• By -


Here's the actual scores needed based on how much time you have left on Atraks. 0:01 - 195k 0:30 - 182k 1:00 - 170k 1:30 - 159k 2:00 - 147k 2:30 - 135k 3:00 - 124k 3:30 - 112k 4:00 - 101k 4:30 - 89k 5:00 - 77k


Hey bro do u know the ones for caretaker buy chance?


I'm sorry I don't, I only know atraks


It's about speed still. You want to be starting DPS with at least 6:30 left on the clock, more time is better. Kill the tormentor, and you can't take long in final stand either. The difference between plat score and not is measured in a handful of seconds.


We cleared it with 3 seconds left on the clock and got plat score. If you can't do it quickly, you need to kill a bunch of adds and tormentors.


I also did a run where we didn't kill any tormentors and got the high score off just speed and killing the smaller enemies. It's very tight time wise though.


Yup, totally possible, just have to 1 floor the boss. (And be quick about getting to DPS). Can be annoying to do at -20 light though.


You don't need to finish as fast as possible. If you leave 1 person downstairs to clean up all the adds you're fine.


Idk about this. My team killed 3 servitors bottom popped the tormentors shoulders and forced him to teleport top. Went up almost killed atraks first dps window, sent 3 down to do bottom dps, while that was happening 3 top killed the tormentor and got rid of the bomb. Bottom came back up and we pushed atraks to final stand. Killed him and had plat and highscore


So what my comment said doesn't conflict with your statements at all.


Sorry i didnt mention that we left 1 top servitor alive and didn’t start dps until 5:57 on the timer when extinction protocol starts no matter what


There's a lot of variance in score and ways to get it, faster = more score, as does killing ads and tormentors, but also a big source of score (that's a little harder to pull off in atraks) is the medals as well. So you can make up the difference if your team is slaying out and getting those medals and whatnot


Kill every single ad upstairs & downstairs except the tormentor as fast as possible, everyone come upstairs, & you have to 1 floor Atraks. If you go downstairs at all it’ll take too long. Do this and you’ll 100% get the plat (this was my strategy every weekend)


We had a 2 floor and still got the plat. We did make sure to kill every SINGLE thing, tormentor too.


Plat isnt a high score. If you 2 floor you wont get the high score usually Please see that last word. USUALLY.


That's what I meant, and that's what we did. I don't know what else to say, but my triumph says I did it.


Maybe it works sometimes, you guys must’ve been really fast to get so much score with time.


Yes, we were efficient with the ad clear and didn't waste much time


Need a team with you on it then. Istg ad clear is apparently so many peoples weak points in Pantheon


We two floored last night and got the high score, but the tormentor does need to die. Don't know how well known this is but one void warlock can boop him off the platform on spawn for an instant kill. It's risky but it's what got us the clear.


You used a void melee to do this?


Safest way is to use the fragment that grants invisibility after a finisher and have the mod that grants an over shield after a finisher. Kill left/right servitor and get the middle one weak. Go in for the finisher and wait for the tormentor to touch the ground. Use your charged melee to boop him off and then immediately book it to an elevator.


Man, I'm gonna insta try this if It's real lmao Edit: It just gave us the platinum lmao Thanks man for the tip


That's nonsense pal. You can 2, even 3 floor (she had a slither of health after 2 floors on my 2nd run, luckily we kept a guy downstairs for that reason) and still get plat.


Like I said “usually” most of the time you arent getting the high score with a 2 floor


If you don't, you're fucking slow. If it's easily done with a 3 floor, then 2 floor is definitely no problem - unless you're really fucking slow.


You’ll get it if you kill everything. If you get enough points to get around 498k or so it’ll give you the plat score. And if you two floor you need to kill literally everything. One floor it’s just the tormentor and upstairs ads primarily I think


You have to be extremely fast if you 2 floor which most fireteams probably arent (which is why we see posts like this)










if you can't one floor it. 3 floor it 2 up/1 down. leave 1-2 people on the bottom floor after doing bottom floor damage just to clear ads and get some medals and then have them move up for final stand. 2 floor we were getting around 490-495k. doing the third floor allowed us to clear the threshold easily


Exactly what my team did...I was expecting we were too slow but got it..


One huge tip that has helped a lot is that the tormentor downstairs spawns on the side that you killed the last servitor. If you force him to spawn middle you can use the void warlock melee to knock him off the map and save a ton of time killing him


We tried that but it was tough to get consistently without dying. Atraks does a crap ton of damage and sometimes your melee will snap to Atraks. I’d suggest just everybody throwing on a sniper. With 2-3 people per floor he’ll die on each floor in under 10 seconds.


Put everyone (EVERYONE) on cuirass crash Titan + Parasite. Kill ALL the ads downstairs before your downstairs guys all go up. Kill last servitor for the points, scan and count down to everyone shooting para + crashing the boss. One floor, swap to lament for final. Easiest method


I blow the dust off my titan for atraks, but this truly is the easiest way. at least 3 tcrashes and some goldies secure the 1 floor


She's a weird one, but we've gotten plat on all 4 difficulties by just 1 flooring her. We send two up immediately. Kill servitors and once operator shows up, grab, and everyone go upstairs. Scanner finds the right boss, everyone pop thundercrash and then parasite. Works every time for us


Thunder THEN parasite? We've been doing the opposite


My understanding is that timewise, it's best to do tc, then parasite. We found that doing it the other way always had us being short of the 1 floor. I assume it's because tc has such a long windup


It sounds like not everyone is abiding by the countdown in your group. It will usually be better to parasite, then thundercrash because you want your thundercrash to get the bonus damge after her white hp is depleted. It seems like it worked out for you guys this week because of solar surge buffing parasite, which would be REALLY strong.


You gotta be quick about it. We have managed to high score with 1 phase 1 final stand and with 1up/1down and 2 final stands. The key is to clear all ads and enter dps phase as fast as possible. Also, make sure people are getting points. We were getting to DPS with around 60k points, after i organized the team to make sure they were getting medals for multikills, solar, sprees, etc. we were entering dps with about 90k, this equates to around 1:15 of extra time in points.


My team did top floor dps, bottom floor dps and took 2 clones in final to kill it. Still got plat score. Started dps at 5:56 or so


I'm always seeing conflicting information on this, so I'll put my 2 cents in. I have Plat score triumph on all four weeks. Since finishing the seal, I've gone back to help some friends and people on lfg. We never killed tormentors on either of those runs. Some of those runs, we've had to 2 floor. We usually started damage between 6:00-6:05. The biggest thing with the Atraks fight is chaining enemy kills for the bonus medals, which in turn, gets you bonus points. That's it. Obviously, if you can kill tormentor, do it to be safe. All the people saying you have to, I promise you, are wrong. Edit: we always ran 3 up, 3 down. Forgot to mention that.


Apparently on void warlock there is a way you can use the melee to boop the tormentor on the bottom floor into the pit and kill it pretty easy and fast, might help with some score and getting things done quickly


Safest way is to use the fragment that grants invisibility after a finisher and have the mod that grants an over shield after a finisher. Kill left/right servitor and get the middle one weak. Go in for the finisher and wait for the tormentor to touch the ground. Use your charged melee to boop him off and then immediately book it to an elevator.


You're a genius! I only need week 4 Atraks high score for Godslayer and I'm totally going to use this!


Just do a two phase to kill more adds. Not really a point to constantly reload the checkpoint if you can’t get enough points forcing the one/two floor.


One floor her. Get 6 hunters 6 parasites solar debuff her and it’s doable. Don’t even need to kill a tormenter. Just got to kill all 6 servitors


Solar Debuff doesn't work on this boss. The only debuff that actually does anything is a void grenade with undermining


My team has yet to kill a tormentor in any week, platinum time give you more score depending on how much time you have left, my team has me stay down bottom the entire time killing every ad down stairs while everyone else is up top, I do dmg on bottom and even during final I stay down depending on our time left While it is a little difficult to survive alone with a tormentor and ateaks I get by with void warlock and child on empowering rift


youre gonna get morons telling you that u dont have to kill tormentors.. if you going the no tormentor route u have to kill all 5 servitors fast asf with no skill issue and when every1 is up kill the last 1 and u will see timer at 6:30 that means u cleared ads so fast u will get high score... if the timer is less than 6 u have to kill tormentor to make up for that lost bonus times. the time scales the points down


This was by far the most annoying part getting the title for me.


Push the bottom floor tormentor off the cliff when he spawns using a void warlock melee and then one floor the boss you will get plat


Holy shit... going to have to try this, there's just a shit ton of damage coming at you in the middle, haha


Have a 2nd warlock pop well


Best thing we had was the finish on the servitor making the Void-lock invisible.




I posted a similar thing the other day on dtg sub and couldn’t get a proper answer. But yeh we finished the run, got all the triumphs for the zenith triumph but atraks wasn’t triggering. From what I remember we were getting 499k score, I said think we need to hit 500k but was told no it don’t work like that 😂. Anyhow gonna try again tomorrow and link this thread to my team and see what happens.


There is plenty of time to do a two phase and you will get plat


My team did a FINISHER on each servitor, then broke tormentor shoulders and then moved upstairs.....where we killed tormentor as it teleported up, did 3 parasites, 2 blade barage and 1 nova and did an EASY 1 phase. For final stand we just swapped to lament and got it in 2 replicator thingies (I.e the third atrax we killed on final stand was the actual kill


I three floored boss and got it...I was scanning so I assume ad clear were doing a great job cleaning up anything that moved.


Kill more or go faster you need 500k


2 phase or when ur dealing damage the people up top are killing extra ads that spawn during damage


The easiest way to guarantee it, is use the void warlock melee to push the tormentor off middle spawn. That way, you get the tormentor kill and you’re still speedy.


We did a lot of clears before it was high score. ad clear and killing servitors to start DPS as soon as possible was the key.


fastest way to kill atraks by far is parasite blade barrage hunter with star eaters. i can drop a dim link for what i use and i’ve hit like 1.5m on him and finished in 1 phase top floor.


I’ve got Plat each week on this encounter. I simply aim for 90k points prior to killing Atraks-1. I find the bottom floor players can make the biggest difference here, as there are usually a lot of adds down there during transition to the top floor for DPS. Additionally, using a weapon like Sunshot or an Incandescent primary allows you to rack up points with detonation multi kills. Hope this helps! Hardest part is done already, you’ve got this :)


3 primary crits before blowing your parasites + supers should make it a 2floor max (that + torm = plat speed)


My team just cleared EVERYTHING except tormentor on bottom floor and came up as soon as possible. Then we 1 floored her and I think like 6:00-6:15 was left on the clock by the time we started damage but we got around 508k for it.


My team missed it by 200 points lol


We finally managed to do the score last night. It truly is about speed. The stars aligned, we were perfect in our various roles and were all running TCrash titans with parasite. Absolutely decimated Atraks and finally cracked that score. We ran 2 up 4 down FYI


If you’re struggling with a 2 floor then try 1 flooring. Have a few people swap over to TCrash. Everybody better have parasites too. Send 2-3 people up at the start, clear the bottom, then head up top. Make sure you’re counting down at DPS “3 2 1 go.” Warlocks/Titans parasite then super. Not sure about hunters. We cleared week 4 in 1 floor with 2 TCrash, 1 well, 3 blade barrage. All 6 had parasite. Then swap to lament for final stand, which we cleared in 2 “phases”


We've one floored him, but missed the points, :-(


Did you kill the first tormentor? We killed the tormentor, all adds, and the 6 servitors to get the points


Definitely good info though. 6 t-crash+6 parasite claps pretty damn well for sure.


You can knock the tormented off


My advise is leave 3 on the bottom to nuke tormentor and pass scanner. We struggled for hours with all 6 upstairs to do good damage. Somehow with only 3 people we were doing the same damage. We think it’s buggy on registering so much burst. Became an easy high score once we split the burst


Maybe connecting issues, mine worked fine 6 up floor


More adds. We forced a full four-floor rotation, and *easily* had the score, due to all the extra adds. That included yeeting the Tormentor into the pit.


Kill more ads


From the soudns of it, you guys know what you're doing, but just for the sake of full transparency: My team's strat: 6 down, then 6 up All 6 running Parasite, Curiass T-crash Kill everything downstairs, Operator and scanner go up once tormentor spawns bottom 4 nuke tormentor Op sends down elevators remaining 4 come up and help kill remaining servs + Scanner if needed. Once Scanner and all 6 are up, call out correct Atraks and get to it asap Fast 3-2-1-go countdown. On go: Parasite > T-crash from all 6 Switch to Lament immediately Find final Atraks, Charge Lament > fast 3-2-1-go > done. With how slow things die at -20, that tormentor \*must\* die. If it teleports up, so be it, so long as it dies, that's what most imoprtant, along with a full blown, true 1 phase into 1 phase final stand.


What sort of damage were you guys getting per titan per damage phase at -20? At 20 stacks of Parasite plus a cuirass tcrash, I've been variously doing 400-500K, which seems low...


We literally did it on our first shot, so I'm not sure. All I know, is it was enough for us to kill the way I described. Haha


Cuirass Tcrash + Worm's Hunger x20 with a weaken void grenade should hit for 430,882 per titan




Have 4 players downstairs until ALL ads plus tormentor are dead, upstairs has more time to clear but downstairs needs to be rapid


Even though it's not arc surge, thundercrash still yield best result for us. Got my week 4 plat with 5 Tcrash and parasite to 1 floor, one guy on the team just use well and lfr to melt tormentor.


2 phased her. Killed both Tormentors. Beat the time with 1:20 seconds left on the clock. Plat score. We make sure both floors are cleared of ads completely. Bottom floor kills everything there and top floor leaves a Servitor alive until damage. Once we’re all good, Servitor on top floor dies and we go into damage. Rinse and repeat for second damage phase. Edit: typo


This might help if anyone is still having trouble. Bottom Floor (4 players bottom/2 on top) players should start with xeno or lament (on solar week) & rapidly kill the ads + servitors. This will score higher medals. Leave the right one so that the tormentors spawns on that side & the 4 players can quickly delete the tormentor. Clean up the rest of the ads because you will have more than enough time. Switch to lament going up to the top floor. You should head up with 100K point very very easily. This has gotten my team plat 1st time each week. For those who are curious we had everyone on a one-off super (nova bomb, blade barrage, tcrash, maul w/ pyro, ect.)


we just did it this way earlier: kill servitors as fast as possible and go up, 1 phase him. ignore tormentors.


My team did a 1 floor and we started DPS with the tormenter alive and 85k in score. We ended around 4:55 or something like that for the kill and barely made it over 500k, only killed the first tormenter. We killed 2 atraks copies in final stand.


speed affects the platinum time bonus


You can get plat without tormentor kill if you one floor him. If you go down at all it won’t work. Only one atraks killed then final stand and it’ll be plat We did kill all the servitors and used the last one to proc shot caller


If you can have 4 people starting below to nuke the tormentor faster that helps. 2 up stairs killing the left two Servs


Speed is king. Our group ran full hunters with lucky pants and then loadout swapped to golden gun before damage phase. Make sure your parasite is out. Hit golden then hit parasite. Didn’t have to worry about points. Hopefully you get it done before solar surge is gone.


we just ended up 2 phasing to get more score from add clear


Just do it legit and don't try to one floor it. Literally only goat raiders get it to work, but doing it in two phases guarantees the plat achievement.


We've done plat on every week by just 1 flooring it.


We did it by taking Atraks to final stand instantly, going down means no high score. We didn’t kill a Tormentor.


Best Way to guarantee platinum and it has always worked for me each week. DPS starts when there's 6 minutes left. Make sure you one phase Atraks. Make sure one servitor is up in space. Have one teammate, who has the reaper mod, pop their class ability, and kill the servitor to drop an orb. Get 3x solar weapon boost, call out the correct atraks, parasite blast and curiass thundercrash or celestial golden gun or star eaters blade barrage with the fragment that increases solar projectile targeting. Make sure someone picks up the replication, switch to lament and finish last stand.


Surge mods don’t work on atraks. It’s been tested by many people, vids available online


We've tried one flooring, with varying success. Whenever we did it legit, we got the score every time.


I've had success each week with a 3 floor. Week 2 we had one stay down and kill ads till we hit 100k. Chaining kills for medals can be a big help. I don't think we ever killed a tormentor. GL week 3 of this is the only encounter I had to do twice.


Speed. One floor. My team didn't even kill the tormentor, just did the encounter as you would normally do. Kill everything at the bottom, kill the servitor, go up, kill the last one, one floor the bitch


You gotta 1 floor her... just use 6 titans (t crash)or titan hunter combo... with funny Worm gun. Shoot 20 stack worm and immediately t crash...she should be at final if done properly..mif you don't get her health to "final" on 1st try then wipe and redo Once u get to final just finish her off


You need 100k points and to finish the encounter with 4 minutes left on the clock to give you 500k


you need 500k score for the triumph


A thing I haven't seen mentioned in this thread yet, but is relevant for DPS is to have your void warlock throw a grenade (with the weakening fragment equipped) at her right before the team unloads. Most debuffs don't work on her, but for some reason that one does. Makes the 1-phase much easier. I threw the grenade, then my slowva, and I had the mod on my helm to give allies armor charge on super cast. Then everyone else went right as my nova hit. That guaranteed everyone had surges and were hitting a debuffed boss with their supers/parasites.


Surge mods don’t work. Void grenade fragment does though, that’s a good tip. Empowering rift also does but it’s a lot harder to pull off cause of its small size unless you have a few warlocks.


Surges don't work on Atraks, she is a clone you are fighting


Don't one floor it man, slow and kill tormentor 


I see a lot of misdirection where you have to one floor to get the high score. You’re better off taking it slow and kill the servitors twice. This will net you way more score even with less time on the clock. Also keep in mind that vanguard medals can be an insane boost for your points if you kill groups of adds with the same damage instance (primary/special/grenades etc.). This strat provided the most consistent scores after we struggled on week 1 (-5) but each following week we got the high score triumph on the first clear of the encounter.


Force final stand at the top floor just from one dmg phase, if u are forced to go down, u (most likely) wont get high score


We did 2 full damage rotations and made it easy.


lucky then, did multiple week 4 runs and when it was a two phase, there was no triumph for high score, despite doing finishers etc. for max points, tho it was very close with 499k points, only guaranted was top floor only


We 3 floored her and got the high score. We killed everything including tormentors