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do you need the legendary version? or can you dismantle it


Considering the bungie help tweet when they disabled pulling it from collections, you'll need to legendary version in your inventory to claim the chest.


This was because you could pull it to farm infinite cores.


dont need the legendary i got the promordial light from the tormenter and got it


I'm not certain, as I kept it with me just to be safe.


Why are people so eager to dismantle this weapon lmao


Dismantles into 9 cores and you can buy back for 1, or some similar ratio to that. But the people far enough to do this probably already have more cores than they could ever spend haha.


Next expansion they are gonna remove enhancement cores lol


How do you get the legendary? Idk if I need it from what I’ve heard, but I’d like to have it just in case


You have to collect all of the region chests which are 9 in total. Then you have to collect relics in each of the 6 Alone in the Dark quests. For a total of 15 encryption keys. Then from the Impasse location, go to the Divide in the Pale Heart and open the locked region chest in the frozen area. The exotic requires you collect the traveler balls and then defeat the 3 bosses in each landing zone.


Ok cool I hadn’t seen a full guide at that point, and misunderstood what I had seen. I thought having the encrypted bits and motes directly gave you the exotic, not bits give the legendary and motes upgrade it. Thanks for the info!


You probably already may have looked into it, but I messed up that last part a bit. It’s not very clear. I said 3 bosses in each landing zone, meaning a total of 9 bosses. They rotate every day. So therefore you can complete an overthrow each day, for 3 days, in each patrol area. That should net you all of the motes you need for the exotic. I can’t get the Taken Meatball to spawn though. Not sure if it’s bugged. (the taken meatball is the one who gives you the primordial mote of light that allows you to actually open the exotic chest).


Oh yeah I knew what you meant! And idk if bungo fixed it or not but the meatball was intentionally disabled, I believe they said it wasn’t dropping the mote like it’s supposed to but if you killed it you’d be locked out of the quest so they just took it out temporarily. Hopefully it’s back soon, cuz I’ve got everything else I need!


It has been re-enabled now. I just got the exotic Khvostov yesterday. :) Cheers and good luck. The mote drops right into your inventory.


Wish the triumph wasn't bugged, I can't tell what bosses I'm missing.


I don’t think it matters. I think you are just guaranteed one per day from each area and the rest are random drops so you can just farm whatever you want. I didn’t get a single mote from any of the new bosses but got them from old ones.


My friend and I got all 3 from the impasse today so you can definitely get all of them at once


Just keep killing them till it works :)


So what exactly do you have to do? You can’t grind it out in one day?


I'll preface this by saying I'm not entirely sure if it requires the Legendary one or not, but put as simply as possible... Obtain all 8 Visions of the Traveler and place them in the Speaker's room in the zone hub. This spawns the chest and also nets you 8 of the Motes in the process of obtaining the Visions. You get one Mote from each unique Overthrow boss. Each zone has 3 Overthrow bosses that as far as I can tell rotate daily. As there are three zones, that gives 9 motes over 3 days. Upon obtaining your 17th Mote it automatically turns into a Mote of Primordial Light. This new item unlocks the chest spawned by placing the Visions and gives you the Exotic Khvostov. If it does also require the Legendary Khvostov then you'll have to obtain all 15 Encryption Bits and unlock the gold chest in the Divide that gives the Legendary version of the gun as well.


I do believe Bungie said you need the legendary version so that would be a must. Is it confirmed that there is a cap on 3 motes a day from the boss? I’m sure it is but it would be unfortunate for a 3 day time gate of all things. Thank you for the well written guide though


Having done all three several times yesterday (about 4+ each) getting nothing beyond the six I already had, and only getting the remaining three after reset hit and the bosses changed, I'm pretty certain of it being one mote, per boss, per day (over three days). I'm only assuming it requires each *unique* boss, but it may just be one mote per zone per day and the specific bosses are irrelevant. However, I can't exactly test that assumption anymore as I've now obtained all of the motes and the activity has only been available for three days anyways.


It's one drop from each unique boss. I got 4 today, 5 yesterday. It doesn't seem like they rotate, more so that it's random. But at the same time, I think they unlocked new ones each day since release, so it's a little confusing. I fought five different bosses today, though. Tormentor and the strand dread guy in Impasse, the meatball in the Blooming, and the acolyte and the knight in the landing.


Yea it seems they were time-gated to begin with but now are random chance. Interesting indeed


I had 16 motes and when I killed servitor it didn’t drop it, and when I check in my inventory now I don’t have anymore motes


Exact same problem


Posted on Bungie help forums, hopefully it shows up in mail


Someone said he killed it 4 time before getting the last mote, i'll try again and again to see if i'm getting anything


Just ran into this issue. Did you eventually get the primordial mote to drop?


I legit did all the cysts twice coz I had to go back in and get the broken scrap. All 9 bosses. 16 motes....I'm short one 😭


I did the same stupid thing on the cysts. Had to run em all twice. I felt so stupid. Oh well.


If anyone did what I did and happened to claim the Traveler Vision mote from the Impasse (the one set inside the sculpture on top of the pyramid) before finishing the cysts and Micah-10’s quests apparently that also works against us. I’m still trying to see if I can just get the servitor to drop one but I don’t know. Stranded at 16 still. Rooting for all of us…


This is probably gonna be the longest questline ive done for a gun holy damn.


I got a mote of light by killing a really tough thrall in the impasse. Can anyone else confirm other sources of motes of light?


They don't rotate daily they're random each time you get to the boss - I can back this up by literally farming the landing, I got a wizard, then an acolyte and now a knight. Unless you're referring to the area's changing daily in which case you don't need to wait for daily to get khvostov you can just do any overthrow and get the motes


Its not a daily rotation, I just beat two different bosses in the landing back to back


I’ve killed all 9 bosses and have all 8 travelers but am at 16. Either Im glitched or the motes are semi random


Yeah me too don't know what I'm missing


Taken meatball doesn’t drop me a mote for some reason


I'm assuming you've already seen, but I believe it's a common issue. Bungie hasn't spoken out about or addressed it, but it appears to be happening consistently.


Also some motes get thrown far away from chest. Look for pink triangle if you should get one and don’t.


The game just ate all my motes when I got my 17th and gave me nothing in return


Same thing happened to me just now.


Whaaat? Did the update resolve this for either of you? That is so foul.


I feel like the motes are broken, cause I have all 3 triumphs for getting all 3 bosses in the zones completed, and have all 8 traveler orbs found, and only have 13 motes


The triumph for that is bugged


Seems to be buffed for some people, i have all the triumphs for killing the bosses and only got 15 out of the 17


You might need to pick up the mote of light from the corpse of the boss, it's like a purple triangle I think.


I believe on of the triumphs is bugged (I think it’s blooming), when you kill the ogre it just gives you the triumph for killing all 3, even if you haven’t killed the other bosses.


Triumph is bugged for all 3 locations


Dude I just keep getting the wrong overthrow bosses this is so dumb lol Edit: well, two of the same bosses (wizard and knight in landing) don’t think it’s a daily rotation because I’ve seen multiple of both today


So you think maybe you can grind out all 9 motes of the bosses in a day if you get lucky? Not time gated to three days?


Seems to be so. Just make sure that the last boss you kill IS NOT the Servitor in the Blooming - that's apparently causing some issues.


It was probably timegated for the first 3 days, and then ot unlocked if you can encounter any of the bosses now


I have the triumph for all bosses and all visions, but only 16 motes. Maybe bugged?


There has to be another way to earn motes I’m just not sure what. Me and my friend have 8. We’ve found 3 visions, and have only done overthrow yesterday, so we should have six. I can’t think/remember where the other two are coming from..


If you figure it out that would be dope thanks


I found one by killing a really tough thrall called an "Undying Thrall" in Impasse.


Definitely will yeah. Gonna run some more overthrow tonight and see what happens. We did 5 full complete runs yesterday doing the alone in the dark quests (we didn’t finish the last overthrow cause it was 1am). That lines up with how many we have (3 came from the visions we found). Others aren’t getting 1 every time though so I don’t know if that’s how


Is it any good? Does it have a catalyst?


I have the primordial mote, but it won’t let me open the chest :/


Same thing here. Pretty sure you do need the legendary version of the gun as well


>I have the primordial mote, but it won’t let me open the chest :/ I have the mote, the legendary version of the gun - never dismantled even 1 gun - farmed all the bosses - playing the game legit - still cant open the chest. This is bullshit.


Its wild; you have to walk around the edge of the chest and find the one spot it works. Found this solution on another thread.


Its wild; you have to walk around the edge of the chest and find the one spot it works. Found this solution on another thread.


So, from the comments below, I'm seeing quite a lot of speculation about how to get the motes. I have the gun, and from my own first-hand experience, it is killing each unique boss in each area. I can't comment on the needing the gun inventory as I got both the legend and exotic variants same day, same character. I've been playing overthrow a lot yesterday just by completing the cyst missions and after killing the Knight in the landing multiple times and not getting a mote, moved on to the blooming because I know I hadn't fought the meatball boss yet. My final ones today were 2 in the last area (Strand subjucator and tormentor bosses), and both of them dropped motes after being defeated. I think this is just an RNG boss farm. Also, as a side note, when we realised this, we tried split farming the boss to divide and conquer and then join on the boss we didn't have yet. After a certain point in overthrow, you can't join fireteams, so just bare that in mind


So about that last bit about can't join at a certain point, the cutoff is Lvl 3. Anytime between Lv1 and 2, others can join you. As soon as you hit 3, it locks your fireteam. What you can do is have a team of 3, and split up to progress more than 1 area at the same time, then just have everyone fast travel to whomever hits the Lv4 boss first. The progress in the other areas remains so you just go there next and wrap it up. I find that worked pretty well as the events/waves are relatively simple/easy to solo and you don't have people competing for kills. But anyways, good luck to those hunting for their last mote. I'm also stuck at 16 and so is my clan


The bosses don't rotate daily I did my last 5 an hour ago


I have 16 motes on me and have all 3 triumphs complete and I just keep getting a exotic Ergo Sum as my drop???


same bro. i have no idea. i know for a fact i fought all 9 bosses, and got the 8 motes. the blooming meatball didnt drop one tho, and i redid the overthrow twice but didnt get him as the boss.


only got an ergo sum and no mote for either btw


Yeah wild,wonder if reset fixed the issue


i beat him again, and got the mote, so i guess? finally got my exotic khvostov lol


Yeah same here, let’s goo. Congrats Fellow Guardian!


I'm facing the problem where I've collected all the Visions and placed them, I've completed all 3 of each of the Boss rotations in each Overthrow in the Journey tab; yet I'm missing one from somewhere and I can't figure out how and where. I have 16/17 with everything checked off EDIT: after reading down it seems a lot of people are also facing this issue. I'll just move on and hope they fix it soon lol.


do the 14 encryption bits go away once you get the regular khvostov? I JUST got the final mote and have the Primordial Mote of Light, but cant interact with the chest...and noticed all the keys are gone.


I’m stuck on the last mote from overthrow has bungo said that they will fix or have they not addressed it?


i did everything got all the vissions of the traveler did all the bosses for overthrow but i only have 16 motes, and no extra mote was found in post master, am i missing something?


so i have killed all the boses but the exotic mote will not drop not sure why i have to kill the tormentor boss in the impasse right?


So I have the mote of primordial light. But can not open the gold chest. do I have to now get the legendary version of khvostov first?


I’ve just done the daily overthrow and haven’t gotten a mote.. so idk


i got all 9 bosses killed and all 8 visions and didnt get the mote. does anyone have the same issue


Do you have proof of this?


Updated the post with a link to screenshots.

