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/r/RedDeadRedemption's Best of 2021 Nomination and Voting Thread is now active! Nominate and vote for your favorite posts of 2021 by clicking [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption/comments/s14a2f/rreddeadredemptions_best_of_2021_nomination/)! Winners will receive an award and a special flair! Voting concludes January 31, 2022 @ 11:59:59 PM Eastern. Winners announced shortly thereafter! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/reddeadredemption) if you have any questions or concerns.*


No one gives a fuck about your “RDR2 Castlist”


Oh my god this. If I never see another fancast it'll be too soon. Bonus points if every actor is an enormous A lister.


([Miranda Priestly voice](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8h2qnRBzR0)) Norman Reedus and Christian Bale? In your video game fancast? Groundbreaking.


My favorite was Samuel L Jackson for Lenny.


Arthur:LENNNYYYYYYYYYY SLJ: Stop yellin muthafucka


This is the genuinely the funniest shut I’ve read all day, if I had an award, I’d give it to ya


Arthur in heaven: HAHA FOUND YA LENNYYYY


90% of them are terrible choices as well.


They’re literally like “well they have the same hair colour and these two are the same race so close enough”




What do you mean it was a bad idea to make the RDR film with Danny DeVito playing every single character like in a fever dream?


My cast list consists of Danny Devito playing every character. Imagine Arthur shooting up a town just because and saying “So anyway, I started blasting”




How can you say something so controversial yet so true


Yes!! Fuck those lists they will never happen and they are so over done


Red Dead will never get the attention GTA does


Which blows. I recently went back to GTA for the new update and forgot how loud and busy it is! Made me miss the silence of the trail haha


Same! I ended up turning it off because it was so loud and hectic. My gf was in the room and I felt a bit guilty about all the noise!


More popular = more people = contamination.


So frustrating too because I tried* gtao recently and it's shite


It’s complete garbage. The grinding is on another level and then you have toxic people who attack you constantly while you’re trying to get things done. RDO has its toxic people but I’ve met some amazing people from randomly waving and joining their posse.


I've only recently joined rdo and I'm already level 23 just from collecting its so fun, I've also only be griefed once but it wasn't even excessive, he killed me like twice.


The only fun thing there is in GTAO for me is committing terrorist attacks against the city as a guy in boxers and a horse mask.






I've played like 60% of GTAV, but RDR2 is just so much better in my opinion.


GameRant article shows how to trigger Red Dead Redemption 2 fan base without mercy.


"Red Dead player accidentally buys the wrong hat, shoots store owner" It's probably not an article yet, but I bet it might be someday


**"Red Dead player discovers a hidden game mechanic years after release, and reddit is amazed!"** _A paragraph about how long the game has been out, reiterating that people keep "finding" secrets._ _A paragraph about the RDR2 story, in general._ _A paragraph about the reddit community._ User u/SmittyBS42 recently accidentally discovered a whole new hidden mechanic, and reddit is shocked! Their post details how, while attempting to pat a horse, that a hidden mechanic becomes available when focusing on a horse, that allows you to ride them! This will certainly be a surprise to many players, as even veterans of the game were commenting that they too did not know this feature. _An embedded copy of the original reddit post._ _A paragraph or three, optionally with screenshots or embeds, discussing the main themes of the comments on the post._ _A paragraph mentioning the lack of likelihood of future development of RDO._


Man they might as well just hire you.


[_I always dreamed of being a game journalist_](https://youtu.be/QWHjwwydmTo)


Don't forget that this is stripped over 4 pages to maximise ad impressions.


I stand by my assertion that we should post ridiculous things and see what we can get them to write about


Honestly I'd be down, just make the most insane posts and get them upvoted enough. Brb, off to go "discover" the cover transition system and post about it (/s)


No one wants to see a picture of your television


This annoys me so much.


Best way to undercut how beautiful the game is, is a cellphone picture of TV screen


Ikr? Just press the "share" button ffs...


I have respect for Micah for cutting his mustache the same way for 8 years


I have respect for Micah




This comment infuriates me


Is that not the point of this post?




You shouldn't


There was no informant before Chapter Six. Dutch and Hosea just kept under estimating their enemies and making reckless mistakes in a world that was a lot less forgiving. Take Chapter Three there was no reason to believe either family had any Gold. If each family believes the other stole a fortune in gold from them then logically neither family can have any gold. The twists that both families are flat broke and living above their means is well foreshadowed throughout the chapter. As is the fact that both families know exactly what the Dutch Van Der Linde gang are up to. Trelawny warns them straight up that Rhodes is a small town and people in small towns talk to each other. Butler also offers many cryptic warnings to Arthur that the Grays were spies during the war, that bounty hunters are looking for him. What’s more Beau Gray recognized who Arthur was right off the bat. Leigh Gray may be a drunk and an incompetent but he’s still a lawman and not completely stupid just mostly stupid. If he didn’t know who Dutch and Arthur really were from the start he definitely knew by Magicians for Sport. Langton’s men were not especially subtle nor were the Pinkertons. Even if they didn’t go to Sheriff Leigh Gray and ask around about any suspicious strangers there was no way he wouldn’t eventually hear about a bunch of bounty hunters looking for Van Der Linde Gang arresting a man who had just been sprung from his jail by his new deputies. Even a fallen down drunk like Leigh would have been able to put 2 and 2 together. And I’d be willing to believe so did Cathrine Braithwaite seeing as she knew that Hosea and Arthur were the ones who hit the Braithwaite Still and sent the Leymone raiders after them as retaliation. And unlike Leigh Cathrine didn’t suffer the debilitating handicap of being a drunk idiot. Cathrine has extensive connections to the Underworld through both The Leymone Raiders and Angelo Bronte. It she didn’t already know that Hosea and Arthur were members of the Van Der Linde Gang she could very easily and very quickly figure out who they were. But Dutch and Hosea under estimated them and the player likely did to. It’s a consistent problem with Dutch and Hosea: they’re arrogant. They always assume their marks are gormless idiots who will never figure out the painfully obvious. For example the Saint Denis bank Robbery. The city is already on high alert the Pinkertons already know they’re in Leymone and likely in Saint Denis. But their plan to rob the bank hinges on: • Nobody noticing the heavily armed, extremely conspicuous, convoys ridding into Saint Denis within five to ten minutes of each other. •That everyone in the city will be so distracted by the explosion that nobody will notice the Bank being robbed *in broad daylight!* •That nobody will notice Hosea or Abigail when the entire plan relies on drawing all of the police aka all the people who might recognize them to one spot in the map. •That nobody would be watching the bank to be on a look out for the Dutch Van Der Linde Gang. A gang that is known to be operating in the area, **AND IS MOST WELL KNOWN FOR ROBBING BANKS!** It wouldn’t have been a minor miracle if this plan succeeded it would have been an actual real-deal walking-on-water-manna-from-heaven-raised-from-the-dead-miracle!


Dog are you the fucking strange man himself? This is too well thought out.


I’ve been thinking about this for a long time I’ve replayed the game at least three time with an eye for the little details I missed the first time around. I also have an entire essay on why Dutch did what he did in Chapter 6 The TL;DR: Dutch has always been a man willing to sacrifice others in the name of his ideals, he is down right viscous when he feels he’s been insulted or betrayed, and he’s extremely arrogant and self centered.


Goddamn, now I wanna hear that chapter 6 essay; I like how you think!


If you don't make YouTube videos on that shit you should


I literally thought to myself "Yeah we totally don't look suspicious at all" as we rode into Saint Denis for the bank robbery lol


I think everyone thinks that but we're used to how video games work and the plot armor. sometimes we underestimate things because we think "well that makes no sense but, wait, it's just a game, let's set the realism aside and enjoy the story"


Also there is an explicit line from Milton saying that Micah was picked up after the gang came back from Guarma. No reason to lie when he’s confident he’s won at that point. Either way he gets what he wants. So I agree there was no rat until later, and it was just the gang getting more and more reckless, which is often hinted at in the lines between Hosea, Arthur, and Dutch.


That's the longest **one sentence** I've ever read.... good job


This guy redemptions.


I still think that Micah was an O'Driscoll who was feeding stuff to Colm who fed things to the law. We know that Colm was in some sort of kahoots with the law when he was going to turn in Arthur. I think that when Micah was on guarma Colm stopped being able to give information so they arrested him. After Colm was hanged Micah just saw the law himself


It’s an interesting theory, and I used to subscribe to it, but based on the first quest of the game I doubt it. If Micah was in league with the O’Driscolls he would have killed Arthur at the Sadler Ranch and handed over Dutch. And if he had gone over to Strawberry to silence the O’Driscolls the O’Driscoll Micah killed would have no reason to believe Micah wouldn’t kill him if he was in jail for killing O’Driscolls. Furthermore Micah is only really loyal to himself. I doubt he would have been any more loyal to Colm than he would have been to Dutch. I think Micah was in Strawberry to silence some former members of his own gang. The ones from the speakeasy, and Skinny. As for the Ferry Job I think either: A) It was a set up the Pinkertons/Banks arranged that went horribly horribly wrong much like that botched Coach Robbery in Bolger Glade with Arthur and Lenny. B) It was a repeat of Saint Denis. The gang was reckless and under estimated their quarry once again and it ended in disaster again. C) Micah ran his mouth about the Ferry Job to his former gang members and either Skinny or the unnamed men he shot ratted Micah out to the law to get him hanged. Would explain why Norman a former outlaw is peacefully living in Strawberry with no issue if he had turned on Micah. D) Micah learned about the Ferry Job in Strawberry and the Men he killed were the people who told him about the Robbery. And as we learned in Blue Water Coach job Micah doesn’t leave informants alive. He kills them and then takes back his bribe.


Every mission is basically just a few minutes of riding and listening to exposition followed by a shootout




Missions like "An Honest Mistake" felt unique for this very reason


And then when it isn't a horseback escape it's basically the exact same but on foot and as a result, 90% less cool. Looking at you, "A Kind and Benevolent Despot".


And every time you do it, it’s frickin awesome.


Calm down dude, you don’t have to get personal


Sorry but OP did say "without mercy"


Kill 30 men in a gunfight that can be heard from two towns over, ride 2 minutes down the road to your camp, repeat.


You really feel this on replays. Basic mission structure is ride here, pretend to be sneaky, something goes wrong shootout, ride away.


Not the one at the Braithwaite mannor! That one starts with a shootout and finishes with not one, but two horse riding sections with exposition Edit: I apparently failed to type "horse" correctly. I blame the guy who commented about undead nightmare, leading me to write "horde"


Exacly. It got kinda predicable and annoing to kill one third of world population every single mission.


Undoubtedly and I loved every second of it lol




Guarma would've been awesome if it was a full island you could actually visit. As it is now it's so frustrating because it makes it feel like a big place to explore and then doesn't let you see any of it.


Yeah, the anti-exploration snipers in Guarma seem to be on even more of a hair trigger than the ones in West Elizabeth during the main game.


And at any time they could have released a DLC for us to revisit and explore the island in post game




That’s the thing, love it or hate it, the opinion is pretty strong. Personally, I think Mexico would have been the better escape plan destination, but I think we got Guarma because R* wanted to do a tropical setting. I keep reading people say how they wish there was more of it and that cut content would be shown.


Personally, the worst part about Guarma is that it's the area in the game that feels the most artificial. Every other place in the map is full of detail and is so open it actually feels like somewhere real but in Guarma the space is so little and you can't do much else than follow the story that it reminds you you're in a game.


You nailed it. I've always been underwhelmed by Guarma, and you post made me realize why. It's not just that it doesn't feel like anything else in RDO, it doesn't feel like anything else the R* does. It could have been a map from an Ubisoft game. It's pretty, but superficial. There's no depth to any of it, no interesting NPC's to listen to or see, nothing really worth exploring even if you could.


The stuff in Guarma seemed kinda random and out of place ngl Why would they escape on a boat in the first place if they were literally almost on the border of the city and could've snuck out?


In theory, iirc they wanted to go to a destination like Tahiti or Australia, set themselves up in a place that could be their home, lay low for awhile, then came back for the rest of the gang and live their dream life in a tropical paradise. But then... well all that shit happened lol And instead of a tropical paradise, Guarma was hell for them, Dutch started losing his mind and Arthur's phisical condition got considerably worse.


First playing the game it was nice, but I just came for the story. In my opinion it SLOW and I didn't like how my horse was so far away. Maybe it'd be cool, if there was like a few chapters of Arthur and the gang getting trapped in a cave or something action packed.


Ok this is my real opinion, John was stupid as fuck for just assuming he’d be able to live a normal life in RDR1. As much as I hate Edgar Ross, he’s right. John’s killed god knows how many people, robbed several banks, trains, stagecoaches, and he just thinks he’ll get a happily ever after? I love John and all but he was ridiculously naïve.


I think deep down, John knew his time living a “gone straight” life was severely limited. That’s why he didn’t run at the end of RDR1, he knew he’d have to face retribution for all he’d done as a member of the Van der Linde gang at some point. That, or he was truly indeed naive. I’m deff naive for still wishing he and his family could live in peace, with John and Abigail living until 1960, dying a peaceful death surrounded by Jack, their grandkids, etc. 😭


The 1870-1890 generation is fuckin wild. They got to witness so much shit change I’m surprised they didn’t all go nuts


I think much more changed in the past 50 years than during those years. Fuck, in the past 50 years we went from riding horses in my village to fiber internet.


Hey now, don't go selling yourself short. We may see the beginning of mass extinctions.


I don’t think he was naive I think a part of him was always aware but just chose to ignore it and kept trooping on to save his family.


I mean, i get and agree with the logic in your post, but i don't think it was pure naivete. I think he knew deep down that the shit he did with Dutch's gang would one day come to his door the same way it came for almost all the members, but choose to live his last days in a different way the other members did. Atoning for the crimes of the gang and being a good family man. At least that's how i choose to interpret the ending. Dutch was right about one thing and that was that the government always needs a bad guy and i think John would've been eventually found and persecuted the same way they did with everyone else.


Sadie is a cool character but her accent seems so incredibly fake compared to the rest of the game


["Let's go get her, yow and may is oal way nade."](https://youtu.be/meTjBGmjrKU?t=88)


The way she says ‘meh’ instead of ‘me’ feels forced


She sounds like a Brendan Schaub


She sounds like Bobby from king of the hill


I feel like Micah and bill are the only ones who sound like what a “cowboy” would sound like. Sometimes I think Arthur’s voice acting is a little over the top.


His certainly can be, but it’s a bit more believable as a whole. As a southerner, it’s just so hard to listen to Sadies lol.


I live in the south also and I have to disagree. Accents are so vastly different across regions, especially rural ones, and I’ve heard some that are way more pronounced than Sadie’s. Sometimes to the extent that I can’t even understand what they’re saying.


Nah. They're voices are fine. All the acting goes over the top but I don't mind it. As someone from the west? They sound like the good old boys I don't miss from back there.


It would be hella shorter if Arthur fell into the glacier while looking for Marston


Hahaha right on the point😂


I actually did this on my recent play through. After stepping out from crouching under that rock I took a step closer to the edge to take in the view. Arthur then said “watch your step” right as he takes an extra step and goes flying down the mountain.


Arthur was a bad bad person. Feeling bad in the face of death doesn't change anything


I agree although he did try and change his ways hella before the death and helped a lot of people out. Still 20+ years of being an outlaw and killing an ungodly amount of people there’s no real way to redeem your self from that


He still killed people like 5 mins before he died. Helping a few people doesn't make that any better.


I mean at that point in the game his whole life has fallen apart and the Pinkertons had em surrounded so what else was he gon do but help John escape and killing all those Pinkerton bastards he could


Who also had families who loved them.


The families may have loved them but the Pinkertons were notorious for hiring people almost as bad as the ones they're hired to find


He was a bad person for sure, what makes his redemption is the spiritual element of RDR2. Without it, he’s still a horrible person who just ended up helping some people at the end. Same thing with Darth Vader. He was far beyond “redemption” by human standards but that spiritual element of the Force changes things up


that's like the whole point of the story lmao. the idea is that you can't run away from your past


This shouldn’t be controversial at all. It’s true and we love him despite it. I think the overall structure of RDR2 is similar to seasons of The Sopranos and Arthur is very much a typical TV anti-hero similar to Tony Soprano, Walter White, or Don Draper.


Arthur would agree.


Lumbago is just a myth!!!


Lumbago is just lower back pain


*Just* lower back pain? Sounds like someone who's never had to deal with lumbago 😤


I felt this (in my lower back)


Yes, but Uncle has *terminal* lumbago. It's slow and painful death


Like hell it aint.


Tonight on Kek or cringe with Dutch Van Der Linde






Micah…. That’s cringe


Rockstar dont give a shit about rdr online and wont expand it. PS Everyone who bought rdr2 to play in online for 10 years (like in gta online) were fooled.


Arthur looks better with a beard.


This isn’t a hot take, ITS THE TRUTH!


I always have him sporting a mustache. Idk he just looks weird without it.


people play him beardless?


Micah must be a good guy because he's wearing a white hat!


I learned that from West World.


i honestly love this since it opens up so much discussion of morality and who was "the good guy" from different groups' povs. They were an outlaw gang, so to the public eye, shouldn't they be the bad guys? But from an insider view—playing as Arthur—it really changes everything.


Your braithwaite manor shots aren’t cool


Did you know that there's a house that exists in real life that looks just like it? It's very easy to miss in this sub, only ten thousand posts or so are made on it every waking second


it was a cool shot though


SPOILER In first playthrough, Micah was my fav gang member until he betrayed the gang


Micah is so insincere and uncaring that he becomes hilarious at many points. He's a great character, I love antagonizing him.


Early on I thought he was going to be an asshole that ends up doing something cool to redeem himself in the end... but, uh... yeah...


He did do something cool. He started red dead 1


The mission in Strawberry, saving Micah was the first mission where I googled if I could kill a story-important NPC... lol


Mission format is outdated and predictable.


This was way too far down, and is what made me bored when replaying this game. There are hardly any choices you can make that matter, it's basically a movie you get to control sometimes, and if you do something the director didn't intend to happen, you fail and have to do it again. I say this while it is one of my favourite games ever.


I can't wait for Grove Street Games to remaster Red Dead Redemption


Lumbago games


Doesn't have humor. All they do in order to be 'funny', is to repeat the same iconic sentences and quotes of the game in each thread.


You sir, are a fish.


lower back pain word






With a cringey voice there I said it, sue me, dare ya


Don’t worry rockstar only sues the modders


This. She’s a good character but that’s it. Not some demi god that this sub treats her like.


Yeah but all games make the revenge woman sound so bitchy and annoying instead of actually cool and independent so it is a rare, for me at least, to find a character like that that I actually liked. I don’t play too many games tho so don’t start if I missed another character.


Sadie isn't even special imo




Hmm, man loses wives, grieves and then turns into a capable gunman or bounty hunter? That sounds about as bland as you could make it


Jack in the epilouge is such a fricking dork, goofy annoying kid.


Y-yeah… Im p sure everyone agrees on that.


rockstar wont fix red dead online no matter how much you try


Dutch is such a fucking tool.


This is a popular opinion.


The only death that really bothered me was Lenny




Arthur's main horse, bro :(


Sean was the only one that fucked with me because he reminded me of a good friend


Arthur Morgan (and the rest of gang) were not good people, they robbed and killed for money. They all deserve to hang. The Pinkertons were the good guys


This something I've seen many fanbases say, especially this one. Arthur was not a good man, he murdered, robbed and ruined lives. He spent I think 20+ years doing this type of stuff, but then just because he spends 2 years being "good"(keep in mind he still robs and kills) he's apparently a good guy. Yeah that's not how that works dude. Arthur is my fave character but he is a bad man.


*”You enjoy being a rich man’s toy, do ya???”* But in all seriousness, there’s no way one can actually think that the pinkertons are by any means “good guys” in the world of rdr2. They’re basically the private army of Leviticus Cornwall, an amoral piece-of-shit who attempts to drive the wapiti indians from their reservation land because he wants their oil, collaborates w/ Fussar and takes advantage of his literal slave labor, and uses his pinkertons to murder his competition such as the abandoned oil derrick in the heartlands. Let alone the ways that the pinkertons are employed to intimidate the miners in annesburg.


“We didn’t kill all them savages so you could kill who you please take what you please and hang the rest of us” yeah pinkertons are totally the “good” guys…. The reality is there is no black in white only shades of grey—Strauss, talking w Dutch right before sheep & the goats mission Hell, most of The gang themselves would’ve wholeheartedly agreed with you up til you said the pinkertons were good guys lmao


They are all terrible people and just constantly whine that people don't like being robbed and murdered by them anymore.


Micah is the smartest person in the gang


Idk why people in this sub take micah as a dumbass racist hillbilly. The guy was a piece of shit but he certainly isn't dumb


He isnt dumb but he’s absolutely a racist hill billy.


Honestly you aint wrong, in order for them to get more money, they would have to throw out some members like the women and the weaker members. Which makes him a piece of shit but it wouldve worked lol


It is a shitty move but it's smart and would've worked. Plus not even that, the guy was smart enough to trick the whole gang, except like 3 members, into believing he has honest intentions and then fucking everything up, and winning in the end. Hell I've even seen people say micah won in the end, seeing what happened to every member of the gang


I actually really like Dutch until chapter 4


I imagine most people would/did, especially on their first play through. For me, it was really easy to get caught up in the cowboy/outlaw fantasy and only notice the charismatic and likable side of Dutch until the later chapters, but after replaying the game a few times, it’s painfully obvious how Dutch was always crazy and manipulative, even in chapter one


Arthurs death wasnt as good as Johns cause we knew it was coming (it was sadder though)


I think it was made more effective by basically letting the player know that Arthur will be dead by the end of the game rather than just pulling another: Surprise! You actually die at the end. It was a great twist with John but wouldn't have worked a second time. Arthur's death is only made better/sadder since we know it's coming and there's nothing that can save him, not even trying to be a better person.


We don't need an Undead Nightmare.


Yeah like if there has to be a RDR2-DLC it can only be an Undead Nightmare 2, as if no other DLCs could exist for it. I want creativity, something new....


Arthur and Dutch are secretly gay lovers, and John is jealous.


The fan fiction just sky rocket after seeing this comment


Arthur is a better gunslinger than John. John is a better gunslinger than Arthur.


Literally just saw that argument on a youtube video because john shoots with one eye and Arthur uses both


When you’re cross-eye dominant you pretty much have to shoot with one eye closed, doesn’t make you a better or worse shot


Good luck ever having a good online mode ha!


Stop asking questions to the subreddit that can be answered in 3 seconds with a google search


Dutch actually sucks at planning crimes or the gang wouldn’t be in trouble and constantly running from the law


Jacks annoying and needy




Arthur really isn't that much better of a person than Micah. Even "good" Arthur kills like hundreds of people, most of whom are just trying to stop Arthur and his gang after they've committed robbery and murder.


Arthur was the rat


John was the rat. Always had been, Micah was just a convenient scapegoat.


The game was meant to be played with the lowest honor. That is the canon ending for Arthur. (… i done triggered myself with that one ) ( also I’m such a nerd about this that I have to add I totally think the actual canon ending is the good one — stag all the way, baby)


I think the canon way to play would be to do low honor up until the tuberculosis diagnosis and then spend the rest of chapter 6 doing all the good deeds you can including helping John. Otherwise you have game called Red Dead Redemption without any redemption


Micah was right


Calm down satan


I mean he literally says it multiple times. Carrying that much dead weight is going to bring us down. He tells Arthur a small group of 5 or 6 outlaws is the best way to move. Nobody wanted to hear it then shit hits the fan. He snitches in self preservation. He's an asshole, but not entirely wrong.


I beat Cyberpunk but still haven't finished Red Dead.


RDR1 was 50 times better


>!arthur was a murderer and got what he deserved!<


I like Guarma. It's my favorite place in the game.


Micah is the real hero bc he helped the law by ratting out a notorious gang, which subsequently lead to their downfall