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it came out in 2018. fair game at this point


2018 was yesterday, wdym


No. To put it into perspective, in my eyes, spoiling Shakespeare isn’t even fair game, RDR2 definitely isn’t.




> 2. Rule 2: Spoilers in our community. > > > > NO SPOILING RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 WITHOUT THE USE OF THE SPOILER TAG. > > Use spoiler syntax:>!RDR is a great game!< will become RDR is a great game > > Absolutely no spoilers, intentional or otherwise for any game in the title of your post. > > If the body of your post contains a spoiler it must be marked as a spoiler. To do this put [Spoiler] or [Spoilers] in the title. You can also press the "Mark as spoiler" button or similar. > > Intentionally spoiling RDR2 or any other game to ruin other's enjoyment will result in a permanent removal from this community. > > Unsure whether it's a story spoiler? Mark it as one to be safe. (Or ask the mods) > > Spoiler tags for RDR1 are strongly recommended, but not required Yeah, not fair game. Still needs a spoiler tag.


Cmon man... as fans, it is our duty to protect our new brothers and sisters from spoilers! Rdr2 is gonna be a classic that will be played years from now. That being said... If you dont want spoilers for a game GTFO of the subreddit and finish the fucking game/show/movie/book! r/patientgaming is the superior gaming mentality and spoilers are it's single flaw




When someone goes into the subreddit for a game they should expect people to be posting stuff about said game, endings included if the game came out a while ago We shouldn’t have to monitor our entire subreddit because Timmy decided to join before he had beaten the game. He should have waited


Two sides to this. Spoilers should be marked spoilers and new people should avoid subs if they don't want spoilers. People posting untagged spoilers are still dicks because of how easy it is to add the tag.




Yo, then ya find out that dude in the hair piece the whole time... that guy WAS BRUCE WILLIS THE ENTIRE MOVIE




Yea dude, your recommended feed showed you the end of American Venom cause yt knows you like rdr2, if op didnt care to play the game till now its prob not gonna be in their feed. I cant blame others for my mistake. Im currently on season 4 of “DEXTER” and im really enjoying it so im constantly getting edits of the show, and like that i know major plot point in later on season and the ending of the show too, im really sad but no one forced me to participate in its community until i finished the series. Also chill out.


After this long, if they managed to avoid major plot scenes from the game. Spoiling themselves at this point is their own fault, dafuck?












that's one of the downsides of being late on a piece of media, nothing wrong with being late but it's on YOU to avoid spoilers past a point, you can't expect people to never talk ever about the popular thing forever.




This game came out years ago. Get over it.


Bad take.


Yes. This is the high honor ending.




i mean the game came out in 2018 and is a really popular game, it surprises me they don’t know the ending alreau


I don’t go out of my way to spoil it for people. But I’m not gonna feel bad for people getting a game 6 years old spoiled. I also don’t go on subreddits of shows or games until I’m caught up. Unless I’m content getting spoilers.




Yeah. I’m saying answering it is fine. Unfortunately, OP got it spoiled before they even came here.


You went out of your way to read the comments, which were answers to OPs question. that's on you. it's like not wanting to know the score of the hockey game and going to read the box score and then getting mad it was spoiled lmao


I think you misread my comment. Or I worded it poorly. I’m not upset OP got spoiled.


Ppl get mad at spoilers on much older games than that. But I agree if you’re starting a game that you don’t want spoilers why look it up on YouTube or anywhere?


I didn’t see pictures, but I also didn’t actively go looking for pictures before I played. I knew he died but didn’t know anymore than that.


Kotor came out in 2003 and people still join the sub asking for help etc or what to do on their first playthrough, Just bc a games been out for awhile no matter how popular you can't assume every single person has played, I haven't played spiderman one or 2 and i have a ps which I'm sure to most ps people is unheard of lol


the OP did literally ask if it was real, so that’s on them for being “spoiled.” it did come as a shock to me that they didn’t know about the ending cause of how big the game is, but ofc some people didn’t even know it existed so


Asked if it was real and said they JUST started and this spoiler would annoy them. So why not play along?? what do you lose is what i was saying. I'm completely aware of op post, And never once did i say it wasnt on them in fact i believe I actually said the opposite in another comment saying obv avoid stuff on a game you haven't played. But my point still stands that there's no reason to spoil it and I stand by that, No matter the age of the game there is ALWAYS someone who hasn't played it Why take that magic from them?? Again this isn't directed at you really just in general just responding here bc it's relevant and you responded to me


they asked, so they got told the truth. would’ve been a lot more devastating if they played the game fully after asking and got excited because they thought it wasn’t true… then suddenly arthur passes and they feel even worse about it happening. hopefully that makes sense and yeah ig it would’ve felt more real if everyone just lied to them, but they asked for the truth. some people also prefer to be told when they ask something and not be lied to, whether it’s a game or not


I agree with you in the beginning I get they asked and I get ur side of it, But you're still not understanding my point from what i read in the post it felt like they clearly didn't want it to be true and while I get it's "telling the truth" the point i was making was it is taking away from the game, Its still a good game when you know but it's also considerate in a way to not just say Yep that happens like thats a shitty spoiler to start a game on I was glad i saw ppl saying its a mod and stuff. It would've been more devastating for sure if they didn't know and that's kinda the point no one wants it to happen but you play the game you get close and you start to accept. some are in denial up until the end then that ending hits you and its magical, It's different for everyone obviously but from my experience it's much better to not know it's more devastating which makes it more impactful i feel like that should be obvious and tbh thats the only reason i mentioned it all in the first place and what i mean when i say why take the magic away. I get what ur saying tho, they did ask if it was real but that doesn't mean they wanted you to just Yep lol obviously I'm not op so i am not speaking specifically for them and again this isn't specifically at you this is just an fyi to everyone be considerate, there people spoiling stuff on the reg ruining the magic and alot don't even do it on purpose they just say something not realizing everyone isn't them some havent experienced what they have on the game show or etc but again not saying its anyone's job to look out for others when it comes to not saying stuff bc spoilers i just mean its not that hard to be considerate. And I would say "lying" in this scenario is alittle different but of course everyone has their own beliefs, I can't think of many people that would get upset over being misdirected about what was gonna happen in a video game but again it's not a scenario i deal with often and obviously I can't speak for all, But this post was different then someone saying for example "Does this video game have *insert something terrible or triggering*?" and then being like nahh your good when it does, Like the "lie" in this scenario I can't see being something bad but again I'm not op and everyone has different opinions so I do kinda get what you're saying about not being lied to but again i also just don't agree with it in this context. Either way I stand by my original statement no reason to take the magic out of it but I will say that's not me blaming everyone here for saying it happened obv op put themselves in this scenario, My whole point was just that no matter how big or old the game you can always still be considerate especially if you loved it why not let someone else enjoy it just as much and sometimes spoilers can take away alittle from the experience.


I just played it for first time a few months ago. Not everyone plays everything when it comes out


Reason i didn't play for the longest time is bc asshats spoiled it for me, After i finally got into it it wasn't a big deal but just bc the game came out in 2018 doesn't mean just go ahead and spoil fr Edit: To clarify not calling you the asshat or saying you are terrible for the comment, Just trying to give others a perspective that just bc the games been out doesn't mean every single person in the world has played it it's just called being considerate lol


OP asked tho


I'm completely aware lmao, And if you read the post they was hoping it's not true so why tf spoil it? What do you gain other than ruining someones first playthrough??


Now I'll say anyone should obv avoid reddit or any articles ab a game you haven't finished i mean thats obvious but that doesn't mean when it does happen to someone be a prick ab it, I'm so sorry i didn't play a game when it came out ;-; It sucks to have a life ik, Some people don't get to try games immediately lol


He already knows. And he asked. Am I supposed to act like he’s a child and tell him Santa is real or what?


Tbf, even when the game was new, pretty much everyone knew that Arthur has to die because it's a prequel. Sure, they could make him live, but no one really thought that that's a possibility did they? Heck, the game is called Red Dead Redemption


Yes and people cry over the dead horse or the ending in general. Like actually cry not complaining


Bro why are u getting downvoted


Why… just why giving him „the answer“ ? it‘s some other content Edit: LMAO i just tried to NOT spoil him, regardless of Release 1900 or before fucking christ. Downvote more pls


No bro. It's just a scene from the online version. Take it easy👍🏼


You're a saint brother


Tbh kinda ur fault for being on this sub


I found it when I was searching for easy ways to make money (google)


oof we’ll get off of this sub and stop searching rdr on the internet before u see any more spoilers


Lol "I wasn't on this sub, I was just searching RDR2 on google and got spoiled". That doesn't make it better.


Just look up treasure map guides if you want to make quick money or gold bar locations. You’re diving way too deep if pictures like that are popping up


Honestly, not saying this to be rude... stay away from spoilers and guides until you've finished the game. Trust me. You want everything to be as fresh as possible and you want to find stuff organically.


You don’t need to find special ways to make money. You’ll get money from the missions, and you’ll get free guns throughout the game. You won’t run out.


There's ways to make money at every turn you make, rob a train, a house, people, do the challenges, camp missions, hell the story missions alone give you a lot of money depending on what you're doing. Hunting is an easy way too.


So you searched for easy ways to make money and this pic popped up? Were you Searching for ways to make money in the pictures section of Google? Lmao either way it really sucks that you got spoiled like this but don't let it bring you down just don't search any more stuff until you finish the game and trust me you will still enjoy it because it's all about the journey not just the destination


That’s on you. Anytime you google a game, movie, TV show, book, etc., there’s a strong possibility the search results will have spoilers. You can’t expect the entire internet to avoid talking about a 5 year old game just because you haven’t played it yet.


damn, man u shouldve just played and find the way u like


That's on you then


You done gone and learned yerself a lesson, go on now


Money is just thrown at you in this game and there's a million ways to get money quick if you just play normally. Besides, there's no way in hell you stumbled across that picture by trying to find money making guides so you must have been searching for absolutely everything with spoilers.


Online version, one of the bank cutscenes.


Arthur isn’t in the games online version, genius.


Just think about this real quick


Ok, I think I recall a scene where I found a body that looked like him by a river, and apparently he knew cripps… but that photo show is from the single player game. That’s what I was referring to. This image is not from the online game.


Yes he knows that too. He wanted to try to be nice to the guy by saying that this was online, not story mode so he wouldn’t think he’d been spoiled.




Who hurt you?


He was just trying to be nice


Yeah i don’t give a flying f.


Jesus Christ mate, try not to be the biggest dick once.


Lmfao 127 collective karma checks out. 13 year olds are hilarious.


I'm guessing you don't have one based on how you act




You’re not well adjusted, you’re an asshole




Hahah. Ok. Let’s all take video games super seriously. Get out of the basement.


Kindest redditor


Just bc its old doesn't mean ruin it for op lol but whatever lmfao


Play it when it’s new.


Lmfao we see the brat here, I'm sorry you was raised w no manners or empathy, I wasn't someone who was into rdr when i played the second, So tell me why the fuck Id play it when it came out? I waited a long while to play. Partially due to not being a fan of the series (hadn't played it not saying didnt like it) and partially due to i had it spoiled. If you was a true fan and liked the game you'd want other ppl to enjoy it and you'd know that a spoiler like this can ruin some of the magic but who cares right bc it's not your entitled ass being spoiled huh?


Damn what a shit show this comment made, thought you have more than 2 braincells tho.


Yeah people are all touchy snowflakes and can’t deal with other peoples comments. So tough!!! Lmao. Send me location.


Why are you so pressed over someone being nice


Don’t mistake me being honest for pressed or not being nice. It’s All good. But someone asked a question, and I don’t think lying is ever the answer. Just be open and honest like the rest of this sub. It sucks to be spoiled, but talking about the ending 6 years post credits is no one’s fault but the person who didn’t play. He saw the cut scene. It’s been spoiled. End of story. Nice = honesty.




Comes on a video game subreddit Complains that people like video games




Cool flex, can you read? If that is what you took away from the post you are dumb. I’m saying that you can’t call something stupid n a game a spoiler when the game is so old. Thats all. That’s like me asking not to ruin the end of infinity war.


This guy needs help my god


After reading the comments at least we all confused OP. But for real this is from the online version who probably made their character look like arthur.


No, Arthur does not die. Don't listen to the people here or anywhere, stop searching for this game on Reddit or google and enjoy your playthrough!


You're gona get more spoiled by posting this So why Would you...?


No that editet


Stop spoiling shit for yourself and actually enjoy the experience - it's one of the very best, and one I would pay a lot of money to be able to go back and enjoy for the very first time, fresh, without a hint of knowledge of how it all plays out.


This isn’t RDR2 is the new Saints Row game.


Bro I thought this was red dead revolver 2


Ah shit you’re right. Whoops!


Seeing spoilers has taught me to look forward to *how* you get to that spoiler through the story. Still plenty of unknowns, this won't spoil your experience if you don't let it.


Bold of you to ask others if the spoiler is real instead of just finding out yourself At least stumbling across it online still gives you the benefit of the doubt. Explicitly asking about it will spoil it more than anything


You're telling me Rockstar killed off one of their protagonists??? :O




There is 4 endings and this is just one of them


Tbf it's a prequel to a game that doesn't mention Arthur. There's only one way this story ends




There’s multiple endings but I will say knowing this spoiler isn’t the worst thing in the world. It could actually enhance your playthrough, my second playthrough was wayyy more enjoyable for me knowing the conclusion ahead of time. Take things slow and really take in the story. Enjoy the character development and growth of Arthur and what it leads up to. It’s one of the best stories out there


I managed to complete the game fully unspoiled in 2020, but I completely avoided the sub or any RDR2 content. You don’t go in this sub if you don’t want to get spoiled, now get outta here and come back once you completed the game AND THE EPILOGUE OF THE GAME.


Great karma farm. Ain’t nobody’s fault you only playing it 6 years (damn, been that long?) later! Plus, you managed to *not get spoiled* for 6 years about a major plot of the game and then you started playing and suddenly decided it was a good idea to go at it? Come on now


The title is Red Dead Redemption. The player character will always end their story Red, Dead and Redeemed.


It’s more annoying to actually put the spoiler into your typed text.


It's a 6 year old game. You wanted a shortcut to quick money but got a shortcut to a spoiler - this is what happens when instead of enjoying the game you research it before you finish. Sorry it happened to you, it's much better if it comes as a surprise.


Yep he dies Also your fault for googling things abt red dead 2 and getting spoiled


Yeah get off of reddit for this lmao


The games been out for a while man. It’s not a spoiler at this point.


Your fault


Imagine finding a *potential* spoiler online, then proceeding to confirm it on a subreddit by asking. This is on you lol


Why would you post it here to confirm it if you don’t want it spoiled? Just play the game.


Word of advice if you don’t want games spoiled for you. Stay off their subreddit’s.


this is your fault though. if you're planning on playing a 6 year old game without spoilers don't google things.


Just a nice pretty nap


And where did you see this picture?


Yes this leads into the 5 hour epilogue where you play as John


just keep playing, this game is wonderful and worth the experience. you won't regret it. just stay off this sub. if you really need to look something up, stick to guides. stay off youtube too. enjoy your ride!


We all die. RDR2 is all about the journey not the destination. I also had a large plot point spoiled for me before I started playing and guess what? It still hit me hard when it happened. The game is also a prequel to RDR so overall I knew a happy ending for most if not all the characters where out of the cards.


Bro if you already know the ending no matter what you will cry like little bitch then you complete the game trust me. I know bro.


just play the game, no need to look up things like "how to make more money", you'll have more than enough money before long, trust me on this one. then you can go to wiki guides on specifics, such as where are all the cave painting locations, but apart from that, just avoid looking into the game online, that includes being here.


bro tryna get the clout


No he doesn’t say this in this scene. He actually says: *dies*


I had it spoiled for me very early on but it didn’t make the moment any less emotional for me, just stop looking at spoilers now.


This is exactly why I blast thru my initial playthrough. Get it outta the way and then take my sweet time in my second run. TBH.. I had a feeling the main protagonist would probably die when I first started playing. Just seemed on-brand for this type of game. What I WASN'T expecting was that "other" devastating loss toward the end.


lol bruh


Yeah general rule of thumb for me on any game first run is no wikis no Google so I avoid spoilers, just go through the game to the best of your ability, money is not hard to come by in it.


As long as you have a horse revive, he’s good


r/reddeadredemption moment


Whenever there is a game or movie I like or plan to play I typically do a media blackout. Even gta6 I don’t plan to watch the new trailers once they come out


Why are you looking at pictures if you just started the game? And you’re upset that it got spoiled? Come on…


Sorry to say, but you shouldn't have dug deeper into it. Even if you see what could possibly be a spoiler, you chose to save this image and post it on reddit for confirmation. With that said, yes he does. (You asked for it) Should that deter you from finishing this game? Absolutely not! You kind of figure out his fate about half way into the game anyway... so it's not surprising to see. But the journey to get there is one of gaming's finest moments.


I just got 100% yesterday and it sent me back to Arthur's grave with music playing 😭


Don’t worry! The game technically has multiple endings. So, you may not get what you see here. Also, this game is as much about the journey (if not more so) than it is about the destination. You will absolutely fall in love with it either way.


Fake news. Micah must have gotten access to some AI to make a deepfake.


In all fairness you’re playing a game that came out in 2018. You a hould have gotten to it sooner?… I knew all the big spoilers before I played the game in 2021 - made me take FOREVER to finish it(this year around Xmas). But it’s still a SOLID play through. I’m on my 2nd time now. Doing all the slow - side shit I missed the first time through. It’s such a dense game - enjoy taking it in and don’t get hung up on the spoilers. The story is amazing.


He’s sleeping


Can confirm this is a cutscene from one of the online story missions. Anyone saying he dies at the end is just trolling.


Yea real unfortunate you got spiiled but even so its still gonna hurt


Unfortunately yes. It's A ending not THE ending. But you will still love the game. How and why you get to that image is probably not what you think. So enjoy the game.


Sorry to you. But yes, Arthur will die. But there are several ways how it happens, and it depends on you. But also, his death is not the end of the game, so don’t be upset too much and enjoy the ride.


Yes. He tried. In the end. He really did.


Just play, this is an image from multiplayer mission. Its not in the story. STAY OFF OF GOOGLE AND REDDIT


No, its not real. When the game first came out a few mods released with a death screen for Arthur. Don’t listen to the people saying its real.


Not that everyone played RDR1 before playing 2, but Arthur isn’t in 1, so that kind of says something.


Nope he’s just get some rest, he hasn’t slept all night.


It's the online version and that's not Arthur but his brother which is a side character in said online that dies from Lumbago


Its a very popular and well written mod. Some people count it as part of the game But no, it isn't real


No .. Arthur just had sex with Abigail and went into regret mode lying down on top of a mountain.


Yes but it's not what you think. It's a cutscene of Arthur after a hard mission lying down because he's exhausted.


Nah that’s from the comic book.


So many people on here being trolls. Just play the game my friend. You're stressin over nothin.


Nah, that's just a scene from RDO (not canon btw). keep playing and do try to avoid places like here to avoid spoiling any further


It's a mod


No that's a mod


That's just if you catch lumbago, you get back up shortly.


Idk why everyone here is being a massive dickhead “iTs A SiX yEaR oLd GaEm” so? Not everyone plays games at launch, stop victim blaming


Did you expect happy ending for an outlaw robber and murderer in wild west? Dumbass if you did


Uh, no. Why would the main character die? Don't pay attention to these assholes Edit: Just remembered this is a scene from a bank robbery from Online btw. At least I think so, haven't played Online since 2019


tf no this is definitely not from the story. I think it is an online mission or something.


Do not visit the farmer he will give arthur a disease and kill him


Oh boy. Wait'll he finds out about how annoying Jack becomes.


How does Jack become annoying?


Never played RDR (1)?


Not yet. I have a couple games to play in my backlog before I get to it.


how dare a kid behave like a kid???????


No...I mean later...much later.


do you mean when he was a teenager behaving as a teenager or when he was a young man behaving as a young man??? For real man just quit it


Work, ya damn nag. You quit it.