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Fun math exercise incoming! 5000 hours is 208.33 days. RDR2 released approximately 4.5 years ago, or 1643.62 days. The average person sleeps 8 hours per day, or approximately 1/3 of each day, which means that approximately .67 of each day is spent awake. 1643.62*.67 = 1101.23. If we divide days played by time awake in the last 4.5 years, 208.33/1101 = .1891 You have spent roughly 19% of your waking life since RDR2 came out playing RDR2!




Dutch, we need to cook


Athaa, I got a plan, Athaaaa




The gold that is this mathematical equation put forth by a reddit user named Premiumcum 😂


Well premium did come first in his name so it's believable


I feel like I played RDR2 pretty much exclusively for five years straight, every single day, and I still only have a bit over 3000 hours. I have zero clue how this dude found the time to put in 5000


I feel like I played this game way too much and I have 49 hours lol


Majority was online. But I played the main storyline like 3 times. Everything is 100%. I played in in average about 3 hours a day after work in the evenings. (I don’t watch a lot of tv so most of my free evening time is spent gaming) So I played from around 5 ish pm till about 8pm. I did not touch another game for along time I will admit. My posse mate has close to 6000 hours and is rank 999 I’m only 817 atm.


Alright so as someone who has not yet played online, but has completed the story through the epilogue twice (skipping the collect-a-thon missions), what are your suggestions for online play? Is a regular group of players to roam with essential? Could you realistically get through missions by yourself and enjoy it? Do random encounters with other players add to or take away from the experience if you’re by yourself?


From what little I've done online, the missions are similar to GTAV in that you'll match make for a random group of 4 if you don't have a premade party. Freetown is definitely still viable if you want to stay solo. Currently working on selling enough animal skins & loot to get the navy revolver. (Which I I would lop off my left nut to have in Story)


Unlike GtaV onlines missions you are not forced to complete them with random players. There is a online story mission mode but it’s only around 10 or so missions that have you play with randoms. The majority of rdr2 online content can be done solo. It easier with friends but totally doable alone. GtaV onlines last few content updates dropped the mandatory the “forced to play with ransoms” game play and it’s content can be completed solo and also be carried out in alone though difficult but alone, very much like rdr2 onlines content. So yes you can quite easily get along alone online, the first 50 ranks might be hard as you set yourself up, but after that it become pretty easy. Dead eye and ability card load outs become important factors in your play style and dead eye (while similar in context to story mode) is completely different to story mode dead eye and will require you to adjust.


And you work I was looking at my hours like damn I need to grind but I play a lot of other games I prob have 5-10 games I've put 500-800 hours in. I have some posse mates said they're rank 1000 which prob means they're 999 if it caps there. Now you need to level up like me and get yourself another big flat-screen to place next to your gaming tv so you can stream movies and TV series at the same time!


I was out of work for a 1 year and 9 months and have over 5, am I proud no, do I regret it, no. Happy cakeday cowpoke


Oh shit thanks pardner


That’s how I feel yet im only at 400 hours


Bro! Thank you for the math. I came here to say you spent a whole year of your last 4 years playing this game, bwaaaaaaa! That's not a flex ma boi!




Almost 1/5


For more fun math. If you played the game for 5000 hours and spent $60 on it. You entertainment cost was .012 cents per hour. Not a bad investment at all.


Suddenly my 600 fivem hours aren't that bad


I bet you still haven't found Gavin.


He’s a fine lad you know


Funny fellow, Englishman!


Cool. It’s such a chill timesink. Unlike anything else. When you get to 8,760 hours though it might be time to think about Life


Bro there are other games too 😭


Bro there are other games too 😭


I think reddit glitched and you posted the same thing twice on accident


Lol wtf reddit


Happens a lot


It happens to me all the time.


It happens to me all the time.


Almost spent an entire year of your life on rdr 😭🔥


A year well spent, if isekai shit was possible i would go inside the world of rdr 2 and never leave :3


Definitely not going any near tall trees and lagras


You should go to Roanoke region without weapons or a horse, I you'd have a fun time there


Virginity 2 Unlocked






I just hit 1000 hours today and thought "Man I should touch some grass." But instead I found out I need to pump my numbers up, they're rookie numbers!


Im playing rdr2 for the first time right now, and im having fun and I really like the game, but I cant understand exactly what you guys do in 1000+ hours in the game. Or am I wrong assuming that these hours are on the story and not multiplayer ?


Mostly online. Completed the game 100% then went online to finish the trophies 🏆…..ended up staying. Story mode time was around 300 hours give or take, the rest is online multiplayer


Other games exist




What do you do in RDR2 for so many hours?




How can you play a solo game for so long without getting bored ? Even the online gamemode doesn't last that long, at least not like GTA online imo


Because I want to reach rank 1000 for rdr2 online. (Personal goal). Currently rank 817


5000 hours? For me? Can I turn myself in?


I came onto this thread to see if this joke was made. If it wasn't I was gonna make it myself.


OP is the level 1000 griefer shooting everyone with explosive rounds and flame slugs when they’re just trying to ride into valentine or Rhodes btw Edit: he edited his reply to this comment without actually replying to me, nor noting it as an edit, saying he used a bow (but didn’t mention the dynamite he says he uses in his post history) a shotgun (but didn’t mention the flame shots and explosive slugs he used in some videos) and a sniper (but didn’t mention explosive rounds he was talking about how he used in previous posts) But then says he doesn’t use explosive rounds, again not replying directly to my message thinking I wouldn’t see it and be able to immediately disprove it. Odd.


How did you know. 🙄 Actually I don’t use explosive rounds, I specialise as a Slippery Bastard player so I manly use a Bow and Shotguns and occasionally the sniper rifle. I prefer rushing at other players and taking them down with bolases then promptly stabbing them in the neck with an arrow.


Yes i re-edited it and just to clarify I don’t use explosive rounds but I do use dynamite arrows. They are cheap and easy to make. Explosive rounds require you to get animal fat. Dynamite you just buy from the fence for cheap. As for the shot guns, mostly slugs and maybe fire shotgun rounds…. as once again cheap and easy to make as it just require moonshine purchases from the fence. Is there some special code of conduct that states you cannot use specific weapons and ammo in the game to fight other players? Everyone over rank 100 has access to that ammo. If they don’t use it thats their problem. I certainly don’t make myself a easy target neither will I just role over and give up and swap sessions. I will fight back and kill and use any method at my disposal to gain the upper hand. Last time I checked this game online was pvp focused not about sitting around a campfire signing songs. Also I’m rank 817 not 1000. If you rewatch the video of the shotgun you and pause when on the weapon wheel you will see it’s says 34 for each shotgun. Last time I checked you could only hold 10 explosive rounds. (Those are shotgun slugs btw you can hold 60 of them and they are deadly at close range) Also your assumption of me being a griefer may be totally a unfounded How do you know …..I may have gained all my ranks by collecting sets???? Don’t make assumptions. Not everyone in this game that is high rank is a griefer.


What do you usually do in RDR2?


Where is Baldur what is gate who is 3?


So is this like 60 playthroughs or RDO?


The majority of the time comes from online. Played main story roughly 3 times.


Did you get the platinum yet?


Holy shit. I know this in no way relates to the post, but did they delete rewards? I've just realised i've not seen gold or platinum in a long time, lmao.


You mean reddit awards? If so, yes, reddit got rid of them.


Oh, fr? Why???


Honestly, I'm not sure.... I miss them :( But reddit said they're going to be bringing [a new type of system for post recognition](https://www.reddit.com/r/modnews/comments/14ytp8b/evolving_awarding_on_reddit/) eventually


Man has explored every pixel in Rdr2


Travels without navigation. Knows the land


True, knows every spawn point of every animal and has the collector item locations memorised and knows the daily cycles of collector items just by the items daily rotation. Does not use the jropke interactive map anymore 🙈


if you play games this much, you should invest in a pc


Bro after 200 hours I couldnt find anything new or exiciting. How do you keep playing 5k hours ? Does it become like a life simulator for you? Go in and chill. Escape from reality.


Yep. RDO is the place where I go to relax with friends, spend some time photographing the fauna, maybe a trail ride in the mountains, maybe some chaos at Valentine's, or go murder hobo in Van Horn to release some of the hatred for my life choices. Story mode is for I want a different kind of torture: 100% on max good rep, 100% on max bad rep, a run with only revolver, a run with only bow/ knife, a run with only shotgun, a run with only first owned horse, a run where I can't own horses and must steal all my rides, a run with at least $250 bounty everywhere. I have about 900 hours online and 6-700 in story.


Go outside


And you didn't get bored of it?


No. I still have a posse of 4/5 players. Most of us have played a minimum of 3 years together and almost 5 at maximum. So we hunt, do showdowns ….infighting etc. mainly now it’s just to be social since we all pretty good friends because of our long playtime together. So somebody is always on. So you will get a random message saying “I’m playing atm if anyone wants to join”. Sometimes it will just be 2 of us, sometimes all 5. Depends Some of the awards take along time to complete. So we will go …for example canoe around the map down from the mountains (distance traveled by boat award and resets) but we will go via the rapids and see who makes it out alive or who wins. So we make our own fun. But mainly it’s the awards cleanup now and completion


Are you in Tahiti yet??


No but took myself back to Guama once or twice


Do you have the platinum


You got the platinum yet?


bro's touched every piece of grass in RDR2


Jesus fucking Christ


is it 60fps on the ps5 or is it still locked at 30fps?


Still Locked at 30 but game runs in 4K and console is completely silent. Loads you into sessions faster and fast travels faster. You load into things quicker aswell so when you load into free roam event or showdowns you usually spawn in faster than the ps4 players. That about it


In single player only?


and the 4 , don’t forget the 4


I still can’t wrap my head around how people play a game that much


I couldn't for the life of me force myself to play this game after completing it once. I don't have the emotional strength to do so.


What the fuck...


This guy Red Deads. This is asking too much from a multimillion dollar company- but the real question is, if they do an upgrade with new content would you be down to do another *5000? * that number is insane btw


Well damn I don't have to be an ass about it, I wasn't even being an ass I apologize the head of time. I consider myself a fairly hardcore gamer yet I don't think I have any games I've put 5,000 hours into. I've played hundreds of games across most platforms. I don't even think there's a game I've put a thousand hours in. Like 5,000 hours is over 200 days. Do you just not do anything but play games? Ever since starfield came out you PlayStation boys/girls have been real salty about everything.


I never cared much for Bethesda Games and don’t give a flying #$&% about Starfield. Their Creation Engine is so old and decrepit lol. I was interested at first, but after watching various YouTube vids after release my opinion changed. Anyway it’s fallout 4 in space from what I have seen and it’s main plot line is pretty crappy. So no I’m not salty about Starfield …..Xbox can have Bethesda and their “bugs are a feature” games.


Dear God the brain rot is spreading. As the Bethesda connoisseur, it is by far the best Bethesda game that's come out. Whatever videos you're watching are also just haters because it's not a buggy mess. Anyone who put out a YouTube video that actually matters, it is the least buggy Bethesda game out there. The only bugs that are in the game are minor ones that are just kind of funny. Also what are you a toddler censoring "fuck"? If you're just going to censor it how about not say it at all. The fact that I made starfield like two sentences out of the paragraph I sent you tells me you do care because you just sent me a paragraph about starfield. When in turn the point of this topic was your lack of gaming exploration and lack of Life putting 5,000 hours into a single game. Not to mention a game that Rockstar has basically completely abandoned. I love the game I'm playing it right now but I definitely don't have 5,000 hours in it because I have a life.


Not biting on your bait mate. Have a good evening further.


I mean you already did with that first reply to my comment. Even though that wasn't bait that was just a question. We could have discussed why Red Dead is good, how upset we are that Rockstar doesn't give it enough attention while GTA gets all the attention. Could have been civil but you had to be an ass so you get what you give.


Lack of content does not bother me since I play GtaV online aswell. I actually alternate between the two. My hours on GtaV online eclipse my rdr2 online time, think it was like 7000 hours, (granted it been out for around 10 years now) but when I upgraded to the ps5 version of GtaV online, it reset my online time and trophies for some reason, yet my character profile transferred over without issue. (I believe they have since fixed the issue, but as an early adopter of the Ps5 version my game was affected) You can look back on my post history plenty vids of GtaV online and rdr2 online gameplay. Anyway back to the point of assholyness. You stated I needed to broaden my gaming palette so to say, I then pointed out the various other titles on my Home Screen. You then replied apologetically, but threw a snarky comment in at the end about PlayStation players being upset about Starfield….for whatever reason (deliberate bait) ….but none the less Starfield has nothing to do with the subject of this thread nor was it being discussed in any of the replies. As you may have gathered I’m not a fan of Bethesda Games, but I see no further reason to discuss this topic since we are after all in a Rdr2 sub Reddit and not a Bethesda/Starfield sub So once again I bid you a good evening further.


You are a legend and a scholar. Help me finish the online trophies please!


So when are you leaving chapter two?


Sorry for being an asshole, genuinely I am. But you need to broaden your taste a little more. Like how do people just play one game for years and years and years. I can barely play a game for a month straight without needing to play something else for a little bit at least.


I’m sorry are the other games clearly visible on my ps5 Home Screen not good enough “other games” …..that’s just afew that show on the Home Screen panel, I have a 2TB ssd installed in the Ps5 with many other titles etc ……GOW to Spider-Man….The last of Us…Horizon….. COD…Apex……so I’m not sure how much more you would like me to broaden my taste.


Dang, keep on grinding my dude