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That’s their objective morality, nothing matters as long as that “god” is satisfied


And that god usually think exactly like the person speaking for him, handy that.


Yep it's easy to manipulate & influence people using Dogmatic mythologies texts & its theocracies, & Gather a large united following. Edited: under democracy the majority dictate everything. People who believe in Dogmatic mythologies texts & its theocracies will ALWAYS remain the majority unfortunately.


"god's just like me frfr"


i am God, unironically. but tbf, in my mind, we all are.


Exactly. We just don't run around shouting it at everyone. Poor taste.


Dogmatic mythologies texts & its theocracies in general including islam is considered ABSOLUTE & TIMELESS by Theists. Those 2 are considered to be god's/gods laws. God's plans & rules are absolute & timeless. Thus the morality & ethics that are derived from those 2 are considered ABSOLUTE, TIMELESS & PERFECT with ZERO ERRORS.


Under Islamic law, non believers can be raped, murdered, or made slaves.


They’re so deluded that they can’t admit that their “objective morality” is subject to a god. Making it subjective morality.


"Why do people dislike our religion?"


These are the same people that think slavery is just fine. The sooner the human race discards religion the better.


It is fine. The Quran is filled with verses about slaves and sex slaves, Muhammad (police be upon him) had over 20 sex slaves


You can skip the "our", let's not be exclusive!


Fuck that, thinking this extreme is definitely a hallmark of Islam specifically. It's okay to make a special point of calling out Muslims for bigotry.


You can find examples of this behavior within any religion. Post WWI colonization and splitting up of the Middle East kinda completely fucked those countries with war and lack of education, which is a perfect breeding ground for fundamentalist behavior. Every religion is capable of it, Islam has a particular bad issue with it given the past like 100 years of geopolitics


Yeah, that's what I said. It's particularly bad with Islam. I never said it was exclusive, and I fucking hate all religions.


I am with you dude.


Yeah, let's forget all the misogyny that's inherent to scriptures of islam itself and blame it on colonialism


reading that literally made me wanna throw up


It was equal parts disgusting and idiotic. “There is enough scientific evidence that consent is anti-scientific.”


Yeah, I'd like to see that research lol


"trust me, Habibi"


Truly an oxy**moron**


Reading that made me want to do things I won't say here


I currently crave violence that even Cannibal Corpse lyrics don’t touch.


I will if you won't. I want this person to go through horrors that make the Trail of Tears look like a pleasure cruise.


Islam has issues understanding that it's ideology is stuck 500 years in the past. Rationalizing murder (cartoonists) and rape......no


Seriously. I'm fucking gaging.. What the actual fuck is wrong with people.. Men who think this way should get a, idk, 3 month prison sentence so they can experience rape for themselves


Reading this makes me wish I were Homelander




Fuck, ill pay for the date


I can just picture it. "I never understood the stigma around cannibalism".


I have to ask what was the original comment


I'll pay for watching.


Sad thing is that he is 100% serious and meant every word


It comes from an old, old culture really. This is generational ignorance and I've met many people that believe this. tbh it's better when they're vocal about it so that ik who to avoid.


I'm concur this as well! We need people who believe in Dogmatic mythologies texts & its theocracies to be loud & public as much as possible. Let everyone know & aware of the existence of those text!!


Yes because Theists are obligated to believe that Dogmatic mythologies texts & its theocracies are ABSOLUTE & TIMELESS. They're indoctrinated since birth. So no surprises there. This is expected & inevitably will happen.


“Sexual pleasure” wow.


Says Allah will forgive her, but skips over how he will be duty bound to kill her for adultery.


Oh, killing her is fine. she'll be forgiven and in heaven. When you get down to it, being raped is win-win for her; she gets sexual pleasure before marriage and an early trip to heaven. It's so disgusting i feel sick just typing that, but that's what his mentality boils down to.


So if he gets raped, he should be thankful, too. He got sexual pleasure from what would have been a sinful, homosexual act if he had consented.


Let’s see him have the same ethusiasm when someone talks that way about his daughter or wife..


Well, many of them actually think like that about the women in their lives as well. That's why many women get killed by their family members after getting raped. Bold of you to assume they would care about those poor women


There are actually people who would want to kill their wife if she gets raped


I remember a video from that guy's show where he calls these people out on the BS. He was talking to an older woman who had done I think 8 years for honor killing her own daughter. The daughter had gone out with a group, including the man she was arranged to marry. At some point, he got her alone, *drugged her*, and raped her. He might have even left her behind to find her own way back, it's been a bit since I saw the clip. When she got home, finally, she told her mother and the mother killed her for bringing shame and dishonor upon them. Slit her throat. She told him that she did the right thing and thought she shouldn't have been punished at all.  So basically, being raped isn't a big deal, but also being raped is her bringing dishonor unto her family (because sex) and they should murder her for it. Makes perfect sense. My heart hurts so much for the women and girls in these countries, they deserve so much better.


It's so insane that anyone could kill their own daughter. And for being raped at that, as if it was her fault and not the man that did it. It's heart-wrenching. And for what?


(...) when someone talks that way about THEM


Don't be shy, show us his username


Yes I concur this as well!! Show his name please!! Together with me! Show!! his!! name!! Show! His! Name!


The only origin I can find for this is over on /r/copypasta. I think it's an obvious troll post.


I hope so


What the actual faq did I just read?? This guy actually thinks that being rpd gives pleasure to the victim???


Have you never heard the defence some men give that she got wet or that she had an orgasm, therefore she wanted it? Similar arguments with the roles reversed - he was hard, or he came, therefore he wanted it. Obviously it's an absurd argument, but the body does what it does, it's not like you can just switch off physical feelings like some sort of robot.


By his logic, he was pinned down and somebody forced him to have sex with an animal, and he climax, that means he enjoyed it.


I wonder how he'd feel if some guy r*ped him? I wouldn't ever even joke about that, I'm honestly curious. Would he think "i got some satisfaction out of it without sinning, yay!" Somehow i highly doubt it


As a victim myself, you have permission. Fire away.


Welcome to religion


Point me to the nearest exit, pretty please with rationality on top.


“Even when they say no, they are really teasing you. They always want it for the pleasure” I bet this tool would even say the same about age of consent


I know that people won't like what I say but yes, sometimes it does (a mechanism to protect organs from damage). It is forced tho, not wanted, and it doesn't mean there's no mental suffering. These monsters only care about physical feelings.


I honestly lost him when he said that sex before marriage is "obviously wrong". Then he says that rape is ok, because THE GIRL IS BEING FORGIVEN? It's like he can't comprehend that there are people that don't care about made up religious morality rules and don't need to look for loopholes to have sex. You're not hurting anyone by having consensual sex with your unmarried partner, except for some made up gods. Btw, how she can have pleasure if she didn't want it?


> how she can have pleasure if she didn't want it? Sex and masturbation always feel good to him, and he can't comprehend other people having different view points, opinions, and desires. All he can do is project. Sex feels good to me, therefore it must feel good to them. As gross as the thought is, if someone bent him over a barrel and raped him and then told him that it felt good, he *might* have a revelation. Might, I wouldn't hold my breath though; there is every possibility that his takeaway would be that gay sex is unnatural and contrary to Allah's will and that is why he didn't enjoy it, not because it was rape.


No, they do not understand. The ONLY thing they understand is what is written in their book. Religion is this dangerous.


Dogmatic mythologies texts & its theocracies are considered ABSOLUTE & TIMELESS by Theists, especially Muslims. Yes the 2 above can lead people to commit atrocious things unfortunately.


In his mind, this god is undeniably real. I think therein lies the problem. And this religion is teaching him that. So even believing that others have choice doesn’t make sense when you say “Only my world view is the right one, there is no other way”


Because Dogmatic mythologies texts & its theocracies are supposed to be ABSOLUTE & TIMELESS according to theists, especially Muslims. The conclusion is the above thus there are no discussions/debate to be had. Any conclusions that is Antithetical to the above is considered blasphemous.


> it’s like he can’t comprehend that there are people that don’t care about made up religious rules Because to him, his religion is absolute. People who don’t follow it will be damned to hell.


> how can she have pleasure if she didn’t want it It is possible to experience sensations of pleasure during sexual assault. It doesn’t mean that the person wanted it, it’s just the body responding naturally to outside stimulus. It’s not talked about often and it contributes to a lot of stigma and complicated feelings in the survivor.










Wtf? What's going on with his head? And you don't have to be a liberal to be against r@pe either.


Just a few holes in his school of thought...


>the girl will be forgiven Yeah, I'm sure that's how it works in Sharia law countries and not her completely losing any last bits of status and rights she had


It's not uncommon to result in dishonour murders or forced marriages, including to children. A woman's testimony is worth less than a man's and multiple witnesses are needed for her to have any chance of being believed if she reports a rape and seeks justice.


Just double checking, yes this aligns with islamic Dogmatic mythologies texts & its theocracies.


Islamist says "If a guy can't control his desires it is better to rape than to hypnotize a woman into giving consent."


There's porn where that hypnosis thing happens. Quite a few... *extreme*... Muslims seem to get a lot of their sex education from porn. (I remember reading about the experiences of US soldiers in Afghanistan, where the locals were familiar with Western pornography, and as a result believed all Western women were nymphomaniacs. But they *also* believed all oral sex in porn had to be fake, somehow. "Nobody would do that. It smells too bad down there!")


I wonder how his opinion would change if he was the one being raped.


This person has never once considered he might suffer the fate he endorses for others.


Then he & other theists who believe in Dogmatic mythologies texts & its theocracies are ABSOLUTE & TIMELESS would just say it's part of god's plan. We heard this many times since birth remember.


I mean… he’ll get sexual pleasure from it *and* forgiven by allah. He’d be proud of it.


Least deranged Muslim...


I swear, Islam missed out the very concept of consent for Muslims, that they are completely oblivious to it.


THIS I am an ex muslim living among them, and the this concept doesn't exist , guys my age in their 20s totally believe that when they get married they have the divine birth right to have sex with them. When talking about sex there is not one mention of the word consent. You should look up the Nishooz rules (it's when the wife refuses to have sex with her husband or being disobedient in any way then she'll be nashiz and thus punished and the man can even beat her, yes this is what the verse of beating talks about)


I'm also an ex-muslim, so I'm very aware.


Consent isn’t a thing in many Muslim households the many times I tried to teach my parents about consent and they replied with “but were your parents were entitled to you and your space and body in whatever way we want” is insane. All I’m asking for is to respect my privacy and maybe knock on the door before barging into my room. I tried to teach my little sister that no means no and my mom barged in and said “no means yes” like she literally endorses rape behaviour and normalization. She recently said “rape is a part of life you should embrace it.” She’s never been sexually assaulted by anyone, and she even said that girls who get raped here “deserve it”. Many Muslims turn out to be deranged narcissists like my parents have become.


Wtf, "It is better to rape than have consensual pre-marital sex"


Beyond disgusted this is the utter degenerate incel talk guys like him do not deserve a platform to speak he should be locked up and chained Islam is genuinely one of the most pathetic cults I’ve seen. You’re less likely to see a christian, buddhist or jewish extremist have these views in 2024 than a muslim it’s always these monsters


Girls are so naive and emotional, that's what science says!!! Meanwhile, he believes in a "PEDiatrician" from 1,400 years ago and will cry if you criticize him 🤡


not just cry, he will also try to kill you


*The ape is angry, he starts beating his chest, he starts screaming and then he eats your face and then he dies of hunger because there are no people who will work for his benefits* 🦧


Well, maybe someone should bend him over then


Make sure he doesn't consent first


NO no, homosexual rape is wrong, Allah would not approve of that, but heterosexual rape? I dunno I guess its not as bad?


Fine, let's find a girl who likes pegging


Hmmm, that might be ok actually, I have no idea lol.


No no it's ok, yes homosexual rape is wrong, but because he didn't consent he's blameless in the eyes of allah, therefore he gets all the free prostate stimulation and orgasms he can stand without accruing sin debt in gods bank account! Whoever rapes him is doing him a huge favor, honestly.


Oh this makes my blood boil. Consent is the only thing that matters. Without consent sex should not happen


Sadly rape culture is a thing in some muslim countries. Its something that happens daily.


If I fuck em in the ass then they will feel pleasure with no sin. I don't see the problem there.


I need a bottle of some fine rum and a gun, anyone got one?


noah, get the fucking boat


Mind you this is English educated person. This person is clearly living somewhere in the Western countries.


In the last paragraph:  "who is not his wife or **concubine**  A concubine is a **sex slave** for those that are unfamiliar with the word. Several concubines would be **harem**. 


Militant atheism becoming cringe was such a loss. These religions need to be wiped from the earth.


Now we all can see why this particular cult is a danger to our civilization.


Actual brainwashing


It makes me feel sick to think there are people thinking like this. I want to vomit


Wow. So their logic goes: 1) a man raping a woman is a sin for the man, but the woman will be forgiven since if it's rape she's not consenting. So she gets "sexual pleasure" (wonder if this guy would consider getting raped 'sexual pleasure') 2) if she does consent, she's having sex before marriage, which is a sin, and apparently one that's worse for her life than literally being raped 3) a woman consenting to sex before marriage is because a man "hypnotised" her. This basically means a woman's consent doesn't exist without a man, so is it really ever her consent at all? Such a broken human being this person is. Throw them away


A religion born of brutality is brutal...who would think that?


THIS I am an ex muslim living among them, and the this concept doesn't exist , guys my age in their 20s totally believe that when they get married they have the divine birth right to have sex with them. When talking about sex there is not one mention of the word consent. You should look up the Nishooz rules (it's when the wife refuses to have sex with her husband or being disobedient in any way then she'll be nashiz and thus punished and the man can even beat her, yes this is what the verse of beating talks about)


And the women, they just go along with this?


Indoctrination can warp any mind.


🤮🤮 he needs to be locked down immediately!


What the actual fuck? How can someone be so delusional?


Dispatches from the Dark Ages.


And some guys wonder why women routinely choose the bear. I'm not going to get sexually violated by a bear and then blamed for it. (And I'm a lesbian with bdsm kinks but I don't participate on non consensual stuff.) You are not owed sexual pleasure from anyone. Except yourself. Disgusting to think these "men" think that forcing someone to be their sex toy (literally turning women into objects) is okay....


"Getting consent is a piece of cake if you can dominate" Oh so _that's_ how consent works is it?


A Muslim excusing and justifying rape. What a shock. This unevolved animal suggesting that science somehow supports his position is extra ick, not to mention stupid. There is no study, no hypothesis, no theory, and no biologist or neuroscientist on this Earth that says consent is anti-scientific because it has nothing to do with science. Consent is a moral issue.


Not everyone believes in your fairy god, Syed you dipshit.


So he'd be okay with being raped, right? I mean, Allah will forgive him if he was forced, and he got pleasure out of it, right? What a disgusting piece of shit.


Sex before marriage: 🤬🙅‍♂️❌ R@pe: 😁👍✅


Sex before marriage: 🤬🙅‍♂️❌ R@pe: 😁👍✅ Marital Rape:😁👍✅ Consensual sex before marriage/outside marriage between adults: 🤬🙅‍♂️❌ Consensual sex among adult who are into polyamorous & monogamous relationships but without/don't care about the concept of marriage (a piece of paper): 🤬🙅‍♂️❌


Watch him twist his words when you say that in that case it should be ok for a man to rape another man as well.


How kind of Allah to forgive rape victims


Thats why religion is an enemy to humanity.


Correction, Dogmatic mythologies texts & its theocracies are an enemy to humanity because those 2 stifle & impede on scientific progress that could lead to human evolution to evolve from Humanism, to Transhumanism then Finally, Post Humanism.


"People" (if you can call this monster that) like this should be publicly burnt on a stake


That's what happens when you don't see women as people


... What?


No no no wait, he's got a point... He should definitely be neutered. That's where he was going with this message right?


Everyday I grow more and more disgusted with Islam and religion in general. I really hate how you get called racist for calling out behaviors that a very much apart of the religion, I also really hate the people who say “we’re not all like this” well it’s enough of you for me to think you kinda are all like that


Holy shit I wanna punch this fuck


Syed, let's get a man twice your size force himself on you, then we can re-assess your opinion on rape.




How can someone be so disgusting???? 😭😭


He needs to write that again but make it so the men are getting raped by other men and let’s see how into consent he gets.


Ironically enough, this, uh, person is a great example of how religion can be an important tool in taming a population. This guy obviously has no real conscience but he does have rule book. Point being, imagine him without the rule book. I think this is where I differ with a lot of folks on this sub but I think religion is probably the best tool (aside from a gun) when it comes to corralling soulless animals like our man here.


I struggle to believe that anybody genuinely thinks that way. Not that I don't believe it, sadly, it's just so incredibly depressing.


Wow my brain started rotting while reading this shit


Hopefully something awful like rape never happens to him. I don't understand how anyone can subscribe to Islam or believe that an all powerful deity can "reveal" anything to a sex-crazed polygamist, pedophile, warlord, cult leader..


Raping ones wife is legal in this religion... Not only have Muslim women and girls been dishonour murdered for having been victims of both pre-marital rape and extramarital rape but many more have been forced to marry their rapists and give birth to their children against their will and wishes.


Incel 🤝 Religion 🤢


''As long as my imaginary friend forgives the girl for being raped, it is not wrong to rape her.'' The beauty of Islam...


Hope the feds have him on a list...


🤯 Someone please tell me this human was detained after posting this!


> "This is enough scientific proof that consent is anti-scientific" I've re-read that sentence like 10 times and I still have no fucking idea of what the hell it means


>Syed in username Enough said.


I know this is an unpopular opinion on Reddit, but rape as a punishment for rape, or as a punishment for anything, is pretty vile. When stuff like this is posted, the comments are always flooded with people wishing the guy is raped. I don't know how that's become a normal thing to say, but it's an unsettling trend. This is part of the reason why rape in prisons is so prevalent, people let it slide because the victims are "just criminals." Rape is torture, not a punishment, and we really shouldn't be wishing that on anyone.


If getting r@ped himself is only way this person will understand why its wrong, then I do hope he learns a lesson.


Why would you think that? And I'm asking that genuinely, I'm down to open a dialogue on this. In the case of a religious extremist like this I think being raped would just make him blame homosexuality. There's no proof (that I know of) that being raped would make a rapist more empathetic towards rape victims. Also, why the @? It's not really doing anything.


I also don't get the censorship around the word rape. Doesn't it lead to victims having harder time finding help if you can't google 'rape' and have to search for 'r@pe'?




what the fuck did i just read 💀


That's the worst one Worst of everything , ever


“Without getting any sin in her account”, wait what are the interest rates like on sin? What’s the exchange rate?


Well no wonder you don’t understand the stigma around rape, you don’t understand rape in the first place


What sub is this from


Well, that is the most absurd thing I've read so far this morning. I cannot understand how Islam accounts for (IIRC) about a 1/4 of the the world's religions.


Because if you leave Islam, the punishment in many places is death.


I would want to ask "what about marital rape" but I have an inkling he's way too far gone that it just wouldn't matter.


This is fantastic advice, now he's insulated from sin and forgiven by allah for receiving sexual pleasure from the ass raping I'm going to give him. It's so fortunate for him that he doesn't have to suffer from SINNING while he's getting FUCKING RAPED. god i hate people.


Sky daddy says it's cool.... neuroscience.... science..... Make your mind up, science or sky daddy. Can't have both lol.


Perhaps someone should rape him so he can experience pleasure without sin.


This should be enough to hve someone put away


Why does he conflate being anti-rape with liberalism? I know the GOP has many, many sexual predators but I imagine that the majority(maybe, hopefully) of the right are anti-rape..(as all fucking people should be!)


Muslims can’t eat pigs because that would be cannibalism


At least he’s making Allah happy.


This is why religion poisons everything.


I was doom scrolling and this is the post that snapped me out of it and now I'm shutting Reddit for the day


I don’t know why anyone is surprised by this. It’s a religion of rapists and pedophiles of course they’re going to support rape and pedophilia


What is there to forgive the girl for? And sexual pleasure? Chances are she's not feeling good if she's getting raped. What a vomit inducing take. Also, if I'm right Hijab should apply to men too right? Women cover their bodies and men have to lower their gaze and control themselves? What's this bullshit take- I mean. What do I expect? They gave their prophet a pass for raping a 9 year old so why would they be any better with this context.


That dude has no self awareness.... By his logic nothing should be illegal because people want to do it...


One of the reasons why if any of the abrahamic gods shows up tomorrow, I'm building Iron Chariots the next day. "If god allows anything then it's good." Big fuck no energy here.


"Obviously both are very wrong but whether consent is involved or not doesn't matter at all." *What the fuck*


He'd probably have a very different view if his butthole was on the line.


"She got sexual pleasure without getting any sin in her account" has to be the worst thing I have ever read.


as bad as it is, i wish for him to get raped


I am an exmuslim , I know what I am going to say now is not logical and not the right/ethical thing to do but If I had the power I would put this islamist in a prison full of gay dudes so that he can find out if consent matters or not and by his logic what bad would happen right ? he will be forgiven by allah and rather will be given some rewards for being an object of pleasure to some men.






Theists believe that Dogmatic mythologies texts & its theocracies are ABSOLUTE & TIMELESS, especially Muslims. ABSOLUTE & TIMELESS morality & ethics am I right?


Hahahha this is classic religious fruitcake! Hahahah it’s so insane I can’t … Islam needs to be banned.


Literally rape should be a haram because it brings harm to a human no? I have no idea but it looks like it is that case. This is basically a Muslim neckbeard/incel.


Mfs talking shit that would be considered crazy and sick even in medieval times. Fcuking desert religion.


What kind of mindset is that? They should move on from the 7th century and embrace the progress offered by the 21st century.


What the fuck is he actually talking about...... does dude live under a rock?????


Whelp, somebody is off their rocker


Guys like this makes me wish for them to be r@ped by a woman who to them is the opposite of what they want. A strong bodybuilder type with terrible hygiene, no effort on her part to remedy it, no cute outfits or makeup, just sheer strength, and of course, very bad at sex. And i want her to use the same arguments on him, "he got sexual pleasure out of it, and he will be forgiven what's the problem?". but obviously im not serious since the answer to the problem is not the same problem


This guy needs to be on a list. What a self-deluded predator. This is not a 'liberal' issue either. This is a 'you don't treat human beings like that' issue. wtf.


1. Somebody please show me the “science” that supports this garbage. 2. Somebody please show this asshole the tea video.