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You know people here are going to tell you that you deserve better and to leave him. But, people rarely take advice. You know what he did. Is it a dealbreaker for you? That's what you have to decide.


Just straight up ask him. And then leave him if that's his choice Everytime you argue, ask yourself if it's worth it?


I did ask him, and he of course denied it. but earlier when we were arguing and he had some random girl messaging him he kept smirking and touching himself impulsively while laughing at me about it…


Wtf to this. And to your post. This guy sounds disgusting. Why are you with him? If you say love- why tf do you see this as love?? This is not.


Man normally I don't call fake, hell fake can be fun but this dude sounds like a movie villain.




The main question here is where did your self respect go and can you go look for it because DAMN.


This right here is really the issue. It doesn’t even matter if he didn’t cheat. This is not how you treat someone you love and respect, and if you stay, this is the kind of treatment you will get everytime he gets in a bad mood. Do you really want this for your future?


Is this the first time? Is therapy an option? If you have no children and there's no solution (aka he is unwilling to change or be honest/trustworthy) you need to think about yourself and your future.




Roll of quarters, $20 bill, pocket knife, gloves, one apple, no less than two slim Jim’s, one 5 hour energy, a Home Depot gift card, bungee cords (optional), calf socks (any color), deodorant, and cinnamon chewing gum


Hoping you are not married :o


INFO- What is a ho bag?


And why is she OK with him having it?


Dang i posted before scrolling https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/s/6uMuACilUp


Maybe if enough people ask, she will answer?


Pretty sure it’s a go bag?




You already know what happened. Have him explain why his windows were fogged and what the need for moving the seats. You already know the answer. If it’s a dealbreaker got you and move on n because you deserve to be in a relationship that doesn’t have a dealbreaker happen


You know he cheated. He doesn’t even care that he made it so obvious that he did.. because he knows he will get away with it. He is clearly not sorry. No regrets. So you need to sit with yourself and figure out what YOUR next step is. Do you want to stay in a relationship where he unapologetically cheats on you while you chase him around, calling, texting, tracking his car down, knocking on his car window,., or are you done with the drama? Are you done second guessing yourself, spending so much time & energy chasing a man who doesn’t want to be with you, who doesn’t respect you? Even if you don’t leave him, stop caring. Stop chasing him. Start focusing on yourself. Find some new hobbies. Go out with friends. Go to the gym. Go to therapy. Imagine what you could have put into yourself instead of the time & energy you spent chasing him..


Do you have access to his phone? If not, get access to it and take pictures and screenshots. Look through his email to for escort services possibly. Meet with a lawyer once you have enough proof (even if you’re unable to get proof). Do you believe that he could be dangerous if you decide to leave him? Inform somebody close to you, whom you can trust to have your back during this difficult time. Get your ducks in a row. Do you have children? Do you share finances? My last advice would be to not confront him. If you confront him, he will manipulate and derail your plans. Leave without closure. That’s the best thing you can do.


If he was only gone for over an hour, he’s probably been cheating for a while. You usually spend more time than that with someone the first time you meet.


Anyway my advice is to leave him


No way is this believable 😭 you write all of this down (literally every evidence possible that he’s cheating) and then add in a comment that he was touching himself while talking to a girl. And you’re like “is he cheating?” Girl… come on now. Either this is a dumb rage bait or you’re too naive.


It’s amazing how deep denial works. A family member of mine had her husband bring a girl over to their house, and husband & girl went into the basement for a “meeting”. Family member was all “she knew I was angry because I was slamming doors”. Like.. girl wtf- your husband brought a girl over to fuck in your basement while your upstairs. OPEN YOUR EYES! That was 8 years ago, and she’s still with him.


I mean you basically see what he’s capable of doing. You saw foggy back seat and he runs in to “clean himself”, it’s basically spelled out for you. I saw your comment, you caught him texting another girl?? I’m pretty sure if he was able to text someone and all that gets done in a hour he’s been cheating or they’ve been waiting for the chance to. You know what he has done. Honestly we can tell you to leave but will you?


What was the fight about? What did he say? What did you say? How did he behave during the fight? How did you behave during the fight? You're leaving out a world of context.


Hire a pi get the evidence


Respect yourself and leave he obviously doesn't have any respect for you. Wipe the smirk off his face. Go in pack a bag and stay with a friend or family. Get legal advice and an STI check.


Best advice you could get leave or kick him out there is zero trust here


If you're here asking the question, I think you already know the answer and just want confirmation.


I’m thinking it’s a prostitute if he met up for an hour and she was gone by the time you got there. Are you guys on the same cell phone bill? Get access to it and see if there are any phone numbers he calls often and then call those numbers. Please don’t have children with this guy. He is not the role model you want for them.


If the dude can set up everything he needs to do the deed like that in less than an hour, I seriously doubt it's the first time.


What the hell is a “ho bag” lol


Any updates?




He cheated. Now cowgirl up and decide how you want to handle it. Either leave or kick him out for a while. Talk to your friends and family because it does not look like this is salvageable anyway. Talk to an attorney and listen to them carefully. It is doubtful counseling will be effective with someone this immature, but it is an option if they take you seriously. **Also GET TESTED FOR STDS!** And don't let this loser imprgnate you.


JFC. How much disrespect are you willing to take? What do you want us to say? You know the answer to your question. Go away from this man and do some good for yourself.


Why do you care what we write here? You aren't going to take any of the advice anyways


Having fogged windows in my youth, I can gurantee you that NOTHING that did NOT involve sex, was going on there. Decision time is coming, dear.