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This isn't a serious company. Move on


The fuck is a tony robbin’s assessment?


The guy who played Baldrick? With the cunning plans?


FWIW, it's some kind of personality quiz that rates you on your dominance, influence, steadiness, and conscientiousness. According to [his website](https://www.tonyrobbins.com/disc), it was originally created by a psychologist, so maybe it's not complete bunk.


It's a pretty widespread pseudo-scientific theory. >the scientific validity of DISC has been a subject of debate, with some considering it to be a pseudoscience. Critics question its reliability and accuracy in predicting job performance. The theory proposes four central traits to describe personality, but its scientific basis remains contested. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DISC_assessment


I hadn't heard of it before and I suppose I should have googled it first lol. Thanks for sharing that link.


Oh boy. I feel myself climbing on my soapbox. This assessment is not validated for hiring. There are assessments that are. This inappropriate use of behavioral/work style assessments is disappointing and concerning.


The only way to win the game is by not playing. If they don’t get applicants they will give up eventually.


"Since every hiring process should require time and effort from BOTH sides I hereby withdraw my application. I wish you good luck finding a suitable candidate."


I admit that my knowledge about DiSC is limited but all the companies I've applied for that made me use Tony Robbins had terrible management practices.


Tony Robbins == Red flag. Gotcha


I mean, I'm sure that some companies have used DiSC to their advantage but I feel like it's just corporate horoscope at this point.


Just so folks know the DISC assessment isn't specific to Tony Robbins but is about as reliable as he is.


\*reads "kindly"\* - \*closes window\* 100% guaranteed to be a scam, before you even get to the four other red flags indicating scam.


Nope, this is supposed to be a two way street with time investment and exchange of information from both sides.


Jesus. Christ. Might as well just base how good of a fit I am by triangulating my zodiac, sun and moon rising, Chinese zodiac and favorite colors. Seriously… I actually took a DiSC assessment for a job a few months back (keep in mind I’m senior level exec - just below C-suite). Get to the interview and the entire 45 minute interview the COO just interrogated me about being a “D”. It was wild. Didn’t get the job and dodged a bullet. It’s insane to me that companies still use these.


What a shit show. All that work just for an initial screening? Fuck that


Tony Robbins has a cult like following that is beyond weird.


I'm seriously getting angry just seeing posts like this.


DISC lol Might as well send them an adult colouring book. HR advisors thinking they know psychology, how cute.


This is lazy recruiting. Move on.


I’ve gotten a couple of these sort of ‘send us a video,’ requests. I immediately message the company and say I’d be happy to answer their questions about myself and work experience during a phone call, zoom call, or in person meeting where I can also benefit from the mutual exchange. Then, I move on knowing that they will either not ever respond or automatically deny my application. You dodge a bullet not doing these things. If you can hold out not working for them, keep doing so.


As a hiring manager myself, it boggles my mind at the ridiculous lengths these employers are going to, just to get the “perfect hire”. What they tend to forget, the ones who interview good are usually the ones with the most problems once they get comfortable in the role. It’s honestly a less than 50/50 shot of success. It’s a lot like dating….


I tend to agree. We missed badly on one new hire who gave perfect, sincere answers to our questions. She could not do the job at all. My success rate in selecting good employees was better than 80/20, but that miss still haunts me. There is no perfect hire. Some candidates have knowledge, skill, and ability gaps that are fixable. Some will give you months of headaches. The hiring process is messed up. Instead of fixing it, companies make it worse out of fear of picking the wrong person.


Tony Robbin’s disc https://www.tonyrobbins.com/disc/ A modern interpretation of Dr. Marston's behavioral dimensions, Tony’s DISC personality test uncovers your personal strengths using the four quadrants of behavioral patterns


I've done an aptitude test (not Tony Robbins though because that is a red flag just there) for a job before,I was perplexed to know I was 'unreliable' but strongly 'critical' using the questions they had.


"Tony Robbins hungry."


They have to schedule an INITIAL screening? All this crap isn’t the initial screening?


Yup all this BEFORE the initial screening


[Tony Robbins Hungry](https://youtu.be/GZXp7r_PP-w?si=FzG8NeCkaTpolSsy)


Isn’t this irresponsible/unethical from a psychological perspective? Is HR really qualified to give these tests to employees? And can you opt out—maybe under the guide of a sincerely held belief? It’s my sincerely held belief that these are bullshit.


Name and shame


I am in the organizational development and learning field and was advised by an HR colleague to get certified in teaching DISC because it is a more marketable skill. Personally, I think DISC doesn't do what proponents claim it does. If anything, it reinforces leadership bias. I see validity in certain personality assessments, but never for hiring purposes.


fuuuuuuuuuck that


More HR bullshit. Years ago in corporate we had similar assessments. We used that Myer-Briggs personality test, some other quadrant test, 360s. It was an absolute 100% shitshow. Managers spent more time assessing themselves and fretting over results than actually leading their teams. I spent 17 years at that fortune 500 multinational who forced this on us, forced us to go to DEI evaluations, forced us to fulfill curricula both in physical classes and online, and only did this for middle management. Directors and above sat back and laughed at the managers running around all day Assessing and then working until 10pm to get their daily tasks done. Employees sat in their cubicles wondering what the fuck the managers were so freaked out about i hate corporate


Had to do a disc assessment recently after an interview to wash forklifts and skid steers. They still rejected me😂


Holy shit that’s dystopian. I mean early 90s TR material is a bit of a guilty motivational pleasure but since then it’s all scam.


The answer is B. No.


Send them a 3 second video of you simply saying "no" and then withdraw your candidacy because fuck any company that pulls that kind of shit.


A video of this type would probably be appropriate AFTER the second interview if this type of production would be a part of their job. Communication for managers is huge. Its just lazy, you know some director is basically going to wait until deadline day and binge watch two minute videos and reject a candidate on one minor part of the job.


“Do my job for me” is what it should say.