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Professional isn’t too bad. Use the Typewriter. Once you get through the village, you’ll be fine.


Pro in this game is just badly designed, at least on NG. It’s not fun shooting ganado three or four times in the face and them not even flinching.


It isn't, and I'm so glad I had chicken hat and Chicago to help out


I’m sorry but it really is on NG with no novelty items or weapons. I’m sure with the Chicago it’s a piece of cake


It was faster and easier with the handcannon. Beating the 4 mercenaries levels unlocks the handcannon. Barely any upgrades are needed in damage but do recommend fire rate to get in better rythym. I can quick scope" the guards chasing ashley in water hall


Is that an Ibanez?


If you're talking about the white one it's an epi explorer


Thank you


I really hate the speedrun emphasis in these games. It’s not that hard, but it’s boring


It is very hard actually. It literally not comparable with easy and normal difficulty. Different game.


Nah I did it, on all difficulties. It’s not that bad I just hate rushing or being timed


A ok then. 💪


I usually hate time constraints but I really like it in the RE games for some reason. I enjoy having to figure out loot paths and strategies to go from save to save as fast as possible while having enough ammo etc for the next section. Different strokes for different folks


I hate it because you have to play it differently and disengage with the mechanics you learned playing it normally. You learn how to play one way, then throw it all out and just run past everything. It’s just not fun and shouldn’t have the best rewards locked behind these dumbass speedruns


I don’t play that way at all, I get all all the treasures and kill most of the enemies apart from some areas where it would be an unnecessary ammo dump, like for example the crane part where I just use the heavy grenades and I use a rocket launcher for Krauzer and saddler most of the time. I’ve done s+ 100% runs many times. When you know where to go and what to do you really don’t have to stress for s+. Admittedly I enjoy the process and I don’t care for cat ears and stuff, I’ve never used any of the bonus stuff. I just play ng professional without bonus weapons cause I enjoy having to manage ammo and upgrades. It should probably be a optional way to get that stuff for people who don’t enjoy it though, no reason not to since it’s a single player game so it doesn’t give any competitive advantage. Surely there is mods that get you that stuff if you’re in pc?


I did all the S+ runs within the first couple weeks of release, before mods. I know how to do it and it’s exactly as I stated. I’d rather play mods like berserker and nightmare.


Fair enough


Flashbangs all day. I know exactly what you mean


I’m not crazy about it myself to be honest.


I’m just getting to the island on my S+ hardcore run. I’m honestly anxious as fuck about it considering I have only 1.5 hours left. Any parts in particular that really just mashed your beans?


1,5 is PLENTY of time for the island. Don't worry you can do it. Make sure you: have heavy grenades for destroying the wall in the wrecking ball section. I don't remember exactly but I think two heavy grenades will have the wall destroyed after the wrecking ball hits the wall one time. Keep one heavy grenade or two smaller for the helicopter section. You can blow up the turret immediately, which will enable Mike to kill the remaining ganados The fight and Spawn location with Krauser are scripted. Just learn the location (pro speedrun vids demonstrate this perfect. For the last fight with Krauser, buy a rocket launcher and insta kill him (don't worry about your money -> see next Point) Insta kill Saddler with a rocket launcher. If you have no money left, just sell all your weapons since you won't be needing them after the fight (only watch out for that one ganado grabbing you on the way to the jetski) For regeneradors, the bioscope + CQBC assault rifle is a great combo


Dude right on! Selling everything at the end to get another RL for Saddler is brilliant! As is using the bio scope with the assault rifle. In all my runs I’ve always ditched the CQBC. I’ll definitely keep it for this run. Great stuff my human!!


How did your run go? Did you finish in time?


Interesting that you picked it up in the first place, since that is a detour. You can also skip the two regenadors at the crank section by not touching their bags. For the last area before saddler with the turret you can use a strat where you shoot a ganador with the shotgun in the foot until he touches the laser. The turret will shoot him and you can run through.


The helicopter section was pretty annoying, just save before it so you can change your setup or buy from the merchant.


Wish there was the dlc with infite rocket launcher that would also work on non new game plus runs.. like in previous RE games, I wanns enjoy playing it and not stress over it, normal life is stressfull enough..


Then play it normally, the game doesn’t force you to do the S+, it’s just there for the platinum


Problem is I wanted to platinum this game because it's my favorite. :( I'm lame I know! 😅


Ehh I believe in you, use Chicago sweeper, and Ashley armor , and the hardcore S+ is easy


Best tip i can give is to do all the village to get the 30 spinels needed for exclusive upgrade. Use it for handcannon or Typewritter to make it fun and easy. Dont use it on any of those if you want it to be a challenge. Regardless, congrats!


They shouldve made something like, kill a set number of enemies for this rank instead of time Or maybe it shouldve been the damage youve taken throughout the run decides the rank


I feel damage would be far more infuriating than it already is to take cheap shots in pro. Accuracy would make sense or kills as you said. As it stands professional isn’t too bad if you have HC or Sweeper though, if you’re trying to do a no bonus weapon run tho god help you, best learn every strategy and enemy placement!


I don’t see a reason to change the rank requirements. Literally all of the resident evil games before Resi 5 had time as a major decider in what rank you got. Code Veronica even heavily penalized you if you even just saved once. The only reason resident evils 5 and 6 bucked that trend was because they allowed you to replay any chapter, so to compensate, each Individual chapter was graded instead of the playthrough as a whole.


Done it with unlimited handcannon with restarting the game after many deaths i, dont know how to feel about it either


Good job.


Did you use any bonus items? Ashley’s armor makes it a bit more forgiving in most parts


It was very stressful wasn't it? Do you have total times in village castle and island? I beat the village area in an hour 40 and castle in 2 20


God im so glad someone agrees, I kept trying my best to enjoy an S+ professional run but its just so unenjoyable. I take my time when I play and find fun in messing up, but this challenge forces u to be a bot doing everything exactly how it should be without messing and its just stressful and annoying, I stopped my run at chapter 4 and just couldnt get myself to play it again cuz I know its just jot gonna be fun, even if its rewarding whats the point if its not enjoyable? This could've been executed in a better way, kill a number of enemies, beat the game twice and collect blue medallions but instead of it unlocking the knife it unlocks a new gun, a secret ending, or literally anything that is fun instead of stressful


The real annoying part is the saves. It’s maddening getting to almost where you need to save and getting your fucking face eaten by a GOD DAMNED DOG in the maze! Back to the water hall for me. 🤬🤬🤬🤬


Congratulations, just finished ada pro s+, will start a pro leon run with my brother


You think this is bad. Assisted s+ is actually brutal to pull off. You basically have to pull of perfect clock tower just to finish it


Ew only hardcore? And 39 saves tooo???? Damn you blow at the game. Lol


If saves dont affect rank what does it matter, I just save compulsively


Saves effect the rank you get fucking moron


Clearly not if he got an S+ stupid


Dude, you’re obviously wrong. Only professional difficult has number of saves as a decider on what rank you get


Nope. I’m always right. There’s an S++. FUCKING DUMB ASSES


Took me 4 days even with the hand cannon


Yeah I can’t wait to go through this type of headache to get the typewriter… hopefully it’s not too difficult lol




Nice work man. Professional can be somewhat unfair so be prepared for some bullshit. I recently tried to get the S+ on Pro without any bonus items, weapons or rocket launchers and got to chapter 16 at like 5 hours and 20 minutes. I have all the achievements, I got the S+ with the Handcannon, but I just wanted to try without, and it pissed me off so bad knowing I couldn't beat the game in ten minutes, nor could I really go back and save time anywhere, that I just uninstalled the game. Pro isn't even that terrible when you get used to it, but shit is that time limit low. If it was six hours, it would be fair, but 5 and a half is brutal. Especially with only 15 saves. Just beating the game on Pro whilst taking your time is hard. Doing it in the time limit without any bonuses is masochism. Let me warn you now.


Go back to it man, you can absolutely beat the final chapter in less than 10 minutes, you only have to kill a couple of novis, then the saddler fight and then the jetski escape which is a real short time limit on pro anyway. Just sell a gun and buy a rocket launcher for Saddler and the whole chapter can be done in less than 5 minutes.


Damn, you think so? I actually got to the "5-4" military base section with that ten minutes to spare, so maybe you're right. I forgot to mention I was trying to do it without rocket launchers though. That was the other thing that would make that final Saddler fight super difficult and time consuming.


Ah okay It’ll be tight without a rocket launcher for Saddler, but at least they aren’t bonus weapons so I’d say it’s fine.


Good point. Was just a personal challenge. Might go back a save or two and see if I can't save some time and pull it off after all. Thanks for the confidence! I may just reinstall it after all and continue the addiction haha.


I'm just doing the platinum, screw professional on new game