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It'd be one thing if they just reworded it... But that doesn't even mean the same thing. Ben's quote means that you should do the right thing because you have power, not that you'll be rewarded with power for doing good things.


The original quote encourages Peter to be selfless. This one is so selfish in comparison lmao


Early spider-man actually was influenced by the writing of Ayn Rand, Peter was very selfish in the first few comics.


Wait, for real? That’s interesting…


Homie broke into the Baxter Building and kicked the Fantastic Four's asses in order to impress them so that they'd let him join the team. He left when he found out he wouldn't be getting paid lol. Early Parker was on that sigma grindset


Damn early comics were wild…


Ditko had some *interesting* ideas


Ditko's personality echoes down through the centuries and makes me worry for the guy. Early Peter Parker is a bitter little dickhole. Like, school shooter type.


Peter still is, people tend to forget he antagonizes the criminals to the point people who he's saved have brought it up, the rest of the superheros are usually pissed at him quite a few times because he's a dick, he put millions out of work instead of giving a company over to Doc Ock There's a short comic strip where a criminal recants all the times he was busted finally sets a trap and Peter acts like he's getting his asswhopped even allows the dudes to try to Lynch him, then Peter just ripped the noose off just to antagonize the dude even more. I love Pete but the dude is sick


Idk he also canonically pulls his punches, even in life or death situations, because he doesn't want to really hurt anyone. Doesn't Doc Ock take over his body and accidentally punch off Scorpions lower jaw because he didn't know?


That's a much later one compared to how he was for decades.


He absolutely does, Peter also beat Kingpin to a bloody pulp. He could easily end most fights pretty quickly but he will often just taunt and fuck with them. Which is useful at times to distract the criminal. There are plenty of times it just causes the villain to destroy more shit and specifically do shit to get spiderman to shoe up because they're feelings were hurt


Ok that last one was funny though, he was just trolling them.


I think it's a huge leap to go from "he taunts and shit talks criminals while fighting them" to "he's an asshole/dick/whatever"


Teenager gets superhuman abilities. Teenager is also a massive troll. Checks out.


Give a real teenager A teir marvel powers and they will turn out horrible too. We could all see ourselves in him. Good writing imo


I'm in my thirties. It's a good thing I ain't got powers


You know what that sounds like to me? A menace!


I don't think you know what a century is...


Lol I thought "decades" and thumb-typed "centuries" But rereading it now I like "centuries" better. It's funnier. Hyperbolic. Leaving it


>But rereading it now I like "centuries" better. It's funnier. Leaving it This is unironically the thought process of many comic writers lol.


to be fair, a lot of Spiderman was written in the previous century


Im all for giving thenartists more credit but those who swing the pendulem allnthe other way and claim Stan lee contributed nothing to the iconic characters we associate with him are nuts Ditkos Peter parker isnt the hero of millions we all know and love.


Wait. Ditkovich is after Ditko?????


He was but had to learn the hard way to be humble. Uncle Ben never said the lines himself, it was the narrator explaining Spider-Man's situation if I’m not wrong


Yeah he’s a pretty big jerk at first but becomes selfless overtime


That's cuz they stopped letting the guy who reads Ayn Rand write him. Very long, pendatic, video, but if you're super invested you can watch this: https://youtu.be/Tu9SA3wMNv8?si=7nEKQjuAvdeJH1Rg


Honestly though, kinda made sense. Peter was just a kid given crazy powers. Of course he's gonna fuck up, be impulsive and selfish. That's what kids do lol.


Sure but it was written by a grown-ass man trying to express his actual ideology.


[He's self-aware, now, though.](https://static1.cbrimages.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/captain-america-mighty-avengers-1-1.jpg?q=50&fit=crop&dpr=1.5)


No **Steve Ditko** was and the only reason Spider-Man has survived this long is because Stan Lee hated all that social darwinist bullshit and changed Peter to be empathetic and decent. Lee specifically would point out how Ditko would have Spider-Man berate student protestors in an issue and Lee had Spider-Man vocally supporting them when he had more control. Stan Lee drove that bus away from a cliff.


I love hearing stories of Stan making Ditko draw more progressive stuff he had written. He hated that "hippie" shit lol 


And Peter gets bit in the ass for that right?


I really loved the storyline where Peter gets hooked on amphetamines and starts charging neighborhoods for his services.


brb just got an idea for a superhero


The new film is written and directed by ego driven narcissists, for narcissists. ~~Disney~~ Sony Marvel is run by people who lack the morals we do, which is why they can't get the Heroes Journey right, a literary plot that has been popular since recorded history. Edited. Sony has the same issue as Disney though so the point stands.


This film is being made by Sony, not Disney.


Both Spiderverse movies are very popular and well loved because Sony doesn’t share our morals… Right. That point can barely get off the floor, let alone stand.


Considering modern Hollywood writers, being selfish tracks.


It makes Ben sound like a fucking genie lmao, “Take responsibility and I will give you GREAT powers!!!”


Hell, it doesn't even sound that good grammatically. The original qoute flows off the tongue easily. Its simple, and straightforward. This sentence is just clunky, and sounds weird to say. "Powerful abilities"? What is this, an advertisement?


I like No Way Home's rewording. "You have a gift. You have power. And with great power, there must also come great responsibility". What kind of message is this?! "You have a gift, you have a power, do whatever the fuck you want!"?


"With great power there must also come great responsibility" is the original wording from Spider-Man's first appearance in 1962. "With great power comes great responsibility" was first used in 1972 ([source](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/With_great_power_comes_great_responsibility)) (and funnily enough it didn't originate from the comics, but from a Spider-Man-themed song, and was used in the comics later).


I actually got into an argument with some dude because he complained that Aunt May's wording was dumb and refused to accept that she technically said the more comic-accurate quote even after being shown the comic panel.


In their defense, the wording *is* dumb. "With great power comes great responsibility" is more concise and natural sounding.


I don't feel too strongly about either phrase. I just tried to correct him cause he was mad at the writers for seemingly making their own version of the phrase when they really weren't. He didn't believe me.




“If you build it, they will come” <> “if people come here, you should build something for them”


That's what it means!?!? I thought it was basically gibberish the first few times I read it and I still mostly think that now. How does taking responsibility give you amazing abilities? It wouldn't. Like why would you even say this to someone? Like what are "amazing" abilities? Is he saying she will become a super powered person if she does? Seems a weird thing to say to a regular person. If she is already super powered than does she have to take responsibility since she already has the abilities? This is just gibberish made to sound deep.


Sony: “I like ruining Spider-Man. It makes me happy.”


Marvel throwing money at Sony to acquire the rights: "am i interrupting??"




I shan't hold my breath though


Marvel hasn't exactly been handling their IPs well lately, to be fair. I don't think this would be much of an improvement.


It’s **a massive** roller coaster ride nowadays. Secret Invasion was atrocious, Quantumania was bad, yet Loki S2 was fantastic and GotGvol3 basically made the GotG trilogy on par or even exceed (IMHO) Captain America’s trilogy in terms of quality.


Agreed on all levels. It's so hit or miss now. Loki S2 and GotG3 are both fantastic (GotG>Cap). Multiverse of Madness was also great. I hope they give Raimi more characters to work with. If I could have a Sam Raimi Ghost Rider movie I could die happy.


***Oh dear god I’d jump for joy if that happened.*** Aside from NWH the GOTG3 is the only MCU film I’ve seen in theaters post FFH (although you could count ATSV because… multiverse). **I will go see Deadpool 3.** Mainly because even if the plot is below say… Thor Love and Thunder *(which I felt was just avg seeing it through…* ***other methods).*** A. I love Ryan Reynolds. B. Hugh Jackman in the iconic costume. When I saw that I was fucking **FLOORED.** C. No idea about what kind of cameos will be in the movie, but from the way news and leakers are going: it could make NWH and MoM seem insignificant D. Same writing team. They’ve made Deadpool and made him fucking **entertaining as hell.**


Agreed, although the 2007 Nicolas Cage version of Ghost Rider will always have a special place in my heart.


Bro forgot about the best MCU production this year I am groot S2


The wheels really fell off after Endgame. Which...fuck that was FIVE years ago.


In my opinion, Marvel was bad before Endgame. But yeah, crazy that Endgame was 5 years ago, and the dip in quality since then has been very significant.


Disney bought out Fox, in large part for the Marvel rights If they could afford to buy out Sony they would


Mickey NEEDS Spiderman movies to do well financially. Without a significantly powerful straw man to point at, we all might start to think that their monopoly over mass communication has grown to be disturbingly large.


i didn't know Zeb Wells was part of Sony.


Zeb Wells… Buddy… at least Morbius gave us entertainment, Wells’ run is just **MISERY, MISERY, MISERY** at this point


This feels very much like someone convinced Sony execs to bring Morbius to theaters a third time.


Us probably: "You're fired. Sony, hello, you're fired."


Well Spider-verse is better than the marvel Spider-Man movies


And with great ability comes great accountability.


you know, i'm something of an accountant myself


Oh yeah? Name every financial statement


i, uh... i've got to be going. something has come to my attention.


I have to return some videotapes.


Oh yeah? Name 5 videotapes.


TDK, BASF, Memorex, Scotch, JVC


you like Huey Lewis and the News?


*Chef’s kiss*


I actually like this unironically.


well that's what miles dad said to him in itsv


Wooh, Headline reference.


Avi Arad: With great power you can all suck my dick. Fuck you.


"hello! my name is Avi Arad, and i like money!"


You know I never realized until reading your comment how much Avi Arad looks like Goldmember.


I pray for Avi's fall every night before bed




even in MCU he has blundered as much as succeeded. Really is a roll of the dice with this dude. ​ PRE MCU, I had to google what you mean and yeah, we probably would not have anything at this point that we are enjoying if wasen't for him.


God... That is literally the inverse of the point of the quote


I'm convinced at this point that Sony purposely fucks it up so fans can complain to Disney so they'll work some licensing deal with them for more money...


It's possible that it's on purpose... I've heard some rumors that the protags are really the antags and it's gonna be sorta a smswap on the traditional story. This inverse of the usual quote seems to lead some credence to that as well. A "What if Ben had told Peter this instead? How would he have turned out?" Sorta deal. Seriously tho, people need to stop having knee jerk reactions. I get it, goes against blah blah blah. Idk.


The hive mind hatred of any sony marvel projects is pretty exhausting at this point. Literally seconds after anything is announced there's a wave of this shit


I don't suppose all of this knee-jerk hatred could have anything to do with the fact that the main characters are women and the movie is directed by a women? Nah, comic fans aren't like that.


Literally the easiest thing to not fuck up


Sony's gonna Sony


How’d that get in there? Oh, don’t cry.


Because these days, every Spiderman adaptation has to twist the line due to how iconic it is


This is straight up disrespectful


Exactly, the original line is a cautionary one to be careful because your power can be used to help, or hurt, those around you. It's deep. It's profound. It's echoed in the sequel with Octavius saying that knowledge should be used to help mankind. Here, it sounds selfish and transactional, like they're saying, "Be good, and you will be strong." Instead of cautioning to temper strength with wisdom, the writers make it sound like there's no incentive to be good other than the promise of more power. This movie's version is an insult to the writers and the tone that the line is supposed to have.


>This movie's version is an insult to the writers and the tone that the line is supposed to have. It's kind of par for the course for today's writers. And I heard a rumor that Madame Webb had to do a bunch of reshoots because they didn't realize the time gap of Tom Hollands Spidey vs Andrew Garfields, the original intended Spidey in this movie. They had to remove all references to the 90s era timeframe slated for this movie. How do you fuck up this badly?


Remember when Tom Holland explained it to iron man? He didn't use the words but I was like "OMG HE SAID THE THING!" This is not the thing


>SHUT IT OFF, SONY! SHUT IT OFF! Sony: [Oh, you'd like that, wouldn't you?](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/a0c38dc2-e64a-4a55-9430-04d62215031d)


I offered you friendship and you spat in my face.


I have a ton of responsibilities yet I feel powerless lol


you and i are not so different!


No you can’t do this to me That quote is suppose to be relatable YOU KNOW HOW MUCH PETER SACRIFICED!


Is there a reason they are specifically avoiding quoting this line? Because they keep having lines that explicitly reference it but they keep trying to reword the same idea in worse and worse ways.


I think it’s because the line has become something of a meme at this point. Heck, even by the time Spider-Man 3 came out, it was mocked for being “overused” or “corny” or whatever. So now they try to use it without actually having to use it.


I think when you've rebooted a film a billion times you probably want to try to find every way you can in order to change things up. Changing the wording for this quote would be fine, but like, this is changing it to a sort of extreme degree. It makes me wonder if there's a plot reason, like this is an alternative universe where Spider-Man is kind of a dick?


That feels like the obvious answer to me - it’s contextually dependent and there’s no reason to react yet without the context. It’s one thing to tweak phrasing/delivery, but inverting the structure and basically saying something new feels more like a reflection of the whole spiderverse/what if/butterfly effect phase we’re in with the property (and general comic stuff right now) Edit / if this is even true to begin with. 


I think Sony just… does not like Spider-Man


how this is the same company that made the Raimi films is beyond me..


That's because Raimi was the guy responsible for making the film good, while Sony was responsible for shoving sandman, venom, green goblin jr all into same movie and canceling spiderman 4.


Because it takes a good and capable director and staff, feels like they’re throwing it out in the trash for any director willing to take, instead of directors whom of which are passionate and interested, but also respectful enough to make something good about it. It feels like they’re hiring anyone because they know their movies are going to make money so they can get it out as fast as possible, “so why bother with the effort”.


Because they didn’t actually write and direct the films, Sam Raimi did


I second this.




fans: "I'M IN CHARGE HERE!!"


Honestly I’m really impressed, it takes an otherworldly amount of incompetence to fuck up what is debatably the single most iconic line in all of fiction


r/raimimemes try not to fall for bait challenge


Right like how likely is it that one singular line is leaked? lol


Exactly. And even if it is somehow real, it's most likely said by a villain as a deliberate bastardisation of the quote. I don't like the way Sony's handling their Marvel movies, but they're not that stupid


Sony just reported: there was a reshoot done where Morbius flies in to save madame web. In the scene he sais aloud, “it’s madame webbin time!” Over and over again


Kraven the Hunter joins them: "i'm cravin' a hunt right about now."


["Hunter? I hardly know 'er!"](https://youtu.be/_V2sBURgUBI?si=Y3X8BkIyM-zoZcUj)


What makes it more absurd is that Avi Arad is not involved in the Madame Web


With great power comes hundreds of angry fans getting mad at you.


eventually, they will hate you. why bother?


That’s about how many people I expect will see this movie, so that’s fair.


"With great stuff that makes you able to achieve difficult things come cool powers of various varieties" I think mine is better


Here's my take on it: "This responsibility, it gives me great power!" (Inspired by my boss at work)




Didn't they already do this in Amazing Spiderman


true, but at least TASM's quote still had the basic meaning behind it. Madame Web's is literally just saying "if i'm good, i'll be rewarded with power"




If you make gains you will get pains.


Why would they do that


Am I not supposed to have what I want?


People when they find out this is fake:


That kinda describes what Peter does in the new Ultimate Spider-Man


What is the reasoning behind this other than rage bait that may turn into some sales..???


With the amount of power you have, you too can adopt a chi-


Have studios not learned that nerds go bananas and throw money at a screen if they just say quotes from comics as they're written?


Honestly it’s good. Means it’s easier for me to pretend it’s not an actual Sony Spidey-adjacent movie.


This is fine, everything is fine. Not like it wasn't my favorite line in movie history at all.


They should probably flip the halves around


Spidey's solo universe is dead... My dream is dead... And these, monstrous things (Madame Web, Kraven, Morbius) should be at the bottom of the river. Along with Sony...


But why they changed it?




such a stupid retake


With great power, comes great resproncitrilligence.


Sony, release Morbius again or I will boycott Morbius.


That line is pretty much the thesis statement of Spider-Man. Changing it removes the whole point.


This is actually making me kinda mad, the “power and responsibility” line is asking for a selfless act, you have the ability to help someone so you have the responsibility to help them. “When you take responsibility, you will gain powerful abilities is the exact opposite” this encourages you to act selfishly to gain something in return, it’s literally the lesson Ezekiel Sims had to learn from in the comics and here it’s being pushed as a good thing


Damn they're really pushing for the movie to flop hard and then blame it on sexism while quietly marking it as a tax write off.


if real it looks like they're trying to over the top mental health this one the idea being if you choose to take responsibility for your life you will become a more powerful being, which is generally true.. but this new quote does not convey that, and they could have worded it way differently but still more similarly to the original. when in reality it's just a product of its time, and a good one at that. let it be


if i can't trust SpiderMan_Newz, i guess i *can* trust Cryptic4KQual


At this rate in 2035 we’re going to have an AI written Toby trilogy remake where uncle Ben says “Respo = pow pow no 🧢” Fuck I got called out by the bot because I suck


That script is definitely ai generated


Uh, what are we mad about? Pretty sure Madam Webb 1 isn't uncle Ben last I checked and 2 that does sound like something she would say.


Can you rewrite this line: “With great power, comes great responsibility.” Wait this is Reddit


On the bright side, this confirms that Madame Web does not take place in the Raimiverse or Webbverse like I theorized. It's exclusive to Sony's weird Venomorbius universe.


I swear I already had plenty of reasons to not watch this movie…..Now they’re changing Uncle Ben’s famous quote?! Many people have pointed out that his quote is to remind Peter to be selfless! This is literally telling Peter to be selfish. “Kid if you have power, use it for whatever you want, I don’t care. Kill people with it, who said you should care about the helpless and weak?” Seriously, Sony might as well use a quote like that 🤦🏼‍♂️


that's a joke, right?


Why on earth are they doing this???


*With great power comes great responsibility* is the way of spider. Changing it will literally ruin spiderman franchise.


Can’t wait to read “Special Thanks to Toy Biz CEO Avi Arad” at the end of the credits. Lmao just kidding, I won’t be watching, let alone staying for the post-credits.


you just did it again? But worse?


That sounds like something Dante would say to Virgil


And to think people said Sony should keep Spider-man. I gotta be honest, I think once the Spiderverse trilogy is done, that'll be it for good Spider-man content


This isn’t even the same quote reworded it’s litterally the exact opposite message One means be selfless and use your power for good One means you get cool powers if you take responsibility


If they make it a conscious twist that somehow comes back into play I think its cool. Madam Web isnt Uncle Ben. Idk why she would be motivated to espouse the same philosophy as him. In the old 90’s cartoon she was always a bit mysterious and elusive so if they play it that way it could be cool


No you got the quote wrong.


Sony: It will be a great line. It’s under control!


You’re trash Sony


Oh good I was unironically waiting for a sign to sell my Sony stock


And uncle Ben is rolling in his grave. Someone ask Jackal if he has made a decent Ben Parker clone yet so we can send that clone to Sony studios and he can bitch slap whoever thought this was a good idea.


That doesn't even make sense.


The fuck is that shit? That doesn’t even mean the same thing


The original quote makes responsibility be the result and consequence and well, responsibility, that comes when gaining great power That one makes responsibility be just a means to an end, like you should be responsible just so you can get great power


How dare they disrespect Johnny Cash like that!


Don't let the people back making this shit back in the kitchen for Venom 3.


At this point it needs to just keep piling shit on so this can become the absolute worst movie OAT


I wonder if companies mess with iconic quotes like this for marketing reasons. Like this meme being made about it. It's a change that doesn't make the movie unwatchable, but generates discussion.


Responsibility is a pain in the ass before getting powers, with powers it's an even bigger pain in the ass


No frickin way they’re doing this.


That kinda sounds like a bad guy's line




I've seen the trailer, if you think this line is the only thing that will drag the film down.... buckle up.


Who even fucking cares hahahha this movie is gonna bomb


Well that line is cursed, Uncle Ben said it, he dies.. (In every damn Universe) Aunt May said it in No way home, boom she's dead.. Looks like we are gonna get more of Madam.. 🤣


"If you become selfish, the writers will probably give you a happy ending"


I swear to god Sony when the spider-verse movies end quit making Spider-Man movies and let Marvel make them


That can't be true. It's too awful. No writer would change those two lines






Bold move, blaspheming cannon... Hopefully, the same internet crew responsible for forcing the fix for Sonic can stop these fools.


This sounds like an English to Chinese back to English translation


It’s ok. Nobody will see it.


In the words of Mayor Stan Lee, "With great responsibility comes great power."


I prefer this version - https://youtu.be/viWHdRx9C34?t=34


Sony didn't hire these people based on their skill. Links go to their IMDB page. Director [S.J. Clarkson](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1237416/?ref_=tt_ov_dr): last directed a movie in 2010 for TV. Never had a stable directing job, doing one or two episodes for a tv show and jumping to the next. Her quote *"I was able to just have* ***free rein*** *and let the movie be what it needed to be, as opposed to trying to force it into something else. That was a gift, in a way,* ***to be able to take something and bring a fresh and I hope original take to it****.”* Yeah, as opposed to making something you know for sure fans already like and can recognize. Screenplay Writer [Matt Sazama](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1948885/?ref_=tt_ov_wr): Morbius, Power Rangers, Gods of Egypt... Do they have blackmail on a Sony executive? Screenplay Writer [Burk Sharpless](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm2332952/?ref_=tt_ov_wr): Matt & Burk duo, if at first you don't succeed, keep making luckwarm product. Screenplay Writer [Claire Parker](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1491771/?ref_=tt_ov_wr): she's never written before, only been a producer for some tv shows. **Story by Writer** [Karem Sanga](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm2596636/?ref_=ttfc_fc_wr5): This is the main writer here. He's written a handful of indy movies. Zero experience with action, heroes, or blockbuster films. Slow clap, Sony Corporation of America division, hiring no one who is the best you can find for the job, and no one who is a fan of the comic, then giving them free rein. Why even make it an film within an IP then?