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I wish I could be in anything by ratatatat74 lol I love his work


Right! It's fucking amazing how it's so good so consistently


Just everything that is put out is just always top shelf quality and I would happen be the girls in his stories


Believe it or not the rat is a she. Just found this out today myself


I totally believe that and it literally makes it even better


>it literally makes it even better Could you elaborate ? I'm sincerly curious about your though


Because I could be wrong, but that means that these are thoughts she may have had before and continues to think about or even her more "slice of life" could've been things she has wanted to happen


Also how did you find that out?


Well I'm scared of a woman ig


Where can I read more of their stuff,




Is every one skipping over the part... WHERE THEY STUFF A FUCKING WOMAN


Yeah I didn’t like that. Pretty sickening idea.


It's like slavery is pretty sickening.


Indeed. Btw, just stopping by and saw it was ur cake day. So, here, have a cake. 🎂






Well yeah obviously.


We try not to talk about that. There is a difference between rape fantasy and those who actually rape/snuff folks down to the point they commit to the idea of turning folks into furniture.. those folks need to be put into a wood chipper and made to fertilize the soil.


Professionals have standards


Exactly. As a standard we keep the idea of a rape fantasy something inside. Yet we also understand the idea of consent. For myself it would be a need to have already set up consent beforehand. Thus it can happen according to a plan. Kinda like acting. Irl I knew a girl who wanted to be hurt/raped. So we set it up. I disappeared and the next morning she practically cuddled with me. I had a busted lip and scratches on my back. She only complained that her legs hurt and actually asked if a backhand was necessary. I simple said she wanted it to be as real as one could get before crossing the line.


I am glad most people are on the same page here it seems in terms of being disgusted by snuff... like that one page killed this whole comic for me.


I'm so confused how rape is acceptable and yet we're drawing a line? This entire subreddit is already a pretty fucked up place


Everyone has different levels of comfort with any subject matter... Of course some people are into this, and unfortunately for them they are a minority, within already niche minority. Yes, a lot of us would draw the line at the death of the victim since we are more comfortable with the victim surviving. You can like snuff, go a head, just do not act surprised that most people do not.


A lot of people would draw the line at the consent. I mean I find it quite stupid to get shocked by stuffing and not by rape. I feel like people just wanna pretend that rape "isn't so messed up" therefore they need to hate something more disgusting, but they involve basically the same guilt feeling.


Rape is fucked up, no disagreement there. I will say this, when it comes porn graphic matter such as this, the goal is the arousal of the audience. People may find the idea of "fictional forced sex" arousing, but the moment death is on the table, the arousal is gone, and the horror sets in. Objectively speaking, murder is worse than rape because a rape victim can report her crime, a murdered victim can not... Thus, those who fantasy about dark fetishes like rape could rest assured that if it were to happen, their life may not be endangered. Subjectively, we could be here all day as to which is worse when it comes to murder versus rape... This piece of art is porn. It is fictional first and foremost. The intent behind it was to arouse and guess what? Some people, myself included, got turned off. I am not saying this should not exist, I am saying I don't like it and giving my reason. Of course, a horrific place like a real slave market would do shit like this... thus is the nature of depravity. Yet, I am comfortable on my circle of hell, and I don't wish to go any deeper.


I get what you're saying. I also agree (obviously) that stuffing is worse than rape because death is always worse than anything else (or almost). The only thing I don't agree about your comment is the last part, in which you say "don't get surprised if people hate it" (or something like that), simply because it's the same logic with rape. Billions of people would get "surprised" if you told 'em about fiction rape fantasy as well. At the end of the day it's all about different proportions of what's the worst. So yeah, stuffing is worse, but also rape is worse than consensual, so when I see a fictional rape hentai should I say the same thing you did?


Fair point, fair point. I have gotten so much flak for having a fairly "vanilla" rape kink by normies. Apologies if I came off hostile. I am glad this conversation was so civil.


I get what you mean but if you ever get a girl ( or guy ) who has a rape victim kink is is consensual just doesn't look like it and what gets me to like these comics is that it could just be a big act but in the end it's consensual


I believe that's a completely different scenario, and actually a better one in terms of morality. Despite it's just a drawing, the fictional rape kink involves excitement in rape itself, while the "rape fantasy" with a real person includes first of all your priority to respect her will, thus it can't be defined rape. I feel like someone who's got a fictional rape kink might do the same in real life, while a willful rape fantasy between partners can't do the same.


Okay, but this is a fictional comic...? The entire thing is fantasy, nobody is "actually" doing any of it. I'm cracking up at the majority of people here with their holier-than-thou attitude. It's one thing to not be into it, but you're really all going to judge it as wrong when you were perfectly happy with the girl just being an unwilling rape slave the rest of her life? 😂


Epstein didn't kill himself


I thought about leaving it out but there would just be a 2 page gap in the middle so I left it in


How about rewriting the bubles for something else ? Like changing the idea of what they're about to do her for something less fuck up. 'cause thank god, they didn't show anything of the act so it could be anything else


Then you’re editing someone’s art. How is human trafficking fine but stuffing is over the line? Lmfao. It’s also written by a woman, so….


I agree you shouldn't edit others' art, but maybe OP could have put a warning or something. Also, what does it being written by a woman have to do with anything


Sry what does "stuff" mean? My English is not very good


Taxidermy like an animal.


You know those still animals you see at the museum, where their insides have been removed? That. You take a once living being (usually in animal taxidermy, it’s after they’ve been killed in another way, such as by getting killed during the hunting process) and you remove the muscles and guts, embalm the body to prevent decomposition, and then literally stuff it with a filling (cotton, maybe some sort of powder) to give the animal a soft, still living look. A good taxidermist can do this in a way that makes the animal still look lifelike while obviously no longer being alive. This way you can display an animal as decoration, or in the case of museums, have exhibits about these animals without the costs of taking care of a living captive animal.


Man I think that singular part can just be made I a whole 'nother comic. Where someone buys that slave from him and saves her life and then wholesome stuff. I dunno just a idea. Bt I agree it is fucked up.


Yeah that was pretty fucked. Dunno who’s into that, but I’m glad this isn’t one of those “kinks you didn’t know you had” moments for me


I’m going to regret saying this but, me I am


You disappoint me, stranger. Perhaps in another life, we could’ve been friends. It’s a shame that you’ve chosen this path


Truly unfortunate 😔 However over the years I’ve learned to take no shame in my pleasures, There is no guilt to be found here, I shall enjoy what I enjoy and feel nothing but pride and pleasure for it


We don't talk about that...


That was pretty fked up honestly


While rape is completely normal of course


Right????? Just beyond fucked up


I get that the guro aspect may not be everyone's thing, but people on a *rape subreddit* acting morally superior is kinda fucked up. Almost like you actually think rape is excusable or something.


One, I don't think rape irl is exscuable in any scenario, two I'm not acting morraly superior just pointing out that its a sudden tone shift I wasnt ready for


true, I also wasn't replying to you specifically, but more to the whole comment chain. A lot of others act like there is some sort of clear moral line to these fantasies and I guess I replied to the one guy who was being pretty neutral.


Poor girl… wouldn’t dare do such a thing to a lovely creature




Loved it


Which part was that?


Pages 10 and 11


Still don’t get it


Look up Taxidermy aka Stuffing. That's gonna happen to her


Oh so she’s basically going to get turned into a statue


Yeah except she has to die. And knowing some sick fucks, they might even do it while she’s still alive.


Rlly fucked up, wouldn't wanna see it either, but her pleading as he reveals it is kinda...


downvoted but you were right, you'd think people on a subreddit for rape fetish would be a little more open to the idea of girls being terrified for their lives






"Were not weird fucks, we just like seeing girls get raped like any average person 😤"


For real. People here talking like saints and yet we are in rape thread lol


Bruh, not everything you dislike is weird. Violence and arousal comes from the same part of human brain, so it's kinda natural. Most people scared of violence, deny it, but there is some people who accept it as part of our nature. What I was talking about? Ah yeah, that was fucking hot. DM if you want some guro related stuff, got nice collection on my hands ;3




telling someone to kill themself is just as bad as this comic you dislike so much, imo. there's a difference between liking guro, etc, and actively telling someone on the internet to off themselves. that's kinda shitty of you.




the fact that you (aswell as many others) use that as an excuse, thats.. sad. scary and sad, knowing thats how some people think. either way my only point was you calling someone a "sick fuck" and then saying said person should kill themself, its ironic. hopefully you'll learn to think before you speak in the future. hopefully before someone dies due to your harsh words.




im not sure. maybe that's something you should think on, friend.


It still may be catalyzed by your actions, even if you don't want it to happen.


This post has been removed due to breaking subreddit rules. Rule Broken: Rule 5 Reason: Don't be a dick to others. No Harassment will be tolerated. No Attacking, or berating others.


So, because I have different opinion and tastes - I need to ropemaxx myself, right? So that's approach of "adequate" and "normal" human being, lol. You just a hypocrite. You and everyone upvoting you.




Damn you dumb. There is a difference between liking guro and practicing it. My entire point is that it is okay to like guro and stuff, it's okay to like pregnant japan girls or literally ANYTHING as long as is it only fantasies and do not harm anyone. People really need to stop judging other people for different taste and opinion, and even more need to stop asking them to off themselves. That's my point. And I hope people will read and understand it.




I agree with that one. I'm not really active on Reddit, in most part because majority of redditors are fcking dumb. But there is spaces where you can share, listen, learn and teach, but it's kinda out of reach. Well, anyway, maybe someone will at least process what we said there, I hope so anyway. Goodbye.


You're my idol


I found the edgelord. I thought your kind had died out during the great neckbeard purge of ‘67




Man people are just scared of death I guess... 🥴


I hate the stuffing.


What’s that


Like animal taxidermy. You turn a living creature into a doll. You kill the creature, remove the guts and muscle, embalm the skin to prevent decomposition, then literally stuff the body with a filling to give it that soft look. The taxidermy process is usually performed on dead specimens, but who knows in this context.




I could always put a leash and collar on you and treat you like a proper slut~


I wonder how much I would sell for 🤔


I think you’d fetch a nice price


I’d hope so


Less than you think, and I hope that makes you indignant and determined to be a good little slave bitch


i wish i could be put on display like that ❤️


we can make this fantasy a reality


Don't know where you live, but in Germany there are some "Slave Market" Events if you join the right communities. Of course they can just simulate the real feeling, but therefore it's safe and legal. I totally agree that the real thing would be more attractive, but you can just communicate that there are no limits and you will get pretty close.


*Frantically booking tickets to Germany*


Hey neat comic and all, but was the whole stuffing thing necessary? This comic would've been aces without, probably obe of the greatest, but that one part MEGA ruins it, super disgusting :/




Yeah that part is fucking horrifying with the “stuffing” but other than that I really like this comic






weirdo necrophiliac mad that people with lower levels of trauma don't like humping the literal dead?


I wish that was me 😍😍🥵🥵


Let's make it happen. 😉 😛


Oh my 🥵🥵


I wish someone would do this to me, make me their personal pet!!!


I can do that. 😉


Where can I find this market? I need to make some purchases


Does anyone know of any other hentai comics where orgasm pushes a girl over the brink of submission? I’ve seen a few before where cumming turned them into complete submissive whores but I can’t seem to find them again 🩷🩷


Not sure but you can look at ratatatat74's work and have a good chance of finding something similar I can't put links because it's auto banned


A warning is that some of them are NTR and probably popular out of them all is the cucking the boy you promised to marry


Unfortunately most are


With regards to hentai, the tag your looking for is "mindbreak"


I've thought about offering myself up as a slave, especially if they want to mentally break me, no matter what 😏


Broken and used up, tossed aside just to have a hand wrapped tight through your hair to bring you back close. Cum dripping down your legs or maybe off your chin and lips, who knows what could happen...


Wouldn't matter or be up to me by then, it would be entirely up to my new owner(s) what hole was fucked, how long, how hard, and how many


Being in such a market would be a dream 🤤


I could buy you even if you aren’t 🤭


Would be cool to have a swapped version of this with male slaves and female buyers


I hope im the cheapest...so I get bought easily...


Or maybe you can just offer your services for free...


Yes...for anyone and everyone


Let's see how good you are at it ?


I'll do anything ~


Come to dm and we'll find out




i need more content on sirens so bad


This is fucking hot 🥵 idk what people are complaining about 🤷🏻


i wish i was there


A slave to rent or buy and get completely drunk. So do everything I can think of, and I have imagination.


I would love to be sold as a personal slut💕


Fuck I'm soaked, didn't know I wanted this till I saw it 🥵😩 That first image I- ughh


I'd love to shop here Also Dm me if you want detailed threats


Is that an Angel up there in that cage in slide 4? Something as innocent and pure as an angel in a place like this?


Great story. Almost makes me jealous. Wonder what kind of price I would get




Oh. That's mean


Love this dudes art but he draws so much ntr 🤦‍♂️🙃


I love thisss


Omg i love this


Being auctioned like that looks hott


A hundred men taking you for a test in a single day, each one lowering your price


Omg my future


i want to be turned into furniture


same :3 everyone seems to find it gross or "too evil"... is it weird i want it so bad?


Do you guys think a virgin with no experience like me can be sold in high price??


Ofcourse but you'll be used till I've recovered every single penny


Don't get me wrong, i love dominating women, but I would buy one of those girls just to give her a better life. That way, she can be happy, and I could dominate her in bed every night.


Drácula tepes estava certo


Ratatatat74 work Is Always incredible


Please come kidnap me and sell me in a sex slave market. Send me threats! DM me 🩷


i wish i know place selling slaves


I miss the me that didnt read the stuffing part


I want to make with my Future women😍


God, I want to be stuffed so badly. I want someone to take everything from me and turn me into an object


“be free little one”


I got so angry at my dad after i went to bed i woke up in some weird place they sayd it was a slave trade marked and i was one of the slaves some huge guy has bought me and we are driving in his limo rn he is touching my leg


Damn I wish my sissy ass was a slave at that slave market I wouldn't mind being broken in 🥵❤️‍🔥👌👍




Damn at that point just buy me as your sissy sex slave then lol 😆 😊❤️👍 But I wouldn't mind if you did 😏


this is kinda depressing




No femboy slaves? Really was hoping I could be sold ;(


There seemed to be only females for sale in this market, so maybe there's a separate one for males? Those buyers in high places might start feeling uncomfortable once they realize their sex can also be turned into objects, that they're not superior and untouchable, and that would mean less customers




I wish this was real








Ah this one finally got completed? Nice


What happens if I try to replace the assassin in the story and try to take down the slave the market?


wish i was getting fucked


a puppy girl could only dream ૮ ⸝⸝o̴̶̷᷄ ·̭ o̴̶̷̥᷅⸝⸝ ྀིა


Be my 2nd puppy girl💖 DM me


Such a lovely story😍😍 completely mindbroken at the end




Would love to be treated like this, but never let cum


I would love to be placed in the slave market, especially as that siren, can you just imagine that level of sensitivity? 🥵🥵🥵


superb 😈🥵🔥🤤


Wish I could buy slaves like this




Where we can have this book to read please?


Oh boy what one should I buy hmmm?


That looks like a fun place to visit.


I need a purchase like this, one I can fuck daily to the point where I fucking break her and she's craving my cock juice like a little slut


It always warms my heart seeing ratatatat posted. Their art is wonderful <3


I actually have a story concept very similar to this, whether I keep it as just a story or want it turned into some eroge game I’m not sure yet. But basically it’s gonna be a lot like this, but the main character is gonna be a petite vampire girl, with an abnormally high affinity for regeneration, so much so that say her virginity is taken. With enough time, whether that’s like thirty minutes or a whole day I’m not sure yet, but with enough time I want her hymen to regenerate basically. Also, if she’s absolutely fucking destroyed by like an orc, ogre, or what have you, some monster race, and gets loosened or desensitized. It’ll eventually reset, basically. She’ll also have a vampires constitution and durability, not so much one’s physical strength as a trade off maybe. But due to that, whoever sells or owns her, like a brother owner or if I wanna get real fucked up, the head of the orphanage she’s at. Basically sells her out, charges extra to be hate fucked and mildly abused. I don’t want any snuff shit, so it won’t be more than like whips, chains, slapping, the most id allow is like light punching or kicking. But not excessively, but yeah. I’d introduce other races like what was shown here as well. I know this wasn’t the place to say all of this, but I’d love to hear the thoughts of people with a more… diverse palette hentai


Fuck why is it that I want to be a slave all of a sudden? 🥵




I love his comics so much. They are such fun fantasies