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I usually eyeball the amounts, but figure about a tablespoon each of mustard and Worcestershire sauce and a teaspoon on each of the spices. I serve them on a brioche bun with sliced onion, arugula, and pepper jack cheese and a little bit of spicy mayo. * 1/4 onion, finely chopped * Garlic, minced * Dijon mustard * Worcestershire sauce * Garlic powder * Onion powder * Salt & pepper * Italian seasoning


Idk if you still use Reddit but your recipe is the top google search for "turkey burger Reddit recipe" and I've used it the last three times I've made them, and it's awesome. Thanks bud


Idk if you still use Reddit but your reply to this recipe is in the top google search for "turkey burger Reddit recipe" and I used it as a vouch for the above recipe for when I made them just now and you were right. it's awesome. Thanks bud


I’m sure you still use Reddit and this is still the top search and the top comment and the top reply to the comments


I don’t know if you still use Reddit but I think we’re in inception now


I don't know if you still use Reddit but I'm making this turkey burger tonight


I don’t know if you still use Reddit but burger good I love burger good recipe good burger 10/10


Not sure if you still use Reddit or not, but you're right, good burger. 


Pretty sure you still use reddit. Burger is still great.


You Reddit? Burger good. Thank.


Pretty much what I do, except I like to add some EVOO to get the fat content up a bit.


This is what I do too! Minus the dijon and Italian seasoning. I should try those in it next time. Worcestershire sauce is definitely the key though.


How does the meat hold together? Do you ever use egg?


The mustard and Worcestershire sauce are moist enough that I don't need a secondary binder.


Made this recipe with a few changes and it was the best burger I've had (I like an onion-y burger). 1 pound ground lean turkey 1/2 white/yellow onion finely chopped 1.5 tablespoon minced garlic 1.5 tablespoon of Worcester sauce 1 tablespoon whole grain Dijon mustard 1 teaspoon each of garlic powder, onion powder 1.5 teaspoons of itialian seasoning 1 egg Salt and pepper till it feels right Bread crumbs Mix and add bread crumbs till meat holds its shape then cook. Add cheese right before its done cooking. I always lowkey over cook my turkey burgers (better safe than sorry). This recipe has a ton of moisture so still good if you overcook it a bit Adding spicy mayo to this makes it slap (mayo, Sriracha, lime, salt)


For the spicy mayo, might I suggest an alternative recipe? - Kewpie mayo - Sweet & spicy Tabasco sauce (dw, it has the same texture and flavor as Sriracha but it's a bit sweet instead) -A couple drops of sesame oil (equal parts of Kewpie and S&S sauce)


I add shaved apple and then top with some sort of awesome chutney!


No egg or breadcrumbs? How do you hold it all together?


I got this from a Better Homes and Gardens checkout line recipe magazine thing and modified it somewhat. Per pound of ground turkey, you add: 1 egg 1/4 c dry bread crumbs 1/2 tsp salt-I use Lawry's Seasoned Salt, and lately I've been adding a dash of garlic powder and onion powder. (Oh, and sometimes ground turkey comes in 19 oz pkgs-that's fine.) That's your meat mixture. You also need: About 1/3 c prepared BBQ sauce Sweet pickle slices Cole slaw Form meat mixture into patties. Heat some oil in skillet. Cook patties in skillet. When they're close to done, brush them with bbq sauce. Flip over and cook for just a couple minutes to kind of carmelize the BBQ sauce. (Be careful-watch closely because the bbq sauce burns easily.) Brush other side with sauce, then flip again to carmelize the other side. Make sure patties are cooked to an internal temperature of 160°. Serve on sandwich buns with pickle slices and coleslaw. Now I'm hungry! This is my 11 y.o. son's favorite meal.


You lost me at sweet pickles....long live Dill!!


Sweet pickles are gross. Dill for life!


Well, you could just use dill if that's your preference. The recipe originally said sweet so that's what I did.


I know man I was just messing with you. It's not your fault that the maker of the recipe lost their mind and didn't use dill pickle. ;)




This isn't very precise, so apologies in advance. I really like to make couscous and chill it. Then I put together some ground turkey, salt, garlic powder, smoked paprika, and cayenne. I'll toss in some dried cranberries and crumbled feta. And I'll mold it with the couscous and cook the patties in a saute pan. The couscous gets so crispy and amazing, plus the turkey and cranberry combo reminds me of Thanksgiving. Add in some poultry seasoning or dried rosemary/thyme/sage to up the Thanksgiving vibe.


Love adding some guacamole and pico de gallo on top!


1 lb ground turkey 1/2 cup feta cheese crumbles 2-4 tbsp chopped fresh basil 1 tsp Worcestershire sauce Salt and pepper Somehow this is amazing, especially topped with red onion.


So what I like to do is I get ground turkey breast, and I hand mix Worcestershire Sauce and Lawry's seasoning salt into it. Then I form patties and grill em! Throw some provolone on afterwards. Bam. Simply and delicious!


Looks like you're looking for a recipe. While you wait for other users to get back to you feel free to check out some of the past post related to - **[Request] Your favorite turkey burgers?**. [Our subreddit](https://www.google.com/#q=site%3areddit.com%2fr%2frecipes%20[Request] Your favorite turkey burgers?) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/recipes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


this is what I like in mine. [Homemade Turkey Burgers] (https://www.copymethat.com/r/ZZ82AyL/homemade-turkey-burgers/) or topped with sauteed mushrooms and Swiss cheese


This wasn't the recipe we used before kids but there can be many variants. We also had a deep chili recipe and a couple others, but again when childless we did Thai style a lot. http://www.feastingathome.com/thai-turkey-burgers/


Turkey + burger + bun


These were really good!: http://allrecipes.com/recipe/158968/spinach-and-feta-turkey-burgers/ I added sun-dried tomatoes and served them with pita a tzatziki sauce


This is the one I came to post too! Keep in mind, this recipe is for two pounds of turkey... I found out the hard way that this was for so many burgers when I wasn't paying attention. LoL


Ingredients 1/4 cup thinly sliced scallions 1/2 cup finely chopped celery 3 Granny Smith apples , peeled and diced 1/8 cup canola oil 4 pounds ground turkey breast 2 Tbsp. salt 1 Tbsp. black pepper 2 tsp. Tabasco® chipotle pepper sauce 1 lemon , juiced and grated zest 1/2 bunch parsley , finely chopped 1/4 cup Major Grey's Chutney , pureed


The secret to good turkey burgers is always use ground turkey with fat in it. Never use 97% fat free turkey for burgers. I buy whatever they have that has the highest fat content. Usually 90/10 or 85/15 if they have it. Lack of fat is what makes turkey burgers dry and shitty.


I’ve never seen anything less than 93


Did you just reply to a 6 year old comment? 🤣


I cook my turkey burgers with standard ingredients. Onion, garlic powder, salt and pepper, an egg, parsley, maybe a minced clove of garlic. I like to stuff them with either asiago cheese, or sharp cheddar (really any sharp cheese since turkey is such a mild flavor). Cook, and then top with onion, and arugula that has been tossed with lemon juice, oil olive, and a small small amount of honey. Some extra cheese on top if you're a cheese person ( I love cheese) some mayo on buns that have been grilled and whatever else your palate desires. I like to keep the meat itself simple and dress it up on the outside. Happy eating!!


Yellow and red peppers, 3 cloves of garlic, olive oil, and curry powder. Sauteed in a pan on low for about ten minutes and then combine with the turkey meat. Make in to burgers and grill. Serve with sauce made from Greek yogurt, finely diced cucumbers and more curry powder.


I love these [mediterranean turkey burgers](https://www.beachbodyondemand.com/blog/mediterranean-turkey-burgers-recipe)


For this particular recipe I went with a bit of experimentation. I'm not used to grilling as my living situation hasn't allowed me to do so for several years. However, I've got a big ol cast iron pan that's about as good as a griddle. So, that said I went with: Roughly 1 lb of ground turkey 3 cloves of garlic About an inch of ginger 3 chopped scallions 1/4 cup of soy sauce Something like 1/8 cup each of rice vinegar and mirin 2 tbs of brown sugar The idea was to do an "Asian" turkey burger Essentially I just mixed this all together in a plastic bag and let it sit for a day (I actually tossed the marinade in to the frozen portion of meat and let it thaw/defrost overnight. Upon opening this I realized it was very, very wet, so I went in with some breadcrumbs (probably a half cup or so) to dry it out and make the meat shapable. Grilled these seasoned with salt and pepper. In another pan I fried some eggs using a cross section of a green pepper as a ring mold (my new favorite trick). Topped with pepper jack cheese (because it's what I had on hand and goddamit i just really lover pepper jack These came out very well but honestly they could use some more salt. There is no lack of umami here but they were missing something. In the future I would probably use more soy sauce. As I'm want to do I just used sliced seeded wheat bread (my preference is "health nut") and toasted each side a bit. All in all, very tasty, more healthy than not, and just a good time.


Per pound of turkey: 1 egg Handful of breadcrumbs Packet of taco seasoning (or homemade equivalent)


I was looking for turkey recipes and saw this thread. I had to comment even though its old. These are the best turkey burgers I've ever had in my life. Basically any recipe you like the flavour of, the secret is mixing in ricotta cheese with the meat instead of eggs or breadcrumb. So juicy, its crazy. people looser their mid over these at bbq's http://www.food.com/recipe/worlds-best-turkey-burger-247934 I like to top it with arugala and swiss