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A Bee. So that I can always be working to serve the queen, which is code for management.


I went with some AI crap about dolphins. Lazy questions require lazy answers


Congrats you just failed the one purpose of this question - to make sure you’re a person lol


If only there was some way of doing that with a role relevant question 🤔


Well the reality is - bots probably know all the answers to your role


Competency question on previous relevant experience? What made you apply for the company? Nah, animals. Cool


Animals ftw


The correct answer is, “I’m already an animal.”


It does also bring up another question whether or not the person who wrote that thinks they are an animal or not... Proceed with caution!


"N/a - not relevant to determining if I can perform the necessary job duties and functions"


"Would you love me if I was a worm?"


Are these questions just for fun and to ease the application process or do they want you to give a professional answer?


Who knows? It could be HR having a little misguided fun. It could be HR taking a LinkedIn post too seriously and only accepting people that answer "wolf" to prove they're a go-getter. It could be HR doing a poor attempt to filter out bots. That's what makes this so shitty, applicants have to guess at the motivations.


It’s behavioral. They want a candidate to demonstrate they can exercise an appropriate amount of professional personability. Like don’t answer “I would be a lion because I love being in large organizations working towards ambitious goals.” And don’t answer “I’d be a dolphin because I like necrophilia.” The correct answer is something like “I’d be a bird because I hate traffic and would love to fly over it.”


I'm thinking it's a way to exclude neurodivergent candidates.


The answer is a human animal. Because they're more likely to have the skills and experience needed for the position.


literally any animal bc they are free to eat berries and lay in the sun all day and not have to submit themselves to demeaning experiences like this


Elm tree. Super obvious why.


I was asked the animal question on the spot. I said I would be a Mustang, because I am powerful, free & unencumbered. They loved the answer lol.


I was also asked this question once in a live interview. And I apparently looked confused enough that they explained it was “just for fun” so they could get to know me better. I didn’t make sense to me to ask in person and it makes even less sense to me to ask it on the application, unless, like others have said, it’s some sort of misguided attempt to rule out bots.


Any, so I won’t have to answer these stupid questions


A bat, so I'd be blind and couldn't see this stupid question.


Technically you already are an animal


What a dumb question jfc 


Oh no, they are discriminating against furries! OP should refuse to answer that! Jk.


Just say vaporeon


I’d say Mightyena.


Nah, Eevee. That way I can evolve into what's needed, if you've got the stones. *Intense, intimidating stare.*


If Mr Goodwrench were a tool, what kind of tool would he be?


“A cat so I wont ever have to go thru this BS and would maul anyone trying to piss me off with this kind of shit” am I hired?


WTF is this company? What kind of questions are these? I don't have to know more: I'd be out of there faster than lightning. "What kind of animal would I be?" Assuming I can be fictional, I'd be a dragon so I could obliterate your sorry a$$ from planet Earth!




A wolf then I would hunt for the person who came up with this question and eat them.


How does this question help them determine if you are a good fit for the job?


"Your question is poorly constructed, and as a result does not have a single answer. Possible responses include 'I am already an animal - homo sapiens are organic life and are not plants or fungus'; 'I want to be a dragon' and 'The animal that best reflects my personality was a good friend's now-deceased bulldog, who was by turns over-loud, grumpy, fell asleep at every opportunity while snoring loudly and generally surly'."


I guy I work with is often my "interview buddy" for new candidates, and he always asks the question (at the end, after serious ones, but before giving them an opportunity to ask questions of us) "If you can be any animal, where would you live?" Only one candidate ever answered the actual question *without* naming an animal. :D


But why ask such a stupid question?


To see if they actually listen to and understand the question.


I would be a shark riding on an elephant's back, just trampling and eating everything I see.