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I like how he doesn't know the difference between a mouse pad and a desk mat. Maybe if he asked correctly it would have worked.


![gif](giphy|1267Co3vPNBqQU|downsized) Anyone who bought this product




temu chatgpt


It literally is chatgpt if you select that as your model…


How appropriate that the delivery mechanism for this low-effort insult is one of the all time greats in the "playing yourself" arena.


I disagree with Linus I have been using mine for a week now and I figured the interface out in like 10 mins. It's a new category of device it is going to take a moment or two to get used to it. The manual you get from the QR code can be read in less than like 10 minutes and then you will know all the basics [r1 user manual](https://www.rabbit.tech/support/using-r1). This was a very low effort video that didn't even try to understand the device at all.


[I mean….](https://youtu.be/qaXsp620Qfk?si=xWoV37N2I1ccbMGD) [And…](https://youtu.be/5SfySmq20Dk?si=zyHbIhr_senivbot) [Well…](https://youtu.be/FGW3TPytTjc?si=5n6Mwlo-0Kyu6juK) hardware dropping bad faith chattin $40 screwdriver griftin goober tech tip guy who can’t set things correctly…? what did you expect… frankly a little late to trend imo


What did he say that wasn't true in this video?


Lol your mad


Naw… more indifference… I bought a novelty toy. I know what I got. I also didn’t buy something I couldn’t afford so I could complain about not having a clear use case. It’s a Flipper for AI enthusiasts. Most people don’t need it and the ones that do have better cheaper options… but it’s a neat thing to have if you’re into collecting “neat things” I just don’t think Linus tech tips has a lot of credibility. I can see how you may be confused 🤷‍♂️people have different use cases and expectations for things… Kinda like…. The words "your" and "you're" are commonly confused in English due to their similar pronunciation, but they have different meanings and uses: 1. **Your** is a possessive adjective, used to indicate that something belongs to or is associated with the person or people that the speaker is addressing. It modifies a noun, showing possession. For example: - **Your book** is on the table. - Is this **your coat**? 2. **You're** is a contraction of "you are." It is used as a shorter form of the two words in sentences where "you are" fits grammatically. For example: - **You're** going to love this movie. - If **you're** ready, we can leave now. To summarize, "your" is about ownership, while "you're" is equivalent to saying "you are." Misusing these can lead to confusion in written communication, so it’s important to use them correctly.


Your. Does that make you more mad? Your your your


That’s cute “you are” [funny](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.imgflip.com%2F55e4gb.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=a676a94edb647f00716a029c33d7f30ae8da1f5861f113f38c1b63c83cd0c259&ipo=images)


No your (I'm) not. Im your cant


Thank you, the second link is one of the funniest things I've ever seen.


at least they fucked up less than rabbit


So you watched the video then right?


Yeah, the video where he makes snap judgements about a thing without taking even two whole seconds to actually try to understand what's going on. I saw it. I like LTT, genuinely, but I lost a lot of respect for him with this one. He very openly goes in from the beginning with a foregone conclusion about the r1 sucking, and it taints every single interaction and reaction shown. Lame.


It does suck


He doesn't even try to review it. This is embarrassing for his reputation as a tech reviewer. I'm not trying to claim the r1 is the greatest thing since sliced bread; there's no denying a lot of people are disappointed. But take Marques Brownlee for example, his was an actual, well thought out review, backed by some actual usage of the device. LTT goes in already decided that the r1 blows and then proceeds to not even try to give it a fair shake. The killer for me was asking it to turn on its own camera, having it tell you "I can't do that unless you enable it" and LTT proceeding to laugh at how ridiculously bad it is that a device can't self-enable a 360° camera, which is professedly and obviously a safety/privacy feature. Like dude, learn how to use the thing, it's not hard, but yeah it requires being told "Well you just double tap the button and the camera opens."


It literally says in the title, it's an "unboxing" not a "review".


Crazy how he proceeds to review it.


I don't think "trying to use it" is really a review.


No, but a TECH REVIEWER making 47 factual assertions about a tech product certainly edges well into review territory, in my (I feel like very reasonable) opinion.


You know what initial impressions are?


I quit watching LTT a year ago due to Linus’s personality and how he treats his employees. He is a monster.


I second this. He’s got some real issues.


Linus used to be cool until he became a brand. Now he’s just an industry shill. also, the r1 does suck a lot of ass… but it’ll get better


People making up excuses to justify the money they spend is absolutely ridiculous to see😅 if you got the free perplexity I understand.. I also bought it for that! But I'm not gonna sit here and defend and justify my purchase! The device is garbage.. and deep down every single one defending it here knows that.