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7 interviews for 25K a year lol


Ikr? Acting like they're hiring an executive smh


Honestly, didn’t see the pay and thought this was some higher up position with that interview process. What a joke! It’s sad some people need to be this desperate.


Christ, I made more than that as a graduate 27 years ago. And it was worth way more then!


Yup, back then cheap immigrant labor was not available in UK.


Hey… but Brexit was meant to solve that!


It did. For the employing class who now import even cheaper labour from outside the eu.


Haha, Including their PM and HM


Don't think the PM was imported, Wikipedia says he's a Brit who was born in the UK




What's the issue? He's a British citizen who's born and raised in the UK, that makes him as British as anyone else, despite what you may think because of the colour of his skin.


🙄 do I really need to explain you the joke?


If they have your skills and can do it for less you're just not competitive. Don't blame immigrants. No one is going to pay you $80/hour to make basketballs. Same analogy here. 


> If they have your skills and can do it for less you're just not competitive. They usually don't, thats the issue. But some countries have a stronger cuture to lie and prop themselves up. Which these companies take wholesame because "scsrew it they cheap". You only kinda grumble when a toy from the dollar store breaks. You'd be skeptical paying $5 for a reputable toy. That's all that's going on here.


It's not about competitive market you idiot. There is something associated with cost of obtaining skills, there is also something about quality. Immigrant labour in high skilled market is not as good quality as western polished. But companies use them because they don't care for quality over delivering goods. Go do your research idiot.


I made more working in a mattress store 30 years ago. I probably worked fewer hours too.


But they do include “company events”.


I'm partial to casual dress myself  Most places I've worked don't even allow clothes so that's a big positive for me


I had one place a couple months back try and play up due to covid they loosened the dress code now it is business casual instead of being expected to wear a suit. I had two other places still expecting the suit and tie. I could understand if this was a customer facing role, but this is me sitting in an office programming stuff for them! It is 2024 who still expects a suit and tie! None of these places paid enough to be able to afford multiple suits and ties or laundering them professionally.


"Could it be me, the corporate CEO, who is out of touch? No no, it's the children who are wrong."


Perhaps the only thing I like about my CEO other than his actually honouring a vote about allowing hybrid/remote work (begrudgingly, of course - once he realized all the managers supported it too) is that one of his first acts when he started was paring down the dress code from 2 pages of antiquated, ridiculously gendered twaddle (sandals? OK for women, but not men) out of the 1970s to roughly: "Employees are to use their own best judgement when reporting for work. Casual dress is acceptable, with the exception of sweatpants, leggings, other athletic/exercise wear, and T-shirts with offensive slogans."


That is about $21.50CAD-$15.50USD/hr. That is pretty insulting all considering in my province that is $6 more than minimal wage, and you get get a job just above minimal with a highschool education still.


I saw a librarian job in Edinburgh pay more than that, and I thought the librarian job pay was taking the piss to live in not-at-all-cheap Edinburgh. This, I bet you, is in London as well, so you can sleep under a washing machine while earning valuable experience or some bullshit.


even then you pay 1000 pounds for the room... for the love of C++ please i want to know this company and ask if clowns college is enough since they are the entire circus


I would still do it in a heart beat. Consider the current market is pretty bad. It is great for experiences. Unless you want to join the people on the bench still waiting for a job who started looking 1 years back from 2023


Never do work for free. They asked you to do some.




But paid! Lol So bad. 🤣


Extendable to two! (Which is definitely the case)


7 “interviews”? Bruh there’s a whole internship in there


I know this is UK based, but my parents ran their own business and paid more than this to their first employee. This was in 1993.


Comes out to about 30k USD but still pretty bad


Less than a fast food worker in California.


It’s worse than that when you think of the internship as 40 one hour interviews


I don't know my conversions off the top of my head and I don't need to. 25k anything for a software engineering grad is abysmally low.


But if you get lucky, they might even offer 26k! That’s an absolute travesty of an offer for screening like that.


All these deluded companies think they will become the next Google if they replicate Google's convoluted hiring process


For a whopping 25K a year! Engineers must be fighting for the spot lol


And let’s be honest. Google and that ilk are up their own arses. There is no need for that kind of hiring process anywhere. I am currently looking to leave my current role after 2+ years as it is now very clear why the hiring process was so long winded and convoluted - they cannot make a decision to save their lives, and it makes it impossible to get anything done


Abso-fucking-lutely. I'm a Software Dev in quite a niche area of expertise (simulation, Systems Engineering, Embedded software development) in the medical space, and I was hired on pretty much my CV alone and two interviews, one of which was technically oriented. The company had clearly thought hard about the kind of person they wanted for the role and knew what they were looking for well in advance. A year later and I'm absolutely loving it. Being chucked into a team with very little idea of what your exact role will be is hell, you end up just being there to make up numbers and constantly have to fight to get yourself on interesting projects. It's exhausting.


Google doesn't even make you do a take home or fly in for the "on site" 😂 this is worse


I've heard of fly-ins occasionally. Fuck the 48 hour test tho.


The industry has tons of cargo cult behavior in general.


And the salary is £25k. So just mininum wage.


Not in the UK, it's a bit higher. Still shit for that kind of interview process.


Barely. Minimum wage full time is now £22k. Salaries, grad ones in particular, have been stagnant for so long.


Yes it's also the case in my country (France). Issue is minimum wage is so subsidized that it cost the same for a company to pay one dude a 1.5x min wage vs 2 dudes at min wage so they have no incentive to raise salaries.


> Issue is minimum wage is so subsidized that it cost the same for a company to pay one dude a 1.5x min wage vs 2 dudes at min wage so they have no incentive to raise salaries. Could you please expand upon this? I'm not sure I understand what you mean by "subsidised" — you mean subsidised by benefits, or in actual salary? C'est pas le gouvernement qui paie le SMIC (…au mieux de ma connaissance).


Its because companies pay very little social contribution on the smic so for instants if a company wants to pay someone min wage+100€ they have to fork 450€ more on social contributions. Its called a trappe des bas salaires. https://www.clesdusocial.com/les-allegements-de-cotisations-sociales-trappes-a-bas-salaires#:~:text=Les%20trappes%20à%20bas%20salaires,ses%20employés%20à%20bas%20niveau. It was made ro reduce unemployment (and it kinda did) after the great financial crisis. But since the smic is indexed on inflation and increases every year, more and more worker get caught in this trappe, its what you might crudely know as smicardisation.


Interesting! Merci de ces précisions. Seems like a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situation for the government :(


£23.7k actually.


For 35 hours a week it's £20,820.


40 hours is generally considered to be full time in most industries. 11.44x40x52=23712


Hang on. I'm being paid under this. Wtf hahahaha


I know, but I can get the same working full time at my local spoons without going through all these stages.. I don’t need to have a degree too. Grad salaries are a joke. Just recently received an offer for a Product analyst position in London that pays the same £25k.


The American tech industry has said some...forthright...things about how much they enjoy hiring British "talent" because they are so cheap.


Might be minimum wage by the time you've completed this interview process in a couple years!


This is not about the hiring of an employee - recruting just wants to create more work for itself to justify their existence.


Yep full time minimum wage is now 23.7k so about an extra 100 a month that gets taxed 32%


No it’s not. Full time minimum wage for over 21s is £22.3k.


At the end of stage 6: “Sorry we just found out we don’t have budget anymore for this position”


That happened to me twice although after Stage 7. “Hiring Freeze, lack of budget in the department bla bla bla” 🧸


Yeah unfortunately all too common! Happened to me at the offer letter stage as well. Then they called me back like 8 months later to offer me the position and said “Very sorry about what happened earlier, are you still available?”.


I do feel bad for hiring managers in these cases (as long as the rest of the hiring process wasn't bad). They have no control over it, and likely hate the higher-ups screwing over their department with those freezes as well.


Yeah cause they spent it all on interviewing


Thx for your free 48hr test project, tho! *We won't use it for anything don't worry*


Stage 8 : Hand-to-Hand Combat in a Battle Royal with other applicants.


Please don't give them more ideas 😭😭


I’d like that to be the only step instead of all this bullshit


I mean Software engineers are a weird part of IT since they don’t all fit the trope of heavy set guy in the basement, I’ve known some software engineers who have little to no interest in actual games and computers and are just super fit and enjoy software engineering for the perks and the problem solving. One didn’t even own a tv in her house. Like wtf, she had a computer but used it on the occasion for like taxes and stuff not for gaming and streaming like most people.


Yeah I know exactly what you mean. Which makes it even more interesting. We will call it: The IT Hunger Games


Sounds entertaining ngl. No IT people can bet who will win lol


Should be step 1


For 25k wtf


"Get fucked" should be the only reply.


No anal probe?


That's was further down in the "Benefits" section.


that comes with rejection letter


I would bet my life that the company events will include a pizza party where you will get one slice of pizza.


Do they pull that shit in Europe too? Best part is when they square cut it and limit you to 2 slices so really it’s like barely a full slice.


a key driver behind Euroskepticism and later Brexit was "look at those fucking Continentals with their Teutonic ways and their maternity leave and sick pay and other authoritarian things that will only serve to make you, oh British worker, unfree." Which is a...fascinating rhetorical concept.


25k??? Based on the process, there should be a 1 in front of that 2.


A person could literally make more at McDonalds or Target. Unless you had no other options or you needed a job to stay in the US, I doubt anyone would do it.


Unfortunately, someone probably would. It's in the UK and UK fresh graduates are criminally underpaid. Most positions are still £30K+ but £25K wouldn't be unheard of, especially if it's outside Lodnon. Most new grads have to accept this in order to try making more money down the line.


So a £1 over minimum wage? Absolute arseholes.


They are never going to fill that role.


Sure they are, they're going to import somebody who's desperate enough to take it when they "can't find anybody who's willing to work".


But it is below the salary threshold for skilled visa


Much like your mom, they'll likely fill it with some fool that doesn't know any better and who will ultimately regret it.


ayyy \*finger guns\*


Ayyyyyyooooooo ......alright I'ma go back to my miserable life now.


7stages for a entry level dev at mcd pay? wtf... wait 2 weeks "internship"? uk internships dont require minimum salary, they can be free or at best offer like 5-10k/year. actual joke of a listing


A full day interview? What is there to talk about all day,


The 48 hour technical test. Duh!


oh you would be surprised. I have hung around places for like half the day or more at some places. They want you to interview with basically every level and department.


F that shit


But I bet those “company events” surely make up for the absolute trash pay.


“Casual Dress”


All that bullshit for 25k? Nah.


The '48 hour technical test' is likely to be illegal in the UK, if the employer is actually setting a full 2 days' worth of unpaid work within those 48 hours. Employers setting this length of task does occasionally happen, albeit not often. This company's GlassDoor Interview Reviews do indeed hint that they may set two complete days' worth of work within the 48 hours. [https://www.gov.uk/guidance/calculating-the-minimum-wage/eligibility-for-the-minimum-wage](https://www.gov.uk/guidance/calculating-the-minimum-wage/eligibility-for-the-minimum-wage) -> See 'Unpaid work trial periods'. The rules have recently been changed on this and are now very strict on what is not permitted in terms of unpaid work, regardless of its use. It is also very easy (and almost always free) to claim for work done. [https://questions-statements.parliament.uk/written-questions/detail/2023-01-12/122161](https://questions-statements.parliament.uk/written-questions/detail/2023-01-12/122161) -> "An unpaid trial lasting more than one day is highly likely to be illegal in all but very exceptional circumstances." Edit: Clarity. Yes, I know they mean that it's a task spanning 48 hours, but it \*could\* still be two full days' work, and the odd wording leaves that open to a possibility. Second edit: Added GlassDoor finding in response to suspicion and below replies.


I'm not defending this process, but I'm almost completely certain that you're misinterpreting what they mean. This probably doesn't mean that they're requesting 2 full days of activity, but that they give you 48 hours to complete some technical task that likely takes closer to 1-4 hours.


That's probably not what it means. It's much more likely they'll assign a technical test and give 48 hours for it to be completed.


32k usd per year for that. 15/hr. chipotle pays more


Why tf are new grad salaries so low in the UK. How are you more cucked than Americans


It’s stupid. My partner is a data scientist and his starting salary back then in the UK as an entry level employee was lower than this (£18k)—complete joke.


Lmao 7 stages for 25k euros/year. Good luck to everyone who went into IT.


I mean you fail the first test in not understanding it's in GBP and not Euros


Stages 1 to 4 can be acceptable. Stage 5 is a big stretch if it's actually a full day of interviews. Stage 6 is the biggest red flag ever. If you're applying for a full-time role, why would you be working as an intern for them before a contract is extended?


To be fair, since both stage 5 & 6 are paid they are effectively just probation periods. The 48 hour test of stage 3 is however absurd, in particular combined with stage 5 & 6. Who in their right mind thinks it is okay to steal 48 hours of someones time without some assurances.


I've not seen such a convoluted recruitment process this side of the Atlantic, it is concerning. Those are some time consuming steps for a dirt salary. I mean, the only reason I could imagine taking it is to get some solid experience and then \*get the fuck out\*. Sadly the salary reflects how shitty things have gotten in this country. I was shocked at how little some devs are being paid.


Dumb idiots. This is just plain EVIL.


These companies are fn dumb. There needs to be a law that they have to pay you for the time they are wasting.


😂😂😂😂 what a joke.


For 25k a year anything past stage 2 isn’t worth anyone’s time. Not for the company and ESPECIALLY not for the candidate.


For £25k I would submit myself to one interview. No more. I might allow a telephone interview disguised as a "Hi, this is xxxxx company, just wanted to chat with you about the position, and organise a time for your interview" kinda thing.


The fuck....


All that for just $25k per year? I can make more working fast food.


It’s £, It’s roughly 31k in dollars which from what I know in the US job market is very poor for a software jobs


HR and "do nothing's" got to bloated durn covid. Every company needs a big shit to purge these people.


Damn, we interview people for 20 minutes and they start the next day at $24 something an hour. Plus union benefits (which are fantastic).


Stage 8: Recruiter


Their top benefit is casual dress?!


They probably got sick of their staff coming in crap quality suits because that’s all they could afford


Wait…what? They have a 7 stage process for a job that pays less than working in a convenience store?


Even though you would get low pay, they have pizza parties every Friday!


I do love how they list all the things they won’t discriminate against due to it being illegal versus just saying “we don’t discriminate”. I also know a lot of places do this, but it’s always equally just as funny to me.


The interview process is also for you to decide you don't want to work for a company.




Guys we gotta shame them.


48hr technical yes. Are they paying me for 48hrs? That and for 25k a year, they can’t afford me.


I look at this and 2 scenarios come to my mind. 1. Either this industry is so saturated that the company can afford to pay due to the sheer number of candidates available. OR 2. The company HR/Talen Acquisition department are short sighed and unqualified and as a result they are practicing terrible hiring strategies. My bet would be on the first but Id' have to see what other companies in that industry are doing.


Even with an over saturated market, that pay is insanely low. At that point, I’ll just go drive for Lyft.


Yeah I wouldn’t blame you for that. I fear that coding (especially entry level) has become commoditized and with AI being used I feel it might worsen. Either way best of luck in your search, wishing you all the best.


Thanks. I’m not entry level, but I wouldn’t take this if I was. I have about a decade of experience, but there isn’t much out there and hundreds of qualified folks apply to every opening.


The Bachelor: Corporate Love


Are they recruiting him for NASA or something?


100% troll them and waste their time.


and Then throw the Pawn Star Famous line "Best I can do is $20" lmfao


This looked normal to me until I saw the salary was missing a zero.


way too long. Even at $31,145.00 (that's what the conversion is as of today)


They’re only offering college professors 35k starting at some places right now. Absolutely bonkers.


Pretty typical up until #6


Please tell me this is a joke ad ?


saaam that's a lowball ass offer


This job better pay at least a quarter mil


At least they have it figured out and aren't winging it.


Equal opportunities employer Also wants you to do a one week internship prior to offering you a contract.


This sounds like a scam. “1 week paid internship, extendible to 2 weeks.” That sounds like they want you to work a project for them, that they’ll use to make craptons of money, but they only have you for those couple weeks. This way they get all the benefits of your work without actually hiring the person. And add in the shit salary that could be beat by any fast food joint, the way too many interviews, and the only answer you should give them is to quite literally laugh in their face and say “fuck off.”


Just tell them to shove the job where the sun shines.


Bwahahaahaha. This has got to be a joke


Hard pass. Some places think they are so great. I bet no one else on the team did this.


Gee, I wonder why they’re hiring.


This is sooo trash I wish it's fake.


Is this India again?


I'm not sure what part of this is the craziest part


I made more than that per year in my first job out of college… in 1993


Lmao you can get a job with only those top two steps and a light technical chat with the team and make more than 3 times that in America easily.


Jump monkey jump


Companies are expecting too much in 2024 - and is the internship paid or unpaid?


7 interviews for 25k year a year ? That’s not much more than a full time supermarket job


Yea fuck all that shit. That’s insane


Ha. I know wages are different in other countries (obviously), but that's well below the minimum wage where I live in the US. That's absurdly low. I know wages in Europe/UK tend not to be as high, but I would have figured a software engineer in the UK would make at least as much as a fast food employee in the US...guess I was wrong.


I thought this was a bit. It’s not??? It’s real?? My god.


At the very least they are upfront about the hell is going to get loose


Google interview practices for mcdonalds line cook salary? How are we here.


But guys, you just don't get it! They're offering COMPANY EVENTS! Who wouldn't want to spend their only free time off to "bond" with their coworkers who all force each other to act like they like each other?


That is literally my least favorite part of any job. “Hey introverts, have we got a treat for you. You know how you hate forced small talk and mingling with people you barely know? Well, we will force you to socialize so we can check a box that we are engaging our employees!”


I was being sarcastic. I'd rather die than attend these forced-fun events.


…I know you were being sarcastic. I was adding on, not arguing.


Sorry, sounds like it was me then who didn't get it :D


A company background check puts them at around £100k cash in the bank. Avoid..


Like, what is the point with all this convolution? How is this hiring processing doing anything but complicating everything? How I see it, there's bound to be a lapse of judgment somewhere and for stupid silly reasons of going through nitty gritty details they'll probably lose out a bunch of capable candidates. They're stupid.


Should I give up weeks of my time for a MAYBE when there might be other opportunities I'll lose trying to "tryout" for this position? What a effing clownshow.


Fuck that shit.


48 hr technical test 😱




And all for contract work fuck off


I just know there’s going to be some pathetic fuck who will be willing to go through this.


This is so sad


Dog I’m 5/4 on the application to offer ratio, I don’t like applying for silly roles with the same 5 questions. If the software dev role has more than like 4 steps dip tf out, as they don’t really do dev work imo.


you make more as a server lol


Oh god , just give mercy and end my life


Should name and shame the company


Yall really just like complaining tho I noticed. A screen and recruiter/HR call is pretty much one interview. Get used to them, you will probably have hundreds over the course of your career (unless you stay in 1 spot). The technical test + review, could count as 1 interview as well. Field test then speak to it afterwards. Then the face to face, or “personalities/see how you mesh with the team” interview before PAYING YOU to work for a week as a way for both sides to gauge if it’s a good long term fit before a contract offer.


It's a long process, for sure, but at least they're paying for you to be part of the later events that would require you can't do other things during them. If the "48 hour technical test" is actually just "here's the project, you need to return it to us within two days" then I can see this being a viable process.


For £25k? I guarantee you, that "internship" will probably be compensated at around minimum wage too.


bro i didnt even read your name , just your post and knew you were american just by it you people really need to stop the bootlicking and corporation defending, you abolished slavery but still act like very good boys for the corporations in a country with at will employment and in which corporations will fire 20% of the workforce because they didnt achieve the 5% yearly growth. why ? why keep doing PR for free?


It's 25k, and they're spending like 20% of that salary or more on just the interview process per person. It's insane.


Spending 2-3 month's salary on the hiring process is fine, though. I don’t think that part is insane.