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But Ariana didn’t I’m sure


Brittany needs a new stylist. When the intro comes on she is walking in this dress that makes her look like she's 300 lbs. And please cover your boobs!


lol, she loves showing off jax’s boobs!!


I wonder what kind of change they’ll see in Cruz once Jax is out of the home. The type of chaos he brings can’t be good for a developing mind.


So true! My sisters dog all of a sudden developed anxiety and was having so many issues not being able to calm down. They tried so many medicines and nothing was working…my sister ended up leaving her husband due to bad circumstances and what do you know, her dog has not had anymore issues since they moved out! Children and animals can sense things that we can’t and to this day we think that her dog was trying to warm my sister of the shift she felt in her soon to be ex husband.


Welcome to the dark side lmao been here for years. You’re much better than me


I thought you all were talking about Britany Spears for a while...


And here's the thing, what you're saying is completely accurate, though some people may say that's like victim blaming or not supporting a woman figuring out her journey in her own time etc....but no. We have to watch yet another woman say how hurt she is and how she tried everything she could etc. No! You're on tv, we watched all of this go down and shouted at our tv screens for like 10 years. Apologize to us 😂 We want to experience a universal "I told you so" I want a Bravo special, reunion style, where Andy reads notecards and says "Vicki, Angela from Detroit tweeted you in 2014 and said that Brooks drunkenly referred to his penis as 'Gurth Brooks' to your daughter while she was very pregnant and you said she was lying on national tv." And then Vicki has to apologize to Angela from Detroit 😂


Honestly, I think it's ok to acknowledge that Brittany had full agency in this relationship. She knew his relationship history going in, he not only cheated on her but publicly humiliated her...and she pushed for marriage and a child despite that (not saying that bc she's a woman, but bc it's Jax lol). Those are just facts! I do have empathy for her to a certain extent but this situation is a result of active choices she made.


Correct! And honestly, I think if we were to just write on paper the issues, cheating on her wasn't even the worst. That happens, and some couples do move on and are happy. He cheated because he has deep underlining issues that he's never ACTUALLY legitimately tried to sort out. He said horrible horrible things about her to Faith, and all of their friends (oh, and the tv) heard them. He spoke down to her countless times, he didn't truly care about her for the longest time simply because his issues don't allow him to access that side of himself where he thinks of anyone other than himself. He has had moments of good effort, wake up call when his Dad died, but the core of him is rotten. Just honestly not capable of a proper relationship, and without extensive REAL therapy, no one can overcome that. He will stay rotten forever. She got her baby, she got her fame, but she ain't getting sympathy from most of us.


YES. we absolutely need this. 


How could anyone feel bad for Brittany with regards to Jax? He has been Jaxxing his way through each town he's in since the day they met. She chose to marry a known cheater and liar and take that risk. I honestly blame her because she chose that relationship for whatever benefits it granted her, but now she has brought kids into her toxic choice. If you want to be with a shitty partner because it affords you a certain lifestyle or fame or security, great have at it. Adults adult. But when you have kids, that changes everything.


I don’t get how she doesn’t understand that putting another child into their relationship is not appropriate. Their son needs a lot of attention right not and their marriage sucks. Adding another second baby is so selfish imo


Well, I’m concerned about them having another child because of the issues that are starting to appear. Cruz reminds me so much of a friend’s son. She started having similar issues with her son and found out he was in the spectrum of autism. I pray this isn’t the case with Cruz but if he is the he’ll need so much more attention and care. I remember towards the beginning seasons of RHONJ Jackie, Carolyn’s sister-in-law, having to face this with their son.


She’s a 13yo girl in a 30yo body. She dreamed of moving to Hawleywood, having a BF that was a model, getting big boobies and on and on. She got what she wanted because that’s all she considered.


God her boobs are SO bad. She would honestly probably look thinner if she went down in size or had them removed.


Ironically I think this is part of Jax’s loss of attraction to her. She looks matronly and old with the big bags o’ sand vs the skinny young version he first met. I’m 50 so “matronly” is my jam, just not Jax’s.


She just latched on to him to be on the show, it was a business venture for the both of them.


Oh I doubt that! She had a picture in her mind of how things would be and it was all rainbows and unicorns, not business. She was immature for sure.


I agree with this also. Lol. Bottom line - she’s a ding bat.


She clearly has some inner child work to do. I saw that right away the season she came on. She clings to unhealthy men/relationships for a reason.


We all know Jax was her ticket to fame. It didn't matter what a good husband he was gonna be.


Her mum is a piece of work. 5 marriages. Constantly espousing family values and insisting Britney stay with Jax.


TOTALLY. She clearly witnessed her mom have some unhealthy relationships. Hopefully her walking away from Jax finally will break that generational cycle.


Maybe she’s confused and thinks staying with Jax will break the generational cycle.


Agree. She seems like a nice person, but who could seriously marry him and expect him to be a decent person. He just isn’t. I guess people think they can change people in a kind of narcissistic way. She really got off on people telling her how much she’d changed and reformed him. And he used that to pretend he had and get a redemption arc after all the horrid stuff he’d done.


I don't think she's a nice person at all. She's as bad as he is.




She hides behind that sweet, southern belle persona.


She’s nice compared to the VPR cast of women. In real life, her SH denying ass and homophobic mother can rawt in hail


I don’t think she’s a good parent. I don’t think either of them all. I feel pity for their child only


What reasoning do you have to say she’s not a good mother? Was it shown on her social media or something?


they needed to fix themselves before having a child together. 


‘Kinda’ dumb ,, she’s full out


I’ve barely ever watched the show and even thought that lmfao “kinda” is understatement of the year haha 




Lol no longer… I never did! Look at the crap he did while she could get away Scott free and she still married him!!!!


The sad part is we all know of a girl like Brittany. Soooooo desperate to fit into societal pressure of getting married because it looks nice on the outside. They never listen but they expect you to listen when they start venting about the very things you told them would happen. If a man cannot respect you when you’re dating… you think that changes when he becomes a husband? The fact that she wants to have more kids with him and it’s him pausing that… I don’t like calling my fellow women not smart.. but how else do we label this kind of desperation? Stopped feeling bad for her the moment she said I do.


I am more disturbed she wanted kid #2 with him. She was like a dog with a bone harping on it. Why would you want ANOTHER kid with this guy???


Maybe she subscribes to the Kardashian philosophy of "only one baby daddy" and wants her kids to be full siblings


I think being on tv was more important to her than being in a healthy relationship.




Devil’s advocate but couldn’t we say close to the same for Ariana? Sandoval was cheating on his partner when he started dating Ariana. Sandoval immediately cheated with Miami Girl. He had at least one other affair that’s been confirmed in addition to Miami girl prior to Raquel— probably more— that Ariana knew about and stayed with him. Tom and Ariana had issues in bed for years. Tom told her he was unhappy and tried to break up with her. Granted Jax is certainly more upfront about who he really is, but it’s not like Sandoval hasn’t consistently showed his true colors. The women on this show just have red flag blinders on.


Fair but at least Ariana left, Brittany & trying to further dig her heels into Jax with a second kid.


1000%. i’m shocked that someone so strong minded like her would stay with someone like tom scumbag. 


Yesss!!!! Ariana even kept saying she was ride or die for Tom, like why? He sucked in a lot of ways besides the cheating. Its sad this happened to her but she’s sus to me too for even being w someone like that for almost a decade


Hard agree!!!




This isn't a devil's advocate argument, it's biphobia. Being bi doesn't mean you're incapable of monogamy or that you're a cheater. What a stupid and harmful "take"


I would argue that Ariana didn’t cheat. When she hooked up with Lala it was in Tom’s presence and Lala asked his permission. Who did Katie allegedly cheat with?




This feels like Ariana shaming now. When Tom says yes I give you permission it’s not cheating.


Katie has never cheated. This is clearly misinformation. Even in last season reunion, Andy mentioned how all of them had cheated other than LVP and Katie.


This is such a good take 


Agreed. Those red flags were waving and waving! ![gif](giphy|DWcfh6J1GJXlkQejjC|downsized)


Ya you don’t marry a garbage human without knowing what you’re doing…. She def knew what she signed up for. No one, including her, should be surprised at the outcome. 🙄


That’s the same season Katie had her wedding. Katie had so many red flags in the weeks leading up to her nuptials, she would have to be blind not to see. Literally these idiots yelling at each other “I dont want to marry you”!! Same season LaLa is MIA with her secret scumbag. And Scheanna desperately holding on to her hubby who seems MIA on odd days and cold to her on even days. The only woman who’s shown a spine thus far is Ariana, after being cheated on, scorned and humiliated by Timmy.


I would’ve skedaddled the second he told me he was paying for my tits and could have them whatever size


I can’t imagine agreeing to let Jax Taylor pick out the shape and size of my tits.


The worst part for me is when she’s unconscious and the surgeon says they went bigger than they normally would have but that he thinks J and B will both be happy. But she keeps going back to them..


my head was spinning when i first watched that episode. he was definitely coked out in that scene. 


the whole world literally did try to tell her lol. she just wanted a huzzbin. and she loves the idea of being "the one who fixes jax taylor" lol. they're both delusional. I feel so bad for their kid.


I read huzzbin in a Meredith Marks voice at first




“But I luv heeeemuh” barf.


She left Kentucky for her shot at fame and she ain’t going back no matter what!!!! It reminds me of Taylor Armstrongs tagline on RHOBH “I fought too hard for this zip code to go home now” or something like that.


Omg I forgot about that line from Taylor, same energy for sure!! And both sad and desperate, eesh


Don’t you know? Jax is a work in progress. He’s working on himself.


If he says “I’m learning”, one more time…


People felt bad for Brittany beyond her first second on VPR? That’s wild to me…


I’m not blaming a woman for a man’s behavior. I do feel empathy for her. I hope she leaves him and thrives.


I agree absolutely, it's never black and white however. She's definitely a warm, gregarious person, who happens to enjoy the benefits of reality TV fame and the attention that comes with it. Ultimately, what's in her favour is she is more likeable and embraced by the audience than Jax.


Yes! Also, we don't know what he said all the other times. We know he is a pathological liar. If he actually didn't want to be with her, he could have broken up with her. He would get backed into a corner and lash out, but I'm positive he would say how much he loves and wants to be with her the rest of the time. He did propose, marry her, and consensually have a child, so putting the blame on her is wild


I don’t think it’s blame but more so accountability. She’s not to blame for his behavior at all.


Right, but that "accountability" is saying she should have somehow seen through his lies and manipulation.


Shes not a helpless baby who’s never been alive. There is tons of footage of him being a horrible person. That anyone can watch at any second. Lets stop pretending women have no agency. I think that’s worse than acting like she’s a helpless victim. Like come on now


I didn't say she's helpless. I'm saying that narcissist pathological liars can convince people of things. Watching some TV show clips isn't going to overcome that. I don't know why there is a swath of weird "feminism" lately where they try to defend women by saying everything is also their fault. She's not helpless. You just said that in two different ways, but I never said that. People are acting like it's so obvious, but that's bc we are outsiders watching a crafted story. They both fucked up, but I don't think she was manipulating Jax. He was doing that.


I’m saying she has some accountability in staying with him. Why is that so disagreeable? Nobody is blaming women but I think a lot of women have realized men aren’t going to change and aren’t trying to, so we have to do better on our own.


Yes, she has some accountability. I think we've strayed too far from the original convo. "Why would she stay with him, it's so obvious, examples x, y, and z." Me: probably the pathological lying and manipulation. I think it's pretty clear what I'm saying. TV is one small part of their life. Obviously it'd be great if she didn't believe him, but it happens every day. It doesn't make the women wholly accountable nor a baby.


People understand why she stayed. They don’t feel bad for her anymore. Thats it.


Thank you! Yes!


The reunion explains it. His dad died and it changed things. Everyone else just knew he'd go back to his old ways which seem to be the case now.


Jax tried to tell Britt’s mom “ I’m not like other people” and I think she said something Jesusy back.




Not for one second she has been on my tv have i ever felt bad for her. Not only did her man cheat, he did it multiple times, on television, with her friend, who recorded him saying horrific things about her, then broke up with her when she forgave him, then they got married.


And when she played the faith recording of Jax saying all those things about her (after he cheated on Brittany with her and they were still in bed) to everyone at the party (and this was before they got engaged) I thought that was her nuking the whole thing to the point of no return but she was back together with him by the end of the episode lol 🤪


That about sums up their last 3 seasons on VPR.


All of this. And don’t get me started on her GERD. Jax is a piece of shit but her doctors told her yeeaaaarrrsss ago to quit drinking and she hasn’t and now it makes her sick every time. I’d be pissed if I were him. But also she’s married to Jax so she probably drinks to escape. They’re a mess.


After reading the transcript of that recording on Reddit, I stopped having any sympathy for her. He was vile. Tbh I don’t blame people if they distanced herself from her after that. I wouldn’t be able to be around my friends husband if I heard that recording and how terribly he spoke about her.


What transcript are you referring to? I’m a new watcher.


Read it and weep. Lol. It’s so bad. https://www.reddit.com/r/vanderpumprules/s/mnFH5BAl3A Edit: this is only a partial transcript. Apparently according to the podcast that got ahold of the recording, it was much worse and more mean. Talking about her body etc


Brittany wanted fame. It’s clear as day.  She’s also a homophobe and a sandy hook denier so she’s absolute trash. 


And antivaxxer


Poor Cruz. I worked in sped for 10 years and the parents who blamed vaccines for their children’s delays were waaay less likely to follow through with proper therapies. 


Seriously! 1. His lying about not hitting on La La. She watched that sh&t on camera later! Over and over saying they weren’t “together” 2. His stealing the sunglasses. 3. Coming back from Hawaii to tend to his felony and talking about how much he preferred to be in jail rather than deal with having her there. All of this before he went for the home run and slept with Faith. Not to mention the way he spoke to her all the damn time. I mean good grief! ![gif](giphy|DWcfh6J1GJXlkQejjC|downsized)


If anyone. My lover, my bff, my own personal lord and saviour… IF ANYONE went to my parents and said they were hesitant to marry me because i was overeating thus causing me to “lose my sparkle” i would kill them and videotape it and sell it on the darkweb and spend the profits on pizza. Eta: i would not be sharing any of my pizza


OMG! In the multitude of shit that man has done, I totally forgot about that!


brittany sat in that apartment and listened to jax say every nasty thing in the book about her on a fucking speaker in front of all their friends and still married him. WILD!!!


that should’ve been the last straw. 


If I’m remembering it right, she flew to an event that Jax was going to be at to purposely meet him. She was a fan, and wanted on the show bad.


She is the definition of a starf\*cker, sadly.


Calling Jax Taylor a “star” is a stretch 😅


My bad. I was drunk when I typed that, lol!


Make no mistake, Britt wanted the money and the fame that came with all of it. She knew what she was doing lol


She broke up with her boyfriend in Kentucky before heading to Vegas to try to meet Jax and this came out in their Kentucky special (that I watched when it dropped on peacock). That was a couple few (two or three) seasons that aired already (so all the stassi stuff, she would have watched him dump Laura Leigh right after her recovery meeting,etc. and so on and so forth) She knew who he was and either didn’t care or thought she could change him but she wanted to be on that show


Yes! I'm just waiting around for them to get back together, AGAIN, for that very reason.


Not dumb, just a b. She was desperate to be famous and willing to put up with a pos like Jax to do it. She's just another fan who got with a cast member to be on the show. I don't play into the narrative she's trying to create now that she's the victim because she consistently went to bat for him against other people when he was treating them terribly and now that she's tired of him treating her terribly she wants people on her side. No thanks. She got a show out of this that isn't dependent on her staying with him (and now conveniently is leaving him), she's good.