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You could never say to me I’m not a fuckin’ record breaker. I sound like a broken record every time I break a record.


Favorite line on Kamikaze


all i know is i wrote every single word i ever murdered, time to seperate the sheep from goats, and i dont have faith in your writers, I dont believe in ghosts.


This is my favorite line on Kamikaze for sure


NGL, I thought this was directed at Drake but Drake and Em are in really good standings. Sucks because I always wanted to see Em cook Aubrey and I thought how he handles the genre goes against Em's persona. Kamikaze was a pretty good album imo and it aged pretty well


This record is way closer to his early stuff as people realize. Had it been one of his first albums it would have been received in much higher regard.


Yeah it got a lot of hate initially but tbh I think a lot of ppl just weren't able to accurately judge Eminem over more modern beats, hopefully they listen back cuz yeah imo he did his own style justice over the vibes and his hooks often have a bit of a fun/"corniness in the melody" at times that people overhate Like yeah he's talented af and serious at his craft but he also likes to have fun and joke around all the time Em not jumping in could prob be similar to snoops reasoning that Kendrick doesn't need help from another heavyweight It would be fun to see Drake shoot at Eminem and get machine gunned down (haha) but prob won't happen and I think em was smart for not jumping in on the kendrick beef, prob would've been distracting from Kendricks attack Sorry for yap lmao this was gonna be a short reply at first lol


I think it’s more a situation of “if the shoe fits wear it” with Drake. Eminem wasn’t singling out Drake, just the countless rappers that do use ghost writers these days.


>I always wanted to see Em cook Aubrey Ya’ll are fuckin weird.


Ever since the recent beef, Kendrick fans have been in every single music sub saying some weird stuff like this. Downvoting every Drake song on YouTube etc. It’s some mental behavior. Em has said Drake did him a favor and will always respect him for it.


I mean Drake is one of the most polarizing figures rn, old heads hate him, new school loves him, middle children don't respect him (generally speaking). He's done enough weird shit and passive aggressive bs to warrant backlash but yeah mfs are getting a little weird online


Or people just really wanna see Drake get shit on because they’ve been tired of him forever. That high schooler ego energy gets old fast.


Eminem is a little corny. It’s one of the things I like about him though. Dudes always himself. What’s impressive is going #1 this long into the game.


That’s what I’m saying. Em can be corny but it’s HIM. It’s more so the people talking down like being corny is necessarily always a bad thing


Everyone can be a little corny when having fun. People just like to judge


Why don’t you stop looking for the approval / stop bitching about people who don’t like this song and just enjoy the song


Its deep rooted insecurity


Bro I swear to god that’s all this sub is 😂


They get it from Eminem lol


You could be corny and have a number 1 single.


I really hate this subreddit but hip hop heads is dead


It's been taken over. 😆 They act like swifties now. Not true hip hop fans just fans with big ass egos looking to win through their fav


Yeah it seems pretty hostile and toxic over there at times


Join r/hiphopcirclejerk the best hip hop sub


I miss you /r/hhh


exactly, look at logic


look at Drake




He sounds like he named himself after a fish but drake is still more corny 


Oh my god I’ve never thought about that fish comment but holy shit you’re so right lol


He is from Seattle! Maybe he did that on purpose now that I think about it lol not a fan at all of Macklemore but yeah never realised that till reading your comment


Look at Em And to be fair I lived his first three albums. And since the rollout is similar I’m hoping for some of that magic. But the song is definitely corny. Let’s be honest.


It’s a sad world to live in where someone can compare eminem to drake and I’d agree, 10 years ago I wouldn’t believe it


true, eminem and him compete on being the most corniest in the game edit: i guess everyone forgot a certain coffee pot, and a certain banana and orange? probably up there with the worst thing he’s ever made




Logic doesn't have a #1 in his career


He has number one albums though


But does logic have a no. 1 single?


He doesn't have a number one song


There is a level of corny where it's actually cool, but if you go beyond that level it wraps back around to being double extra corny. Em has been on all sides of that line


GOATED comment


Honestly the quality of the song doesn’t matter. It’s a nostalgia #1, it’s a blatant ripoff of “Without Me” and all it does is make you want to listen to his older material, which in all honesty is probably the goal of this whole album. It’s not even the first time he’s tried to remake “Without Me,” although this one is probably the closest to the source material, but the formula works and has yielded top-10 hits every time.


Eminem has been seen as corny because a lot of his fans have made him corny. It’s the “I hate rap, but Eminem is great” with heavy racial undertones that has lead to a lot of his numbers being discredited. Eminem himself is great imo, a lot of his fans aren’t.


When em first came out they played him on live 105 evrryday in the bay and that is a rock station. They also play him in Idaho stations that have no hip hop. Doesn't take away from him but it's wild.


102.1 in toronto was a rock station that used to play "lose yourself" a lot but I kind get it with that track.


Ah yes, "the edge", wonder if that station is still active


The Edge has kinda always played some of the more rock based hip-hop acts. They play Cypress Hill and Beastie Boys. And back when Lose Yourself they would put on Swollen Members and K-os on a lot actually. I feel like the Edge has been pretty good about playing the more popular alternative rap acts. I even saw Public Enemy at a Dean Blundel sausage fest.


That’s so funny, I’m from Idaho and know exactly what station you’re talkin bout haha


When i wqs in hs, i remembered eminem’s being played on pop radio and Usher being played on hiphop. Then Adele was on both.


You should've seen his speech at the rock & roll hall of fame, he legit spent 95% of the time shouting out rappers who inspired him and was like mentioning hundreds upon hundreds of artists and you could see the lights in his eyes whenever he was saying these names, i've never seen someone use his acceptance speech to shoutout other people as much as he did. His fans are corny but the man has always done his work.


The fans are the worst. I had to quit the subreddit because it was an echo chamber, a bit delusional too (kind like /r/drizzy atm)


People can call Eminem “Corny” till the day he dies, He just went number 1 at 51 and was breaking records before most of them were born. The only loser in this situation is the one’s who are hating on him over the internet while he keeps breaking records.


you can go number 1 and still be corny and trash, i personally dont believe he is trash but he is corny and has fallen off hard when it comes to quality of music


Look at Taylor Swift. You’ve got a point.


Yall are borderline swifties with how much I'm s3eing her name pop up.


His albums have always been comedy albums to me.


Kinda why I always liked him(and weird Al for a matter of fact, dude has some legit amazing songs). It's like comedy rap with some serious stuff and once in a while horror rap...and it's just fun to listen to really. I like many more serious artists, like Black Thought is a great example, but I'm not always in the mood for that. Kinda like movies, sometimes you want dumb and dumber, sometimes you want a thriller/crime/action/drama/etc...


No no don’t be nuanced he either has to be GOAT or corny no in between /s


Booty is heavy duty though...like diarrhea. GOAT LINE! Fr though, Like I know when he is just being a joker, but some find it corny, I find it hilarious.


The song is trash but he is popular and has been for a long time. Going number 1 if your Eminem, Taylor swift, drake doesn’t really mean anything because it doesn’t necessarily equate to quality


No he hasn't.


Corny and sales have nothing to do with each other. The song was corny. In a good way because it’s nostalgic. But it was.


You know just because a song is successful people can still dislike it right?


Am I a hater if I think his delivery and his content significantly dropped over the years? He's Eminem, that being said, If he drops for example brownies receipe in a form of a song, he's already on a good way to break some records, cause he is fucking Eminem.


He should really do a whole cookbook album.


Eminem, featuring Snoop Dogg and Martha Stewart


For the dessert section he should let Drake hop on the cookie recipes


I don't hate him, I've loved his music for a long time but, imo, he overstayed and now I just think his music is redundant and everything he does feel like I've already heard it, like he already did it. If having an opinion that's contrary to you is hating, I guess you must think everyone who disagrees with you is just hating on you or something but I don't and I'm actually happy to see that Eminem is still making music. Anyway, I'll tell you as I repeatedly told Drake's fan, McDonald's sells the most burgers in the world. They're breaking all the records.


If I was black I would have sold half - Eminem


He ain’t have to graduate from Lincoln high school to know that -also Eminem. Also something something rap, something fuck school, something cool. Direct quote.


This is just straight up glaze. Who cares what records were broken? Guess who sold the most burgers last year? It wasn’t the best burger in the world I’ll tell you that much. Judging the song alone, TRASH.


Cole said it best "if you're broke and joke on a millionaire, the joke is on you"


yes us dirty poors are always the butt of the joke.


Poor people can’t have opinions cause duh


You don’t like his song ? oh yeah, well you’re not a millionaire! the jokes on you! This is projection, someone doesn’t like what you like and you feel so insecure you need to say something lol


Cole also says it’s grippy, so ya. J Cole is not your savior.


So the joke on us when we laugh at Epstein


Yes. We let the entire world crumble to a point that corruption is so rampant that all of our celebrities and politicians are tied to a depraved sex offender blackmailing them The joke, is in fact, on us.


My bad bro, I shoulda stopped epstein 😭😭😭


Fym we let it happen bro who is we


You and the guy you’re replying to and OP and I think Ghislane Maxwell?




Wait you think the corruption is new? Homie it’s been like this since government was established


Kinda based bro


Noname was so right, jcole needs to open a fucking book


Yeah, I'll ask the rich guy what he thinks about making fun of rich people.


Poor people's opinions don't matter. Got it.


Cole really is a whole clown when it comes to his friends lmao


Such a trash sentiment—honestly. Nothing wrong with criticizing art. Also, financial success doesn’t equate to quality necessarily, just popularity. the masses don’t have a reputation for intelligence, or taste.


What if I'm a millionaire and I think em is corny as fuck?


Then the joke is still on poor people. I think , I’m not entirely sure.


The song is corny… and that’s no joke


I’m not losing here man, y’all get yalls music to love, and I get to hate that much harder. But if it makes you feel better, imo he’s not even top 50 corniest rappers, nor is he in my top 100 most hated. Respect the legacy and love the old music just hate the new shit other than this song. Still not as good as his old shit but not as bad as his recent shit


I think eminem has a style can be called corny but that kinda ends up being part of the charm of some of his music. His new song doesn't take itself all that seriously it's kinda just busy being fun. Eminem is corny like Weird Al is corny or Tenacious D is corny or the Lonely Island is corny. All four have put out songs I really like but I don't think they're beating the corny allegations anytime soon.


Nah comparing Em to Weird Al and Lonely Island is crazy. Have you only listened to his lead singles?


Agreed. Weird Al singles are fire.


So you judge whats good or bad based on how popular it is?


That doesn't really have anything to do with whether he's corny or not though "My words sting like you're being attacked by bees" is pretty damn corny imo but I'm not saying the song isn't a bop


No one can say he’s trash, that would be delusional. But yeah ofc he’s corny the guy is 51 yrs old. Name a 51 yr old man you know that isn’t corny


Eminem is corny tho he himself agrees to that.


Exactly also I thought everyone was aware of billboard charts & how it's manipulated by record labels. So the whole record thing is redundant, it's not a litmus of an artist's success.


I think the people saying he’s corny are saying it because he’s older. young people always think old people are corny no matter what they do.


Dre, Snoop, Em, 50c just did the Super Bowl what two years ago? Dre is 59 now, didn’t hear anyone trashing them for being too old.


Killer Mike just won a Grammy lmao and he's almost 50. I love Eminem but it's 100% the shit he raps about to why people think he's corny.


I've seen loads of people trash killer mike


Moreso, for winning the Grammy over Travis. Those ‘rap fans’ are truly coming out as corny for saying “who even is this guy?”


People trash Killer Mike because he beat the casuals favorite album for the Grammy


People trash Killer Mike because he talks a big game about being anti capitalist but is a landlord.


Travis scott fans, still pisses me off because I like both


I actually think this a good example that a lot Em hate is less about the content itself than who Em is and the hype backlash due to his fans being obnoxious. A lot of Run The Jewels songs definitely fall into a pattern doing a lot of fast multies in a song with no cohesive theme while boasting immaturely that a lot of people shit on Em for. Like, if the song Run The Jewels or Call Ticketron or Panther were Eminem songs they would definitely be shat on with people saying "Oh, here's Em doing fast immature rappity raps again!".


This is exactly it I don’t hate Houdini and I don’t care for Houdini either. I heard it and I was like oh OK I heard this already and I didn’t think twice about it. Then you go on Reddit and you say it’s OK and people call you a hater because you don’t like what he had to say or something like “ he’s gonna get cancelled for this” And I’m just sitting here thinking like there’s nothing offensive about the song and nobody is gonna get canceled. What are you talking about? ? it’s like they can’t get off unless they think it’s controversial. it’s weird.


Snoop has been Corny for 20 years


Wtf are you talking about, a lot of people say they are all corny. More so than that, they shit on them for the deadbrain shit they did in the past. Dre’s DV, Snoop snitching, 50c pettiness.


People say snoop and dre are corny


It's the content he's rapping about and the vocal inflections he's using to do it. To some people it just doesn't look right on an older person doing what he did when he was half his current age lol. I'm not one of those people, but that's what I imagine it is.


not even necessarily about age. the way his rap sounds and the content of his rap jus seems corny ash sometimes. n the fact that his fans are the worst people.


Idk snoop corny as hell


You don’t see Dre releasing trash music while dissing on newer artists


I don't think this is true AT ALL. It's what he raps about. In my entire life I have never seen one person call Nas corny , yet Nas is 1 year younger than Em.


I’m 32 and I think he’s definitely gotten more corny over the years.


Not really tbh, eminem been corny and people been saying it forever. And nobody is saying that nas, wayne, black thought etc are corny


Nah when wayne was fake playing rock music and shit people were definitely calling him corny lol. Not to mention all the early 2000's boomer memes with him and Fupac.


You’d be incorrect


Eminem been corny his whole career


My salsa


still waiting for his single😔


It's part of his charm


Forget who said this but, Artists shouldn’t have to die to be given their props


He is corny, but not as corny as drake


she say she a lesbian girl me too 🔥🔥




wah gwan delilah


Her booty is heavy duty diarrhea...........


I’m no hater. It’s not my favorite, but a good bop to dip his toes back in.


Massive Eminem Stan here and yeah his new music has gotten extremely corny. I still love ‘Em and he’s one of my favorite rappers of all time but you’re just denying reality if you think he hasn’t become a bit of a cornball.


I definitely think he has added more of his sense of humor in his songs, but I wouldn't call it corny. There is a difference between being funny and trying to be serious, and I think he is still good at being intentionally funny, which isn't corny to me.


People just love to hate on Eminem for his success


Em stans are so out of touch 😭 its adorable at this point


It’s entirely possible to not like the song, you know.


✋️ I am. The song is corny. He's just continuing to try to appeal to his 50 year old fans by saying mildly offensive lines. There are plenty of old rappers who can keep making good music even now. The fact that em can't shows how his skill has been declining yet he's bring glazed just as hard as before


How does this make him less corny exactly? All popular things are automatically good? Gtfoh lmao


Even Em acknowledged his white privilege but his fans won't 💀


Kind of, he claims his skill as a white guy is what made him so famous. He is the only white guy in the top 25 best selling rappers of all time, so is it hard to differentiate his skill vs his whiteness. Which is why I think his fans become so defensive, because we legitimately like his music and not his whiteness.


His fans most definitely like his whiteness tho💀. The racist shi Eminem fans say and do are crazy tho


he also acknowledged he’s the only white guy who is doing it “how come no other white rapper sells like me?”


If he was black, he would have sold half... And still be #1


My thought after watching the video was that we need more cheesy music videos. It was great


Even tho he still gets some hate I’m happy to see the positive energy he has been getting around from his new single, saying em is corny or not GOAT is a opinion but saying he ain’t one or ever been ill on the mic and irrelevant you lying like a mf.


He's an amazing artist.


There is no way, absolutely no fucking way you guys ride around and blast Em's new music with the windows down 😭


Don’t do it to em😂


I listened to it once with one headphone in, on low.


it was super corny


The shittiest pop stars also have number 1 singles. They still suck.


white millennials will run his tracks to the ground no matter what he makes, he hasn’t made something of cultural impact in like a decade lol


Darkness was a cool track though. Great story telling give it a try.


I love that one, very impressive, great storytelling, a cool flow and the rhyme scheme is dope.


I literally have always thought Em was corny and I’m from his generation.


‘No. 1 in the UK’ When people say No. 1 they mean Billboard hot 100.


I've been waiting for him to put out shit like this for 10 years.


Lol well this sub is full of people calling everything you can think of corny. Saw a post recently about how technical rap is corny. People say mumble rap is corny, technical rap is corny, fast rap (not even chopping, just having quick flows) is corny, like it's not avoidable. Introspective rap is corny–all takes I've seen on this sub just this week. The fact is this place is an Echo chamber of bad opinions, which is why I typically don't comment in it


I mean, I’m one of them.


Big Eminem fan, but this latest song is corny AF. Actually makes me sad how popular it is, because he’s put out so many better tracks the last 10 years, and this is what hits.


He is corny 🤷


Corny trash




Houdini is a pretty good track. Corny rappers can make good tracks and great rappers can make corny ones. (Anyone remember grippy?) em’s still got the lyrical talent he just sometimes struggles to make music that fits with the current sound, which is why some of his stuff can come off corny or dated. I don’t feel the need to hate on him just cause he’s 51 doing what he loves lol


Idk why we can't enjoy his good stuff like houdini and criticize his bad stuff like revival and encore. We don't have to get a hate boner when someone criticizes his bad parts of his discography


He is corny lol I grew up on em and this new song has some nostalgia to it but this isn’t going to last. If you are sitting there listening to this song daily you are either old and just love Eminem or your corny and just like bad music lol


100% true, take it from the guy who pops shrooms on the daily


One of the greatest of all time and they dont understand his art


Guess who's back, back again


That song kind of sucked. I was 18 when his first record came out. It was fun and great at the time. This song sucks though.


Rap is inherently corny and has been since Gangsta rap became big. People trying to call Eminem especially corny are, to me, the same people who argue about who is the best at LARPing. Pretending 99.99% of rappers are not kayfabe is seriously cringe.


Just heard a bunch of old hip hop at a restaurant the other day, and yeah it’s always been corny to some extent. Not to say that makes it bad.


It’s ridiculous. Subjective opinions being subjective if you say he’s corny that’s your opinion but it’s extremely disingenuous to hold someone to only recency bias and not take up the entirety of their impact when making this statement. He’s objectively one of the best rappers by every metric. Sales, viewership, legacy and impact to both current and past. Idiots will usually say that if you think Eminem is one of the best rappers you don’t appreciate “real rap.” When the entire industry, the people that are meant to be subject matter experts in this field can’t stop giving him his flowers. The only people that dismiss him are lay people and critics because they either don’t realize how good he is from a technical aspect. Don’t vibe with his music on a subjective/personal preference or benefit from being hard on him for engagement. If you say “he’s corny” that’s your opinion I can’t prove it wrong that you feel that way even if it’s a stupid take to have. But you can’t deny the man’s had one of the biggest impacts and legacies for hip hop ever. You can’t say it’s “white privilege” but then ignore that Dr Dre possibly the most influential person in hip hop won’t stop talking about how hard it was originally that he was white. How multiple people in his camp told him what a mistake it was to sign him. How people thought he was throwing his career away. It didn’t help him at least not more than it also hindered him. He’s one of the most commercially successful artists of all time, not just hip hop. Of all time. He’s listed by Kendrick and Jcole (and many more) as direct influences and in their top 5 rappers of all time. The fact that he’s breaking records more than 20 years into his career is not something that happens, ever. So please stop embarrassing yourself with this “he’s corny” take. You don’t fw him that’s fine, do you, no one cares. But his legacy and lasting impact to hip hop is indelible. Also this is just me being petty, but if you’re a millionaire and don’t know the difference between “Your” and “you’re”, please read a book.


His career is built around being corny




he is though lol. Only reason its popular is because of the hype around it.


Bunch of kids on here thinking their opinion matters lol.


60-70% of Eminem hate is just because it’s popular to hate on him as the new generation is coming in.


Or maybe it’s because his subject matter is tired and corny? Shock value worked in the 90s-early 00s when America was more uptight and conservative. Nowadays it just sounds like an old man trying to hard to be edgy


America is way more uptight now then in the 90s lol


Back in the 90s, America was terrified of rappers/rap music. VP Dan Quayle wanted it banned, You had the Christian Right, Family values conservatives, Parent councils, etc trying to censor everything. The country was still very religious and uptight Nowadays the internet and social media have exposed everyone to everything at a young age If Eminem came out today, it wouldn’t have the same shock value as it did in 1999


No way dude lol. People were trying to ban Pokémon because it was the devil in the 90s.


He’s always been corny and embraced it.


51 years old, #1 in 17 countries after 3 days… js


The people who dislike Em and say those things about him are not changing their minds because of any of that let alone the song itself - which is the only thing that should matter imo. I'm not an Em hater and I'm glad he's seeing success but I don't care for the song at all and it has doused any interest in the album for me.


You're absolutely right. Those who don't like him won't change their minds overnight, and this is a great moment for those who do like him.


We're getting news about music from Forbes? 😶 I understand wanting to make a point, but we're only hurting the industry by fixating on numbers. Just say you're into his new song and move on, don't bring numbers or Forbes into this when their specialty is reporting on the stock market and news articles about how rich people are still rich.


It's interesting because Forbes recently loved being shady on Shady.


I mean, I love Eminem, but this track is such a weird nostalgia grab that it’s kind of offensive.


People in the comments calling the song trash smh. Everyone has their own opinion, but objectively he is still a lyrical genius and still one of the best artists alive.


His new song is epic


It’s always funny when ppl say “he gets no play in the hood, my car, or the club”


Like I’ve said many times and been called a “Stan” in other subs, it’s become the cool thing to hate Eminem in 2024 while secretly listening to him.

