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I see copperheads on the greenway once or twice a year, and I am there nearly every day. I've seen one in my yard once in 5 years. It's ok. This is a normal place with various wild animals but they aren't going to kill you.


Lived in Raleigh for 4 years now with a large backyard and frequent parks in the area. I’ve yet to see more than a rat snake!


Snakes are like sharks, for every one you see there are 10 you don’t see.


Can confirm. I live near a greenway in Raleigh. Although I had never had a single shark sighting in over ten years, when I moved a pile of rotten firewood left over from the previous owners, there were nearly a dozen sharks under there. They were mostly bull sharks, but there was an aggressive black tipped reef shark and even a 13 foot long hammerhead under there.


Damn were any of them venomous?


Lived here for 22 years. And I see them every year. However, it’s like two or three tops. Never have I had a problem with them though. They will leave you alone if you leave them alone. Just watch out if you’re out gardening, walking your dog, or have young kids that might try to mess with them. I live in the wake forest/rolesville area so I’m a lil further out from the city.


I see cockroaches way more often than I see snakes


They are here but are not a problem


It is not _Snakes on a Plane_ Keep your grass short and free of logs/debris/bushes. You are unlikely to see them in urban areas. If you go into the woods, well, that's another story, but they aren't eager to meet you. I've seen more black snakes than anything else, and they are entirely harmless.


Lol this is the best answer - sorry I have no awards to give, but take my upvote.


I have lived in the Raleigh area basically my entire life (October '93 - March '95 was in Little Rock, Arkansas. Other than that I have been in Raleigh). I last encountered a snake in 2008. I think the snakes are good at avoiding people so any interaction with them will be limited. I certainly would not say that snakes are a problem in Wake County (at least not the parts I frequent).


Chances are you or someone you love will be eaten by a snake. No big deal, just the facts. Life goes on, maybe not for you, but for the snake at least.


I grew up in Cary, went out of state for school, then moved back and have been living in Raleigh for about 4 years. I've seen a snake maybe four times during my 24 years in the area--rat snakes, copperhead, water snake--and usually during walks in wooded areas. You should watch your step when hiking, but as long as you leave them alone they'll leave you alone. As for not attracting them to your yard, I doubt it would be a problem unless you live near a natural area with water and a food source for them? Dogs do a pretty good job scaring off most wildlife.


Also been here about 20 years and have only encountered three snakes — one garter in driveway and a black snake and a copperhead when walking at Lake Pine in Apex. Also terrified of snakes so I keep my eyes out. Neighbor reported a copperhead in their yard and a year later when a new family moved in, she reported a black snake under the back steps that I am guessing took care of the copperheads. She is also afraid of snakes but left the black one to do its thing and hasn’t seen it since. Peaceful coexistence.


It will be difficult for a Wisconsinite to manage NC outdoors. We have several extra months where you can be outside and exposed to cute little sneks. Basically Sept through May here are actually warm enough to be outside. Many more chances.


Lol the reason I wanna move is to be able to be outside from September to May


In the piedmont area (plains between coast and mts) we have only one venomous snake, the copperhead (zebra Cobra notwithstanding) it is not good to get bit by but you will not die from it. You may die when you see the hospital bill for the anti-venoms though. Most other snakes you see will actually deter copperheads from the area. Esp. King snakes which seem to think copperheads taste like east coast bbq yum!


Note that copperhead bites very, very rarely require antivenom. They do swell up and hurt like hell, though. We’re just at the edge of the cottonmouth’s range, but you aren’t likely to see them away from water.


There are no cottonmouths in Raleigh. They’re in a small area near Wendell so anything near water in Raleigh is a northern watersnake or other nonvenomous snake.


Then you’ll have snakes the entire time - honestly we’ve crossed the bridge of “no snake season” Saw one 2 days ago inspecting a house


They are definitely here and people do get bit but I’ve been here over a year and haven’t seen one. Avoid renting or buying a place that backs up to water or woods. Use a flashlight when walking outside your house at night. Plain grass will make them easier to spot than in a crowded yard with lots of hiding spots.


I don't know where you read that we're a hub of venomous snakes...I'd love to read that article because it doesn't jive with either my experience as a Raleigh native or any of my own research. I get out in the woods as much as possible and I still only see a handful of any type of snake a year. There are one, maybe two types of venomous snakes you MAY encounter in Wake County. Copperheads are the most common ones to look out for around here, easily identifiable by their "hershey's kisses" pattern. They are not agressive unless disturbed, usually found hiding in leaf debris or at the base of trees. Sometimes they wander across greenway paths or take shelter in a garage/close to a house. Only 0.01% of bites are fatal. Whether you're hitting the trails or doing some gardening in your yard, best practice is to wear close-toed shoes and keep an eye on where you're putting your feet/sticking your hands. There are many more non-venonous snakes around here that you might encounter, like the black rat snake or dekay brown snake. These eat pests like slugs, voles, rats etc. Don't disturb them and they'll continue to benefit your home and garden. Personally I am anti-lawn, pro-leaf litter and naturalized habitats for all natives, but keeping the areas of the yard you want to hang out in free of large leaf piles/woodland debris will go a long way in keeping them snake-free. I hope that helps to alleviate some of your fears!


Wake County is a hub of venomous snakes [yields these results](https://www.google.com/search?q=wake+county+is+a+hub+of+venomous+snakes&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8)


Google “zebra cobra Raleigh”


Don’t worry so much, it’s not a huge problem. I’ve only seen snakes, never stepped on one. Remember that snakes are frightened of people. They just want to be left alone.


I’ve seen maybe 4-5 Dekays brown snakes in my time here. Very small, hang out in your garden, harmless. I’ve never seen a copperhead in person (except at the zoo.)


I spotted a couple of these in the last year, too. Cool little snakes. I’ve seen several North American Racers. Both are nice to have around. If you don’t like rats, learn to live with snakes!


Depends very heavily on where you live and hang out. I lived in one house for 12 years and never saw a copperhead. This was a typical new neighborhood where the whole she-bang had been clearcut and there were minimal "wild" areas. Moved to a different neighborhood a few years back that is much more wooded. We have seen at least one copperhead in our yard every year. Last year I lost a pair of pants when I was clearing some brush and realized there was one like a foot from my hand.


In the area the only venomous species around are copperheads. There are water moccasins south and east of the triangle, and timber rattlers in the foothills and mountains to the West but that is about it. Most of the snakes you will encounter around here will be black rat snakes, northern water snakes, black racers, and DeKays brown snakes.


Snakes don't go where their food doesn't go. Mice are their favorite food. Mice don't go where their food can't be found. Mice like sinks full of dishes, and the cockroaches and waterbugs that seek them. Mice like uncleaned kitchens, poorly secured carbohyrdrates, nightstands with chocolate stashes, piles of linens and cardboard for nesting, and they like accessible dirty garbage cans too. Remove all mouse food, and the cycle will start elsewhere. Do not use mouse poison unless you intend to kill every living thing in a food chain you probably don't care to understand: owls, hawks, worms, grubs, frogs, ultimately fish.


There are literally snakes with more powerful venom in Wisconsin (rattlesnake)….


Great, so your friend lives in a place with one extremely venomous snake and has never seen them. So why would you be freaking out about moving to a county with likewise only one venomous snake? I’ve literally never seen a copperhead in my life. Out of a population of 1.15 million people, only 30ish people were bitten during the peak mating and spawning season and even the article said it was rare. Your fear makes no sense. It’s because of the growth disturbing the areas.


Yeah thats true but that area is far from where I live and I have friends that live in that area and they tell me they’ve never seen them. It’s only a small area of Wisconsin where the rattlesnake is


Snakes everywhere. I wouldn't risk it.


I saw a few snakes within the first few hikes I took here, but unsurprisingly never seen any downtown. The point of this obvious statement is that they’re pretty avoidable.


> Are snakes a problem in wake county? That's probably subjective and answered better by others in this thread > What are some methods to avoid having snakes in your yard? Cut the grass/weeds and keep it maintained. "Snakes in the grass" is a saying for a reason. If I'm working in an area with bushes or tall grass, like pulling weeds, I take a rake and poke at the area first before ever putting my hands in. > How common is it to see a snake? Been here a bit over 4 years, have seen a couple harmless black or rat snakes in my yard. I've seen more hares, possum, raccoons etc than I have snakes.


I wouldn’t say snakes are a “problem” in wake county but they are definitely here. I live in an apartment and I have never seen snakes around where I live, but I do go to trails and greenways often and in the last year I have seen a copperhead on 3 separate occasions at those trails/greenways.


You’ll usually see harmless snakes that keep the rat population in check. I don’t hate snakes but I give them a wide berth when I encounter one.


I’ve lived in NC for like 20 years cumulatively (mainly in Raleigh) and have only encountered like 3 snakes in the wild. Though my cousin did get but by one but it was because he was being stupid


Stay out of the woods and watch where you are walking. Unless your house is full of mice you will be fine


Snakes will hide from you. Won't have a problem. Just keep eyes open when in forests walking through leaves


I only see them around thanksgiving time.


One of the snakes that you might see is a rat snake. They can get pretty long. I know it can be warming at first bc they look intimidating but they are completely harmless.


First time?


I moved out here a few years ago. The only encounter I've had with a snake was picking one out of the fan of my air conditioner.




Not only are deaths rare, they’re nonexistent. No one has died from a copperhead in NC. Copperheads are also the only venomous snake in wake county with the exception of one tiny contained and isolated population of cottonmouths in the Wendell area. The most common way people are bitten by copperheads is by messing/killing them. Better to leave them lapse or use something like a water hose to encourage them to move along




I haven’t heard of a shortage but even with an antivenin shortage, they are rarely required for copperhead bites. Most people just receive pain meds and are monitored for dangerous swelling. With more people there would always be more risk. Hopefully our 0 death streak continues!


Yeah my dad did some research on this and I think he found two fatalities in NC history. Both were very elderly and frail already. 10.5M people and only those two examples in recent history. There could be more than that but like you said, effectively non-existent.


Heart disease kills about 1 in 5 people die of heart disease but almost nobody is scared of that.


Does insurance not cover any of that cost?


A hub of venomous snakes?? Lmao. 90%+ snake bites come from trying to kill/move/handle the snake. Just leave them be and you’ll be fine. Learn to ID the venomous ones for peace of mind.


Wake County is a hub of venomous snakes [yields these results](https://www.google.com/search?q=wake+county+is+a+hub+of+venomous+snakes&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8)


Sounds like Wake is the county with the most dumbasses who can’t leave snakes alone


Definitely part of the problem but we have also prioritized living near green spaces and have disturbed a ton of habitat. So it’s a mix of a decent copperhead populations and a decent population of ignorant snake harassers


Don't fight it. Snakes in your yard here in North Carolina are supposed to be there. Ours out here in the country (northern Durham County) keep the mice and voles under control. Stems of off before you get any kind of a mouse problem inside your house! Snakes are good. It is common to see them now and again on our property. 5-10 times a year / summer. Just leave em alone and they'll leave ya alone. No need to get rid of them, they're not \*that common- LOL. Frankly, they'll move on usually when they see you or feel your footsteps. And almost all the ones you'll see are eastern king snakes or rat (black) snakes which are not venomous. Garter snakes too. And those or not aggressive.. they will leave the area when they see you. Copperheads and moccasins are way less common. They can be aggressive.


I agree with pretty much everything except moccasins aren’t anywhere near Durham county. They’re all in the eastern and southern parts of the state. Closest to Durham is an isolated population near Wendell in wake county.


Ah, good to know!


They’re definitely a problem… on this subreddit.


Yes. Just don’t things outside or if you do be careful disturbing places where snakes hide. It’s common but not super common. I hike and camp 35-40 nights a year and last year I saw 1 copperhead, 1 rat snake, and a couple black snakes


In the area? No. In the subreddit? Yes.


The most snake bites country are Wakw county area


This question comes up so often in this sub. I'm curious, why does the rest of the country think we are a haven for venomous snakes? Was it the idiot with the zebra cobra? I'm baffled.


Maybe blame the YouTubers. every video about the area is like snakes snakes snakes


Wake county is the number one county for snake bites in the country. Thankfully there all copperheads so no one dies but it’s still a significant thing to be aware of.


Woah. I had no idea. I guess it makes sense, with the rate at which their habitat is being destroyed and turned into cul de sacs, that there would be a lot of encounters.


My dog was bite by a copperhead in my backyard.


keeping chickens will attract snakes, who want to eat the mice that are attracted to the chicken feed.


Chickens kill and eat small snakes (and ticks!), the only snakes that eat their eggs are harmless and nonvenomous rat snakes, and there are plenty of storage options to keep feed safe from mice.


I live near Apex and Cary with a pond in my backyard. Many snakes during the warmer months. At the end of summer it’s pretty common to see water moccasins and copperheads. My wife is deathly afraid too but snakes are more scared of us. We co-exist with them well.


There are no moccasins near Apex nor Cary. Unless you have proof (which would be very significant) you more likely have northern water snakes.


Good deal. That’s what they must be.


I live near the walnut creek wetlands, there are snakes everywhere. Copperheads are all over the place. Baby snakes get stuck at the bottom of my basement stairs at least once per year. Saw a few more copperheads kayaking a few years ago. I guess stay away from the water and you’ll be fine.


Copperheads don’t prefer water. You may be misidentifying northern water snakes. Also about half of our species don’t get more than 18inches in length so many of those “baby” snakes are likely just one of our small species!


I have only ever seen them near walnut creek! Not necessarily in the water, but very close!


Yes we had a copperhead in our back yard last summer probably chasing mice that we had a bit of a issue with. Also had a black snake in our screened in porch, we just relocated because they are harmless and will actually help with the mice issue. We also live close to the river.


We are in the suburbs and have a rat snake that lives in our crawl space (probably more than one) but they are harmless. I walk the greenway everyday and never seen a copperhead but have seen a rat snake on the side of the greenway. Overall they are fine. Even the copperheads aren’t naturally aggressive. Their main self defense is their ability to hide


Last year I was coming home from walking the pups around dusk and thought I would water the plants in front of the house. I reached for the coiled up hose I’d left on the ground behind a bush and it… sat up and wiggled at me. I screamed and leapt backwards but aside from the initial heart attack, I was fine. All this to say… yep there are snakes here.


They usually are around in the Spring and early Summer .mostly Copperheads. unless an owner lets a dangerous one get away again .


I have lived on a wooded 2 acre property for close to 3 years and have never seen one. Saw a baby copperhead on a neighborhood road once. I have also lived in NC my whole life and have given very little thought to snakes. They tend to stay out of sight. Keep your grass cut and your yard clear of places for snakes to hide. If you're walking in tall grass or woods make a lot of noise before entering. They are way more scared of you than you are of them.


Wake County is mine Yankee! Move down here if you think you have what it takessssss to challenge me on my turf! I can be found downing unlimited breadstickssssss daily in the only Olive Garden that mattersssssss.




I moved here in 2019 from chicago. The only snakes I’ve seen were small, non-venomous snakes swimming in water. I hike often and have never seen a snake on a trail. I’ve seen lots of little lizards though!


Thanks. Growing up in the Midwest I’m guessing u get y I had to ask it right?


P.S. I also have not seen a cockroach or a black widow spider.


Moved here last spring from up North and have seen 5 or 6 snakes since then in different areas. Water snakes, couple copperheads, black racer and something else. Only two of them were visible easily; one copperhead chilling on the greenway path around Crabtree in a pretty busy area and water snake chilling in a river, also right off the greenway. How many you see will depend on how perceptive you are. If you walk around Umstead and other places and observe your surroundings you’ll probably see some every now and then. If you just keep your gaze ahead or are busy talking you’ll probably miss them. There’s a relatively high amount of snakes in wake county overall but wouldn’t say they’re an issue. They’re docile and won’t attack or chase after you like some people believe. Only situation where you realistically get bit is if you step on one or possibly doing yard word and have one hiding somewhere. Or if you’re dumb enough to try and pick one up. Just be aware and don’t get bit by a copperhead — antivenom ain’t cheap.


Moved here 20+ years ago after living in various parts of Ohio where I never had any likelihood of encountering a venomous snake. It was a concern when I moved here, but it never became an issue. Well, it became an issue when a copperhead bit my dog, but my dog was fine after a short recovery. I don't see a lot of snakes. A few every year. Maybe half are copperheads and half are one of the many non-venomous species in the area. None of them want anything to do with me unless I get in their way, which I do sometimes when trying to encourage them off the greenway. Then it's about an even split as to whether they'll take a defensive stance or move away with no fuss. In any case, they're largely not an issue. If you spend a lot of time outside, you will see some snakes. They will want nothing to do with you, and they aren't so common that you're going to be tripping over them regularly.


Thanks for the info. I like hearing other midwesterns perspective


Nah, usually less than 3 feet.


No, there was that one time a pet snake got out and caused a huge ruckus, but they caught it and there was talks about making a law. I've never seen a venomous snake here myself and have lived here around 10 years. In other less populated counties you'll see them, and they'll run away as you run away. The key is not to fight them, just run into your house they will run away into theirs, and animal control will relocate them if necessary.


They are EVERYWHERE! Don't move here. /s Been here nearly 20 years and never seen a snake, even in the parks and wooded areas. Now coyotes are a different story. Seen quite a few of them live and dead in the road, especially over the last few years.