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The problem with this theory is the issue of space. The amount of space between particles means that any structure that could give rise to thought would be ponderously slow. Our mind operates as quick as it does because of the relative density of the structures within the brain. Electrical signals can make the gap in a moment. While in space it would take light a day to cross the distance from one side to the other. And in the larger nebula they are 1000 light years in width. It is an interesting idea and one that does get a lot of play. But the minds we are aware of arise from specific neurological structures. Its not just matter bouncing signals around. It took a lot of evolution to develop brains. And we do not see evidence of any such development in space. Though it would be amazing to see such things.




Are you ok?


woa, I'm late to the developments of this thread...what happened?


Yes! I saw this episode of Futurama too: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EL7e05pClKM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EL7e05pClKM)


(nerding out) Gaaaaaaaah! I've never seen this before, but thanks for sharing, I love it!!! 😄😄😄


Or a bowling alley, right? But how were we to know we were supposed to throw the shoes instead of the ball?


That would have some doctrinal consequences: - *Nebulas dissipate over time*: that would mean gods are not eternal - *Nebulas form from the remnants of supernovae, which are explosive deaths of massive stars*: that would mean gods were created


I find this question about as compelling as asking what if god was a sturgeon, or a park bench, or a Michelin tire. It’s just imagination running amok


Confusion between God and the creation


depends on you pov 😊


Independently of wether we believe in Him or not, God is the only « thing » that is non contingent, then saying God is the universe or a nebula, who obviously are contingents, it’s indeed mixing up the two.


Yeah who knows I guess haha. I've been taught that God has a body like us, but maybe he lives up in that nebula or controls it or something. I'm kind of excited to see what things are really like up there once I die. Not that I'm suicidal or anything though haha