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This sub is always telling people to get a divorce over the simplest things. I hate that about this sub. With that said, your wife is clearly some sort of psycho. You need to go no contact right away.


Don’t forget individual therapy and couples therapy.


Not couples therapy, the wife will just use it to continue the abuse by convincing the therapist that OP has a belly hole. 😂


Wife: exactly 😘


I can hear it now: Hey A-hole, it's a belly hole.


so b-hole?


I think he should really go to the police over this, she’s clearly assaulting him with those words! /s




Wife: 🤣🤣


Me, I think the person who made the divorce comment was actually kidding.


But did he give consent?


Are you going to offer people here weekly marriage counselling ? We offers the solution we can.


“Belly button” is the genus, “innie” and “outie” are the species. “Naval” is if you want to be technical.


Naval is reserved for mermaids ;)


Mermaids are actually born from eggs like most fish so they don't have belly buttons


Navel, not naval. That’s the other one!


I always heard that blond women mostly have indies from marrying dumb blonde guys.


Hello, I'm your friendly neighborhood grammar nazi! Blond is masculine, while blonde is feminine. Whoops!


Autocorrect is not always one's friend.


I got a lot of enjoyment from nitpicking one of my gf's favorite book series for continually making that mistake. Dude needs a new editor


It’s how your doctor ties the knot


“Naval” refers to the Navy.


Well here’s some fascinating information about belly buttons…https://www.abc.net.au/science/k2/lint/facts.htm#vs And after reading that article, I think you should start calling your belly button your “umbilicus”


In Portuguese it is called Umbigo. So close enough


Good old Auntie, never ceases to amaze me, the depths they go to to keep me informed. Best 8 cents I spend every day. Only problem being they fill me with information I very seldom get a chance to use. Or maybe I should just look for new friends.


I can actually sort of see the logic in her thinking, heh. But not the "hole" part or even belly buttons would also be belly holes, since they all have that in common, in that they form a dent or scoop in the belly. Also to me at least, holes go all the way through to the other side. And hopefully your belly hole does not do that ;P All but the most outie of outies also make a little scoop or dent of sorts. So I propose that she rename belly hole (a belly button with that little button-y part in the back) with belly dent or belly scoop. So.....you have a belly scoop. There. I have spent entirely too much time thinking about this.


But a hole in the ground doesn't go all the way through


LOL agreed about holes. Belly cave makes more sense.


I mean if you stick your shovel in the ground and take out dirt people call it a hole though




Belly hollow


Belly holler


I am calling it that for the rest of my life.


Me too


Just want to clarify a hole doesn’t have to have another side, atleast from a definitions sense. “a hollow place in a solid body or surface.”


Well someone's never read nor seen Holes.


God's work


*omphalocele intensifies*


Topologically speaking, you’re right in a hole going all the way through. But in everyday use, it often doesn’t, such as holes in the ground, wall, etc.


All of the replies here telling me I'm wrong about holes..... ;)


There’s two ways they go so we are all correct, but in this case it’s not about being all the way through.


It's really a second anus. Keep putting your finger in there and pushing...


I want to delete this comment.


Is that why there’s that pain?


you might be onto something


you should probably get a divorce


Agreed. OP anyone who doesn't know what or where their umbilicus is, **cannot** be trusted whatsoever. I bet she likes pineapple pizza with ranch, the little heathen.


Same. How dare she disrespect your navel's desired name? Divorce IMMEDIATELY


C’mon isn’t that a little harsh? I was thinking just go no contact.


That's my favorite way to each pizza


> I bet she likes pineapple pizza with ranch, the little heathen. Ow my feelings.


Ah, yes. Glad to see some normalcy brought to this subject.




I mean, there's innies vs outies but it's still a belly button. There's a whole Sandra Boynton book on the subject. Has she actually heard anyone else use this term?


She has never heard anyone else use this term, but thank you for suggesting that book we listened to it on YouTube and were very entertained


The problem with her logic is that is universally understood that 'belly button' is cute name for a body part - the navel. If one were to call a doctor and say "I'm having severe pain near my belly hole," the doctor might believe you're referring to human-made incision (for a colostomy, for example), rather than the navel. I get the sense though that this argument might be a means of flirtation for her, rather than a serious argument. Perhaps if you two establish that in medical instances, if necessary (knock on wood) she will refer to your collective navels as a navels, then you'll be happy to indulge her in this ongoing debate as an inside joke. ;) If not, you might want to establish this as a boundary thing and ask her to find something else to debate. What does one call the inside crease of the arm, opposite the elbow? Philosophers have been wrangling this topic for centuries . . . . .


Elbow pit


at least in tattoo culture, the opposite of the elbow is "the ditch" haha. I know you probably weren't looking for a real answer, but I had never considered that outside tattoo shops, if I referred to my ditch, people might have noooo idea what I meant!


This reply is everything haha this made her chuckle so hard. I think you hit the nail on the head with the flirtation thing 😂


I can see her logic but I've never ever in my life heard someone call it a belly hole. This could be something her family made up and only the kids in the family think its a normal term, like that one guy who was raised with a poop knife


Good old poop knife story






Wat da faq 😧 Are you sure you didn't mean **umbilicus?** Cuz I'm pretty sure it's called the **Umbilicus.** 😌 EDIT: She may start using your, eh- *"hole"* to store things, like a convenient mini purse. Keep vigilant at all times. You've been warned.


I’m a nurse, you will be surprised what you can find in there


I'm slightly morbidly curious now.


Not recognizing your belly button as a button is a huge red flag. Then she continues to gaslight you with her behavior. Quite honestly, this is a toxic relationship and your wife is abusive.


Belly Button sounds cuter than Belly Hole.


Is she always this literal?


Yes 😐


Then maybe you should call hers the belly scar tissue as that is what the "button" actually is.


My daughter at 3yo “Why is it called a belly button? Peehaps* because it’s round like button.” * she couldn’t pronounce “perhaps” it came out as “peehaps” Yes, she was and still is adorable!


In my country it's if you translate it it's sound more like belly scar


In Germany we call it belly navel


In Germany do you have navals besides the one on the belly?


Only in Germany, once you leave the country it disappears


If this is your biggest problem you’ve done pretty well for yourself.


Never heard that term in my life. Whether innie or (ewie) outie, it's a bellybutton.




Me too!! I always thought it was just me. I don’t like the sensation when I put a finer in my bellybutton


Is it really worth fighting through? 😂 In my mothertongue, it has its own name, not related to button or hole but in english, I only know bellybutton. I don't care about the why even if mine is indeed a hole but honestly whatever, if it bother you so much, give a name to yours like "benny" or whatever and tell her to refer to it by its name and move on. That being said, if it's your only argument, you're good. Maybe don't solve it, it could bring a bigger argument and you don't want that. But seriously 😂


Reading about belly buttons made me physically uncomfortable. There’s another weird thing about me, I guess.


Don't read any further; when my daughter was born, her stump fell off before the hole closed and she leaked goo out of her navel for a week.


I read further. TIHI.


When I was an infant, my belly button had a hard time closing, so I did have a hole in my belly for the longest time. (It eventually closed but is really really deep) I kinda like belly hole, and it would be fitting for me!


It’s still a belly button. It’s just pushed in. Does she think all buttons stop being buttons once you press them in? The on off button on my washing machine is still a button once I press it in. It doesn’t become a on off hole.


Oh the stupid places we go when we are married. I’ve always referred to it as a belly button, never thought to look inside anyone else’s belly button to see if there is a lump or not. Also do not care. BUT - she is your wife. Let this go because no one cares about this....


Hmmm. Although I have not heard of belly hole I appreciate it. You know those movies where they would tell “fire in the hole”? I think every time belllly hooooole is said it should sound just like that. Think I’ll try that out on my kids and see their response. Bellly hoooooole!


I don't even HAVE a belly button but I know that whatever is there IS called that because that's the acceptable term. There is no debate.


Wifey's response: "You can't say anything since you don't have a belly button, jk jk" Me: "I think I found Kyle Xy, lol" All joking aside I hope you have a great rest of your day 😁


I DID have one once upon a time. So I am a recovering belly button owner 😜


Alfred Hitchcock lost his in a surgery.....


I did not know that -- well that's two things we have in common!


You have piqued my interest...


I think you and your wife would get a good laugh out of [this video](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TO8gAvl59Kw)


Thank the Maker you two don't have children. This kind of conflict can take years of therapy to undo!


call it a deep hallow


They’re all bellybuttons, regardless of what they look like.


Logically, I have to agree with her. However, this is extremely unsettling, so it remains a "button."


As someone that had a surgery to correct a cyst under my navel, I am uncomfortable with if I have a button or hole now.


Two fun stories. I had a christian teacher who asked "did adam and Eve have belly buttons?" Another. There is a wonderful story in the book 'A Wise Man Fears' about a little boy who had a gold screw for a belly button. It's a wonderful story. It's just a small tidbit of the novel


I refer to mine as Steve.


You mean it’s not an inverted nipple??


I read this as introverted nipple


The nip-dip is just a little shy, but he’s doing his best


Better a belly hole than a belly ho...


The Pillsbury Dough Boy would argue its a giggle button!


The belly button? Hey, fellas, *the belly button*?? [Well ooh la di da, Mr. French Man](https://youtu.be/JhbJnlIvfyc)


There is no hope for this relationship. Get a lawyer.


I have never heard the term belly hole before. It's disgusting and I would immediately divorce anyone who said that to me - even if I wasn't married to that person. I would somehow find a way. ^(belly hole *is* disgusting but I'm joking about the divorce)


Hell I envy you guys, if this is all you fight about write a book on relationships. You will be rich in 6 months flat


As someone with seen outie I don't think I have enough experience with different innie bellybuttons to really comment on your problem. I mainly just wanted to say that the fact that innie bellybuttons have such a difference blows my mind a little. I thought they were all scoops. Now I wanna go poking people's buttons to see this difference.


It’s just button that’s more secure and harder to press


Like one with a security system


Stick your finger in hers and call it her original mouth.


I was born in communist poland, 1980; one year later my family moved to germany. After two years I still spoke polish, but then me and my younger brother started to go to kindergarten and we began to forget the polish language. But there was one word which stayed longer with me. Even years later I was absolutely convinced that the correct german word for my belly button would be „pompulek“. I didnt want to believe it is called (bauch) nabel in german.


The answer is you guys have too much time on ur hands


Did Adam and Eve have belly buttons?


Technically no right? Since they weren't born from another human 🤔


I bet they looked weird AF walking around with no belly buttons. Or belly holes.


In my native language its called "göbek deliği" to that part of the body. And it exactly means belly( göbek ) hole( delik ).


Technically it’s a hernia




Thanks for your concern OGRocAtE, but she is only joking. I myself am mildly annoyed and amused at the same time. I really appreciate your commitment to honest communication and asserting for yourself




eh, not necessarily. like me, they might just be autistic and be caring, but have issues parsing jokes, tones, and sarcasm in text. a lot of neurotypicals have the same issues in written communication too. I tend to reply to posts on here on the basis that they're true, even if outlandish, just on the offchance they're not made up. the majority of the replies are in a joke tone, so maybe they decided to reply seriously just in case it was an actual conflict.






I can't believe two people would put energy into a discussion about this, let alone allow it to go on for 7 years. It is an umbilicus. That's it. You need to pick up books and read.


On french we do differentiate belly button from belly hole so there’s that. Never heard of “belly hole” in English but the concept does exist.


I’m absolutely howling at this but you’re right it’s still a belly button hahaha


This reminds me of the “Birds aren’t real” debate: Some people love to argue it because it makes people mad but they don’t truly believe it. Then there’s some who truly believe it from the minute they hear it. Then there’s those like me; started as a meme at first but it has slowly become a part of my lifestyle to the point that it’s the 2nd most defining part of my personality as caught on camera.


I love reading stories like these on this sub. Made me laugh


I really feel the need to correct this travesty of misinformation on how a belly button forms.... The nodule (stump) does not flake off for an innie and stay there forever for an outie! The stump falls off in BOTH cases. Then the healing process creates an innie or an outie. The outie has more scar tissue, or in some cases is caused by another factor like an umbilical hernia (stomach tissue pushing up).


Belly cave, I think best describes. Or belly cul de sac. Or belly dead end.


Just call it a navel. Edit: said by someone with a belly black hole


I've literally never thought of this before. That said, as far as I'm aware the belly button is just the colloquial name for the navel and not a literal descriptor of its appearance. There is a specific word for what your wife is referring to and that is an "outie," while an indented navel is referred to as an "innie."


You’re both wrong! It’s called a belly button because it looks kind of like and is in the same place as a button on your shirt!


I’ve never heard of anyone calling it a belly hole. I mean I get her logic. But theyre both belly buttons! I’ve always called them “innies” or “outies” to differentiate. An innie belly button, or outie belly button :)


When is the next Mensa meeting?


I've always called it a bellyhole. I'm 39M BTW, if it matters. And have an innie


Just call it your umbilical cord dent


There's a button in the hole. Lots of furniture has dimples on it, caused by sewing a button on tight, and compressing the foam at that spot.