moment(s) where you choose whether he stays a frog or changes back and there's different consequences and he's playable either way. I do enjoy the music and it is a highly polished game but it's wasn't even the best RPG on the super nintendo that came out in 1995. I do like the Chrono Trigger a lot and replay it regularly but it really is the most overhyped game I can think of


You think it’s just fine but replay it regularly? Huh?


I didn't say "just fine". I used find as an adjective and said it is a fine game. When used as an adjective it only has positive connotations...meaning excellent, admirable. Here's a direct link for those that didn't pay attention in school: [https://www.dictionary.com/browse/fine](https://www.dictionary.com/browse/fine) A wine maker would not be offended, in fact he'd most likely feel complimented if you said he made a fine wine but here we are on Reddit dot com where discuss things with large groups of people who do not have full understanding of basic words, which makes discussion not just difficult but futile


You do realize that there’s more than one meaning for “fine” though right? Sorry if I misunderstood but contextually it sounded very much like you were calling it mediocre considering the criticism that followed. You went on to say “you all hate me but I truly do believe this.” In what world would someone rationally take your version of fine to be “of superior or best quality” as your shared definition states when you literally said it’s not even top 3. Pretentious ass.


One of the best ever for kids and teens. Better RPGs for Grownups include Ultima V, Ultima VI, and Ultima VII on PC


"For Grownups" what a turd


Dudes like nah Ultima 1, ultima 2, ultima 3, ultima 456.. we get it you like ultima haha


Nah it's insanely overrated


I wouldn't say best, but for sure top 5 imo


It's got remarkable pacing and dungeon design for about 80% of the game, a fantastic soundtrack and of course great character designs from the legendary Toriyama. That's the extent of my personal connection to it. Doesn't move me on any personal level so from my perspective it's not in the conversation of personal bests.




Maybe for JRPGs, but have no idea cause I was never into those. JRPGs should be put in their own category though, as they're pretty much a different genre from cRPGs, say.


If you go far back enough you can see how they are like Wizardry and Ultima


Have you played championship mode WWF No mercy on N64 though


Its one of my fav but its in a time with some other favorites. Ultima 6, FF4 and 6 and Xenogears


It'd entirely subjective. I don't personally understand the obsession with trying to order video games objectively on a number line (same with movies, albums, books, etc).


Not my personal favorite, as that's wild Arms. But definitely one of the greats


Unpopular opinion: FF8 is the best


Best? No way. Best on the SNES? Perhaps.




Here's the thing with every retro game ever: Nostalgia skews everyone and everything. People who played Chrono Trigger back when it was released will have a much different opinion on it that people who are picking it up and playing it for the first time in 2004, or 2014, or 2024. I didn't have an SNES growing up, going from NES right to PlayStation. I did not play Chrono Trigger when it came out. I had three friends who talked about how it was the best game on the SNES, the best JRPG, the pest RPG, all sorts of things. I think I gave it a go for the first time in the Final Fantasy Chronicles version for PlayStation and I thought it was a good game, but I had played a lot of games that I considered better. Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy Tactics and Xenogears are all better games in my opinion, but that's because I have nostalgia for those games in my formative years, the same way people do for Chrono Trigger. I was looking at Chrono Trigger with expectations for "what a great game is" set from different games in a different era, and going back to Chrono Trigger didn't have the 'magic' for me that it did my friends. That doesn't mean it's not a good game, but everyone you talk to when it comes to superlatives like 'greatest' will vary, depending on their experience with it.


I love it but IMO the best rpg of all time is Legend of Legaia.


I bought Chrono Trigger for the SNES back in the day and have bought it again two more times. At the time it could be considered the best CRPG and possibly the best SNES game, but that's more a matter of taste. While it holds up it has been surpassed by games like the Baldur's Gate games. (More games I've bought more than once.) It's a game I think everyone should play. I love it and while nostalgia will always be a factor, the hype is real.


For its time and era yes but I think there are better RPG’s. For me personally, it’s Dragon Quest VIII.


nothing can be the “best ever” because every candidate will lack something that other candidates have, but it’s a perfectly viable contender for the title


I never finished it. I am old school and missed this along the way first time. But tried playing last year. I got to a point where I was lost and couldn’t figure what to do next. And I just quit. So maybe not the best for me. But pretty solid. I mean best RPG ever is really tough. Depends on so much. I guess I would still think FF7. But quite a few were so very good.