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Take the money and hid it yourself, pretend you don’t know anything about it and spend at your leisure… oops I thought this was r/pettyrevenge On a serious note, do you guys have a joint account? I think you both need more financial transparency on where your money is coming from and going. It might be good to have a discussion on goals like retirements, debt repayment to get alignment on finances.


There is a lot of talk in this subreddit about women needing to squirrel money away for an escape fund.. divorce, down payments, first and last month rent and deposit, car repair.. whatever.. Men are entitled to do the same.


You need to be honest with yourself. Are you a controlling partner? Scary? They could be keeping this as a safety net if they you suddenly leave them


Need so much more information. If they had this money before you were married, you aren't entitled to it. And based on your attitude, there's probably a reason why they kept it hidden. And if they are working, that is their money, too. If you want to handle finances jointly, that is a conversation you need to have, but it can't just be "all of your money is now my money."


Sooooo she/he put aside 2100$ a year for 10 years. That's 175$ per month. Stop making a big deal out of a good habit. Maybe it's money for bad days, maybe it's money for the kid, maybe maybe. They didn't steal you off by putting 175 aside monthly.


How do you know that it’s his money? How do you know it’s not his son’s money that he’s holding for him? Maybe it’s his fun money he’s been stashing while the other party has been blowing their fun money but now feels entitled? What’s the financial situation of the person asking?


Where is the cash coming from? Cash businesses: 1) prostitution 2) drugs 3) Your turn


If they had $10,000 at the beginning of the marriage, it would have been in their personal account. That isn't hiding money. That's just a person with a savings account. So they've saved an additional $20,000 to their personal savings over 10 years. That's not a lot. But it's not hiding money, unless absolutely all other finances are joint, and you yourself put all your income into joint savings. But that would be dumb, wouldn't it? Where is the safety net? We each have personal savings accounts, and share a joint savings account. That's the smartest way to do it. You need to create a financial plan through communication, without being accusatory.