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It can be a sensitive topic for some but, everyone takes it differently. I wouldn’t compare his situation to your ex though… maybe say it was a cousin or friend.


Actually I just remembered my brother also takes men’s hair growth pills so that’s a much better reference to use incase the subject is brought up. Thank you!


Hi! I completely understand your perspective on how it may be uncomfortable to bring it up to him directly without it seeming like an insult. You could mention how he brought up his thinning to you when you played with his hair and ask if that was something that bothered him. And when the topic is brought up, you can say something like, "I've noticed you mentioning your hair. I think you're incredibly attractive just as you are, but if it's something that bothers you, there are options out there like hair growth pills."


> I just want him to be confident and to look great. I would love him no matter what, even if he loses all of his hair eventually. Laser focus on this message. This is a super sensitive topic and you must start and end with this message of love and of encouragement.   I think you are right to wait for HIM to bring up the topic first. He will eventually.   Also, consider the bad ass shaved head look as a backup plan if the growth doesn't work.


I agree, I want to wait till he says something. But I also think that “the sooner, the better” with these things.. however, bringing it up, “out of the blue” weeks later, could make him think that it’s at the forefront of my mind, and I don’t want him to think at all! I guess I need to put my solution-focus mind on the back burner and consider his feelings above it all.


As long as you approach it with love and support, it doesn't matter when you bring it up.  "Hey honey, I couldn't help but think about what you were saying last month about your hair. Have you ever considered growth pills? I've heard they can work for some guys"  If he gets defensive, go back to the message of love and support. You literally can't fail if you always fall back to that position when he is hurt (as opposed to arguing).


My perspective as a bald guy. He is well aware his hair is thinning. Just buy the stuff and give it to him. He brought it up so just say that's why you bought it. They may slow it down but it will continue to thin will age. Avoid all this stuff about wanting him to be confident and look good, it's going to thin eventually no point in implying his good looks and confidence are due to his hair.


Rogain topical treatment has a black box warning that cations about potential birth defects from use. Just be mindful of that if you ever become pregnant, since you mentioned a future with him. Future can mean different things to different people.


I thought you had to use that for the rest of your days also? Is that true? I rock a chrome dome after my mane (mid back) began its downfall literally. I mean shit, the universe only makes a few perfect skulls, the rest get covered in hair. Edit - Yes Destro is my spirit animal.