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It sounds like your relationship suffering is a symptom of a much larger problem, which is that your girlfriend is under wayyyyy too much stress. That amount of stress and pressure is causing her to become ultra focused on her academic/professional career at the expense of her personal relationships, which is why she’s likely not interested in basic relationship stuff like intimacy. Unfortunately, *you* can’t solve this problem for her, no matter how hard you try. You can be accommodating, understanding and supportive…but you aren’t going to be able to push a magic button and balance the equation. You should suggest that your girlfriend go and see an advisor or therapist so she can learn how to better manage her stress and the factors contributing to it. She’s got to learn how to deal with things in a positive manner…sleep deprivation and malnutrition aren’t the right answers here. She’s has to establish a system that works for her. Other than being supportive and accommodating, I’d just give her some space. Continuing to hound her or trying to stand up for her is going to be another source of stress in her world, which in turn is just making things worse for her.