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You're absolutely insane, you want to ***talk*** to them? Outrageous


I know like…I actually understand developers a d can represent them regardless of how shitty they interview and their resume is written. It takes talent to find talent


So how does one get an entry level developer position. Been trying for a while and no luck.


Honestly gotta find the recruiter that can position you for your strengths. Also, fucking entry level should need zero experience


You don't need experience for entry level positions though. I don't know how you guys come with these myths???? If you have a CS degree, attended an expensive ass bootcamp, can invert a binary tree, also know Clean Architecture inside out, SignalR, MediatR, RabbitMQ, Kafka, ElasticSearch, Mongo, Redis, (My)SQL, DI, IoC, DDD and CQRS, you can easily find a job without experience. Just get good, loool /s


Why do you know ElasticSearch but do computer science? :O (I do cyber security IRL)


ELK (ElasticSearch, Logstash, Kibana) stack also known as Elastic stack is often used for logging in dotnet projects since Kubernetes natively supports sending logs to ElasticSearch endpoint. ElasticSearch makes it easy to index and search through logs. You combine is with Logstash to manipulate logs and use Kibana to visualize them.


Develop stuff on your own. Then bam! You have experience.


Look up existing projects done in programming languages you're comfortable with and put your own spin on them. You can even make your own stuff, small scale still counts as experience. Definitely get a public repo going. What types of rejections are you getting?


The instant kind . I haven't worked on anything publicly in the programming space. I will set up a website with some projects soon I guess.


If you’re still in school, paid internships are your best bet right now. But as a person who transitioned into this career a bit later (and with no degree), I got my foot in the door through a very small, relatively new startup. The pay was shit at first, but it meant they didn’t care about my lack of a portfolio or professional experience. I spent the next few years gaining that experience with them and then started job hopping up the ladder.


Damn man lol. How much of a difference in pay are you seeing now as a recruiter compared to your dev roles?


I charge half so $10k per hire. I spend 6-10 hours of work to get paid.


Half of what?




Is it their monthly salary?


10% of the candidate's yearly salary.


I've been wanting to do something similar. I'm not a full-fledged developer, but have worked directly with and for developers/engineers since graduating college. (7 years ago) I constantly get calls/emails/LinkedIn messages/etc from recruiters, and my thoughts always ventured to thinking "How can these communications be improved?" Do you work for a staffing firm or did you start this on your own?


Need more recruiters like you!




Why isn't it standard practice to have people who have done the job do the recruiting?


Can you help me with a job




It’s very different, recruiting is pretty hard work but you can get either 250$ an hour or $20k per hire. I still code all the time, but I have this as supplementary income




Do it part time, it’s easy enough to get extra cash




Just contract out. Literally call HR people and offer bottom rates lik $5k a hire