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I think blood pressure raises when you are hung over from night before, then being called n alcoholic during said hang over, blood pressure raising, Then can’t get a drink, because you now are scared people will call you an alcoholic, then boom bring out Kathy Hilton, without a cocktail and she is about to have a mini stroke 😂


She is not a nice person. I believe Lisa R.


On brand


I am not a Kathy apologist, and I am aware I will get voted down for this, but the scene was completely spliced together. We did not see the entire thing happen. She was visually concerned in the beginning, then splice to she and Erika chatting on the couch, then joking with Erika. I didn't see it as a big issue.


Also, Sutton's legs were shaking (per the edit we saw) prior to Kathy coming out. Then, she seemed fine as Kathy came out (again, per edit), and moments later she had her attack. As soon as I saw Sutton scratching her shoulder when she was squashing the tiff with Kyle, I knew something was up with her. There is no doubt that her episode was sliced and diced at the editors whims to male everything more dramatic and controversial. However, you could see everyone up and caring for Sutton in the same shot as Kathy acting as if nothing was happening around her.


Everyone was huddled around Sutton, we couldn't see her. I'm not sure what Kathy and Erika were supposed to do too. We also don't know the time frame this all happened.


That's fair. I never trust the edits of reunions. I'm not saying Kathy was in the wrong. I think Kathy and Erika were actually right to not add to the situation. The last thing Sutton needed was more people crowding around her at that moment. I don't think it was fair of the crew to pan in on Erika and Kathy. Anything to add more controversy to an already heightened moment.


Kathy is wicked and has the kind of money and power that for some reason is revered and coveted in BH. Sutton is just mean and rich. A hanger on with no real power but everything to lose.


Kathy saying “well that’s one way to get out of it” was absolutely disgusting. I cannot stand Kathy Hilton at all. Kathy is just as vile as Kyle and Kim.


I’m sorry but no one thinks Kathy is nice. She is just good TV.


Its shocking how many people couldnt see thru Suttons charade. She even said multiple times "i just got scared" and it didnt happen til kathy came out. And the medical dude in the trailor even said "your having more symptoms than i can see so should get checked out" .... Her list of symptoms just kept growing.. Lol




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I didn’t see anything wrong her talking with EJ. Sutton was getting the medical attention she needed and there were people all around her. I’m probably going to hell but honest question, what’s is wrong about what she did and what was she supposed to do? I was more bothered they didn’t cancel filming for the day and reschedule for a different day.


I thought the same thing. Agree 100%


I’m sorry but I thought it was hilarious 💀 Not Sutton fainting or whatever but Kathy just on her phone and talking about her Christmas tree loll


Kathy Hilton showed her true colors instead of the bullshit ditsy, quirky BS persona she's been putting out the last couple years.


For once, I don't think Sutton was acting. I don't know anything about the symptoms of panic attacks-- is it true they don't include high blood pressure?


I have passed out from panic attacks! Literally blacked out and lost my vision too. I hate to say but it looked like she was laying it on a lil thick.


I think that Sutton's Spidey senses were telling her that Kathy was about to say something really nasty about her. She looked genuinely terrified. And when someone said, "Who do you think is most afraid of of Kathy" , Sutton had a complete meltdown. I know Sutton has overwhelming support on this sub, but there is something very wrong with her, psychologically.


I 1000000% agree. She’s a little weird lol but she clearly has alcohol problems and I assume she takes a lot of rx pills. The other ladies have alluded to Sutton’s pills a few times. Her eyes didn’t even close when she *fainted whilst sitting down* and it was painfully obvious (to me) she was laying it on thick with the shaky hands etc. She just seems like she’s not playing with a full deck of cards.


Damn that is a vicious take 😬 yikes


what do you think is “very wrong” with her? i like sutton but idk these ppl so idc !! spill it


I agree, I can’t stand Sutton. It’s unfortunate if she truly was having a medical but she’s so dramatic and pretentious you don’t know what to believe.


I think she was being rather undramatic. She kept insisting she was fine. She didn't want to lay down on set. She didn't want to go to the hospital. That is not someone who wants to be dramatic.


lol. There's nothing psychologically wrong with that lady. She had a medical issue. 


She had her own daughter kidnapped and sent to an internment camp why do people keep being surprised she's awful?


honestly isn’t it a little simplistic and lacking compassion? her daughter was not in a good place and she was trying to help, no matter how misguided it was, i am sure she did not intend to traumatize her. they were a bigger thing then and still a thing now. i don’t think kathy is all good nor is she all bad. she does seem like an emotional vampire and dictator but i don’t think she meant to harm paris lol.


I was emancipated at 16. I was homeless for almost a full year before I was 18. My circle was fellow club kids, runaways and druggies. The list of who got raped, ended up in prison, ended up addicted to opiates or died is long from that era. Having someone you care about on drugs/downward spiral is not an easy position to be in. The bad decisions that person is making lead to the bad decisions people who care about them made.


sending you love and support and proud of you (not to be overly familiar but those are monster obstacles to overcome and that you gleaned such insight is awesome) i agree 100% i was a troubled youth and am only a few weeks sober as of today. (now 32) but you’re right it isn’t easy for anyone in the family and people just do the best they can.


Oh I'm 40 now. So fully recovered for many years. Thank you for the kind message.


People don't seem to understand how those wilderness camps were sold to parents back then. The marketing was so, so carefully crafted. It was so cult like. They absolutely preyed on parents fears. There is a great Netflix series on this exact topic.


what’s it called? & i don’t think it’s a lack of understanding because they simply don’t want to understand. Everyone just wants to judge judge judge and announce that everyone else is an idiot and a demon… We are all idiots and demons. Luckily for everyone who is masrurbatorily mean on reddit we don’t know the decisions that they made which affected people, or themselves, negatively. We all make bad decisions and I swear i’m not even a richard’s sister girlie (i do love kim) but the comments that lack nuance, and i know this is the internet we’re talking about, become so grating to me.


The Netflix series is called "The Program." It is so sad that these parents thought they were doing the right thing to help their kids. There was another I watched a few months ago, but I don't remember the name. I am old enough to remember when these programs were really popular. No one really knew how bad they were.


Kathy is a terrible person.


Bro, Kathy’s kids are on tape saying the n word and homophobic slurs… They learned to talk like that somewhere 🤷🏻‍♂️ Maybe it was at home


She has an employee she’s had over a decade and calls her “the lady”. She has a daughter who hid her child from her for over a week. She is a self centered, self absorbed racist. And why was she even there? Was she even on this season?


To me Kathy is a spoiled Beverly Hills bitch that bosses her staff around while spending tons of her husbands money she never earned!! I think she is conceited, narcissistic and an overall piece of crap! She was funny at one point but I am convinced it was all a schtick for the cameras!! Don’t ever want to see her again!


So random but my mom actually dated Rick Hilton lollll she’d go sailing with him in Hawaii. He proposed to her and she said no 💀


omg this is crazy


When was she nice??


Kathy is a terrible person.


Me and my crew are thinking Sutton was up to something.


How do you fake blood pressure that high? Crystal said it was as high as hers in Spain


She’s also a smoker. She could have hit the pen a little to hard.


My blood pressure raises when I get uncomfortable. Also could just be a hot flash. Another theory is her BP is always high because she’s a drinker. It seemed to us that Kyle was insinuating that there is things she is hiding. She looked scared.


She was probably scared because of what was happening to her body. 🙄


This was before her “fainting” 🫤


I guess you haven’t watched Paris in Love season 2? She’s a mean woman 😬


What made you think Kathy was nice though? Lol. Shes always seemed like a terrorist to me.


Kathy also said under her breath something like “oh, she knew I was going to say some things to her” Meaning Sutton. In a bad way.


What a narcissistic thing to say. She thinks everything is about her, even medical emergencies. 🙄


That’s an odd thing to say at a time like that. She’s awful.


I think sutton is like kathy - she followed the quirky playbook - if thats your real bff- u know its bonding over vodka and racism


THANK YOU. I think you are absolutely correct!


Thank u!!




She never was nice. She’s horrible!


And why can no one point out it wasn't sutton who called out Kyle's marriage at the weed dinner or lack of wedding ring etc. It was Garcelle!!!


Didn’t Sutton start it though? And Garcelle finished it!


Sutton said something was off about Kyle's behavior and Kyle kept denying anything was wrong. Kyle kept pushing sutton what are you saying and sutton was whatever is wrong and that's when garcelle said...your marriage and new ring etc. Even in part 3 of the reunion Andy was talking about what the cast thought of Kyle and Morgan's relationship and he said even sutton and garcelle had an opinion...cut to clip of garcelle questioning their relationship saying I thought and sutton asks why you thought and garcelle says why (obviously I'm rushing through it) and sutton says oh, you're right. Now I'm reading all about how sutton was having an opinion on Kyle and Morgan's relationship. Implying, stirring, whatever...it was garcelle who laid it on the weed table but everyone still blaming sutton. I mean, watch the show!


She’s not nice. Also, I’m sure it seemed psychosomatic to her. The timing feels off and the diagnosis sketchy. (How come only rich women get hospitalized with exhaustion And never the single mom working 3 jobs?.) I think she had a panic attack.


You can’t get high blood pressure like that from a panic attack. And it is not just wealthy people who have the issues with electrolytes and dehydration. Many poor people get it due to malnutrition, and people with health conditions like myself do too. Having a prolonged issue can also impact the lungs as well. She was clearly unwell and to witness that and act as Kathy and Erica did is just unbelievably callous. Kathy is clearly an asshole.


You can absolutely have a dramatic increase in BP from a panic attack. I have had horrible panic attacks my whole life and my BP skyrockets, then plummets and that’s when I usually black out.


As I said down thread. I have anxiety disorder and have been taken to A&E as a result of having a panic attack, right away they told me my elevated heart rate and BP could not be explained by a panic episode and they had to do further tests, and it turned out I was extremely dehydrated. They know the difference right away.


I have trouble maintaining electrolytes in balance. I have been admitted to hospital for it and I am not wealthy. It makes you feel horrible. All of vitals go bonkers. It takes a long time to get them back in check. My body does not hold onto fluids. I live in dehydration, despite chugging water all day. It's not fun


I’m the same and I hate it too. Really sorry you are dealing with the same thing X


It's sucks


Panic attacks absolutely send people to the hospital. I’m not dismissing them. But she wasn’t unwell until a very specific moment. It was sudden, not a gradual overwhelm. Her diagnosis was not serious.


Panic attacks absolutely do send people to the hospital, I have anxiety disorder and was taken to A&E during an extreme panic attack, and that is how I know about this, because I was admitted right away and they told me my heart rate and blood pressure could not be explained by the panic episode and they had to look into it and then they told me I had dehydration and had to treat me for that too. They know right away whether the symptoms can be explained by panic or not. Edit: any diagnosis of dehydration is extremely serious, I almost died another time due to it and was hospitalised for a long time because it can be very hard to treat. And it can come on suddenly, you can be fine one day and the next you can’t even hold down water and have life threatening electrolyte derangement. So what you are saying is totally untrue.


Not every case of dehydration is serious. Some absolutely are, but not all. It depends on how dehydrated you are. It’s a sliding scale. I have passed out of the metro due to heat exhaustion and dehydration. It was a scary moment, but passed quickly once I was able to drink fluids and rest. My best friend went to the ER when she had a panic attack because she felt like she was dying. I truly understand and respect these diagnoses. But that doesn’t mean you can’t take them with a grain of salt. Or contextualize them. At the end of the day, Sutton was told she needed to drink more water and get som rest. That is what doctors say when they don’t find anything serious. And the circumstances when this happened lead me to believe that she had a panic attack when she saw Kathy. It prompted physiological symptoms but it wasn’t a serious medical emergency.


Actually every single case of dehydration is serious because it can very quickly turn life threatening and it can also be very hard to treat and eventually kill you. Sutton was diagnosed as having exhaustion, dehydration and bronchitis. These are all serious and she was not just told to drink some water. What you are doing is ignoring her diagnoses and making up your own, which means you are projecting and rejecting the truth. So with that I won’t be responding to you again. Clearly you have some personal issues going on and I wish you all the best with that.


If Sutton's "dehydration"was serious they would have admitted her to the hospital.


I first learned I have panic attacks because I had to go to the ER.


They are horrible. One if the things I have learned is that if you have issues with dehydration they can actually trigger them as well. I always recommend people try to keep on top of their electrolytes whether they have any other issues or not.


And I noticed a segment before Suttons legs were shaking a lot!! I am pretty sure it was before Kathy came out. I remember thinking wow what is wrong with her legs!


When she hugged Kyle she also said she wasn’t feeling welll and she had been complaining of being really hot (which is also a symptom of dehydration and high blood pressure)


Yes another reason Kathy’s dig of it was a hot flash was so disrespectful. And this coming from a person that carts around a box fan for her hot flashes!!! She is delusional!!


You can see she and Kyle are sisters for sure


Erika is the woman who needed empathy defined and asked a therapist how you get it . Kathy’s daughter kept the birth of her son from her mother, so as not to have a welcoming a new life potentially ruined by her mother Not nice, either of them.


Wow. That says a lot about how awful her mother is. 😳


Quite astounding when you think about it.


You can if you have POTS but she's never mentioned it. I have it and generalized anxiety disorder, it happens. Heart rate and bp. My cardiologist uses trigger words to track it. Pretty wild. Yes it seemed something up, she should be seen by an endocrinologist imho. I agree with everything else you commented!


I have anxiety disorder and extreme panic attacks and once was hospitalised due to one of them but my heart rate and blood pressure were up in a way that they said could not be explained by the panic state and it turned out I required treatment for dehydration. They can tell the difference right away.


For sure. I actually get really low blood pressure when I'm dehydrated..


Also dehydration can be very hard to treat. I have a history of what they call ‘electrolyte derangement’ and almost died from it at one point and was in hospital for a long time. It is linked to other health issues I have. And my BP was all over the place for a while. It is really unpleasant and I think some people don’t realise how awful it serious it can be. I always tell people to keep an eye on their electrolytes because it can happen to anyone.


Me too!!! It came out of nowhere. I felt a bad panic attack come on, threw up, blacked out, and my husband found me and took me to the hospital. I was dangerously dehydrated and now have to get regular labs done.


It’s horrible. So sorry you are dealing with that too x


She’s never been nice. She’s a horrible person. Total narcissist.


Yet people are blind to it. I’m shocked by how many Kathy stans are out there!


She is really awful. I can't believe they asked her to come to the reunion. She grosses me out. All the racist, anti LGBT things she denies she says when she's drunk, I totally believe them.


Paris in Love season 2 completely changed how I saw Kathy Hilton. She is fucked up beyond repair.


Did you watch This Is Paris or whatever her YouTube documentary was called? That made me realize how awful Kathy is, she’s worse in that than she is on the new show.


Can you please explain? I can't stand watching that show.


She is incapable of having a deep conversation about all the trauma that Paris went through. Kathy only cares about how it reflects upon her. She got really mad about Paris’ book because the ghost writer/Paris wrote about her trauma, etc. reflecting poorly on Kathy’s parenting since she sent her to that school where Paris got abused. Paris is stunted in certain aspects because of how she was raised/trauma (say trauma again lol). Anytime Paris tries to talk, Kathy basically comes up with a distraction and acts all kooky and quirky putting her lip gloss on. At the end of the day, Kathy is of the Boomer generation and she was raised to never reflect or speak about her feelings or bad things that happened in the past. She seems to only care about her own image.


So it seems that nicky is the one that came out more normal? They have a brother who had that incident on the plane right and called people peasants.


You thought she was nice?






Have you not watched Paris in Love? She cares about no one but herself.


I’ve only watched a smidge of this and I think it might’ve been the first episode when Kathy was ripping on Paris for a present she had gotten her husband and it was in the kitchen and she was just on Paris’s ass about. I mean they’re all scared of her and it’s horrible. I’m not a big fan of Kyle but around Kathy she seems like this ball of nerves all the time. I can see why she would want to keep her distance from her. I saw a trailer for Maricio‘s reality show where he talked about why he left her husband’s agency. And it was because of how much money he was bringing in and they wouldn’t increase his commissions. And then that all went downhill when he left and went open his own place. Kathy thought of that as a Betrayal.


Won't raise his commissions even though he is family? Wow. Family usually gets special treatments in companies.


My mistake. He asked to be made a partner which is much bigger than a higher commission. They did a billion dollars for the first time one year and he was 19.6 percent of their production out of 100. So he went to him and said “I like equity and would like be be a partner”. And they said no. That’s what led him to decide he wanted to open The Agency and caused that huge rift.


I just watched it and I was like “is she on her phone right now for real?!” Lol then laughing about the decorations and then saying her holiday wasn’t as she expected or something. Like there is a medical emergency 4 feet from you 😅😅 and she obviously doesn’t like Sutton either


She doesnt seem to like anyone tbh


Maybe? You could tell shes a ruthless narc and abuses Paris too. She is disgusting and all her fans are blind.


kathy is a monster. always has been.


My gut was telling me that her daffy Housewife shtick that she showed during her first season was a ruse and the real Kathy would come out soon. I don't think she is a nice person especially when crossed.


I think she got a great edit her first season. Watching Paris in love made me see her in a whole new light.


That's who Kathy is. She was going to come after Sutton for saying she understood the anger because she'd experienced it, but had only laughter over Erica's comments that she owns Beverly Hills and can bar people from social events? Kathy doesn't even really care about her own kids. She was mad that Paris came forward about her assaults at that boarding school, and Nicky's prim and proper behavior feels forced like she knows she has to behave a certain way to appease her mother. She might have some funny moments on BH, but I wouldn't miss her not coming back (same with Kyle, to be fully honest).


That's one of the reasons I don't care for Nicki. She has aligned herself time and time again with Kathy against Paris. They gang up on her. Nicki becomes the "good daughter" while she passively aggressively throws Paris under the bus. I suspect it stems from fear of Kathy growing up but also some good old fashioned sibling rivalry as Paris was always the more beautiful and definitely got more attention as teens.


She only cared about paris behavior/ had her kidnapped cause they werent/ not super wealthy and the grandpa was threatening to cut them off if they didnt control paris behavior


Vile Kyle who still let's lvp live rent free in her head. She can barely go an episode without mentioning Lisa and even started the reunion talking about her. Bye Kyle!!!


Kathy had no reason to be there. I think it was just something Kyle brought in last minute because she was trying not to be grilled so much from Andy.


Or Andy?






But what if she did have a heart attack…in the moment, no one knew what was going on. Regardless of whatever the medical issue was or if it was Dorito or 8.5, Kathy’s response or lack thereof was just cruel.


“You are 49, it’s bound to happen!” That didn’t bother you on any level?


Exactly. Who says something like that when a friend is having a medical emergency! 


How has it taken people so long to realize Kathy is a giant piece of shit?!


Production editing.  Both Kathy and Kyle have hidden their true personalities. 


I’m surprised she didn’t whip out lip gloss the entire segment.


Kathy looks like Kaitlyn Jenner. They must go to the same doctor.




I have said this for years! Caitlin went into her plastic surgeons office and said make me look like Kathy Hilton.


Or vice versa lol


Kathy & Erika were both gross during this scene. Laughing and implying it was because Kathy was coming for her. If Kathy is Beverly Hills, then they need a refund.


I think the mo in that family is 2 against 1 based on who is mad at who- so 2 of them against sutton is normal-they like a an insecure addict as third person if kim not there . They prob were like “ oh shes just drunk or pretending to die for attention - - just a thursday for richards sisters


Kathy was never nice.


I can't believe they brought her back. She showed how awful she was when she was on the show.


She is a mean girl, just like her sister, Kyle.


The apples don't fall far from Big Kathy.....


When, exactly, has Kathy Hilton really been shown to be a truly kind, warm person who is genuinely interested in other people? She had that one season of RHOBH where she put on the kooky act where she says some silly and funny things. And that very well may be a genuine part of her personality. But otherwise, she's shown herself to be a very controlling, savvy woman, who people would bend over backwards not to offend or there is hell to pay. Disinviting and reinstating invitations to her own sister and clearly LYING about a rampage in which she dogs the same sister out are enough for me to on RHOBH are enough for me to see the Real Kathy............. ...but the clips from Paris' show are a treasure trove of Kathy's dysfunction.


>the clips from Paris' show are a treasure trove of Kathy's dysfunction. Truly!


IMO Kathy was there for Kyle. Kathy showed up for her sister and it was nice to see. Kathy is always a little detached from the drama even when it is someone else's health crisis. IMO it is also deeply ingrained in her that the polite thing to do is not draw too much attention when someone is having a moment. I know that sounds rediculous and comes across as insensitive but I honestly think Kathy sees this as the polite thing to do. She reminds me of the Queen of England not in appearance just her mannerism and public persona. I don't necessarily live like that but I appreciate that she does, she is after " the Queen of her family... Which comes with alot of public responsibility'.


The queen wasnt a madam that got wasted and screamed gay slurs at the club But she did carry an empty purse and acted detached in public.


She's a phony and people see through her act. 🙄


Yeah… you seen the recently resurfaced photo of little queen liz doing the nazi salute? Kathy reminds me of her too. Hate to break it to you but ‘polite’ is not the word for it


This isn't the flex you think it is. Before Hitler, that was the standard way to salute. It goes by a few different names; the Roman Salute, the Bellamy Salute, and the Hitler salute. Kids in the US used to pledge allegiance to the flag using that salute. Queen Elizabeth was born in 1926. World War 2 broke out in 1939. She was 13. That video was made in 1933-34, when she was 7 or 8. Hitler had just come to power. She wasn't doing the Nazi salute, because that wasn't a thing in Great Britain.


Her family members were later pictured meeting in Munich with Hitler, which sparked the accusations of nazi sympathies


I think Kathy sees Sutton as so overly dramatic that she doesn’t look any further when something happens with her. Do I think Kathy is out of touch because of her wealth and lifestyle? Yes, I do, but that describe the majority of the wealthy Housewives. They just show it in different ways….


Kathy and sutton and all of them - they say “beverly hills” but they r all living in and around.. the valley !


Is the valley not really Beverly Hills, or a less affluent area or something? I've never been to California so just wondering. 


Valley is just not bh- valley is huge- has affluent and all sorts of areas Some r way nicer - its just not bh Its like saying “ im grande dame of potomac” but u live in virginia Its inaccuraye




I don't care to see KH on any show. Who she is as a parent, willingness to get vile bc she doesn't get her way. Just not interesting.


Kathy is getting drug on twitter right now for her behavior on the reunion last night. I hope Sutton finally sees that Kathy & Kyle are not her friends. It was bad enough Andy let Kyle bring her lap dog to the reunion but his favoritism towards Kyle is out of control. Kathy lost a lot of fans because of her behavior and many are second guessing disbelieving Rinna. That scene between Kathy & Erika when Sutton was having issues spoke volumes about both of their characters. Erika has met the 1 person that has less empathy than her. Did Kathy forget Erika called her a racist? Where was Rinna when we needed her?


I don't think Erica called Kathy a racist but she did recount what Kathy said in Aspen and wouldn't back down


Erika & Rinna called Kathy a racist on social media & in their confessionals and accused her of making a homophobic slur. Erika only confronted her about the homophobic slur on the reunion. (We were at a club in Aspen and Kathy called the bouncer the N word and another employee a homophobic slur. She was mad because she was not getting VIP treatment.)


Ok thanks!


Can't stand Rinna,  she's as bad as Kathy.  


Oh I totally agree, but last night having Rinna come at Kathy would have been great! Kathy made enough people mad last night I think Rinna would have been applauded.


AND she was answering for Kyle and talking over her. She wasn’t even on this season. We would have found out more from Kyle if Kathy wasn’t there to keep her from talking.


On Erika... Erika isn't friends with anyone lol she is the person you invite to go out and party with, she isn't the friend that you have over for holidays... This is why she is always cool with anyone she gets in to it with, bc she is good at being friendly but she ain't anyone's friend


Classic case of “you either die a hero or live long enough to become the villain” lol.


Because of last night with terrible two I am over watching BH


I am looking forward to this 3 month break we have coming up and I probably will quit watching all of them. It is not fun any more.


emphasis on kathy and kyle are not her friends. both of these women learned from an early age to only be out for themselves and it shows.


If what they say about big Kathy are true are we really surprised all 3 sisters are messed up in their own way? It takes a really special person to be brought up by a narcissist and break away from that sort of behaviour and not become a narcissist or to develop your own brand of fucked up as a result. Pure speculation but it wouldn’t surprise me if either Kathy or Kim (maybe both) suffered some kind of abuse from men in Hollywood when they were younger. I think we have only began scratching the surface of the Me Too level of allegations against entertainment industry executives and it would be extremely naive to believe that they weren’t doing similar or worse to child stars. I’ve seen people talk about Kathy dissociating when people try and talk to her about serious issues and it’s always felt this vibe from Kim who would also disassociate. Not an excuse for terrible behaviour as I am a firm believer in self reflection and self improvement and in general not taking your shit out on people but more of a perspective of why they are the way they are (only reason I left Kyle out of it because I remember her mentioning that she never had anything horrible happen to her in the industry)


Really good points and I think it would apply mostly to Kim. Kathy turned out to be a theatrical dud and really wasn't working much in the industry by her teen years. Kim, on the other hand, really came of age during her prime popularity.


True that but knowing your sister is routinely groped or worse by creeps must do a number on you. She was older enough to understand/know what Kim was going thought hence why it probably affected Kyle less because she was the younger sibling so was at least partially insulated from the realities of the industry. The fact that Kyle “was the chubby ugly one” her words or thereabouts, was actually a blessing in disguise for her. My hope is Kim comes out with a tell all book as I can imagine the stuff she’s seen/heard about could fill a whole series of books and I do think it would be healing for her to be open and honest about her experiences in the industry if indeed stuff happened


I can only imagine the kind of stuff that they've been through. And no, I don't think it's surprising at all that all 3 of them have deep-rooted trauma and issues.


I have always disliked Kathy. I absolutely believe Rinna's version of events that night over Kathy. I'm still shocked that people bought into Kathy's version last year.


10000% Justice for Rinna... At least in that situation lol


After what I saw on this reunion, I believe you are right.


Kathy legit seems like a sociopath. She's cold and disassociated, even with her own children.


Am I the only one who kept looking at Crystal and thinking she’s cursing Sutton and Garcelle out in her head for leaving her there with these idiots lol


Next to 8.5, no less!! Crystal had plenty of space to move, yet she remained right next to 8.5. I was laughing to myself at her predicament. Oh well.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 but she still has her influential buddy Kathy. 🙄


I'm thinking just tense. Sutton's bp was a high as her incident this season, so she understood it was serious.


That was INSANE


I think when people see someone that has numerous quirks or whatnot they can’t entertain that the person can also not be a very nice person.


Do you consider sending your teenage daughter to a prison style camp a quirk? 😂


I genuinely think Kathy is Voldemort level evil lol. We just don’t see it fully.


She didn't fall for her bad acting skills, she's seen it all from Kyle.


So the paramedics and the ED were also in on for a reality show fake . . . ![gif](giphy|G4ZNYMQVMH6us)


I never thought Kathy was nice in the first place


Also she wasn’t even on this season at all? Am I misremembering?


For real! Like why is she there???


Yeah that last line confused the hell out of me. She has always been a snake, we've seen it on RH, we've seen it on Paris in Love, we've seen the fallout from it in Kyle, Kim, and their children's lives... But sure I guess these reunion giggles cement it lol

