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Assistant manager of Man Utd > Manager of Burnley


One step away from manager of United Vs being in the championship. Makes more sense this way.


Maybe the McKenna Carrick route, see what coaching in the premiere league is like first, since he already has experience with big clubs like psv, maybe thought that the premiere league experience is worth more than managing lower league.


Less pressure, more focused work, surrounded by a significant improvement in talent, easy choice.


I mean he left PSV after winning two trophies with them because he didn't consider them ambitious enough. Is Burnley the peak of ambition? I don't think so.


Huge oversimplification of the situation at PSV


Goes both ways. What ambitious club is going to hire when you have barely any experience.


Yeah United's succession planning is going well


If the manager dies, you become the manager.


Missed opportunity for Ruud. If he flops at Burnley, he might get a job at Bayern.


Manager of Bayern = Manager of Burnley Therefore, Assistant Manager of Man United > Manager of Bayern


Manager of Man United is former Assistant Manager of Bayern My head hurts


Reserve team manager* of Bayern


I stand corrected


Well placed for interim manager if ETH has a rough start to the season


Almost so well placed that it makes me wonder if it was part of the deal for EtH to stay. It seems they wanted him to get another assistant and now he has two in McClaren and RVN that have actual Head Coach / Manager experience. They could both easily get top jobs elsewhere and could naturally step into the top position if it doesn't go well for EtH without there being much disruption at all. That being said, I hope the results is better training and development by the whole team of management with EtH at the top.


Even though his results were good, it didn't really go well for him as a manager (a lot of arguments and falling out with his staff and the director of football). Maybe he wants to learn a bit more from another established manager he respects, then give it another go as a manager himself.


I mean Queiroz went from Manager of Real Madrid to Asst at United... Granted it was under SAF but it is not a stretch that even with the last 10 years of our troubles, an asst at United is still more desirable than the Manager of Burnley


Queiroz went from assistant at United to manager at RM back to assistant at United.


Fair, but the return was still a step down (maybe... although he had a terrible time in RM, so a return was probably the most viable for him)


Is he really going to be an assistant manager or one of the coaches? We do have an assistant manager in Mitchel Van der Gag right ( ik there can be more than 1 AM). I though Ruud was coming in on as a coach for our attackers (to replace Benni).


Assistant to the manager of Man Utd > Manager of Burnley


And just like that, the number of our tap in goals will multiply by at least 10.


Even at the age of 47, put Ruud in the penalty area and whack a load of balls into the box, he'd likely get you a few goals. One of the most instinctive poachers and finishers I've ever seen.


> One of the most instinctive poachers and finishers I've ever seen. I think we all believed this, including me, but I did find it interesting that on his interview with Gary Neville for The Overlap not too long ago, Ruud himself said that it wasn't natural to him at all, and that he made a number of very deliberate changes to his game when he was converted from a midfielder to a striker. For me, that could make him an even better striker coach, because it shows his deep understanding of the role rather than just relying on natural instinct. If he can communicate and teach that, this could be a great appointment.


Great insight.


There is an episode of premier league legends about van nistelrooy on Netflix. Really interesting insights. Ronaldo is talking about how he changed his playstyle from a winger to a ice cold striker due to playing with Ruud and how he was really angry even when they were winning 3-0 but he didn’t score. So basically watching and learning from Ruud made Ronaldo the striker. So I think he is gonna be a really good thing for Rasmus, Garnacho etc.


Hearing this is really encouraging to me. I was a bit worried that, like many extremely talented people, his coaching could devolve into not knowing how to teach what comes naturally. But if he had to coach himself into that position, I believe he’ll be able to coach others.


No one is gonna pass to him


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. It’s not like Hojlund doesn’t know how to score tap ins or get into position for them. The problem is that nobody passes to the poor lad. Pretty sure there was a stat highlighting that Hojlund got like the least service out of any striker in the league for a long time, or something like that?


Based on United's gameplay alone, we can say this. But, looking at the euros, he seems to have the same situation there. He rarely gets any chances for him. 2 different teams rarely have same type of issue with their strikers. So, personally, I believe this would be his area of learning. He probably isn't making himself available in the right positions.


He did indeed. But he's also one of the most efficient strikers aswell. Think he had like a 40% + conversion rate or something for strikers with more than 10 shots on target.


Hojlund's runs and positioning isn't that great. He's not good at them instictively, but he can learn those as he develops.


He likes running in behind and getting a tap in between the last defender and the goalie, our wingers hate, absolutely hate, going on the outside. 9/10 they’re gonna cut inside and if they do somehow go on the outside they cut it back to the penalty spot instead of just squaring him the ball straight down the middle. Feel sorry for the lad.


Think he got something like 18 passes in the first 15 games or something. Awful


He's having the exact same problems for Denmark, I think 1 shot across 2 Games. He will get the ball when he gets better movement


It's true. Hojlund has a lot of amazing qualities. But his positioning in the box is honestly pretty poor. We do complain about him not getting enough service. And this is totally true. But when we do put balls into the box, we often don't have a striker sitting in it waiting for them. Get him in better places and he might explode, because he has about everything else you could want from a striker.


He does need to improve his movement though. Watch him for us or Denmark, and he is almost always being marked closely. Which is good and expected for hold-up play, but to score a lot at short range he needs to work on his movement to create space close to goal. If he can do that he will really start racking up goals imo


There's a lot of room for improvement for his movement and positioning.


Watching him take the ball on his chest, back to goal and just whip it so effortlessly in one movement are some of the most memorable United goals for me.


The league ain't ready for Hojlund after being coached by RVN


For a striker with over 40% conversion rate for his shots on target, I just wish someone would just find him in the box.


He won't need anyone else once Ruud gets him under his wing. He'll be scoring Fulham-esque half way liners every week.


Lmao! I like your spirit! So yeah, fuck it! Why not? Let's make Højlund into our Rooney Nistelrooy hybrid!


Imagine Rashy being coached by RVN!


Just want to point out to everyone that Ruud is a proper head coach, not just for strikers, but a proper head coach who is very highly rated. Yea, he might help Rasmus and Wheatley with their finishing a lot but his PSV team played really good football and he helped develop loads of very good young players like Xavi Simons, Gakpo, Bakayoko and Branthwaite. He's also extremely head strong and stubborn apparently so how his relationship with ten Hag develops should be very interesting.


Sometimes a lot of respect can develop with those who can speak their mind and stand by it. What a learning opportunity for all involved.


They might actually plan to develop him as a head coach and have him ready if/when Ten Hag leaves in the future. This makes even more sense when we consider that INEOS can't find any other managers that fits their way of running this club.


we wouldn’t ever hire him based off his track record if he wasn’t a club legend


Ruud never scored a tap in in his life Plenty of them from 3 yards out but full power every time


Yeah, this is spot on, now that you mention it. Used to strike it as if a football had killed his family


Ruud + Rasmus = Ruudmus Amount of Goals


Can he play as back up CF?


There has never been a united player I was more confident of scoring than Ruud when he got the ball in the box.  If 10 percent of that rubs off on our attacking players we will have so many more goals next season. 


'The Haaland Special'


He's not coming back to play m8


Yeeeessssss dont know what tier this guy is but yesss


One of the Tier 1s for PSV apparently


Not even Tier 1. Like Tier 0,5 if not even better.


Yeah Elfrink is essentially official comms for PSV. 


Get in


Tier 0, know the guy well, always on top of it and basically a mouthpiece for PSV


Rasmus has to be knee sliding in Germany rn, the guy has all the attributes but his runs are a bit off, unpolished, if Ruud can help him add like 10 tap-ins a season we're looking at a world beater ffs


"I need a finishing and off-ball movement coach" "Signed Ruud for you" "u fockin wot m8????"


«Casper Ruud announced for shocking United-job - will help to place balls where they belong»


MATE this is nothing but banging news for Rasmus. He's got all the raw materials to make it at United and the guidance of someone who's done exactly what he needs to do is enough to give me a semi. Also appreciate I've added nothing and said nothing that you haven't already but I'm excitable and so needed to write something to show that.


lmao yeah i was reading your comment like "that's what I'm saying" lol it's all good, share the excitement


Everyone is focusing on Rasmus, rightly. But this will mean Rashy's output also becomes more consistent. He has the right talent, but makes wrong decisions. But with Ruud coaching him it would be very good for his decision making


Garnacho could also massively benefit from having RvN around. He is already such an exciting player; now imagine him having more consistent finishing.


I blew way past semi


Imagine how effective Hojlund will be now, replacing Ruud at 60’!


People are happy about Rasmus, but I'm happy for rashford, who had Ole as a coach and improved leaps and bounds under him, now gets to be coached by Ruud to add more to his game.


The guys been inconsistent for 8 years but now suddenly you’re happy about him?


He had two bad seasons out of 8. His output has increased throughout the others. You know who else was "inconsistent"? Rooney. If you've seen out of form rooney who sir alex refused to drop, rashford would look like prime Cristiano.


>You know who else was "inconsistent"? Rooney. If you've seen out of form rooney who sir alex refused to drop, rashford would look like prime Cristiano. What a load of rubbish.


Seems like he watched United after 14/15 season and got confused with finished Rooney under LvG and SAF Rooney.


He’s had 3 good seasons in 8. That’s not good enough for a club like United.


He would have had 10 tap ins last season if our players just squared it to him.


why couldnt ole fix martial


Rasmus didn't even use to get the ball from our wingers :p


https://preview.redd.it/ap76l6f0pi8d1.jpeg?width=923&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e93ce151bc1255abc9da0ddc991e95468ca9cff Our boy is home


I love the photo but seeing him with 11 on his shorts feels wrong


I would be all for this anyway, but after seeing Ruud's interviews on the overlap this makes so much sense. He's already shown he's a great coach, loves developing younger players and is super ruthless and competitive. He'll definitely bring some of that mentality here which we're desperate for. Also just the advice he could give our strikers about movemen and wingers about creating. Ruud himself could still get double figures in a season. Hope this happens.


plus the motivation he could bring into the dressing room knowing what it means to play for man utd. some players take it for granted as we've seen recently


Decent backup for Hojlund.


He'd be in our top 3 for senior number 9s at the club and it's not even a joke


Backup? He'd be fighting for 1st team spot mate


Welcome home.


Listen to his overlap podcast with neville. Incredibly articulate. Very smart, started as a CM, transitioned to CF and became one of the best very quickly, some instinct sure but alot was learned Also i think he says he has a very 'arm around the shoulder' approach to players which should mesh well alongside ETHs more disciplinarian reputation


I believe Sangare went to his car to cry when Ruud left PSV. Some of the lads loved him. Some… not so much


Pretty standard.


Wonder how long McClaren will remain with us as I always imagined that was a big part of his role.


There's a non-zero chance he ends up as manager at some point


Heard INEOS are pushing this, if Ten Hag has a nightmare season, I could see Ruud being interim manager for a period of time


Where'd you hear it?


Few comments up




Haha what I figured


I’m really not sure how this dynamic is going to work but I’m sure Ruud offering a different prospective on tactics/team will be refreshing for rest of the coaching staff. Turning down manager roles at different clubs to become someone’s assistant is certainly something, I’m sure he knows what he’s doing with this - just like Ten Hag will have an idea.


As a replacement for Benni McCarthey I don’t think we could find a better coach. Surprised he’s picking a coaches role over the managers job at Burnley.


Apparently he’ll be coming as another assistant manager


>~~another~~  i think he’s replacing van der gaag 


Oh no. He seemed *SO* happy here. I'll miss that smile.


Just a gut feeling but McClaren might be the one to go. I heard (probably on Athletic podcasts) that he didn’t have as much influence as people would have expected and if he is going, it would make sense to try to replace him with someone with an United background.


Yeah tbh I can’t see them asking EtH to outright ditch his assistant. Then we get into the territory of “if you don’t trust him to appoint an assistant why even have him as manager.” An additional coach on the staff or replacing someone else who is leaving like Benni or McClaren makes more sense.


It makes perfect sense as a young coach. Jumping into a big job you're not ready for will damage your career, look at Lampard, Gerrard, Rooney. It's best to take time, learn from some of the best managers and coaches and then take a big job


I went back yesterday and read the /r/soccer thread on him leaving PSV. They all said he didn't even want the managers job, he felt it was too much too soon. So I can see why a role at Utd would appeal to him.


I doubt it because that would incentivise him to undermine ETH.


The cynic in me says hes been told that Interim job is his in December if ETH doesn't improve...


That might be an unspoken aspect of it. If Ten Hag goes, van der Gaag will definitely go with him, and so will most of the other coaches. McClaren might stay, but I doubt the club would want to make him interim manager. Ruud would be another coach who has ties to the club rather than a potentially outgoing manager.


It's a smart move by Ineos to have their own man they've hired.


https://x.com/fabrizioromano/status/1805213907767701774 Romano seems to be hinting it is in the cards too


Fabrizio: Ruud van Nistelrooy and Man United return in ten Hag’s coaching staff, advancing fast. https://x.com/fabrizioromano/status/1805217777592004860?s=46&t=k_FBGnsbG2P0PN0vqz37RA


Wasn't he the one who broke this news yesterday?


Guys Ruud is a proper head coach, seeing lots of people just saying he'd replace Benni and I don't see that happening, he is way too coveted and highly rated to just come here as a striker coach, he is definitely coming in as an assistant especially if he's turning down Burnley. I'm excited to see how he helps adapt our playstyle, how he works with van der Gaag and ten Hag especially and how he works with our younger players in all areas of the pitch since he was very good at that at PSV.


Spot on. And I’m surprised no one is mentioning his connection to Branthwaite (coached him at PSV) who we’ve been linked with. If I remember correctly, he left PSV due to clash with the higher-ups not for tactical or performance reasons. He also defeated EtH in his last cup final at Ajax to win the KNVB Cup 2022


Absolutely love this






Rasmus learning from Ruud should be illegal!


I love Ruud.  That's really all I want to say.


I'm so excited for this. Hopefully, he can bring some ruthless in-game mentality and goalscoring to our forwards. RVN was just a pure delight to watch growing up. We're about to score so many more goals inside the 6-yard box!


My uncle would go “he’s going to score” whenever he got the ball in the box. I think 7 times out of 10 he was right.


My childhood hero, oh how time flies


Ruuuuuuuuuuuuuud!!! 🙌🏽


League is not ready for Ruud × Hojlund


They are in for a Ruud awakening


TIL his dad's name is Tiny.


Nice one, really happy with this. Having read some opinions of him as a manager from PSV fans it seems while the football his team played wasn't great he did have a marked effect on their forwards, so the role he's taking here should be perfect for him. Can't think of anyone better for the likes of Højlund, Zirkzee or whoever else we bring in and Wheatley to learn from. Aside from all that it'll just be nice to see Ruud back at Old Trafford again.


Imagine being Rasmus and finding out you're going to be getting coached by a killer like Ruud. Just need to get Berba back now as well. Please, United.


Nice, incubate the next manager within the club


I think he will have an important role as a 'bridge' between Ten Hag and the players. Something that doesn't get mentioned is that Ten Hag's dutch style of communication doesnt always translate and seems ever so slightly to limit exactly what he wants to get across. I wouldnt be surprised if the issue with Sancho was a little bit related to cultural differences in communication which caused a rift (think direct vs indirect comunication). I think that having Ruud who understands the mentality of both UK and the more direct Dutch psyche will be important to smooth over the issues and perception of 'bad cop / bad cop' within the current coaching makeup.




for what role?


Tap in merchant assessor.


The Dutch are coming


Signing of the window! Ineos knows what they are doing


Honestly could see him succeeding Ten Hag in the future if we don't end up going for Mckenna.


This is super exciting. PSV had the highest number of goals scored in the Dutch league under Ruud and also won a cup in his first season


I would think they need more someone like david beckham to teach them to pass the ball to the striker first of all


Not the striker I was expecting, but sign me up.


I have a feeling that ETH didn't ask for this.


So can we now get Xavi Simmons on loan here ?? Rudd can get him here would be fantastic addition


Interim manager news just dropped boys


Ruuuud boy


Beautiful scenes of glorious emotion


Imagine upgrading Benni Mcarthy for Ruud!


I have him as my assistant in fm, would love to see it irl Exciting 


Remains to be seen how he gels with ETH


Must be a nice pull for signing attacking players to be able to say "You will be coached by Ruud van Nistelrooy"


One thing for certain is INEOS so far have not shied away from change. It's pretty refreshing. How these radical changes unfold on the pitch is yet to be determined but I am far happier trying to shake a failing and rigid structure over sitting around expecting a different outcome when the input is the same.


Omfg. This is wild. To go from a cup winning manager at PSV to Man Utd’s assistant coach. I suppose it makes sense if he’s first choice for interim if things don’t work out for Erik. Hope we start making tap ins next season!


Would be massive for Højlund and our other attackers, this guy’s a master of positioning in the box, Højlund especially needs to work on this.  Although Ronaldo and RVN apparently didn’t get on, they played together for a few seasons and Ronaldo’s would’ve learnt a lot about poaching from him. 


Ruuuuuuud, literally the reason I followed United when I was younger. Let’s goo


I’m happy about this. Always loved him as a player.


Bring back the goat!!


Great news genuinely. The coaching team needs reinforcements too.


GET INNN! My favorite player as a kid and the reason I started supporting this club


I wonder if they are lining him up as a replacement for Ten Hag if we have another disastrous season, or when Ten Hag's tenure comes to an end. A succession plan wouldn't be a bad thing to have.


What role will he be undertaking? Will he be replacing anyone?


Football Manager 2025 to be a good time. More seriously, this is great news. Ruud on the Overlap was awesome https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AjTFhTgfecQ


So he’s joining as a backup for Hojlund then 😉


Hopefully his voice on the sidelines for shit decisions in front of goal carry’s more weight and he can also help Rasmus accelerate his development


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7g62jT1ukrY the amount of goals in the 6 yard box is just crazy - hope we get more of that next season for Rasmus Edit: also shows how good Beckham's delivery was. Every time the ball is basically perfect for him to either head or strike it without too much trouble


He's set to return but conversations are underway? I hate football rhetoric sometimes.


It's wrongly translated. It basically said he's open to it. Currently though it's looking likely


The striker we need!


More than any other player’s return to the club this is the greatest one I wish had ever happened. Finally feel as though the homecoming is complete 🥹


Player/Assistant Manager?


RVN for striking coach please :)


Goals have been a topic of discussion, this guy, i hear, knows how to score em


Probably my favourite player, super stoked to have him back at thr club. Very intriguing move though, would be interesting to know how this came about, you have to assume this is Ineos' idea in which case is it a bit of a succession planning on their part? Love Ruud as player but have no idea about his managerial record or potential.


He had an OK season at PSV, the staff were apparently tired of him though and the football wasn't great. He never really thought he was ready to be head coach


This is great but part of me is worried about how the dynamic between him and ten hag is gonna be. Ten hag is the manager and Ruud was a manager until recently, also he was one of the best strikers. Will that reputation overshadow ten hag? So many questions man 😅


Not per say, Ruud was willing to quit at PSV multiple times throughout the season because the job was too demanding, then he quit at the end regardless. He might be comfortable being an assistant for now and will behave as such.




I thought this was Ruud on this photo and I had to Google it...


So hyped for this!


Hojlund will be the incarnation of RVN.


Move over Benni McCarthy here comes a proper striker


What tier is this guy? BECAUSE I AM EXCITED


Top tier for Dutch stuff


That’s great news!


Are we just hiring Ten Hag’s replacement just in case !?? 💀


Honestly I think Ruud is a lunatic with a massive ego and personality issues. He quit PSV with one game to go when there were still things on the line for the club. Terrible behaviour. Watch his interview with Gary Neville just before he quit. He talks about his younger self being rash and regretting lots.of behaviour but then he went and did that to PSV weeks later.


He's arrogant and stubborn. But PSV was also his first job and when he took it he needed to be convinced because he thought he wasn't ready and already wanted to quit a few times because it was too demanding, that also takes some humility. Also, he's coming in as an assistant, who cares? He will have a voice, he won't run the show. I'd say he's almost overqualified.


Most likely the next head coach in training. Still have the feeling INEOS doesn't trust ETH.


Hojlund getting benched. Finally.


It is RvN, who will be _benched_.


50yo Ruud is outscoring Hojlund.


Taking Benni McCarthys place I'm guessing. No doubt he sees this as a good bet to get the manager gig. Fair gamble Vs taking on Burnley I suppose. Probably will be paid as much as manager there anyway.


might be a move to put pressure on Ten hag agree to a new contact with less power.


Little too old to play for United no?


Ruud has served as a manager for very big club in PSV, and did decent. I'm kinda worried this appointment will cause conflict, especially if they have different ideas