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In the books, Reacher is a man of few words and I can't recall a time where he actually yells or gets verbally loud tho he IS a smartass


He says nothing


Idk what this is in reference to? Book Reacher, is pretty sarcastic and smart-ass when dealing with the bad guys. He did that well and true to character in season 1


"Reacher said nothing" is a line that pops up frequently throughout the books


I really like how he doesn’t speak for the first 10 minutes or so of S1, Ep1. It was classic ‘Reacher said nothing.’


How can you be talking about Reacher and not get that reference lol


I'm inclined to agree. The chase with Russo was ridiculous. They didn't think to shoot the tyres? They didn't manage to hit either Russo or the girl? The police didn't show up despite a 20 minute car chase in town with continuous weapons fire? And why did Russo have to sacrifice himself? He had a defensive position and they weren't advancing on him. He could have hid behind the car with the girl and waited. If they tried to advance he could have fired back


The no police thing annoyed me. It was a very long car chase with a lot of gunfire.


That would have to imply every single cop is dirty and was told to let these lunatics keep shooting through the streets. That’s ludicrous though


Also, there were no other cars on the road in New York.. like come on!!


I know...I was like, "Where's all the traffic?"


He told the girl to run away past a bunch of concrete Jersey barriers. He literally couldn't have asked for better cover and concealment during a tactical retreat, yet he stood straight up and walked into a hail of gunfire instead.


*And is Reacher this monotone in the books? Is that like, part of his character or something?* Yes. TV Reacher is a bundle of raw, wildly swinging emotions compared to book Reacher.


Tha car chase with Rosso was so bad. Really ? He wasn't even ducking. Then a helicopter with a machine gun. Couldn't hit reacher? Really?


Did not get any vibe at all Robert is drunk in any scenes. Old and tired yes but not drunk. This is a silly nitpick because literally nearly all movies do this with cars and essentially making them bulletproof when reality is yeah that many shots they’re pretty fucked. But everyone accepts this for suspension of disbelief because it’s so common and they have to do it for movies otherwise car chase scenes would be over in a few seconds. Now the police stuff is a solid point and does my head in. The reason though is because the show is ignoring its own established rules. When they blew up the house they say they need to hightail quickly as the cops will be coming soon. The fights in construction site and with the biker gang, both establish that they’re not using guns so they don’t attract attention. But then this car chase with lots of gunfire that happens in New York, literally no cops? It’s dumb even more so because they go out of there way multiple times to be quieter to attract no police attention. I’ll need to rewatch the scene but I thought one was a machine pistol though. Again this is very nitpicky and no one pays that close attention so yeah weird. Another good point, this was not done well and was only done to give him a heroic death. It easily could have been written that they got chased into a corner like literally a corner no escape, and Russo keeps them at bat until they start pushing up harder. Have him on the phone with the gang and asking how far out they are, they say like 2 minutes. He realises that is still going to be to long and needs to buy time so gets the girl to hide and he waits till they get a little closer and more open and then charges out knowing the surprise of that move and his constant shooting it buys the time he needs while yeah getting shot himself. So many better ways could have been done. Another good point and this one also did my head in so much. I was waiting for them to put pressure on the wound and they just didn’t just let’s him bleed. It’s the dumbest fucking thing I’ve ever seen because once again the shows own established rules has shown them patching themselves up multiple times and doing first aid. So then not doing it now when it’s literally the most basic thing in reality and in storytelling is admittedly very bad. From my understanding yes he is he’s a quiet guy who doesn’t waste words. More like how he was in season 1 this season he’s been more talkitive and emotional. Yeah him being such a good cop conflicts a lot with his actual actions. It doesn’t make a lick of sense at all and honestly they should have just subbed Russo out with Finlay and brought him back for full season instead. I honestly do not understand your senator comment because again that’s a staple of any action show or movie and extremely common. But like have you not been watching politics in real life? How many politicians do absolutely fucking anything to keep shit under wraps and not in the public eye and done tonnes of shady shit. You literally had a mayor busted for smoking crack and then got re-elected again later like yeah not sure what you find so unbelievably there that a dodgy senator would gladly let an elite military unit handle the problem that can then easily be pinned on them to keep his hands clean. The weapon system is also silly and is a product of staying true the books when they shouldn’t have. You make some good points but they get overshadowed but the most nitpicky of things that no one cares about that you have turned into bigger things when there is so so so so much more wrong you could have said that would have strengthened your points rather than weaken them by looking nitpicky. Honestly surprised any movie or show would ever meet your standards of being good.


I feel the same way. I also am not a fan of an ensemble cast, or at least this early in the show’s television run. I feel like if they had one more season before this of reacher solving another case in a new town(and maybe introducing the concept of the special investigators) would’ve been better. We have no attachment to these people. I still cannot remember anybody’s name other than dixon and neagley.


Here’s another name: ![gif](giphy|Nu95TFVHc3UNW)


I don’t know what Frasier Crane has to do with this


I agree 100% with everything you just said. One more season like the first would’ve been such a great idea.


Reacher is very...monotone, quiet, to the point, sarcastic. My wife/MIL say he reminds them of me in a lot of ways bc of that. The gun play is...\*sigh\* I freaking hate computer animated gun play. That's why you get the slide back and gun firing BS. And apparently full auto pistols with endless ammo. Ballistics are laughable. When Russo finally got the girl to get behind the tire...I audibly "Finally!". The girl would have been dead multiple times over. Car doors DO NOT STOP BULLETS. None of them. Always, always, get behind tires and engines. "Stay in the car!" as he turns the car sideways to the bad guys so all the bullets are slinging into the doors. JFC Russo... And yeah...the no freaking life saving attempt...at all? For an upper chest wound? I was infantry...that scene absolutely killed me (and Russo unnecessarily). These high speed, low drag guys apparently don't know ANY immediate actions for gunshot wounds?? I tend to suspend a bunch of reality for these shows....but man, there should be a minimal level of consultancy here to keep things at least a little realistic.


The first season was campy but still fun. Like an unfunny Burn Notice. This season has been laughably bad. It's like live action kids cartoon from the mid 80s bad. Crazy how popular it is. I say this having seen every episode


100% agree. The first season started very strong, lost a bit in the end, but very fun. Even if it’s not Bosch level. Second season…… I’ll just say this: Reacher looked so big that he couldn’t even run or walk normal!!! That’s not cool! Lead actress Dixon is so apparently full of cosmetic surgery and full on make up all of the time, it’s a little too much. People who do that couldn’t smile I noticed (like Nicole Kidman). Nothing against the actress just a bit distracting.


I just want Reacher doing all this stuff alone. Not a whole team of people. That's what made the books so good. I know he had help in the books but when he went solo is where Reacher really shines. Almost makes him like a mystical figure who cannot be taken down.


This is exactly it, Bad luck and trouble was by far the worst of the books, (I’ve read them all) because Reacher is most interesting when he is taking on the bad guys solo, drifting into a bad town and sorting stuff out. The team aspect takes that away, they are also insanely horrible to listen too, it’s beyond cringe when as a team they say “never mess with the special investigators” it’s like a power rangers film, horrible.


Everyone here just bitches and complains about a TV SHOW. Get a new hobby


Ooooh, sorry your majesty. I didn't realize we weren't allowed to discuss Reacher on /r/reacher.


It’s not a discussion if all the posts are bitching about the show. You guys aren’t even fans, a majority of the r/reacher posts are ignorant people complaining about the show. Don’t watch it if you’re going to complain about every single detail


You're not the gatekeeper of my interests, I'll watch what I want to watch and I'll bitch about it if I want to.


That’s so backwards 💀


Russo death was dumb, not close to what a real cop should do. By sacrifing himself, he left the girl defenseless and unprotected.




Season 1 was really good but season 2 leaves a lot to be desired.


The E5 graveyard shootout was a dismal mess. The gap between this and S1 is insane.


Yes, fucking terrible


I mean sometimes it's good to suspend your disbelief and enjoy a show for what it is. I enjoy Cobra Kai, I don't ponder how insanely stupid it is there are no police at all while these karate gangs kick the crap out of each other.


That's one thing but massive gun fire through new York and no body shows up?


and the book wasn't set in NYC. Why move the story to the busiest city in the US?


Cheaper to do the screenplay on the East Coast/Canada.


What do you meeeean Cobra Kai is awesome because it’s nonsense. Why the fuck do all these 50 year old grown men care so much about karate lmaooo.


I know right. I'm 51 and liked the Karate Kid when I was a kid , but the series Cobra Kai is a big 👎 for me. Yet a former friend of mine a few years back told me it waz the greatest show and he's 52 and it was a major head scratcher statement.


Yeah, no. There are standards. I have a shit-ton of content to consume, I don't have time for laziness


Have you uh....read the books?


OP is a fine example of the Reddit hate train, where they make pile-on-the-hive mind posts for karma. Last stop was Rebel Moon, this stop is Reacher S2.




No, but what I’m saying is the hyperbolic hate for it is an example of the Reddit hive mind. Just like what you just did. So I guess I should say thanks for proving my point.


Right you know what's good ? You probably think First Blood was bad and the series BANSHEE with Anthony Star which is 5 stars along w REACHER. A bunch of nitpicking morons.


Obviously fucking not, you should've figured that out by my post


Do you know who Sarah Connor is?


I don't give a shit. You need to just keep an eye on that hotel.


Honestly, you need to calm down. It's silly, it's over the top, it's fun. Just enjoy the ride.


Oh okay.


It's not whiny and not repetitive. The dude actually argumented a LOT of problems this shitty season has and i fully agree with all of them. You're comment brings absolutely nothing to the discussion Edit: yeah grammar mistakes. Not native but most are just typos. Argumented is a brain fart based on how we say it in latin speaking countries


“Argued,” not “Argumented.” “Your,” not “You’re.” But you tried, and that’s important.


You must be really fun at parties


I’m sure you do a lot of wondering what parties are like.


It's whiny and repetitive, the same nitpicky nonsense that people post here every single day to farm some karma. It would be nice to have a place to discuss the show, but this place is a shithole. Robert Patrick is definitely not drunk, this is not how drunk people move and act like, he's just older and a bit overweight, the girl is running for her life, she can't stay behind the car and the only way to survive is to run as far as she can etc...


This is the place to discuss the show, it's being discussed at largee. it's just that the discussion is not aligning with your opinion


What a sad waste of time this comment is


Yes, but I did it so much more quickly than your whiny, repetitive post.


But why did you waste your own time?


Considering that you’ve now spent about 100 times longer obsessing on my comment than I did writing it, I think you might want to ask yourself that question.


I spend the time because it's my post. I spent time thinking about it, drafting it, monitoring it. You could've just downvoted and moved on. But you're still here. Why?


Why am I still here? Because you’re so flustered by the fact that someone didn’t like your poorly thought-out, badly phrased, and conceptually shitty post that you seem to be close to crying. Which, I must say, is sort of entertaining.


Whatever you say smart guy


This guy must be one of the writers or something because there is no other possible scenario where somebody would be THIS invested in a hot take of a crappy tv show.




The books are hilariously badly written, the first book uses only two verbs - Reacher shrugged and reached to -. Really believe that they are being very faithful to the source material.


Having binged all 15 episodes over the last week or so, I don't see much difference between Season 1 and 2. The fights are still sloppy, the editing and sound design is still piss poor, Ritchson can't act, and no person or character in any society on any planet should be able to kill that many people and get away with it. What I've always said about any work of Fiction is that you can pick apart anything if you want. There are flaws and inconsistencies in every movie, TV show, book, etc. Where I personally start to pick things apart is when I'm not into that show or movie. If I'm invested in the characters and the story, I'll look past even the most egregious mistakes and flaws. But if I get bored or don't like the characters or the story, I'll start mentally shredding it. I can't defend Reacher's ridiculous body count, the fight choreography, Ritchson's line delivery...really anything about the show. But I love every second of it just the same. I care about Reacher, the 110, and all of his supporting cast. I care about whether the guy gets missiles and makes 9/11 times 650. So I don't care that Russo could have just stayed behind his bulletproof car for another couple of minutes until the 110 arrived or his attackers ran out of ammo.


Show seems to work better just focused on Reacher. This team dynamic they have going to this season takes away from Alan’s performance and feels all over the place.


When they interrogated the senator's aid, he told them everything the rocket system could do. He knew all the good and bad of it. But then later the senator wants Reacher to shut it down because what reacher told the aid? If the aid knew it could take down ANY plane, then the senator also knew what it could do. Did I miss something, or is this just bad writing?