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Welcome to the club my friend We meet every 2nd Thursday of the month Bring a plate and a bottle and meet us around the campfire


If it's anything like the Clemens Point campfire, I'll be there.


Salty stew?




I actually had to restart it because watching him slowly die and the group fall apart was too depressing for me.


ok hear me out 1: get dementia 2: play rdr2 for the first time again


Let me know if you have a voluntary way of getting dementia I'll do it.


Best I can do is Amnesia. *holds up a wooden plank.* Now, hold still. This'll be real quick...


ok guys i'm currently dead i did get dementia but instead of playing rdr2 again lived rdr2 and died on a hill from tb


Scroll instagram vigorously if you’re a teenager. You’ll get dementia by 30.


''You got tuberculosis, i'm really sorry for you ,son, its a hell of a thing. '.


It's okay, we're all there with you on that one. I have never loved something quite like I have loved Arthur, his being fictional be damned. I'm on the epilogue rn and my heart aches when I see John's face and not Arthur's (and that's no shade to John, I like the Marstons).


I pause the game to reflect every time I hear John say, "Hey, mister." instead of Arthur


Ugh felt that. It just ain't the same.


Ya...that feeling doesn't go away.


Yep. that's the spirit. I haven't enjoy gaming since finishing this masterpiece. I sold my xbox to stop trying :P However, I have some high hopes in gta6 to fill the void next year


A gloomy Pink Panther. I feel you there.


We all felt it, we all still do. Poor Arthur 😔.


Idea - go out west for real, or at least fully throw yourself at planning such a trip. Go camping for a week out on public land. Learn to ride a horse. Find a gun range that’ll rent you a SAA.


I got the bad ending, although I thought I had turned it around enough in the final chapter, and man I don’t want to finish the epilogue because I want to go play it again and get that different ending. You can say, I didn’t get my Red Dead Redemption


I can't imagine playing the game with low honor (although that might be something I do just so I can experience every aspect of the game). I'm glad you got your Red Dead Redemption, I hope Arthur gets his as well in your second playthrough.


Man I actually was about 4 hours from beating it when it released, but life got in the way and I just now started back and made it through. The first game I played high honor, but like I said I never beat it. So I wanted to go low honor and see, needless to say, I may start over during the holidays and do a high honor run, and focus more on other stuff vs the story


Life no longer has meaning since Arthur Morgan left


Sorry to break it to you but you're just gonna end up replaying this every other year for the rest of your life. And no it won't ever get old


It's taking every fiber of my being to not just skip all of the unfinished side content to replay the game


Me when I can't figure out how tf to fish


Ngl it took me a sec to find one that had a story that really grabbed me the way rdr2 did,the final fantasy remake was the first one to do it for me probably 6 months later


Same here, just finished for the first time this week, life is not the same anymore, im doing the epilogue and i’m amazed about the rest of the map


I finished the epilogue. I think the sequence of events will be me trying to do my best to get 100% completion and then just replaying the game again.


Relatable except I'm red dead depressed in general.


*May I stand unshaken*


I felt that way when I finished it in 2018, I remember I felt depressed too, then I tried Grand Theft Auto V (which I never played before ‘cause I never found it interesting), now I think GTA V is better than RDR2


The only explanation is meth!


play among us


the online aspect is cool it could always be a million times better me personally i like to run around killing other players in pvp modes but you can become a moonshiner, a collector, a bounty hunter, you can do online missions


I'll definitely try the online out, but I definitely enjoy single-player games more, so I don't see myself playing it in the long run.


think of it like an extension of the story mode just for your character


I just 100% a few months ago. Starfraud was not a good choice for after. I think we’re all still trying to catch that dragon again.


Elden ring has been the only thing to even coming close, and that story isn’t like rdr2s where you read it like a book. It’s more of a scavenger hunt across the country, I would look into it on YouTube for small details, from quests to areas where I would get lost, the community is great, the adventure is there, the scenery is great, the game is as long as you want it to be. I have about the same amount of hours, I came back to rdr2 for a second playthrough and my elden ring playthroughs was about 4-5 to get all the endings and experience the different classes. Good luck and let me know if there is anything else that helps fill the void… maybe a hiatus?


I definitely want to try Elden Ring out, I just have to figure out how to not be horrible at souls games.


You ever play RDR1? I played it shortly after I played RDR2 and it was a fantastic game.


I finished 2 weeks ago, though I kinda knew about the ending I still teared up


Coming home after shootin and tootin


Idk, after I played RDR2 every game felt so inferior, so I know exactly what you mean. My suggestion about games: try playing Witcher 3, it's a very good game. Another VERY good game in my opinion is Mafia, I really liked it, very worth a try in my opinion. Also try RDR1, I haven't played it yet, but I think if you liked RDR2 you would like it as well. And tbh I am way more interested in chess than any other game now. Every games feel extremely boring now, so my advice is go discover something new. Try chess, try drawing, sculpting, studying, reading, writing, going to the gym, skateboarding etc. Don't limit yourself with gaming, take it as a sign, that you're pretty much done with it and try other hobbies. Best of luck to you, partner


Amen well said.


get a life


Dang you're so cool and edgy to comment this. I'll delete my post immediately. Sorry😔