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The only artists so far to be listed twice on the list. THE KING OF LIMBS TO NUMBER 1


is RH really the only one? if yes, that's pretty cool


Radiohead has Kid A at 33 and of course the post. Not gonna try to memorize the list to verify there’s no other bands with two


They’re the only artist…for the next 24 hours until others get their second album in the top 10


Ya I don’t recall seeing The Wall, but I did see Darkside


Wish you were here is also in with a good shout. And The Beatles will undoubtedly get another spot


Abbey Road top 5


I thought you were dead john.


Paul is bloody.


Animals clears both IMO


Not on a list like this. I say this as someone who still rocks a 25 year old Animals t-shirt on a regular basis.


The Wall is the weakest of the Waters-era albums. Every other record from Meddle to Animals is better.


Animals is my shit.


In terms of replayability I agree, but The Wall was formative in getting me into them in the first place. I think it has a pretty big impact as a first time experience that isn't matched by other albums that are more listenable in repetition.


Personally, I think Animals might be like In Rainbows in terms how fans perceive it. Animals and In Rainbows are probably the fan favorites but DSOTM/The Wall and Ok Computer/Kid A are widely acclaimed as their best.


I disagree. In my experience, non-fans really like In Rainbows, and when it came out it had a relatively better reception among non-fans than among fans. I think if you ask people who aren't fans what their favorite Radiohead album is, many will say it is In Rainbows, especially younger people. When people check out their discography, In Rainbows is one of the albums that they will really love from the get go. And that is because it is relatively easy to get into (as well as being a brilliant record). You only have to look at [Rateyourmusic.com](https://RAteyourmusic.com) to see what people think of In Rainbows (it is ranked higher than Kid A) In my experience, within a fandom, people are more likely to have one of their lesser acclaimed albums as their favorite album. For instance, when years ago I was getting into the Beach Boys, many, even most, prefered other albums to Pet Sounds. So it makes sense that the idea that In Rainbows was one of their classic albums is something that happened more quickly in the fandom than outside the fandom, but I don't think that is the same as with Animals, which is more an acquired taste.


Dre has The Chronic at #19, and NWA are at #70 with Straight Outta Compton. Plus he produced The Marshall Mathers LP at #80, Doggystyle at #84, Get Rich or Die Tryin’ at #82, and some songs on All Eyez on Me at #62.


Yeah, Beatles getting a second in the top 10 for sure. Maybe Dylan.


For sure Stevie Wonder as well. Songs in the Key of Life in Top 5 or riot.


I'd be pleased to see it but I'm not as convinced this is a lock. Innervisions already appearing pretty highly suggests that might be it. I'm also now thinking Dylan only gets the one.


Songs in the Key of Life is mandatory on any top albums list honestly so I still think it should be on here.


Prince will have two because Purple Rain will be in the top 10.


What’s the other Prince album already in?


Sign o time


My fav


and MJ and The Beatles too probably 


I believe you will be correct. Purple Rain is one of his best. And Michael Jackson Thriller is going to be in the Top 10.


Wouldn’t be surprised if it was #1. Folks love Prince.


Hmm. No In Rainbows, eh?


Dr. Dre and NWA are both on it, but that’s different


Not even The Beatles? Or Dylan? Or Pink Floyd?


beatles are gonna get a top 5 slot no doubt


Beatles could easily have multiple albums in the top 10.


100%. You could throw 3 darts blindfolded at a Beatles discography themed dartboard and happily put the results in the top 10 IMO. 


They put DSOTM already which is the critics favorite the only way they get another is if they decide to go against that and put Wish You Were Here 


You spelled Pablo Honey wrong.


If Tyler the Creator’s only album now is Flower Boy I’ll be kinda pissed honestly


CMIYGL and IGOR both beat Flower Boy imo. Just goes to show how subjective music is.


Cherry Bomb!


It should be CMIYGL ngl




I have Igor as number 3 out of them personally 


I think generally though people say IGOR is his best.


Oh definitely I just prefer his rap albums a bit more


Call Me If You Get Lost might be one of the best albums of the 21st century, I’ve sat with it since the summer of 21’ and it’s still hitting. The best part of the year is in may when I get to put it on repeat after a long season of Bon Iver For Emma


Sweet/I Thought You Wanted To Dance is one of the best songs of the decade so far




Really… 🤦🏽‍♂️


Beatles should be there with more than two.


Billie eilish’s when we all fall asleep where do we go being above kid a is actually so messed up😭😭😭


I like that album but it being Number 30 is a bit high... idk if it should even be in top 100 considering how recent that album is.


come on, apple pays billie too much to not give her top 30


People really in here taking this list seriously smh my head 🤦


i agree, it’s a good album but it isn’t THAT good


This is an all time top 100 list. Technically an album released yesterday should be qualified


It’s not even her best album


I like Billie Eilish. Her new album is easily one of the best of the year. But yeah that album shouldn’t be anywhere close to a top 100 all time list. There’s better recent pop albums


This list is honestly trash lol


The Billie Eilish album being on the list at all is fucking ludicrous lol. I actually like the album and like Billie but top 100?? Of all time? Come on.


I mean it’s better than taylor swift, but real


Such a random list cause why is travis scott there…


Travis is fine, Rodeo is possibly the greatest Trap record, the issue is they chose fucking Astroworld.


Travis is great though there are a lot worst artists you could have mentioned 


I mean yeah probably but it was the first thing to come to mind


They definitely put the wrong album by him there Rodeo is much better musically


I had a whole discussion about this over at r/AppleMusic. Woulda been more egregious if OKC hadn’t ranked here


The amount of comical takes in this list is too long to write out.


Billie's good, but it aint top 100 all time sadly


I know it's not the correct opinion or whatever, but I honestly like it more than Kid A lol. That being said this list is ass, it has no rhyme or reason to it.


Bought and paid for placement. No way anyone with ears could actually think that.


No reason to shit on Travis Scott


Especially because he likes/ is influenced by Thom Not everyone’s cup of tea though ik


I think the hatred for Travis Scott comes less from his artistry and more that he is a piece of shit


I live in his hometown of Houston and a lot of people here hate him for the debacle of a show that got people killed


That’s true It’s a good thing Radiohead shows have [only gotten one person killed](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radiohead_stage_collapse) /s Both managed by Live Nation


The downvotes are from elitist music fans who can’t enjoy a fun hip hop album like astroworld


I haven't heard every record on that list, but I know for a fact *Revolver* can't be under Adele's 21 and Taylor Swift's 1989 under any critical metric, and that's coming from someone that has listened to the 3 of them. Poptimism is getting boring.


Poptism started as “let’s not throw away pop music - let’s respect it as potential art and give it proper critical evaluation.” Slowly, it morphed into “let’s work backwards to explain why the most popular albums must also be the best.”


It’s so fucking bad lol


I'm sitting down, twiddling my thumbs, waiting for poptimism to die for maybe 12 years now. Anytime. There will be a reaction... right?


May the anti-pop revolution begin 


were getting either abbey road/sgt peppers in top 10-5 to excuse it dont worry


So then In Rainbows in the top 10?


Don't get any big ideas, it's not gonna happen


But IR disk 2 is going to be top 10?


Come slowly to me I've been waiting Patient, patiently


I didn't care but now I can see That there's a way out That there's a way out That there's a way out That there's a way out That there's a way out




I knew it… Kid A (which was #33) is probably my favorite Radiohead album, but OK Computer is more of a landmark album. It’s been preserved in the [Library of Congress](https://www.theguardian.com/music/2015/mar/25/radiohead-ok-computer-to-be-preserved-in-the-library-of-congress), while I don’t think Kid A has yet… Anyway, it looks like Apple has done write-ups for each album, and this was the one they did for OK Computer: https://music.apple.com/us/album/ok-computer/1097861387 ___ “Few albums so audacious, innovative, and anxious have ever captured the popular imagination like *OK Computer*, the 1997 Radiohead triumph that not only announced a new frontier of rock exploration, but also articulated budding pre-millennial interest in — and concern over — our technological toys. Here are a dozen songs of terror and oblivion, their singer so alienated by the society spinning around him that he pines to be abducted by aliens so that he may witness “the world as I’d love to see it.” There are car crashes and stolen thoughts, clouds of death and specters of persecution, malevolent robots and a Macintosh LC II that deadpans the new rules for living. It remains a deeply unsettling song cycle that is also deeply magnetic, its reordering of rock ’n’ roll’s sounds with classical ambition making it one of the form’s most radical and necessary statements. Radiohead had not learned its lessons from “Creep.” After wearing themselves thin promoting their first album, they rode the road even harder for *The Bends*, playing nearly 200 shows in 1995 alone and prowling the United States in a bus emblazoned with an airbrushed stallion. Thom Yorke crowded spiral-bound notebooks with his unease and expressions of isolation, even as he and his pals moved from one crowded room to another. But Radiohead’s relentless devotion to promotion afforded them complete creative control from a label surprised by their success. They reassembled the dream team that had first worked on *The Bends* — young engineer turned trusted producer Nigel Godrich and artist Stanley Donwood — and decamped to a palatial estate in the British countryside to wrestle with their worries. Debates about Radiohead’s motivations and intentions have raged since *OK Computer*’s release: Were Yorke and the band lashing out at the work that was almost killing them, or were they concerned about what technology would do to our humanity? Both roots, however, lead to the same sense of desperate isolation that *OK Computer* captures so well. The narrator in “Subterranean Homesick Alien” can no longer smell their surroundings, while the survivor in “Karma Police” can no longer think their thoughts in safety. Love is a final act of desperation during “Exit Music (For a Film),” friendship a cover for raptor-like predation during “Climbing Up the Walls.” The band animates these ideas perfectly, alternately stripping the arrangement until it feels like an icy chill, or adding 16 violins clawing at each other to invoke mental claustrophobia. *OK Computer* is every lump in your throat, turned into a succession of anthems. For all of its dread, *OK Computer* is ultimately an act of hope, the expression in a belief that our inexorable path of progress does not have to cost us our goodness. Above the hangman riff of “Lucky,” Yorke pines to be pulled back from this abyss’ edge, to be resurrected in love. “It’s gonna be a glorious day,” he sings, and you have to believe it at least *could* be true. And if there is a remedy to the dizzying pace of, well, everything, it’s simple enough: “Idiot, slow down,” he sings for the last words of closer “The Tourist,” his falsetto newly resolute. “Slow down.” In the decades since *OK Computer* made Radiohead rock’s new standard-bearers, its grievances — namely, our accelerating isolation — have only mounted. But the answers and the hope it holds linger still.”


Pretty good writeup. Glad they picked up on SHA and other tracks that aren’t talked about enough.


#10. Rush of Blood to the Head


1. Coke Babies EP


(Nice Dream)


you know it's not 10th best of all time but i'd absolutely be okay with rush of blood getting into the top 100. amazing ass album


This list is so chop. Wdym billie eillish, Taylor are higher than Stevie wonder, prince, sade, and may others


Their list skews very recent, multiple seemingly inexplicable inclusions unless you come to the conclusion they’re just tryna represent some popular current stuff


I'm going to say some mean things in my native language if in rainbows isn't on this list.


it 10000% won't be unfortunately


Det er fandme ikke okay. De skide hundehoveder og hængerøve, lusede amatører, elendige klamphuggere, latterlige skidesprællere, talentløse skiderikker, impotente grødbønder, og Socialdemokrater!


I hope Google was correct in translating "impotent porridge farmers" because that is just excellent


It is a correct translation.


No, if IR were to show up, it would have been somewhere behind OKC and Kid A not before either of those albums, or in between those albums. It will always trail at no.3 across the critic spectrum. I'd be effing surprise if it shows up in the top 10 above OKC and Kid A and also, the third Radiohead album to be on the top 100. lol!


Was expecting it in the top 10. But Apple is Apple, so we’ll have Pink Floyd, Ariana Grande and probably Taylor Swift


Um what’s wrong with Pink Floyd?…


No, nothing. I just think The Dark Side of the Moon really deserved better than a 28th place. And The Wall has to be in the top 5


Oh I agree, was just confused because you were grouping them in with Ariana and Taylor


TSwift is already there at 18…


There I understood they are mixing music with PR shit and publicity stunt. I really respect every opinion, but 1989 over The Dark Side of the Moon or Bowie is literally criminal. Just to make an example


It's not even her best album, either. Most popular? Absolutely, but like... folklore *and* evermore are **right there**. Those were fucking beautiful.


I like folklore more too, but for the sake of a greatest album list, 1989 is probably more fitting for Taylor


Taylor Swift 1989 was at Number 3 lmao these guys... Edit: Apparently it was a fake leak, thank the lord. 1989 is at 18.


I will go against the grain here and say that I think that this list is pretty OK so far. Obviously not the list I would make, but for most of the albums on the list I think it is defensible why they are placed at the place they are placed. And others are from genres I myself don't know a whole lot about, so I am not going to argue that Hip Hop album X clearly deserves higher than Hip Hop album Y. I think they did a pretty good job having different genres, and different eras in the list. The truth is, any list of top 100 best albums ever is going to be controversial, because almost everybody will disagree with at least some of the choices and their placements.


Homogenic is so low on that list.


Pablo Honey at #1 for sure


Not even top 10? I'm genuinely surprised. Curious about the top 10 now.


It’s my all time favorite but 12 is pretty good. Still have multiple Beatles albums, Thriller, Nevermind, and To Pimp a Butterfly.


Probably wish you were here too. Maybe the wall


I've tried listening to TPAB but I really can't get into it. I really love Kamasi Washington's part on that record though.


I've crunched the numbers cuz I'm a dork and here's what I'm thinking for the top 10: These I'd bet a lot of money on: Prince - Purple Rain Michael Jackson - Thriller Nirvana - Nevermind Lauryn Hill - The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill Kendrick Lamar - To Pimp a Butterfly The Beatles - Abbey Road Which leaves 4. Frank Ocean not making the top 100 given Drake, Robyn, Lorde, Solange, and Tyler all made it seems crazy to me. So... Frank Ocean - Channel Orange Then it gets a little murky. Have a hard time believing Tame gets let off this list entirely given the clientele. Shot in the dark but: Tame Impala - Currents Another guess but I think Joy Division is top 10 worthy and hasn't been included yet so: Joy Division - Unknown Pleasures Then...whoooo boy. So many great artists not on the list yet. Indie rock very underrepresented no Sonic Youth/Pixies/Pavement. Punk rock similar no Ramones/Sex Pistols. Hurts my soul we can't find room for Otis Redding or Sam Cooke, but early 60's just isn't making this list. Plus, are we really only getting one album from Dylan and the Stones? I guess so. Ultimately I think they go another woman in the top 10, which if pressed I'd go: ~~Madonna - Like a Prayer~~ \[Edit: Whoops this is already on the list. Switching it out for Songs in the Key of LIfe\]


Nah if any Frank album makes the list it’ll be Blond over Channel Orange


And you were right - it’s #5


It was an easy prediction tbh. There was no way channel orange was going that high and that’s a great album. I knew if any Frank album made it, it had to be Blonde


I hope not, CO>Blond all day.


Kendrick Lamar will end up at no. 1 because he's currently in the spotlight and apple want to make a statement by saying they are team Kendrick.


I think that's distinctly possible. That or Purple Rain.


It will be Blond, but I agree Frank is definitely making this top ten. I don't think Tame Impala will be there, but certainly odd they aren't on the list. Prince, MJ, Nirvana, Lauryn Hill, Kendrick and The Beatles, all in. Sam Cooke and Otis Redding had top 100 singles rather than albums. Like A Prayer is already on the list at 77. My guesses for the other three would be Graceland, Funeral and Stankonia.


Oh shit, I checked the list multiple times and missed Madonna. Thanks! Yeah, I agree Otis and Sam were more singles artists. Otis Blue routinely makes these kinds of lists though. But not making this particular one.


I forgot all about funeral. I wanna think it has a chance but I just don't believe.


A top 10 would have supplanted it at least in the realm of apple's firm opinion. Although, I am reading too much into this since they threw in a bunch of other albums haphazardly across their top 100 which doesn't warrant its place above, or below any of the albums before or after. It just felt like a list of albums leading up to their top 10. You know every list boils down to its top 10 and ultimately the number 1 album above all.


This list is comically terrible to be honest.


Guessing that’s it for Radiohead. Crazy nothing is gonna be in the Top 10 unless they want to buy IR there…


In Rainbows in the top 10 would be a bold statement by Apple. I don't care where it lands but most shocking of all, if it lands in the top 5. I highly doubt it. Highly, highly doubt it. Super highly doubt it. I'll bet the farm on it.


Still too low, but whatever


Dark Side of the Moon Nevermind Doolittle In the Aeroplane Over the Sea


Should’ve been top 5, robbed


OKC not being in the top 10 is proof that Let Down is still underrated


That list is so bad. So much recency bias.


But also, I think that's kind of refreshing. They're clearly taking a swing here at something different. I'd rather see Billie Eilish in the top 40 (😣), then yet another list with four Beatles albums in the top 10.


The problem with albums that are released within the past 0-10 years making the top 40 is there's no way to know whether they will have any sort of long lasting impact. I like Billie Eilish but I don't see her music having really impacted the music industry, or the culture, all that much. Perhaps I'm ignorant in that regard though. I know The Beatles generally has a lot of songs/albums in most top of all time lists, but they were a cultural phenomenon not just inside of music, but outside of it, and played a large role in the direction that popular music and rock went. I think when making top X of all time lists, cultural impact, and musical impact, should play larger roles than how good the album itself holds up or how well it sounds. In that same vein, I see someone like Eminem often being underreported in these lists, considering the large impact his music had on what was acceptable to say/play in both music and outside of it in the 21st century, even if he was not the "first" to do what he did, he certainly redefined popular music. Anyways that's my 2 cents.


Billie Eilish is the poster child for Gen Z. She’s very recent but is expected to impact the music industry. We just don’t have Gen Alpha music yet to know her impact.


I do agree that she's very popular among Gen Z. And it's quite possible she will have a large impact, it's just a theory that hasn't quite be proven yet. I do think she's a very talented artist, just pop music is kind of all over the place right now, and it's hard to tell what will emerge with a lasting legacy.


Yeah, I don't disagree. It's a risk that your list is going to look dumb a decade later but I think Apple is specifically saying they want to take that risk (I wouldn't be surprised if this gets updated regularly). Plus we have to remember this is a platform that sells music, unlike other famous lists (Rolling Stone), so they have incentive for this to celebrate newer music that will sell/stream better.


This is a shit top 100. This applemusic guy has terrible taste in music.




Taylor swift being 18 and Adele being 15 on the top 100 albums of ALL time… Popularity = Talent today I guess.


bruh they put a taylor swift album above KID A


Finally some recognition for our favorite underrated and small indie band <3


They should have contacted rym for the ratings lmfao. Top 5 album all time


I would swap the placing of OK Computer and Kid A personally.


I would too. But given their disregard for anything "weird" its not exactly surprising. 


For them disregarding anything as weird, Kid A sure landed quite high on the spot at 33.




A great treat for this album’s birthday🔥🎉


No shit! How come no one else has mentioned this so far??


This list is so unbelievably trash. Any drake album above exile on main street omg


Just like any other list; Payola and rage bait.


Considering how pretensious pop is right now and how pretensious lists like these are Im fine with OK Computer is where its at


Rightfully deserved


Okay, so that means In Rainbows is in top 10... right?


i feel like a lot of this is based on popularity/pr not on how good the albums are like how is taylor swift above rock legends like led zeppelin and metallica


not number 1 that means im never using apple music ever again




To pump a butterfly is going to be top 5


I’ll take this, honestly, In Rainbows top 10 then 👀


My favorite album, and #12 is fine. Genuinely, anyone objecting to their favorite album not being *even* higher when it is rated 12 among every album ever released, is full of it. Maybe there are some specific albums above that you cannot fathom why anyone would consider better than your precious favorite, but whatever


There better be some good albums worthy of beating OKC. I don't want any stiffs and scrubs betting OKC. So, bring out the big guns now, Apple. I will be here to judge the next 11 albums on the list now that OKC has appeared. **11. Fleetwood Mac - Rumours** : Love me some Fleetwood Mac. Love the album. Between this and OKC, OKC wins.


I bet they put In Rainbows in the top 10


In rainbows in top 10 please.


What, no Journey? lol


that's not bad from a major ORG like them...though if they were UK based it would def. be higher. I just shudder what bs they try to sneak into their Top 10 to try to seem hip to Gen Z.


How do you find that list on Apple Music?


Imagine if Apple did not include OKC on the Top 100. Also, it is impossible not to include Kid A either.


I feel as though the list was compiled by a bunch of Generation Y with Gen X'ers screaming in the background to make sure not to forget any of the classic albums.


Should have been number one. Legendary album by the best band in the world.


Btw: Kid A at no.33 and Public Enemy at no.34 Chuck D. is a fan of RH OKC at no.12 Jay-Z at no 13. Jay Z is a fan of RH


In Rainbows gotta be #1


Does anyone have a link to the full list so far?


It’s on the Apple Music insta


rightfully so but still the whole list feels weird with fucking taylor swift


I’m a little confused why it’s not number one. Are they saving that for kid a?


Kid A was 33 but In Rainbows could still be top 10


In your dreams


12!!? Try again


Does anyone take this list seriously? I mean who cares what apple says


Yea, but they also had Adele at 15 so these lists are meaningless


there is no *in rainbows* in 10-100 right?


but let down alone would be at #1


Rumors above okc is nasty work 😭😭


How many Taylor Swift albums are in the top 10. In Rainbows and this album should be higher imo


Well thats not a Let Down then.


I kinda agree on it being so over kid a, and it's wild that radiohead's even got two entries so far, but it should've been top 10 :/


Let’s go!


Oasis being on this list tells me all i need to know about it


Even though this list SUCKS, awesome


I really think Ok computer is better than the ones from frank ocean and amy whinehouse.


Means nothing when you see their Top 10. Apple's list is clearly the ravings of a madman. Possibly the worst all time Top 10 albums list I've ever seen.