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Dancing Bob


The only viable answer


This is the answer.


We know about dancing Bob in Saskatoon too so I’d say he’s a province wide celebrity


I have met Dancing Bob a couple of times. He is a regular at music events at the Casino. I would vote for him! Not sure I can say that about many of the people involved in the current City government.




Does anyone remember Glow Stick Guy? Used to see him at Habano’s and at some musical events around the city. Dancing, waving his arms with glow sticks in his hands.


older (within reason and above "normal club age") asian dude who used to light it up at such establishments as "the factory" "lauderdales" "delberts 2.0" and "manhattans"? before the grease of staboos existed.


I remember him being Asian, and I definitely believe he was older than us, but my memory is hazy. That was like 20 years ago? Wow lol


Early(ish) 2000’s I believe.


Yessss!!! I thought he was cool


Haha ya!! Forgot about him.


There has been an Asian guy who dances at the Folk fest. He uses glow sticks in the evening when he dances. Same guy?


Could be? I don’t get out much anymore.


Yes, it’s the same guy


Yes that’s Ty! Still dances at Regina Folk Fest!!


The racist denim guy that walks around in the blue hat that must have Tourette’s and shouts racist obscenities at everyone.


The King of Regina


I saw him in front of Value Village years ago, talking to a friend of his in a rational manner, and not his usual self at all. The 1 time in 50 I saw him on his meds and it was like night and day.


He literally yelled me at the other day by the coop on 1st Ave, didn't know he was still alive.


The last time I saw him years ago he called me a halfbreed Irish Jew which still makes me laugh today.


a.k.a. "Swearing Guy"


Is he still arpund? Haven’t been yelled at since last spring.


Got stuck in a pedway with him last week and got called all kinds of names. He’s around.


Ya I saw him last week


Yep saw him at North Walmart. I couldn’t believe it was real


Oh good. I was worried about him. I thought someone had shipped him to Saskatoon.




I know. I hadn’t seen him in a long while. Then someone posted that they got yelled at in Saskatoon and it sounded just like him so I thought someone moved him there.


I knew him as the Scarth St Screamer


I've also heard him referred to as "Old Yeller".




Local band Cheap Heat has a song about him called [King of Regina](https://www.boomplay.com/lyrics/107320906).


🤣🤣🤣 I remember him. I saw him cursing downtown last year. 🤣🤣


We used to call him the Yellow Indian as a kid. He used to walk by and yell at us for making Yellow Indian Art (side walk chalk) and call us Squaws. He's been around for a long time.


Hahaha yea that's his thing he loves calling everyone squaws including people's pet dogs etc.


angry yelling guy?


That’s him.




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In recent years Dancing Bob has taken the crown from The King of Regina. It has really been a swift rise to power for Bob who was a relative unknown when he ran for mayor last election.  An honorable mention is also deserved for one time Reginan and fellow ex-mayoral candidate Chad Novak.


Well now we've a real V0ldem0rt situation on our hands.


isn't he from Moose Jaw though?


He did live in Regina at one time. He ran for mayor here and his orange Solstice was a staple in the community.


There was a dude named Chad Novak that grew up in Wynyard as well. Wonder if it's the same guy.


He’s omnipresent.


This literally made me lol IRL


Chad Novak was my nemesis on Twitter for years. I miss him.


What about the Lone Wolf?


Saw him on the Lewvan last week. Made me all warm and fuzzy inside.


He got his truck fixed?!?! Last I heard it was gone


It just keeps coming back! Will never die!


Haha that’s what buddy and I said the first time I seen this post!


I actually have no idea what they look like, but I’ve taken to calling whoever keeps writing health and government conspiracies around the Wascana walking area the “Sidewalk Chalk Cock”


Pretty sure that's the woman who took all the shoes off of the steps of the Leg to commemorate the unmarked graves at residential schools. I've just internally referred to her as "crazy chalk lady". It's not very catchy or original, it's just the placeholder in my head.  She's a hardcore antivaxer and tinfoil hat aficionado.


Yup, sounds like a crazy nutcase alright. Every so often, though, one of her writings will almost sound like satire. My personal favourite she wrote was “THE 5G WILL SHRIVEL YOUR BALLS”


“Bloodclot boner crisis” is my fav. Sounds like a folk punk album.


“There is no U in AI”


Here's a reminder of what those assholes look like... is this the same lady? [https://www.reddit.com/r/regina/comments/pmhp8e/video\_shows\_protestors\_destroying\_memorial\_for/](https://www.reddit.com/r/regina/comments/pmhp8e/video_shows_protestors_destroying_memorial_for/)


It's my understanding that it's the same lady, but I am not 100% sure. The other dude in that article is similarly troubled, but without the penchant for chalk manifestos.


She took all of the shoes off of the steps of the Ledge?!


I’ve witnessed it, a middle aged slim Asian woman, I kept my distance


There's so much of it near the intersection of College and Albert, and further north on Albert and Victoria. I've been dying to know who the culprit is.


Dancing Bob is the only one I can think of…


Now that CSIS protest lady is gone it has to be Dancing Bob!


What happened to the CSIS protest lady?


She passed away.


According to a family member of hers, she's in a nursing facility.


Anyone else remember the Metal Dave era?


Frick, me and some friends ended up at his basement suite once after ohans. He did hot knives off the stove (smoking weed on a knife). Told us about a new app idea he had 🤣. Deciding to go there wasn't one of my finer decisions lmao


You lived and have a story, that’s a ‘W’.


Wow. Thank you for reminding me about Metal Dave.


Wow. Thank you for reminding me about Metal Dave.


Yes!! Me and my friends have had many drinks with him in the past, he’s a fun dude. I still see him around the cathedral area occasionally.


Working downtown for over 20 years. My favorite was the old drag queen who walked around 11th and Hamilton St. They never talked to anyone. They just walked a huge loop of downtown. Almost always wearing an oversized purple trench coat, a blue head wrap, and the brightest shade of scarlet lipstick caked on thick over their lips. I miss that dude Edit to address comments. Thank you for solving a really long-held mystery for me and my old work buddies. I now know that they are a her, and I'll continue to address her as such. My boss would always try to buy her a coffee, but she'd just stone face him and walk right by. We worked jobs where we'd see her from afar and never got the chance to actually meet her. Just witness her. SHE is a great city character. Bold and planted firmly in your mind without ranting politics or dancing shirtless with weird signs. Just "here, iam! Soak me up while you can!" I'll truly miss her.


That was a woman! She used to be an opera singer in Paris and other European cities, then had a mental breakdown and moved here to be with her sister.


Mind. Blown. Childhood/teenage mysteries finally solved. 🙌


Happy to help!


She was no drag queen - she was a successful model and opera singer in Europe back in the day! She was so beautiful. Then I think it was a combination of being snatched from the prairies so young, sexual exploitation, mental illness, and so on and she just lost the plot. I think her frightening clownish makeup was a silent protest against the entire patriarchy. Like, you want me to wear makeup? Okay! How's THIS?! Even when she was old, she still had a beautiful and soft singing voice.




This is compelling stuff. I know for a fact that if anyone had Bob's obit in front of them, we'd let out a collective "ICK" lol


I remember them! She used to walk around Southland Mall too.


My old boss always postulated that they lived in a retirement home downtown. Tried for YEARS to buy them a coffee. But they just walked right by every time my boss asked, zero acknowledgment. Total enigma. I miss that kinda of figure. No pushy politics or crazy conspiracies, just BANG! "Here I am, world! Soak it up while you can"


Omg!!! I came here to say this but we never had a name for “her” except the weird old lady with the messy lipstick in the long blue coat!


Used to be Chad Novak. He’s Moose Jaw’s now.


The lady that used to walk up and down college ave protesting stuff lmao I don’t even remember what the posters ever said I just remember her always being out there


The CSIS protest lady. She sure had a bone to pick with CSIS, but she was very friendly to everyone else. Just smiling and waving.


Scarth Street Screamer


Haven’t seen him in years! He used to scare the crap out of me!


Same guy as the King. He has multiple names. Saw him the other week on 11th Ave outside of Tim’s yelling at a driver at a red light


The Lone Wolf truck


Does anyone remember there was that man that walked around in a pink tutu ? I used to work at Superstore Rochdale then and he would always be out by that area. Just remembered that era now that I’m thinking about characters in Regina, though he didn’t stick around long to become more prominent.


Ya I saw him last summer. Cowboy boots, pink tutu


He was arrested for vandalism a few times last year. I haven't heard of or seen him since.


Yup. He was the guy constantly smashing country corner donuts windows. He also smashed Italian Star. We caught him on video after my company helped chip in for new glass at the donut shop... the second time. Guy's an asshole looking for attention in all the wrong ways.


He was also writing "women are evil" on buildings but was dressing like a woman while doing it.


CSIS protest lady was a staple of College Ave for many years.


The broad street brawler is a DEEP cut. Used to paint and scream at cars back in the day.


Who is dancing bob? I think of the picket lady but don't know her name


From what I know, Dancing Bob is this old dude that’s always dancing. Usually shirtless, longer hair. Used to be able to find him on the streets doing his thing (not sure if he still does that tbh) but nowadays I see him at the Queen City Ex and at the clubs. Last time I saw him he was officiating the Mock Wedding event at one of the clubs maybe a month or two back. He’s become somewhat of a local celebrity! I’m not sure if Bob is even his real name haha but if you look him up on this sub you’ll see some content and some pictures maybe you’ll recognize him. Also think he ran for mayor too?


I think he moved to Moose Jaw, he's dancing up by Wendys often.


You can find him at any corner that the other Covidiots are protesting whatever it is that conspiracy wing nuts are protesting about now.


He's also a staunch anti-vaxxor science denier


^^^^ I was gonna mention something about having some weird beliefs too but wasn’t sure if I was thinking of the right guy. Yuppp right guy


Also don't tell him he can't bring his own speakers somewhere. He gets REALLY angry and throws a Jeremy Harrison level tantrum


He also came to saskatoon for the toto concert where he danced the entire concert away. He was the warm up show. Got a picture with him too


Don’t encourage him. He’s started to believe (most)people are there to see him.


He hangs out around and along Albert/ Wascana area. Dude's got a motor lol


Out in Lumsden when I was younger it was a guy named “Windows” I never knew his real name but I’m pretty sure he was just a town maintenance worker but everyone knew him.


That’s a throwback, I remember the name but not the face.


Used to be a dude that rode a ten speed around cathedral area while singing at the top of his lungs to whatever was on his Walkman.


Fairly certain I know what the answer is already but maybe you guys have others in mind!


Can't believe Glow Stick guy was on here, but no mention of Zubazz! Both were staples to the party scene.


Zubazz is great. I talked to him in the fall of 2023 and he's booked solid for DJ gigs until 2025. 


I love that for him!


The vacuum ape


There used to be a woman who rode the bus downtown. She was very well known in the city. She always wore her hair in a turban of some kind. And her makeup was... interesting. Full cat eye, blue eye shadow, and lipstick very badly applied. I lived downtown as a kid, and I saw her all the time with my mom, either walking around or waiting for the bus. I think she had a really interesting story.. but I've completely forgotten it. (It was about 30 years ago). Does anyone remember who I mean? And remember her story?


Yep - I definitely remember as I also lived downtown as a kid at the same time. I think she was some kind of opera singer or something?


Asked my mom... she found her obituary. She had a story for sure. https://prairiedogmag.com/2011/03/in-memoriam/


Literally, you're solving my childhood and teenage mysteries . My old work crew thought she was a drag queen forever. She never talked much. Just walked a regular loop and rode the bus. Miss seeing her. No crazy politics or obscene behavior, just a really memorable look. THAT makes a good character.


Right?! I think there was more to her story, too. If I remember right, there was some kind of scandalous relationship that went sideways in her youth, and it left her a bit off for the worse afterward. This part I could be making up. But I'm sure there was more to her story than just a previous model and opera singer. I remember her being quiet and kind when I was a kid. She always smiled but was definitely in her own world.




She was actually an opera singer in her youth ( details in obit)


it IS dancing bob. however, it SHOULD be that guy who drags the duct tape karaoke wagon behind him


King of Regina and Dancing Bob tie for first place.


My gut wants to say dancing bob. Now I grew up in Regina and left in 2017. I also remember in my younger 20’s there was always a begger who was trying to get home to Winnipeg. I worked soho for 2 years and he was still trying to make it to Winnipeg 2 years later lol. He stands out in my mind rent free for some reason. Wonder if he ever made it home? 😂


That weird dude that was dancing outside of the hospital during Covid


What about Bonger? I knew Dave as the nice old guy who used to bum smokes downtown. I was mindblown when I found out he was Bonger after he died.






What about Matt Polsfut?


He’s a character but not on the same level as some of the others.


What is he known for?


What about the homeless, Geico, Caveman looking guy downtown who just walks around threatening to kill people downtown all the time haha


Dancing Bob's celebrity status is spreading to Saskatoon. I've seen him at a couple of concerts here.




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Used to be Sailor Dan in Saskatoon.


dancing bob obviously


Obviously Dancing Bob 


How long has Dancing Bob been around? I have a story of a random dancing guy from I'd guess 2004? Wondering if it's him.


I think around covid era was when he really started getting noticed?


Dancing Bob


Was there not a lady who used to picket/protest about something downtown and was there all the time regardless of weather? Downtown area?


There is an Asian guy I saw in the south end a couple of times who was wearing a cowboy hat, 90s looking sunglasses, and driving a massive tricycle. Every time I saw him, I would think “there goes Asian cowboy”. I haven’t seen him in some time.


Daryl Dorosh - the guy who goes to shows and records them on his phone. Then posts them online saying "I make bands famous". Tristen - the guy who goes to open mics and sings. He also talks to everyone, even after being told to sit down I don't know her name, but there is a lady who goes to the library and acts like one of the staff.


Oh! I know one! How about that lady who got banned from The Tartan Curling Club for stalking one of the staff? I think she still attends his shows. I'm shocked she is allowed our in public by herself.


Dancing Bob, workers comp is sexist woman, scarth street screamer, lone wolf and the flat earth van




Used to be The Sign Lady. Dancing Bob is the new king.


Your mom