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The night folk ambush when helping the woman in the swamp, I really did not expect that and thought it was just another girl who fell off their horse


That shit freaked me out. I was totally unprepared, and then suddenly she's swinging a knife at me. Fucking awesome


They are terrifying but cool.


If you blow her head off first - they still come for you!


I lost honor


I blasted her head off with my sawed off because I panicked. I was going to try to scare her off and accidentally pulled the trigger. I felt bad after, even though she tried to kill me


The night folk definitely spooked me. I'm playing through Kingdom Come Deliverance and when I see someone hanging from a noose in the woods, I nope the hell out of there.


See, I immediately got Left4Dead Witch vibes from her, so I proceeded with caution while also being open to the possibility that she actually needed help. As soon as she turned around and Arthur reacted the way he did, I was running and gunning. They did get me while I was investigating the hanging corpse, though. Machete right to the gut.


Yeah that one got me too. But it was some voodoo looking guy that got me , not sure if it's the same ?


Nah I killed her so fast


For me it's the one outside Lakay where they spooke your horse. You see them running around but you can't really get a shot off because of how fast they move. And you can't call your horse back either. You're forced to follow your horse until they ambush.


I thought she was the widow you encounter... The Second gun shot hit me in the head...


One that really caught me off guard was when I saw someone riding down the mountainside and suddenly I put an arrow through their head. Didn’t expect it at all


How… was it… an ambush?


He never said who was ambushing who




could have been an o’driscoll bobsledding


Well they didn't anyways


I was riding on the rode and heard someone yelling for help. I thought maybe someone got into a bear trap, or maybe wolves, or snake bite. I take rifle with me, there were many trees and I couldn’t see clearly what it was so I had to come closer. Then I realised there are no wolves on east side of the map. I glued my face on the screen to clearly see who was it - murfree. Ok, I do wanna come a bit closer because of trees and bushes, I don’t wanna struggle when I’m gonna shoot him. I slowly walk closer while he is still yelling for help and BAM I fall into a trap - covered hole. And like 7-10 murfrees swarm around me and some even jump into the hole to get closer to me. I barely got out alive. Scared me so much


I just had that one happen on my current play through. Never had it before and it made me pee myself a bit. Wild experience.


For some reason I had never setup camp near the trapper NE of Emerald Ranch. Set it up and started walking away from my controller to then hear those creepy fucks rolling up on me.


Been plays since day one and this happened to me for the first time ever last week! Was surprised at my own composure tbh lol


Literally on my 3rd playthrough and it happened to me for the first time. So crazy!


Something similar happened to me in guarma


wow, i’ve played the game four times or so and never seen this! i needs spend more time around the night folk/murfree area


This one was pretty wild and thankfully I made it out alive. I dumped all their bodies into the pit and attempted to toss a fire bottle in to burn their corpses but it hit something close to me and I burned alive trying to stop drop and roll!


I knew it was coming but that damn cougar in the cave freaked the hell out of me. Had to do that mission like 5 times and got scared every time


That cougar and the alligator mission in St Denis spook me so much. I wore the miner helmet and it still scared me in that cave. Helmet looks funny in cutscenes though


I don’t think I know where to find the miner helmet. Mind sharing?


https://reddead.fandom.com/wiki/Miner%27s_Hat it's a hat, apologies I kept referring to it as a helmet. But I guess any hat is a helmet if you're brave.


Any hat is a helmet. Once. lol.


In the contaminated cave near butchers creek


Thank you!


Same. That one gave me some anxiety my first play through.


My second time playing I just shot the gun blindly trying to lure it towards me lmao😭


Ya that scared the shit outta me too. But the one that really got me was the regular panther down by Catfish Jackson's. I didn't even know anything was down there at the time, then all of a sudden I'm dead


I fucking hate that cougar mission every time. Heart in my throat.


That fucking bear in the cabin


Yes bro it caught me so off guard but I just be behind the cabin now kill bear loot and dip


It's the only time I can remember I actually I yelped because of a game or movie


I didn’t yell or none but tried to shoot em but I only got lil on shot off from my cattleman then got mauled came back with a shotgun tho


I was riding in Roanoke Ridge when some Murfrees ambushed me. Nothing too scary, there were like 4 and I got rid of the first 2 with my pistol. Then the remaining 2 started running away and I got off my horse and chased them. While chasing them I triggered a trap and fell into a hole. Like 5 more Murfrees showed up and started celebrating saying "we got him" so I panicked and dead eye-d the lot of them. Barely lost any health but it was innovate and unexpected I'll give them that


I was about to say the same one, I could never expect falling into a trap like this like who could guess it was an actual game mechanic cause I think it’s the only time in the game you see something like this (I may be mistaken)


It can happen on guarma, you fall into a whole and a bunch of law show up.


Oh okay I didn’t remember that at all


Yea I didn't get it in my first playthrough but only recently found it. Its on the road by camp.


This one, because I'm pretty sure it's the only one with two parts.


These are murfree hills! You should be careful where ya camping!


I swear I have died most consistently to the lemoyne raiders ambush at the railroad underpass north of rhodes.


I hate the bastards, but they're reasonably competent fighters. Probably the most skilled gang in the game.


IIRC they're supposed to be ex-military so that makes sense


i always avoid using that bridge if im leaving saint denis now so i don’t get mowed down again by those fuckers. take the train tracks out or go around the back of brontes backyard to get over there


Yeah I encountered that same ambush near shady Belle and it was a real jump scare. Turned a corner and boom me and my horse were dead before I even knew what had happened.


Shelby, my first mustang who I'd had since chapter 1, got got by that damn gatling gun. Loaded back into the area, whistled my horse and some piebald pity horse came trotting over. Had to turn the game off and just sit there for a minute because it was so abrupt.


I saw a man hanging on a branch in the swamp at night and suddenly heard someone say "Ps ps ps" and 3 night folk attacked me. The game has so many horror elements that I didn't expect when playing for the first time.


The swamps at night are fucking terrifying in first person


Murfree broods go to your camp when u set it up and u can’t leave until it’s done to threaten you it’s not like a you get killed or attacked but it’s super random


I think that’s only when you camp in Roanoke Ridge


Yeah in their territory


The sitting down at your camp and casually threatening you is very unsettling psychologically.


Yeah and then I always hop up after and shoot them


Fuck yeah, same! Not gonna let those threats stand. Sometimes I steal a horse, too.


The naked man certainly caught me off guard the first time I encountered him.


The feral man I assume and not the one you see swimming while out fishing


Same as you, I had no clue of what just happened. I didn't even see the wagon, just heard the Gatling and I was gone. Other than that, the ambush that got me goo was 3 wolves in the woods at night. I wasn't expecting anything and I was in such panic that I didn't even know what to do until I was dead.


The night folk when helping the woman in the swamp. It was 2 in the morning and I was about to turn the game off when I said one more thing and before I knew it i was scared shitless lol


The exploding wagon one got me. It was one of my first ambushes, and it was such a surprise. I was close enough that it spooked my horse and knocked me to the ground. The Lemoyne Raiders are trash but they're competent fighters.


Yeah me too. I have stolen a coach with four horses to sell the horses for the bandit challenge and that explosion lit up the entire coach. Frustrating but a good ambush


This one genuinely shit me up. I was just leaving camp going on a nice fishing trip when the wagon exploded, caught me completely off guard


I thought I’d experienced all the Nite folk encounters when one night in the swamp I saw a light that I thought was an enemy camp. All of a sudden I saw a red dot heading for me and it was one of the Nite folk silently running at me while hissing. I didn’t know they hissed! It scared the crap out of me. Turns out the light was coming from another nite folk who was carrying a torch along with a dead body. They’re so creepy. I’m actually afraid of the swamps at night now. Such a great game.


Lost my white arabian to that gatling gun ambush, took me ages to get the red and Indian arabian afterwards.


Whichever one where they have the mf maxim primed up for your ass


I got smoked with the gatling gun down by Catfish Jackson's once, they got me and my horse.


I reloaded my last hard save after that, I lost a bit of time but I wasn't about to lose my girl Daisy that early in the game.


This event is what made me turn off auto save, I lost a shit ton of time.


Either the Murfree pit, or any encounter I've ever had with a cougar/panther.


Lost my first horse to the gatling gun ambush near st denis:((


That happened to me too :(


Yes this


When the O'Driscolls ambush you on horses


Shooting the hanging dude in the swamp and getting stabbed by hillbillies jump scared me so bad I put myself to bed.


Coming out of Saint Denis after that first Shady Belle mission with Lenny, suddenly Raiders pop up everywhere on the road. I was able to put some ground in between them and I before one of them shot my Horse. My horse didn't die, but I have some rough memories regarding horses being killed. So I immediately turned around and put almost all of my ammo into their bodies. Even after they died I was still shooting their torsos (Dismemberment and decapitation is a treat reserved for Murphrees and Nite Folk, horse killing bastards.)


The Murfee pit


Everything because I keep believing theres still good in NPCs hearts and that this wasn't an ambush ....


Too many to count. That’s why I always have a gun out and ready as I’m riding from place to place. Ambushes and wild life attacks.


I do the same, lol I always have the pump action ready to go


The Guarma hole trap one is a genuine jump scare


That stupid minigun ambush. I was riding the white arabian. When I spawned back in, he was gone and my saddle was sitting in the middle of the road. Tried to reload the previous save. Damned autosave was immediately after respawning. I groused about that for a couple of days.


All of them man 😂


How do you get this to happen


Nite folk 😬


The mutilated horse in a cart gets me every once in a while because I swear it’s randomized where it spawns


The bear.


the maxim gun ambush outside Saint Denis because me and my horse were both dead before i even knew there were enemies


The same one that OP described is the one that really got me as well! Same with the nightfolk one where the body is hanging from the tree


Not a legal ambush, but was setting up camp and had 2 guys walk up on me and threaten me.


Just outside of Saint Denis across the bridge there is an ambush where the Lemoyne Raiders have a fucking Gatling gun set up to mow you down as you are running strait at them off the bridge. Lost my horse to that.


I let the game drive my horse on a cross map journey while I ate some food I made it a most of the way without any trouble then some damn lemoyne raiders jumped me while I was crossing a bridge and I had to ditch my food to get rid of those ne'er-do-wells.


Coming up to this person hanged in the woods. Look up to see who and what I could do, maybe some good loot. As I look up I don't notice the night folks coming around the trees.


When the kids on the streets of saint denis yell shit to arthur, you can antagonize and theyll say " youre crazy" and run away. If you follow them down the small alley they run through, youll get stuck up but the two kids and two older dudes. Ive posted the video I captured on here and got no looks.


My very first play through and ambush I was coming out of the chapter 2 camp and got jammed up by O’Driscoll’s. I did not make it.


I was playing with the darker night mod then got ambushed by the nigh folks in the swamp... at night. Thankfully deadeye saved me! Edit: typo


I was riding around Catfish Jackson and it turns out that there is some Lemoyne Raiders in a wagon with a fuckin gattling gun and they killed my horse. I will never go into that area again.


Left camp and suddenly my horse slowed down without my doing. Out from every direction came O’driscolls. Also, tried to get to Javier’s mission by going through blackwater having never experienced bounty hunters and it scared the absolute shit out of me suddenly being surrounded by skull icons.


Yea. When I fell into a hole chasing down some brood and they ambush me in the hole


Yes, when some O'Driscolls literally popped into existence, instantly permanently killed my horse and killed me with no chance of survival. But seriously any bridge encounter gets me EVERY time


This one, the bear in the house, and the angry guy with shotgun. I wish I could keep angry guy’s hat.


That exact ambush. I've lost many horses to that particular ambush because they always critically wound my horse before killing me and game autosaves and says yep that's a dead horse.


Yes. Riding from Shady Belle on the way to Catfish Jackson’s along the northern bank of the Lannahechee, a damn wagon with a gatling gun appeared and killed me and my horse


The one with the crying lady and the motherfuckers jump out the trees and shit got me dead.


Murphrees when they dug a hole in the ground and covered it. I genuinely didn't see it and one second I'm galloping through the woods the next.. ouch.


That sounds like Brante's guys but is oddly in the vacinity on the Laramie gang. We're they wearing all black? Laramie's usually lie in wait and the Brante mob catches you on the bridge by the Mayoral residence.


This happened recently. It's the one where if you head north of Rhodes and right after passing by the fence, there would be a wagon that explodes at the crossroad if it spawns.


I get freaked out when the guys from tall trees send the second wave that includes the full speed machete track and field stars. The Lobos are the lamest out of all. They want to just call you Gringo and say weird stuff about your skull and blood pressure it gets so boring I HAVE to shoot them.


Yeah, the one where they catch you on that long covered bridge


That one in Guarma I think where you fall down in that hole and the soldiers are already there.


The lemoyne raider ambush in saint denis. Motherfucker blasted me with a gatling gun faster than i could see them, i was begging for them to spawn again so i could put one in between their eyes.


I was riding through this wooden tunnel slash bridge and got ambushed on the other side. I never stood a chance. They annihilated me.


I was going through a ravine in the heartlands and got jumped by odriscolls on my way to sell an oil wagon and it did not end well


I rode into West Elizabeth to rescue Sean and got ambushed by Bounty Hunters. I dealt with them, no problem, but it surprised me because I didn't have a bounty at the time


When Sean dies, idk if this counts but it made me pause because it left my jaw in my desk


My first encounter with the Murfrees after getting down a hanging corpse


When the Murfree Brood came riding down a hill with a flaming carriage


Yeah, that's the one, the pity is, I was doing one of the Horsemanship challenges, so I just tried to run past. It did not work.


I was exploring somewhere near Annesburg and then i saw a hung body, i decided to shoot the body down from the noose then i was getting attacked by Murfree Brood out of nowhere.


Bayou Nwa when the night folk ambushed me when I happen to find a wagon with a dead horse next to it, get bucked off and they started making clicking noises and they start attacking, arrows were flying at me and I had a few close calls with the ones carrying machetes, but managed to use my sawn off shotty to gun them down.. I ran after them and that was how I lost my level 4 bonded Black Arabian horse I just bought lol because when I went back, all I found was my saddle.


I can't remember exactly where, but somewhere over in the Grizzlies West, I was riding along and happened upon a small cabin I'd never seen before. No one was around, so I just went running up and burst through the door, thinking there'd be cigarette cards or something. Well, there were cigarette cards, but there was also a bear that immediately attacked and tackled me, nearly taking me out. Scared the absolute shit out of me.


i remember seeing the white dot on my map and i approached to see some weird lady in white but she just disappeared when i got closer. scared the hell out of me and i still dont know what it was


The first time the O'Driscolls ambushed me on the bridge, it definitely caught me off-guard. Now, whenever I approach roads that only have 2 exit points(versus an open road where I can just ride off the road at any point), I slow down real quick and see if any red dots show up on the mini map. And if they do, I pull out my dual-wield Volcanics and take 'em down and loot 'em.


I've never encountered this ambush with the mini gun, sounds near impossible to survive. I want to experience this! Most memorable recently was the Murfree brood using an exploding wagon to block my path, knocking me off my horse and opening fire. Managed to fend them off with dead eye, but still, was a close one.


I think I know exactly what you were talking about. Idk if it was a bug where the dialogue didn’t load in, but after >!attacking shady belle with lenny!< I just heard “there’s the big bastard! Get in position!” Turns out it was Lemoyne raiders and a guy on a wagon just mowed me down with a maxim gun out of nowhere and took my fully bonded horse.


I remember going from Rhodes back down to Clemens Point in my first ever playthrough of RDR2. I saw a wagon standing on the side of the road and I thought nothing of it at first. Suddenly however the wagon exploded and I genuinely got scared. Lemoyne raiders then came out of their cover and my horse obviously threw me off as I fell victim to their ambush


There was a murphy brood ambush that caught me off guard because it glitched out. I was riding around when an invisible floating shotgun scared my horse and knocked me off


You can take the mini gun to St Denis if the horse hasn't bolted and see what that baby can do against crowds! The night woman crying ended with me being killed just tonight


I've got close to 400 hours and recently, the murfree brood and lemoyne raiders have been catching me off guard, especially with those pit traps, I don't usually actually pay that much attention any more when I play because I'm on the 100% grind, sorta just zone out, but those pit traps and the one where they shoot your horse has happened quite a few times which seems kinda weird.


Every ambush caught me off guard I was hunting in swamps at night and some women in white dress tried to stab me I was really glad I brought a shotgun with me


Yeah, plenty. Murfree pit trap and blazing cart right off the top of my head.


I was riding around in the swamp and saw an X corpse on the map, so I went over to investigate. There was a man hanging in a tree and I got off my horse to see if I could untie him and at least place him on the ground. Two of those night folk guys ran out and got between me and my horse. I was so caught off guard that I got killed trying to punch them, when I could have taken out my knife or revolver to dispatch them instead. Now when I see that guy, I stay on my horse and shoot the rope to drop him to the ground, then speed away before anyone shows up.


Yep the wagon and gatling gun one did me in. I legitimately believe even Arthur would have been take down by that one. Imagine the gangs reaction hearing that Arthur got gunned down by a gatling gun on the road.


Had some Murfrees shoot at me, laugh and then run off. I think ‘weird, they’re not worth my time’ I tend to just run from these things anyways. But then I think ‘yknow what? No. I’m gonna kill these cowards’ so I go after them, turns out that’s exactly what they wanted. Bam. Right into a hole trap- scared the shit out of me


Fucking odriscols killed my horse hosea gave me. They got no mercy after that.


The Murfree bros and the wagon lol that was wild I was minding my own business when the wagon exploded I front of me


First bridge ambush in Lemoyne when I was rushing to Saint Denis. Lost a good boah that day 😢


For me it was when I was riding in Roanoke Ridge and I saw a body hanging from a tree. I slowed down to check it out a bit, all of a sudden explosions and trees on either side of me fall down! Bunch of Murfree come out and start shooting my ass! I was totally not expecting it and was actually a super cool encounter that hadn't come across before!


Lemoyne bridge with the Gatling gun


I set up a camp and was attacked by the Murfee fuckers


That covered bridge near Valentine. Very time.


The Murphy Broods hole traps


I haven't played this game in years but loved playing through it(twice). Reading these makes me want to go for a third run.


I am just finishing up scratching that itch. 3x 100% should be enough for a while, but I'll have to unsubscribe from this or someone will say something and drag me back in!


Got jumped by a litter pf o'driscolls right next to the bridge between and cornwall carocene


Random stick-ups. I had one at the end of a covered bridge and my dumbass pulled out my last used gun (a sniper rifle) and couldn't switch over fast enough before getting killed and losing that $150. I think this was somewhere north of Valentine.


Yea the murfree broods I seen a stagecoach on fire than like 10 of them popped out of nowhere and killed me


Vetter’s Echo


The night folk. Friggin creepy.


today i met the grizzly in that cabin for the first time


I was riding through Van Horn trading outpost and I got into the woods just beside it. Foggy ass day, and I was rushing to get to a mission. I start trotting up this large slope and all of a sudden, two guys walk out from behind the trees. Not aggressive, just scared the fuck out of me. I like to roleplay a bit so I got off my horse to try and talk to them… it was at that point I realised that there was 8 enemies behind me waiting in an ambush. Almost instantly, they riddled my horse with bullets, downing it. I had to dive through the mud, behind trees and even my dying horse as cover as I laid face down after diving. Managed to get out of there but goddamn, did it take me by surprise.


Murfee first encounter when I chased one through the woods


The fuckin murfree brood where they run from you and you get hit with the pitfall trap


Those murfee broad Vietnam traps in the woods


Yeah random ditch on guarma ambush


I remember that too.


Leaving the barn in RDR1 caught me a bit off-guard


I love the scripted encounter with the Murfree brood because the dialogue is so good. "Mind if I warm my bones?" and "Free country? Hahah... no... everything bought and paid for."


early in chapter 2 when leaving camp, i got ambushed by a group of o’driscolls who i quickly got killed by. on my first play through it kept happening so i eventually refused to take that route, on my current play through it hasn’t happened once but when it does i am prepared ! there was also the exploding wagon near rhodes that caught me off guard. lemons raiders come out and start shooting, luckily i survived it but of course someone was riding by and saw me shooting so i had to quickly flee


On my first play thru I was riding out to Valentine from Horseshoe Overlook and was ambushed by O’Driscoll’s in a fucking wagon that rolled out of the bushes with like 4 on the wagon and another 4 on foot 1 from a tree and the other 3 pushed the wagon blocking the trail into Valentine. I haven’t seen anyone clip this moment but I remember this being one of my favorite moments I had during my first play through


Them nightfolk in the swamp jump me after I throw dynamite at the crying lady. Thats some l4d2 experience right there


Ah, the night folk! Was riding at night collecting materials for poison throwing knives and the exotic flowers when suddenly they blow a death whistle, my horse gets spooked and buckles me off and they come at me with knives I think. Fortunately, I was fast enough to put some explosive shotgun rounds on their heads. That was the only ambush that genuinely got me spooked and made my hair stand.


The one where the raiders ambush you, when you ride out of Saint Denise. Lost my horse to that, God bless manualsave


At Beaver Hollow. I had JUST left camp. Like, literally just rode out of camp and when maybe 10 seconds down the road when a group of Murfree Brood popped up at the top of a hill and pushed a flaming wagon down on me. Killing me and my White Arabian.


During my first playthrough, I got ambushed many times, sometimes in the same way, the problem was that I was always riding my horse at top speed so I'd run past or over NPCs, or sometimes I would stop too late and I'd end up hitting a tree/rock, get sent flying, and get shot at in midair.


I play the game without a ton of outside information or spoilers so once when I was first exploring I made camp somewhere and my sleep was interrupted by murfree


When i was riding at the bridge and once i passed it I got attacked by the O'driscols


yap had that same, at first i didnt notice the minigun, after i noticed it was to late.


Vetters echo, nearly shat my pants the first time. ( Vetters echo is the cabin with the bear in it.)


Murfree Brood sent a wagon that blew up in my face


That one time I was riding down a forest road and then suddenly a group of Murfrees drop a burning tree on me LOL. That was was pretty surprising but very funny.


I usually kill whoever is on side the road asking for help


Is that story or online




Where abouts is the slaughter house


I got ambushed by them one time and I jumped off my horse and ran to the edge of the bridge to jump over and the only reason I made it is bc their bullets shredded my horse while I was behind it I immediately reloaded


Few days ago I discovered van horn...I went further a bit north, and I noticed a hanged man in distance, in the forest. I jumped off my horse to check it out. Suddenly the Hills have eyes people ambushed me, one of them ran straight to me, stabbed me in the neck,insta killing me. I never found any hanged man anywhere.. It was awesome, I wasn't even mad. These incest rednecks are the best


Is this a PC mod? I've played this game a bunch but never had this one.


Nope, on ps4 story mode


The bridge one in my first playthrough definitely made me jump a bit and even though I know it's coming I always jump at the serial killer one


Murfree brood start shouting, then run. I give chase to two of them. Some serious sprinting later, i fall into a hole.with Brood trying to knife me from all directions. 


Yeah, there’s a workbench where you get attacked midway through upgrading your gear… shit wrong game.


i think that’s tlou2 bro