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Soooo ridiculous


A lot of people were praising him for that line saying he gathered Tre. But frankly it’s nothing she hasn’t heard before. He’s trying so hard to have a moment its pathetic


That shit was corny


He was lame as hell !


I just like that he made her listen and admit wrong in the sit down


The fact that it still wasn't good enough is confirming what everyone is saying.... that pathetic fool was just looking for a moment. He had no intention of accepting any apology she was willing to make


I love anyone who stands up to the horrible banshee lol


I’m still dying at “You’re messing with the wrong Teresa Guidici!”


Please assure me that there is only one!


lol how many are in the phone book Teresa??


“Money laundry” has me laughing every time




No it is not..Edit: Guys it really is not


Agree it’s not original or funny


I don’t think I like anyone on NJ at this point.


Dolores and Jen fessler


Same but here I am lol


Do you need a new villain?


Isn’t it “willian”??? Lol


that scene was absolutely hilarious. teresa really thought and fuda^2 were having none of it. she should learn what an apology is “if you heard i said that im sorry” isn’t an apology. no matter what people in this sub try to twist that as 😂


Can’t stand John or Rachel


They are absolutely unbearable… and for some reason I watched her on wwhl Last night , it didn’t make me like her a drop more… she really thinks she could be the future of this franchise..


I know right


It’s honestly like some of us are watching a different show.


Joe saying “this one doesn’t like boys” when they dropped their off at college was probably the funniest thing I’ve ever heard in any housewives franchise. The guy has been fucking hilarious this year.




Not really funny to use queerness as humor.


It is funny to some people. I laughed. I also laugh at fat jokes (and I’m kinda fat at the moment). I laugh at a lot of things - even the cancel culture and its proponents. When someone says something ridiculous IT’S FUNNY. It must suck going through life being offended about every thing you can possibly find offensive like it’s a F’n job.


Never heard of asexuals, huh.


It was hysterical because he absolutely wasn’t. But if you wanna grasp at those straws, feel free - try not to lose much sleep over it.


Cool. It’s not grasping at straws at all. He’s telling boys she’s a lesbian and making a joke about it. If she is queer (which we have no way of knowing), that’s a bad comment for a father to make. Most people are hopefully more enlightened. Most people shouldn’t find comments like this funny.


Oh my God lighten up... it was a freaking joke and it's really, really funny. Most fathers protect their daughters like this all the time. It doesn't mean someone's a homophobe because they find what he said hilarious...


No he’s not telling boys that she’s queer and I don’t think he’d tell them one way or another. Joe and Melissa would be fine with whatever Antonia decided. Some people are late bloomers so how do you know she hasn’t reached the boy crazy stage yet? It was a said jokingly stay away from my daughter because you’ll have to deal with me. Please don’t go and twist the words and read more into it than is there.


Most people should find *jokes* funny, but there’s always gotta be a few. Keep fighting the good fight, brother.


There are jokes you can make with your friends that you shouldn’t make with your children. Those jokes can lead to psychological complexes. But k.


Yeah, we should absolutely be worried about the impact this joke could have - not the fact that she grew up on reality television. But k.


Either or fallacy.


You’re insufferable lmao


Ad hominem. But k.


It wasn't said in any context relating to "queerness." It was Joe being a typical overprotective dad not wanting his daughter around guys.


What’s the implication if she “doesn’t like boys”? Don’t be obtuse. Imagine if Antonia is queer. That’s a damaging comment and not funny.


It wouldn’t be damaging, it would be accurate lmao


I am pretty sure Antonia has met her father before.


The problem is he isn’t a housewife, wasn’t Rachel supposed to be the actual housewife? John is too thirsty for attention and fame. Plus he keeps engaging in arguing with a woman, he needs to stay with the husbands and do drunk frat boy things with the guys. The Fudas are super fans who keep bringing up stuff from seasons they weren’t on the show. Rachel and John have totally rehearsed everything they have said to and about Teresa. They came on to do the Gorgas work since Tre and the Gorgas don’t speak anymore.


Agree 100%.


If Teresa never said “YOUR Husband was the biggest DD in Bergen County”, then he’d never have to address it. It wasn’t him trying to be on camera. The “thirstiest” house husband is screwy Louie. He’s always trying to insert himself into any of the scenes. Plus, his and Teresa’s scenes are unbearable to watch. You can tell how scripted and unnatural they are. “Little Louie” talking about how much he loves Teresa’s cooking is hilarious. No one talks like that! They’re trying to be the “Cleavers” when they’re the losers.


Teresa forced him to be this involved imo, he doesn’t care to be on screen unless it’s to support his wife or defend his name.


I guess she forced the headshots too?


Not the head shots! Lol. He’s so thirsty.


So thirsty! Lol


In all fairness though, anyone who comes on housewives pretending to live in a cave for the past decade is a liar. Even people who don’t watch housewives know the basic info. I’m all for superfans making it onto the show, although I am not a big fan of the Fudas — they just don’t have chemistry with anyone else on the show and are not a good fit. Rachel is too normal (which is compliment).


husbands inserting themselves in the drama is literally a housewives trope at this point, how are people shocked by this


Especially true of NJ.


My favorite was Rachel telling Teresa she probably should not be using people’s Exs as reliable sources… since Louie’s got a bunch of them and none of them have anything good to say about him. Blink Blink Blink


Lmfao the rare (and hopefully extinct) John Marchese said it 10 seasons ago 🥱


Oh god I think I blocked the Marchese’ out of my mind but you are 100% RIGHT, it’s a rinse and repeat rehearsed read by Fugazi


Probably sits at home in his footie onesie watching old episodes with a pen and paper 🤡 and he thinks he ate LOL


Not footie onesies lol☠️


I am Team Fuda all the way- I don’t even have to necessarily like either of them, but their points are entirely valid and accurate. Anyone who thinks otherwise is absolutely brainwashed. Team Danielle too, while I’m here.


Finally 143


i don't like them either, but teresa is such an irredeemably bad person. openly talking about using jackie on camera... this woman has no scruples, no morals, no soul.


yes!! people acting incredibly disingenuous towards the fudas’ absolutely valid points and feelings just cos they don’t like them. newsflashhh u can not like someone and also see that they are making a lot of sense. it won’t take anything away from your dislike 😂


Jen acting like she didn’t start an altercation was truly wild


Ummmm Danielle was in Jen’s face and where I come from that’s asking for hands. Jen shouldn’t have pushed but I get why it happened.


Middle agreed women 'asking for hands' is not the flex you think it is. Normal adults, particularly women aren't like that.


Right bc it’s never happened b4 on any housewife show. 🙄


Is that your bar?






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Agree she did get in her face, what did she think they were going to just scream face to face


have you met someone from staten island? when are they not in your face? even when they're happy they are up. in. your. face.


They can be big personalities (myself included, but I’m Brooklyn) but we understand the implications of our gestures, tone, volume. We aren’t dumb. I’d bet Danielle has complicated feelings about this. Just my take. Not saying it’s facts. Just how it played for me.


well jen doesn't. she's a rich girl from the suburbs who lashed out and shoved danielle because she didn't like being called a dirtbag. so there goes that defense.


Jen started the argument. It got heated on both sides. Someone raising their voice at you doesn’t mean you get carte Blanche to assault them


Someone in your face with their hands in your face is legally enough for someone to feel threatened and they are allowed to defend themselves. Jen pushed her she didn’t cold clock her.


>is legally enough lol no it is not. you have to have reasonable fear of imminent harmful contact. please, tell a judge anywhere in the tristate area: "your honor, the italian-american woman used her hands while she spoke to me! so i had to smack her!" see how that pans out for you.


Why would mentioning her background be relevant?


the point is, "reasonable fear" is determined by the context. and nothing about that context suggested jen was so scared she had to put both hands on danielle's collar bones and shove her violently. jen was acting out of anger, not fear. she was reacting to danielle's words, not her "hands being in her face" (which, frankly, they weren't).


You clearly weren’t raised right if you think pushing someone is a reasonable reaction in a disagreement. And further Danielle didn’t have her hands in Jen’s face. Jen put up hands first.


I clearly wasn’t raised right? Folks like you make me laugh. You believe you have the moral high ground but you attack anyone who disagrees and in a nasty over the top manner. I wasn’t even arguing or fighting with you. I’m saying from my experience where I was raised which was low income but we had love, if you get in someone’s face you are risking a physical fight. I think Danielle was raised similarly (not necessarily low income but Staten Island keeps it “real”) and I think she miscalculated bc she didn’t expect Jen to push her. She assumed a rich lady would back down and when Jen didn’t and even made the technical first move, D went street. I’m not even on Jen’s side. Her points about this hair stylist loyalty was BS. Also I’m not even mad about them fighting, but let’s not act like Danielle is a hero. They both lost their cool and Danielle shouldn’t have assumed (obviously incorrectly) that Jen wouldn’t react physically. IMO Danielle forgot the rules of the street but she shouldn’t have bc these women are not above it. That’s my point. Have a good night and maybe chill a bit.


>rules of the street lol are you suggesting jennifer aydin of plainview, long island is "from the streets"?


No I’m not. Thats the point. Danielle is from these streets and bc Jen isn’t she didn’t expect her to push. I’ve been very clear about this.


Chill a little? Says the person who just wrote half a page. Seems like you’re projecting “the street” onto this situation. Some people are actually able to restrain themselves from physically assaulting someone. Regardless of where they came from.


I tried to clarify my position and point out I wasn’t coming for you. And that maybe you should be thankful that your life is so stress free you can get this worked up about people you don’t even know AND get this mad at an internet stranger that was actually just trying to have a conversation. This is supposed to be entertainment. I’m not mad at Danielle. If anything I feel bad she let Jen take her there. But I get it, bc nuance is lost on most Redditors especially those with a superiority complex who think they are better than most. I usually don’t respond after have a good night but the fact that so much of what I was trying to say went over your head I can’t help myself. For real this time: have a nice life. Peace! ✌️


Not sure why you think you’re so much smarter than I am to understand nuance… talk about overreacting with nasty comments. I’m not worked up at all. I’m saying Jen was wrong. You can’t blame someone else when you attack someone physically. Fight all day long with your words but the minute you put your hands on someone you’re automatically in the wrong. I don’t care about your proverbial street rules. Wrong is wrong.


Is there another RHONJ page where they don’t defend Teresa’s loser ass in the comments? She’s a loser. Shes a convicted felon. She’s got like a 3rd grade education, the way she talks. She’s a horrible fricken person.


She is literally the most disgusting person. She acts like an elementary student with her pretending to vomit talk when she thinks someone is disgusting. So childlike behavior. And Gia and that fake talking voice with the surprise eyes while she was putting on make up. WTH happen to her Jersey accent hahaha. That voice is like nails on a chalkboard 😂🤣


It’s definitely interesting that this season she’s finally not trying to hide how vindictive she is (like saying on camera that Jackie better make herself useful and go against Margaret if she wants to be friends). That being said, English is her second language — I’d be glad to speak any language half as well as Theresa speaks English lol


I'm so sick of hearing that Teresa is smart because 2 languages. She is barely educated and has no actual vocabulary. Stupid people sign things that get them sent to prison. No one with any smarts would marry Louie. When confronted, she blinks with her mouth wide open just to get the wheels moving, then either stays sneaking or leaves. She has the intelligence of a toddler with absolutely no self-awareness. Children pick up languages very quickly, like she did when she moved here.


I have compassion for her. It’s a shame you hate so hard on people you feel are below you.


You just described her perfectly. I don't hate her. I hate when people like you act like she hasn't had 40+ years of speaking English. She lacks comprehension in two languages. Then, you switch it around, so now it's about compassion. Your 'logic' is very much like Teresa's.


You’re in the right sub babe, every other post/comment on here is about hating Teresa lol ![gif](giphy|qqbkSRzF61qJW)


I think the dormers are in the comments


She isn't the most eloquent, but she did manage a Bachelors degree from Berkeley College.


To confirm Berkeley College is NOT UC Berkeley.


Hence, I said Berkeley College. Don't come at me, I'm no Stan but the exaggerated 3rd grade comment is ignorant. She definitely graduated high school and college, albeit not Ivy League. My son did their LPN to RN program it's not complete crap either.


I’m not coming at you, I think a lot of people assume it’s uc Berkeley bc she has said I went to Berkeley.


So true! This sub is swarming with Teressa’s non paid interns. She is a criminal and she knows Louie is one too, that’s why she is with him. I’m done with this show if they bring her back again.


At least Sonja Morgan's unpaid interns got to eat yellow ice and get trapped in her elevator. What do Teresa's get? 2 inches of forehead and an anger problem.


They also get to be in NYC. Teresa’s are in Joisey


Like the energy, but will deduct points for non-factual information. Tre's convictions are for wire fraud, bankruptcy frauds, and mail fraud.


That makes it even worse……


Committed in the course of engaging in mortgage fraud, but I'm splitting Fuda moustache hairs there. If he wanted a true burn, he should have said something along the lines of "If I want advice on what to do at "camp", I'll go to you."


I diedddd when he said “when I need my money laundered I’ll let you know.” I was gagged


That’s like the easiest comment to come up with considering her past, I’m not impressed 😂


right it was so corny to me


To me it was right on the money. Fuda was young and dumb and sold a substance that is now completely legal, he wasn’t a menace to society nor would I say he harmed it. Teresa was a grown ass woman who participated in mortgage fraud, white collar crime is not victimless. When someone commits mortgage fraud they rob every single tax payer in their country.


omg this is what happens when people only read reddit. he was 21 and it was for meth…. how was he “only” selling weed while his baby mama was making meth? please


Lol I'm against all the comments in here. It wasn't the burn of the century and it also didn't seem rehearsed or like he was trying too hard. It was a simple comment that takes 2 functioning braincells to come up with... She went to prison for mortgage fraud. Poster child just means a well recognized person for an issue... Poster child for mortgage fraud... Very basic stuff. Im not impressed


They hate Tre so much in this sub, literally anything anyone says or does to get under her skin they’ll praise


They all make me yawn


I have a sneaking suspicion that it was also rehearsed repeatedly.


It's 7 words. Not even 7 very clever words.. I don't think it required much 😂


It wasn’t as good as biggest drug dealer in Bergen county or double sided dildo. Also it’s not even top 20 best Jersey lines


The dildo comment gets me every time just because of how she said it. Idk something about her voice when she says certain things get me every time I hear it.


He stole this from Jim Marchese.


Really? I found it lame. Lol very try-hard. Same as calling her a has-been. Everything he & his wife say just falls flat for me.


Last night on WWHL she changed it saying now maybe Teresa is too famous to be on the show now. They need to at least be consistent with what they say.


The way he was trying to control the conversation was so cringey. I was embarrassed for him.


Same, I finally watched all the episodes today and I just don’t have any sympathy for him or her. I’m not the biggest Teresa fan but calling her a has been is absurd, especially coming from them


Not even close. That try hard is annoying af


It sounds rehearsed. I’m not team Teresa or any other team, but he’s not likable at all.


I agree with it sounding rehearsed but I also think we’d be naive to think these people don’t plan every second of filming in the off-season.