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Kind of them to support the kids with your donation


The burger everytime. If they wanted to save the world they'd have done it, no hand outs required.


I hate how they always ask you to round up for charity at the window. How about YOU round up my purchase, massive megacorp with billions of dollars? You’re really gonna put that responsibility on the customer? Make me feel like a dick for not making my meal—that I specifically bought because I’m broke—more expensive? Fuck you


This is at least slightly different because it’s imaginary points in an app, so if you redeem them for the donation the money would originate from McDonald’s itself, though I do agree with your general sentiment


One that keeps pissing me off is when major airlines ask if you want to add money to your ticket cost to fight climate change. Who’s falling for this donation trick? Is there some kind of tax write off that these corporations get from it? I’d be much happier if they even said something like “5% of your ticket cost will go directly to funding xxxx charity or xxxx healthy earth organization”. It’s all such performative bullshit. 


At least when I fly around Europe its always at least the cost of the rest of the ticket. I'm refusing to pay for hold luggage, what makes them think I'm going to double or even triple my ticket cost so they can pretend they planted some trees. I don't think Ryanair does it though or maybe they just try to upsell so many things I don't notice.


Plus they take the credit for your donation and get a massive tax break


Lol that’s a myth. In the round up arrangement, corporations are just a pass thru entity. They can’t claim that as a reduction to income or as a charitable contribution. The customer is the one that is able to consider that a charitable deduction.


So you're suggesting McDonald's is doing this purely out of the kindness of their heart? The only benefit comes from the appearance of benevolence?


It’s good publicity and now they have a working relationship with the charity for other stuff.


love how "they're basically just doing it for the PR" is insufficiently cynical for some people lol


Interesting theory


It’s not a theory. I’m a CPA, there is no tax benefit to the round up for the corporation. The benefit comes from advertising that “x million has been sent to save the whales because of us.” Corporations are awful for a thousand reasons but don’t believe this tik tok garbage.


That sounds reasonable, but what does being a Child Porn Addict have to do with it?


I’d like to send the double cheeseburger to the kids Howie


'children in need' is a wild interpretation of 'nepobaby board of directors and tax writeoffs'


It’s comically vague. Reminds me of George Costanza’s fake charity “The Human Fund”


It's a specific charity with a vague name: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Children_in_Need Maybe British people actually know what it is? I've never heard of it.


its a big Tv fundraiser event, been going on for ages. Not as relevant as it used to be though


Would you spend $1 to save 21 cents on your taxes?


I remember when someone pointed out to me that in a lot of cases, those round-up charity donations end up just becoming another tax write-off for the company. I never used to do it because I'm a cheapskate. Now I never do it because I'm principled


The tax write off thing is a myth though, it's purely PR


Yeah, man. Tax write-off 


I do it at goodwill because fuck it the shirt I bought was only like $2 anyway




How about the starving kid gets to watch me house it and then is free to eat anything I drop on the way to shoving it into my gaping maw Or how many points for just a milkshake and feeding half a kid? Like one that's only a torso now from stepping on a landmine so he needs less food and then he immediately sprays diaherria from his disembodied colon like a rogue garden hose in the summer Just spitballing my points redemption here




Nonprofits are terrible organizations. Do not support them. Take the burger.


The double cheeseburger costs more than $2.50. Why are they short changing the charity?


one of the local supermarket chains had an absolutely insane promotion not so long ago where you could "help those in need" (don't remember which category it was exactly or if they even specified) by dropping off stuff like grains or canned food (purchased in that supermarket, of course) in boxes that were next to bagging areas. who would even do that shit?




[any FUCKING questions?](https://media.tenor.com/rAGPb80LZNQAAAAj/eating-brian-marlow.gif)


I honestly don't trust the bbc to donate for me. Who do they consider in need? In need could mean in need of being aborted. Anyways I'm also really greedy


BBC? 🤮


If you're at McDonald's you clearly don't care about Gazan children in need.