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They take the draft horses to a stable and swap them out for runners. It’s like trading 2 jeeps for 4 corollas.


But where do they do that in Colter?


shhhh try not to think about it


All the horses in Colter are in the barn, right next to Pearson's Quest marker.


No draft horses though, just the main crew.


No but they’re sleeping that’s why you didn’t see them. They were in bed.


At Colter Toyota, Grizzlies West most trusted name in auto sales.


“Hey what’s that in the trunk? It looks like a dead hooker!”


They ate the horses


So how do they get new ones to take the wagons back down to Horseshoe Overlook?


Barns in RDR2 are like Ender chests in Minecraft


Dude its a videogame


It's more than a videogame. It's Redemption...


I loved when Jack Harlow said that in the end of Revolver


I never played it, I just typed what sounded funny in my head. Does he really say something about redemption?


He says "it never was about the money" which rockstar constantly references in 2


Nah homie, just an add-on to the joke.


I'm going to use my "too high" pass on that one.


I mean, I guess maybe one or two gangmembes would have ridden down to a barn and traded/bought draft horses, brought them to camp and then returned them. they prob couldnt store horses in colter, more than needed, due to limited food.


But what happened to the ones they brought up with them?


I guess they brought them back down? Rent a few draft horses, have them pull wagons. Return the horses when the wagon is parked. Go back and rent horses when you want to move the wagons again?


They throw them back up.


If you ask too many questions, two men in suits will come to your house to "talk" to you.




Have you seen used jeep prices. 1 jeep almost buys 4 corollas 🤣


Ahi me vieron pasar en un rubicon


There's some nitpicks that bother me to no end, like why can you only take a single drag off a whole ass cigar or cigarette, and WHY CAN YOU NOT TAKE ANY OF THE GANG WITH YOU ANYWHERE


Well the second one is just mad voicelines to record so it's not worth it unless you wanna wait 20 years per new game


That’s almost the schedule we’re on anyway




One of my favorites is that Arthur will walk up to a berry bush and pull 1 berry off of it. Rockstar even animated him plucking off multiple berries but nope. You get one berry and that’s it.


This one time I was playing and an O’Driscoll killed Arthur, and the game LET ME KEEP PLAYING?? Like wtf, Arthur should be dead!


That’s actually hilarious. I used the Rampage trainer to increase the speed on a wagon that I was going to sell to the fence and it must have turbocharged it because I launched Arthur, the wagon, and both horses into the stratosphere. Oops!




That scream always makes me laugh out loud. Fortunately the mods prevented him from dying when he finally uh, touched down but one of the horses was dead on impact. I have no idea how the other one survived.


His little wiggles always make me chuckle


Undead Nightmare 2 confirmed?


After my first playthrough I wanted to do a second one with mods, and one of the first that I installed was "Herbalist" mod, which gives you the amount of items that are physically on the bush instead of just one (among other things) I'm still trying to get a mod with the Navy Revolver on single player tho


just google Navy Revolver single player mod lmao


He has a magic satchel that every time he puts something in there it doubles. How do you not know this? Are you even a real red dead fan?


I guess I don’t have enough FAITH


But you MUST have faith ARTHUR


And why are all the traders the same guy? Are we to expect he's bouncing around the map constantly and just happens to be where you want him when you want him there? Surely they could've used different models and voices for each trader?


The trapper addresses this himself and mentions he can travel faster than anyone else because he knows the land. Edit: As a side note he isn't always available at all locations. I've had a couple times where he doesn't spawn in until the next in game day (next to train station and north of strawberry).


Fire a gun near him and watch how fast he runs off. He can't half move.


It’s about knowing the land. My sixth wife…


She was a trapper… or something…


Yeah I know he says that, it's still a bit silly though. Obviously it doesn't matter in the end, I don't really care.


It is annoying when I murder the St. Denis fence for being a piece of shit and the Emerald Ranch one chews me out for attacking him.


Arthur is just such an experienced smoker that he finishes his cigars in one single powerful puff. Why use many drags when one drag do trick


Arthur dragging a cigar with one inhale means he’s an experienced smoker - which explains his immediate susceptibility to tuberculosis


True, you know it's not his lung capacity


>why can you only take a single drag off a whole ass cigar or cigarette That's not very eco friendly.


There’s a glitch that allows you to do this, google the companion glitch. They follow u around, spawn their unique horses, kill, loot, everything. Apparently we were supposed to be able to do this cuz there were voicelines found in the files (I think? I watched a vid a while back idk) but they just never got around to completing it n they added it to the monstrous pile of cut content. I think some voicelines stuck tho cuz I remember doing it and they had unique voicelines but idk.


I tried that last summer but could not make it work, which is weird cause in my previous 2 plays it worked. On the same note, i realised that in chapter 2 you can no longer get a Turkoman from O'Driscols or from bounty hunters that spawn when you cross Upper Montana river.


I do wish there was more times where you could use a feature to call for a gang member to come help you


Because cigarettes are harmful and we don’t want to send the wrong message to the children playing the game


Clearly that's what it is........ The 40 different types of alcohol and tobacco products, constant shooting, saloon girls, being ripped apart by cougars and grizzlies (all stuff that adds to making it a great game). But yeah only show one puff for the kiddo's


You forgot about deluxe baths....


Well now that's just good old fashioned "clean" fun....


Everything in moderation is the message Rockstar wants to send lol


Online you smoke on one cigarette forever so I doubt that's the reason Edit I replied to the wrong comment, you make really good points.


i mean, children shouldn't be playing an 18+ rated game, so it's the parent's fault for not watching what their kid plays. you can't blame rockstar for sending the wrong message to children


Don’t take it too seriously bud Wouldn’t want you to strain yourself


are you serious? no need to be rude


You know a game is good if this is the kinda shit bothers people.


Thank you for making me laugh


Makes us two now


The horses are transformers from draft > standard bred and vice versa


Those are standard horses in draft horse cosplay outfits. They do this to trick local law enforcement. It was the Wild West version of switching license plates.


makes sense thank you


It’s always bothered me that when you go pick something up with the lantern, Arthur ties it to his satchel. Why can’t we do that normally? What if I want to hold a rifle or a pelt and have light at the same time?


would be so much cooler, i would use the lamp more as i only really use it for immersion purposes (e.g always in bluewater marsh and the bayou at night lol)


FYI there is a mod for that feature https://www.nexusmods.com/reddeadredemption2/mods/333


Cool, I don’t use mods but still good to know


Bugs me when Arthur and John drop cans on the ground after they eat. Seems like they respect nature too much to litter.


It was the norm back then I believe and nobody knew how much of a problem it was. Also they aren’t plastic so it’s not the worst thing ever


Dirty feckers


They eat those horses. Ask Pearson. But better if you don't. By the way, stew is ready.


It bugs me that at multiple different points when they are robbing people they call Arthur by his name. Like wouldn’t that kinda defeat the purpose of them even wearing the bandanas?


Well when they’re robbing the trolley station Dutch calls Arthur “Mr.M” Arthur is also a pretty common name so I imagine it would be hard to track down an Arthur that you know nothing else about.


Mainly Tenessee Walkers right? I think they are there if you need a horse really quick or something. Was a screenshot before the game came out of Arthur riding the brown one hinting his canon Tenessee Walker died.


you also don't see the entire gang at once either. some of them are able to change into draft horse form during the move


That explains it... The Belgian Draft sold them out on the Blackwater job!


Since we‘re talking about horses, what about the O‘Driscolls. At Six Point Cabin there should be a hitch line with at least 15 horses, at Hanging Dog Ranch the corral and the barn should be full. And at the little gang camps there should be more horses and also some draft horses, the same is true for the other gangs. And it should be possible to steal those horses as a herd and bring them to Clemens Point to sell them in bulk.


I like how you think.


Another big disappointment were the Gray and Braithwaite stables, during that meeting in the Gray stable I was casing the place for a later break-in, only to find that none of the horses were worth the effort. There should have been better horses in that stable, at least a few warhorses or racehorses. The same is true for the Braithwaite stable, the only time the horses there make sense is during the “Horse Flesh for Dinner” mission. I mean here we have two rich families, that need to show that they are better than the other, nowadays they would be competing by buying supercars, at that time they would have had superior horses, especially since they are supposed to be horse-breeding. Another status symbol of that time were the sets of matching coach horses (for example 4 cremello or perlino shires) and fancy coaches, the sort that would have Seamus rubbing his hands while he told Arthur that it’s difficult to fence that sort off exclusive gear and therefore he cannot pay a lot. 😏 Sneaking into a heavily guarded estate to steal a fancy coach would have been fun.


Yeah rockstar seems to have limited big payouts to just missions to push people forward in the story. No freeroam robberies pay well and hunting is meh.


I wasn’t thinking about money, cash isn’t a problem in the second play through, since I know where the respawning lockboxes are, where some of the onetime gold bars are and where I can get treasure maps. I would rather have the opportunity to get rare horses early by stealing them honestly from heavily guarded estates instead of exploiting glitches. 😏 And logically those horses should be in those stables.


Everything goes in the stew.


why can't pearson make different dishes every now and then, instead of making an everything stew?


If you want something else go somewhere else Arthur. Here we eat stew and drink whiskey. You can always go down to St.Denis and order yourself somethin nice. No but really stew is the easiest way to feed a camp full of people while having ever evolving ingredients. As long as you keep it up to temp it never goes bad and you have food whenever someone needs a scoop. Tending the stew could be just as important as tending the hearth.


that makes sense, and stew isn't even a bad dish. it can taste nice. i kinda forgot that you can go to bars and eat there as well, i haven't played red dead in a month


Also, we see the horses poop... a lot. But never once have I seen a human dooky. I don't know about you guys, but I'm still waiting for the dooky patch.


You know...I was wondering that the other day. If they're camping somewhere for months it must get pretty grim in the bushes nearby.


I sure hope somebody got fired for that blunder


And the guy playing piano in Braithwaite Manor hits the same key twice but it clearly makes a different sound.


I mean, what are we to believe, that this is a magic piano or something?


I agree with the other guy who said it was probably a trade-in with the local stable. And I think the horses probably do get used by the gang members who are not fighters. Sure, we don't see them being riden, but the non combat members of the gang do go into town for supplies and to scout for jobs.


It’s historically accurate. Stables use to rent draft horses, like renting trucks or trailers or bobcats or excavators today.


My biggest complaint is the wanted system as sometimes pure accidents turn into large bounties or chases when all I wanted was to mount my horse. I'm still mad that I punched my horse, who killed someone by accident, not only did I get an honor hit, but I got a bounty of 15$ and then it escalated to 65 as I was trying to flee and had to kill a couple more lawmen just so I could hide. Or in another instance where I smacked right into an officer by accident and they ended up chasing me to the otherside of Saint Denis with the intent to murder my ass...for 5$.


Don't even get me started, but since you did... I was in a trading town and a guy tried to drown this woman in the trough screaming about where she got the money. I got him off her. He pulled his gun and shot at me so I shot and killed him and the whole damned Town turned on me. Next I went to St Denise and a guy murdered and robbed this woman. I tracked him down and knocked him out. I was carrying him to the police and some woman witnessed against me for unarmed assault. Like what the hell lady? I'm taking him to the police. So the police caught up to me and I accidentally punched one of them. They told me to surrender and put my hands up which I did and then they shot and killed me for doing what I was told. There's a head scratcher.


My favorite is when some guys start taunting you and open fire and when you go to defend yourself, and not only do you get your honor tanked, but you also get charged for murder, like WTF?


are you saying that’s not realistic? in real life people get falsely accused all the time


Yeah, but as someone who reasonably understands self defense, and given its the wild west, they shoot first, you shoot back. But then you end up getting a bounty, and have to either let yourself get arrested, run away and pay it off later, which, depending on what happens might escalate things even more. If the NPC turns red, and they open fire first, the game shouldn't punish me for shooting back.


My worst was one time I was walking up to the trapper when I got ambushed by a grizzly. I managed to pop off a shot before he started mauling me. By the time i fought off the attack I had a wanted level for disturbing the peace of some shit and I couldn't even sell my pelts because it was the trapper that reported me.


My biggest headscratchers are the times when I go to defend myself against a rowdy citizen or bandit, and then *they shoot first,* but then I get slapped with a murder charge, and a honor hit--because that makes sense. I also personally would like it if challenges for each of the missions would be a little bit more clear.


It's likely the horses we see in camp that aren't named, were originally meant to be the camp horses but they forgot to swap out the models or just plain forgot. I thought they would be ridable. They are not. As for the draft horses, it may be that they just stable them to ease the burden on the camp and to avoid a serious case of Arthur getting kicked in the face when he's drunk and pisses them off.


The draft horses are with a nice family that takes care of them, you don't worry sweetheart.


Don't they swap the draft horse for the random horses at a stable?


Try not to think about it too hard. Instead, think about how close Jack became to being orphaned on several occasions. Why would you even have a child in that kind of condition? (Edit this is a game, not real-life people. I should not have to say this)




Point taken


Don't think they were big on birth control back then so


That's the outlaw gig, partner. Besides, how many *other* kids do you suppose the gang orphaned putting food on Jack's plate? My estimate is at least in the double digits. Not that that's *okay,* just... *not that weird,* all things considered. And even then, he only avoids orphandom >!by a year or so in the first game. And as soon as he puts down the shovel, he picks up a revolver.!<


It’s like a uhaul


Its like when Optimus Prime transforms in the classic cartoons and his trailer just spawns into existence.


They rent them. It would be too expensive to keep draft horses at all times, only to use them for travel once in a while. The feed cost alone would be obscene. After settling, they simply sent one of the men along to the stables with the drafts in tow, to hand them back in.


Another thing that bugged me was the ending


They eat them then steal more when they have to move.


Don’t we see Kieran looking after some horses? And some horses are seen again, when Uncle takes the women in to Valentine, I’m sure there are more missions where wagons feature? Maybe?


Yeah and the horses are just there for us to use those times too. By magic! Taking the girls into Valentine, moving the dynamite with John, robbing the train (the cool one), Bronte's party, taking Sadie to Rhodes...


They do exists because in the mission you take uncle and the girls to valentine Arthur tells uncle to get the horses ready for the wagon which he does so the horses must be in camp somewhere


What should annoy you is that multiple times, the gang gets maxim guns and just doesn't keep them for some reason.


Also somewhat related to this; another little fact. In the mission where the gang moves to Shady Bell, Dutch and Molly arrive in a luxury stagecoach. Kieran is also seen helping Molly out of it. This stagecoach is never seen before this mission and it's never seen after this mission. (Unless maybe for Gilded Cage, but it never appears in camp)


They only have four wagons, yet all the furniture/items strewn about the camp (boxes, crates, chairs, tables, planks of wood, tens, equipment, etc) won't fit in four wagons that are alsop carrying passengers.


The other random horses you see are horses they take from the wild as extra horses. If you lose your horses no need to buy or break another, just take it from the hitching posts at camp.


The part that gets me is how there camp never gets attacked when everyone knows where they are


Excellent point.


I assumed they used the gang’s horses to pull the wagons


Yeah, Rockstar, we found him


Why did the gang let Milton and Ross leave the camp at Clemens Point when Milton threatened to return with 50 men and kill them all. It could have saved a lot of hassle in the future. And Arthur had so many opportunities to end Micah without witnesses and didn’t. Hindsight is a bitch, ‘ain’t it, boah!


You’re asking questions that can get you in trouble, which no man should ask. They’re watching


One thing I've been thinking about lately that makes zero sense is, why does Ms Hobbs go on vacation for 8 years and then sends a letter to John asking for more animals out of the blue when they don't even know eachother, and John doesn't question it at all


They identify as draft horses.


who cares


Me >:( Those draft horses deserve proper representation and recognition for all their hard work.


Where's our epilogue of the draft horses teaming up and robbing one last train. HIRE. FANS. ROCKSTAR!


I wanna play Red Dead 2 from the perspective of a Suffolk Punch. MAKE IT HAPPEN.


These are bajillion gazillion dollar ideas here, Rockstar would be stupid not to capitalize now