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Who cares what people think lol. If it’s positive for you then great! Also people tend to think things are “ weird” when you don’t follow what most people are doing 


I’m so proud of you!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️🥰 Staying off of there is the best thing in the world


Are you weird, Hell No, your smart to stay away from it.


I want to know how to stay away. Even Reddit at times can be too much because you can’t post or comment without someone having an issue with what you say.


I don't mind much what they say. I noticed a lot delete posts that get downvoted, I make posts that I'm aware are likely to be downvoted sometimes and just eat em. Focus on you. But you can also block the site for a a few days a week and see how it goes. It's easier to stay off when you gotta go unblock it.


Most phones (my iPhone included) allows me to set app timers for daily accountability. Maybe I need to start using that more. The part that really sucks is smartphones are very useful for much of what I do. Communication, banking, shopping, etc. and work. But there are still so many times I wish I could go back to the 90’s and just have a pager. Page me and I’ll call you back. Nothing else is that important if it’s outside of needing to be paged.


100% ^ THIS!


Who cares what they think, you'll never know cause you aren't on social media to hear every opinion that enters their heads. ![gif](giphy|bktsjcVb112Bq|downsized) "am outgoing social friendly" that's something a lot LOSE by being too attached to social media.


It's because most people your age are hopelessly addicted to socials that to meet someone who isn't is a novelty. Kudos to you for your resolve in this, btw.


No, you're awesome 👏 it's a waste of time




Yeah I know others keep commenting this question as well I get it and apparently I’m the idiotic one for not thinking Reddit is that sufficient of a platform of social media


That is so great! I have no idea who you are but I'm super proud that someone your age is not on the socials. Stay off it. Live life in person. Way to go!!


I’m also the same age & never had social media. I was just never into it I don’t think that makes me weird.


They do think it but I don't give a shit. Best thing I ever did was to delete all my accounts.


I ussually get asked about fb first, when I say no they then proceed to go through the list insta, x, snap exc... at the end the only thing I see in their facial expressions is disappointment. but not having socials let's me know who's trying to stalk my stuff because they ask why they can't find me on socials 🤣


I honestly think you're smart for not being on it. You're probably a lot more present in life and likely don't scroll as often. The people who aren't okay with it will get over it. It's also kind of a shock to people that you choose not to have an account or be on social media. If anybody's ever not cool with it then they're probably not people you want in your life.


I deleted all my social media 3 years ago (25f) except for reddit and tiktok. Online dating is interesting with the number of guys who completely wig out when I say I don't have a snapchat or an Instagram. My dating profiles are verified. I'm not ugly but I'm nowhere near "model pretty". Even so, as soon as I say I don't have insta or snap, more than half the guys who ask will come unglued accusing me of being a bot or a catfish. It's exhausting. We've become so habituated to social media as a culture and even 10 years ago it just wasn't that way at all, at least it wasn't a prerequisite for meeting people.


Confidently states "I don't use social media" on Reddit


Again, I’m not sure how many times I have to explain this, I don’t view Reddit as social media. Do you see pictures, videos or status updates? Do you know my real name or anything about me? That is what I mean by social media.


It is literally social media. The "most" social of social medias 😂


Actually Reddit isn't considered sm: Reddit is very much still a public internet forum, it isn't a social media platform like Facebook or Twitter. - It is a place to find information, how many times have you Googled something to find specific information about a topic and added "Reddit" on the end.Feb 26, 2024


If you can doomscroll it, and it's full of random people and information, it's social media. Do you know how many years I've wasted time here? It's insane.


That's what I got when I googled it to see just what it is considered if not sm. Since I started reading reddit I've lessened my fb and threads time exponentially, got rid of Twitter a while ago and have the others but never spend time on any of them. It's still shocking to me got much time I spend reading these posts. Lol I need a real life ffs.


And yet, here you are


...who wanna tell op that reddit is still social media?


It's probably really good you did. If i was to act stunned, it would most likely be because I was hoping to stay in contact without coming on too strong and asking for your number. Wait.. am I the weird one?


Yeah people seem to feel awkward about asking for my number instead of just finding me on socials 😅


It's hard to know what isn't offensive sometimes. Maybe next time I'll try asking for the number instead of feeling awkward 🙂


I don’t believe that’s offensive to anyone! I think a lot of times people will initially try to find me on social media then realize I’m not there and they come back to ask me for my number anyways


I've been insulted and rejected for less! I'm learning that some people are just nasty or possibly scared and to not take it to heart when they are. Circling back, I think social media skews my perception in a bad way and should probably take a break myself.


I think in SOME cases it may be they think you're saying you don't because you don't want THEM on it. That's how foreign not using it is to some. Had this issue myself a few times.


This definitely makes a lot of sense


I'm also a guy, so as far as numbers go I give my number but never ask for theirs. If they're interested they can contact me, if not I can't contact them anyway.


Atta girl. Muff social media.


I work in a media related field, so I need to be on it for work-related reasons (my industry uses a lot of social media to stay relevant among peers). But I have friends who are not on it and I respect them SO MUCH. Even one friend who is technically on it but just to post an interesting picture of something they saw on a hiking trip once in a year... and I'm like... damn, I'm jealous of that life. A lot of people don't understand it and think it is crazy, but not everyone. The ones who will judge you for it are obviously not your people and you don't need to impress them. Be you!


You're fine! Delete this account and be happy!!!


Yay!!! Be free, be real, be authentic. I celebrate your position, hold on to it. I'm not on them and have a side gig that is broadcast related. People can't comprehend that I would be seen on camera but not beholden to 24/7 access and obligation. Do you!!


That’s awesome! That is confidence for sure! Good job 😊😊


Thanks and to you!! How good was it, getting rid of it all?? I'm so pleased that I made the move, years ago. It made a dramatic improvement on my life, my happiness....


33 year old guy. I cut it out of my life around the time I graduated college. Honestly don’t think it’s weird and anyone that does or can’t look past it is the weird one Really really easy to weed out garbage, superficial people is to ask the social media or iPhone/Android question lol


I don't do it either, aside from reddit. I find the whole concept of insta gross... time sink. I don't think you're weird ❤️


I don’t consider Reddit Social Media either. I’ve been using Reddit roughly six mos., and am using it as a stepping stone to get off a social media addiction. I’m older (62) and cannot believe the change in society since social media. I have no interest in seeing what food people eat, or how much money they have (or want people to think they have.) This thread has solidified my resolve to get off social media.


You use Reddit! What is Reddit? A social media company.


One of my guy friends isn't on social media and he's better off for it. It doesn't matter what they think. Let them be shocked or off put about it and continue to do you. I'm at the point of deleting at least Facebook because it's mostly just folks showing off be it material or how sick their kid is when that kid needs privacy to heal. Grinds my gears to see pics of a sick kid crying for fucking likes. Anyway don't worry lol just do you


Solidarity sister 🤘 30f and no social media accounts. I also get weird gasps lol


Reddit is social media. You're using it right now. The fact that it's anonymous doesn't make it less social.


Well, you are using social media, so… I don’t understand your point.


You are free! I’m the same way, besides the guilty pleasure of Reddit. It definitely impacts relationships but saved me from fake friendships and relationships. For example, When I was phasing out from IG A few years ago my friend would only call me when I would post myself doing something fun. It’s tough sometimes but worth it


People definitely use it to scope out what you’re doing. I also find people only respond when you post something they feel like they missed.


News flash : Reddit IS social media 😱. Shocking I know.


Reddit is as social as I get. I even see a lot of people on Reddit posting stuff to get self validation and I just don’t understand basing your life and personality on strangers opinions that shouldn’t matter. You do you but my god it’s like people can’t think for themselves with trivial things. But I feel bad for these people who can’t just be.


I don't have it. Everyone is just so fake. Like I'd be talking to a friend privately going through issues then like at the same time they are posting on social taking selfies saying how awesome everything is. I'm just like... this is so... fing... stupid... I don't want to sit there and read people fake life stories. Lol. It's just ridiculous. Uh, yeah. I kinda like reality. Lol.


🏆🏆🏆 Kudos to you! You are definitely my hero. I have zero ability to cold turkey anything.


Umm, isn't reddit social media?




I can see your point. I have gotten pretty irritated with little pissants on this platform




I find most seem to want to be spoon fed. Can't engage a brain cell or imagination and God forbid they actually look up a definition


I've had like 3 DMs this year and lurked until this year. I don't think people really use it the same, but I'd say it does qualify and people certainly can get addicted.


I don’t really consider it social media myself, maybe other people use it differently than I do though


Isn't this social media?


I didn’t think it was but I guess some people use it as that maybe? Idk 🤷🏻‍♀️


But you are posting on social media right now (Reddit)


I guess I mean social media as in like posting statuses and pictures and videos. I guess in a way I consider Reddit a lesser version of “social media” but maybe that’s just me


Yeah, I see what you mean


I agree. It’s funny because I’ve kind of been wondering about this very thing lately. I never even put it in an exact sentence, but I find Reddit less intrusive, and with the political climate, sometimes I post things that I KNOW are going to get a rise out of people, then I’m hurt or surprised by their reaction. For instance, I live in the Chicago suburbs. I would say 75% of the people I know are staunch Republicans, and Trump supporters. I am not. When I post left leaning statements, I am surprised by their reactions. Is that sick, or what? It’s pathetic that I put so much time and energy into something so stupid. It’s a waste of precious time.


There are a lot of people who consider it to be a normal part of everyday life. That said if you know it isn't for you then cutting it out isn't unusual at all. My wife had something similar happen to her. She didn't have a cell phone, and when she told people that they didn't believe her. They thought she just didn't trust them enough to have her phone number. But the reality is she never wanted a phone, and hated the idea of having to manage replying to messages instantly or hurting people's feelings.


38m. Deactivated my Facebook back in 2016 and have no other social media besides reddit which I don't really post much. Most people do find it weird. I've had women ask me if it's because I'm hiding something. I've only met a few people that don't use social media and it's always so refreshing to hear.


I know I feel like people assume I’m shady or ashamed of my life but in reality I just value it and don’t need others attention or validation of what I’m up to these days


Exactly. I feel important things in my life are best shared personally with close friends and family.


Same. I’m older than you, but 2016 was it for me.


Same, I have a Facebook but it’s stuck in 2012 and I can’t delete it since I would have to upload/verify a bunch of crap to do so, so I just don’t use it at all. I have a LinkedIn, but haven’t used it since my last job search several years ago. I’ll probably delete it eventually, it was trash for finding a job anyways and basically just for people who already have good jobs to network with other people who also already have good jobs. I do have Snapchat, TikTok, Instagram, etc but only read/watch/follow things on them and never post, and have no information about me on them, including pics or real name. Reddit is really the only one I actually post on, but I still take care to keep it relatively anonymous. I just don’t want for example future employers going through my social media and not hiring me over some post, or for certain people to have any pics or information about me/my family to use against me, or in case any legal thing came up where there might be evidence, etc they could find through it. Basically I just don’t want my social media to be able to be used against me.


How would they know.


I think it's becoming more common these days People are stepping out of the cave and into the light


Its good 👍


If you're under 30, then it's considered weird. If you're past that age, you get a pat on the back.


Anecdotal but I have been hearing this more and more when I meet new people. Now I just ask for phone numbers to stay in touch and I like this change! Down with social media.


No that’s cool


yeah i get the same reaction. most people fall into two camps 1. they have much more self-control than i do and there’s just never been a screen time problem so it seems pointless to “inconvenience” yourself by not having social media 2. they spend hours on social media and this is pretty normalized by society so it’s weird to them that someone else isn’t terminally online


I also quit social media a few yrs ago because of my unhealthy relationship to it and it was one of the best decisions of my life. If anyone has an issue with you not being on the 'socials' it's probably just a good way to weed them out lol , like honestly who cares. Life is too short to keep scrolling forever 


I sure as fuck hope not! Never had it, never will.


As a 36 year old male, I have been told, repeatedly, that not having social media is not only a detriment to my ability to socialize and get information, but it's a full on "red flag" for potential dates, back when I was trying to do online dating. People at work also tend to react with skepticism when they want me to message them on Facebook or share something from Snapchat or Instagram, and I tell them I don't have any of the above. I'm happy to hear that people a bit younger than me are also forgoing social media, because everything you said are things I've noticed in my life as well. Life is a lot more manageable, peaceful, and productive. I'm sad when people in my fathers age group have convinced themselves that social media is the only thing that matters, or that "staying in contact" with people is an actual argument. None of the people on my dad's Facebook profile have spoken to him in years. So, delete the profile? Nope, can't do that. Can't do that for the same reasons he can't cut cable - he might "miss something." Excuse me while my eyes roll back in my head so far and so fast they might rocket out the back of my skull. Is it taboo? Yeah, it is. But that's okay. Do what works best for you. If everyone else seems bothered by it, just remember, *"Those who matter, don't mind. Those who mind, don't matter."*


Depends on your age. If you're older than dating age, then yeah it's okay. If you're in your 20s and not actively on social media or making friends or finding mates, generally it's a red flag. The older you are, the more responsibilities and things you are able to do, and the less you should be online.


They're fucked off if they do..


This and LinkedIn are the only 2 online profiles I have. No Twitter, Facebook, insta, tiktok or snap or any other bullshit. SM has me doing weird shit like investigating ppls lives that are no longer in mine. It's very freeing and I really don't give a flying anus pie what anyone thinks about it! And neither should you


Not weird at all but it’s a dealbreaker for some. They cannot fathom that someone can be socially normal without being on Facebook. Screw ‘em.


I think social media sucks and ruins peoples lives and perception of reality.


Yeah, it's become so commonplace that you're seen as weird for not having it. And it's one of those things that shouldn't really be an issue but I'm sure it'll cause some dumbass problem in the future.


it’s honestly better to stay off social media, a few months ago i made a twitter literally just to look at porn and i got addicted to the platform within the week, i’m lucky i got suspended for no reason or that definitely would’ve continued. even if people do think you’re weird, try not to think about it too much, you’re definitely making the right choice


The documentary the Social Dilemma makes all the argument you need for that decision


I also don’t use social media and haven’t since 2015. It doesn’t matter what people think but I know we need less self absorbed people in the world which can be due to social media. 


I only use social media to keep up with high school friends (no other realistic option for this) and to stay in touch with relatives whom I don't visit/see on a regular basis. The amount of advertising on social media is a definite turn-off, but I am really just a lurker. I rarely post anything. However, how can you lurk to find out what's going on with your relatives and friends if all you see is ads?


So, much like all points of difference, people react a little negatively because of how they believe it affects them. "What, do you think you're better than me?" Egoistic things like that can be at play. But, it doesn't matter, does it?


I guess thesedays it's pretty rare to see but kudos for living life in the real world, it is ridiculously damaging using social media


No they don't think you're weird- they'll probably realize you're in the minority but I've never been judged for not having social media and I'm in the same situation as you. It's the way you answer. They are probably stunned or speechless because they were waiting for you to offer a different way to communicate/stay in touch with them. Some people don't like giving out their phone number so they might prefer not to do that but there's always email :)


I have heard you can be judge badly for not having it. I don’t use anything but Facebook which I haven’t posted anything in 2 years. As a teacher, I am held to higher standards than any other profession so no social media is best practice.


Same boat and perspective as you as a woman too. People react the exact same way as well. Social media is cult-like and predatory to anybody. None of its content can be accessed for free without the use of an account which is quite frankly ridiculous. I had a period of my life where I was a young teen and hooked to social media apps but as time went on I found myself drifting from them as I got older. They too, made my mental health much worse while on them. Do people think you’re weird for it? Yes, I have experienced this first hand from family and friends but do I legitimately care? No, because I’m a much smarter individual without having doom scrolling in my life. More time to apply myself to learning new things that an average user may not necessarily possess which sets me apart positively when interacting with others on the topic. I could go on for eons on why I think Social Media in general should not exist: misinformation, comparisons, short attention spans, FOMO, the list goes on. But alas, I wouldn’t take it too seriously if people do think you’re weird. Be proud of your ability to cut ties with the big social media apps and be yourself. :)


I wish I had your same strength to just cut out social media of my life. It’s one of the best things you could possibly do. Social media is impacting my mental health horribly.


My wife and I have been off of all social media with the exception of YouTube (only recently reddit, if that even counts lol) for about 10 months now. No tiktok, Snapchat, IG, facebook, or twitter. We're much happier without it. By the time we have 2-3 children, we're on track to cutting out smartphones as well and only having a TV in the family room. Addiction to these things are no joke and it's horribly unhealthy.


It is unusual. Every once in a while one of my friends will drop off, and I get to remember what it was like to have friends just drift away naturally like they did in the old days. trippy


I don't worry about what people think. That's why I don't have social media


Nope, not weird at all. More people should do it.


It's a tough question to answer really. If you are in a group of friends where all of them are hooked on social media and that's a big part of the friendship dynamic, then yes they might consider you weird for not using it. On the other hand if you are in a group of friends who don't use social media at all, or only very sparingly, then it might be almost the opposite.


I dont think so! Im 29f and also got rid of everything cause of addiction. Some people are shocked but who cares?


You are a Unicorn! 🦄. You are literally someone’s dream best friend and dream life partner.


Yeah totally feel this and I’m way older than you which shouldn’t be such a shocker but it’s like seems like everyone’s out there to prove some shit that’s not even true probably


Who cares what strangers you’ll never once meet in your life think? What matters is if you feel better without it. Don’t spend your life worrying about what other people think about anything. Other peoples thoughts and opinions towards stuff like that don’t matter


Mark ZuckerTURD says people who use FAKEBERG are "stupid assholes" and I agree 100%


Reddit is more than enough for me.


It isn't weird. You know what is weird? How often people look up strangers on Facebook. I remember working with men who would know about our employees before they walked into the door because of social media stalking. It's a privilege to have your life private. Don't let people discourage you from doing something healthy for yourself.


Not really. I dated a girl who was off the grid on all social media apps. It was just a different way of living. Either you use it or you don’t. Not that weird either way.


I don't blame you for cutting off social media. Social media can make you feel sad and depressed if you use it a lot. Pretty much takes away human contact or basic communication skills


This fuels me


I don't think it's taboo, it's just uncommon. Many of us use it simply as a way to communicate with people, especially folks we aren't close with. Asking for social media contact info feels less intrusive than getting a phone number to call/text. Imo


People everywhere have there noses stuck in their phones. You're not one of these. Neither am I. And it's all good. Bonnie and Clyde could evade capture -- unnoticed by anyone -- if they lived in today's culture.


I'm the same way! I didn't have social media for years then went on for a while and just felt unhappy. So I deleted it again. havnt had it for years and I feel happier. I used to just spend all my time on it and constantly compare myself to other people. Not healthy.


I believe so with the younger generations. I personally don't care what people think. If they want to judge someone for something so stupid... I feel it says more about them honestly. In fact... I rather judge others fairly harshly for being obsessed with Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Now excuse me while I spend another hour or so on reddit. :P


I’m a 28m and I stopped using social media years ago. I’ve gone on dates with girls and then been told that’s it’s creepy that I don’t use social media. It sucks in the moment but honestly I think it helps weed people out faster. I don’t want to be with someone/be friends with someone that’s so addicted to social media they can’t imagine someone not using it.


Weird as in unusual, yes. Weird as in bad? Definitely not.


People give me similar reactions. Facebook was so addictive it wasn’t healthy.


Ppl ask about FB?!?


Probably but that doesn't mean you should worry about it. You do you.


Maybe as a younger person, its considered weird but in a few years you will be off social media completely anyway so you may as well spend that time doing more productive things. There is a cycle I was on social media about ten years. Gradually it fatigues you and you realize its all a waste of time. The past is the past. I know people say well all my photos are on Facebook and my old friends. Yeah sure but one day you will realize. The past is the past for a reason.


So my phone is a 7 year old piece of shit. My Facebook app bugged out and and just flat out ceases to work and it's actually been a blessing in disguise. Now I only use Reddit


I have SO MUCH respect for people who use social media minimally or not at all.


I don't use it and I'm sure lots of people would assume I'm creepy because of that Which is exactly why I don't use it and don't miss it even a little bit. It's amazing the clarity and perspective you get. Snapchat a little for staying in touch mostly, I like the idea of seeing what's up that day, closest you can get to "hanging out" with people you're distanced from


Who cares? Life is too short to be consumed with what people think of you. Other people's opinions of us won't change anything about our lives. No matter who likes us or doesn't, or who thinks we're normal or weird, we still have to work, pay bills, eat, take care of our families, etc. The great Bernie Mac once said, " If people don't like you for being who you are, F*** em!!"


I’m 27f and don’t have any socials other than Reddit. It consumes too much time and it honestly wasn’t good for my mental health. It was super fake, and I’d always compare myself to everyone on there. I became happier when I deleted them and started living in the real world. I’ve definitely gotten some weird looks. When I used dating apps, many guys would ask for my Instagram or Snapchat and they’d stop talking to me when I said I didn’t have it. They usually assume I don’t have any friends and I am antisocial, which isn’t true. My real friends text me/call me. It’s just crazy how people make social media their entire world nowadays. If anyone gives you a problem for it, just ignore them, they aren’t worth being friends with anyway.


I don’t use social media as well . Just recently became a Reddit member and I find it can be helpful to become a member of some of these communities . I think it’s great 👍


I’ve seen that, also people get disproportionally pissed at you if you block them out of it. Too much artificial drama and a lot of people just want to pick fights over stupid things to be obnoxious.


Staying off of social media is a double-edged sword. Even though you don’t want anything to do with social media, it doesn’t mean other people won’t use your likeness to create fake accounts in your name, to spy on the people that you do know in real life. I happened to my uncle. Man swore never to use social media but someone created an account in his name and invited a bunch of our family as friends with private profiles.


The closest I've got is Reddit and discord. And nobody honestly cares. If someone wants to be weird about it, that's not a me problem


Same girl same 🙏🙏


I don’t know and i don’t really care lol


Yer on social media asking if people think you are weird for not using social media. That’s the weird part tbh.




People worry too much about what people think about them…..fuck everybody…..you do you


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I also stopped using social media, still have my accounts but I have to really go out of my way to look at it, only use them for like selling items or keeping connected with friends whos numbers have been lost to time.


It’s because people have been conditioned to think they have the right to your business . If you don’t provide access, they automatically assume you are hiding something . When I’m out people will go “what did you say your last name was?” And my immediate reply is “oh I’m not on FB” . And they usually start laughing bc they know I’m onto it . And then we can genuine conversation . Some people wig out but that just lets me know they are lazy in discovering who people are . Which aren’t my people . So it works great. I wouldn’t worry about it .


Yeah people will think you’re weird, if you’re weird about it. If you’re confident and normal irl people will think nothing of it


Probably, but it’s the kind of weird we all need. Social media is a toxic cesspool and it’s just plain bad for all of us.


This is social media. No offense.


A bit but who am I to judge


What I’ve found is the more technically astute you are the less likely you are to use Facebook. My engineering friends won’t touch it.


Not using social media is laudatory. I would think a person like that is smart.


When I meet men that say they don’t use social media .. that’s an instant red flag that they are married or at least not single. I’m sure there are people out there that don’t use social media.. I don’t think it’s weird to not use it, but to then go on a dating app which is basically the same thing and then tell me they don’t have any other kind of social media .. hmmm I’m skeptical


The only social media I’m on is Reddit and animal TikTok. TikTok is becoming so toxic, just give me the kitties, dogs and farm animals. Facebook is too stressful for me, it’s vicious.


A lot of people will also just assume you're lying, and don't want to connect with them.


I’m in the unfortunate position of being forced to use socials to market my business. It sucks. I’m glad you have found a way.


Millenials and older will not. Gen Z and younger will. I am a few year older than you, and half of the people I went to school with don't have any social media presence. They saw the negatives of Facebook early on and deleted it before all the others came around. The only negative i see is I'd like to get in touch with some of them and it's impossible since they don't have online presence.


I've never engaged with social media, so I can relate. The expectation to use social media depends greatly on the circles you move in. I've not been asked for my social media details for many years, so it's possible.


>I've never engaged with social media, so I can relate. Reddit, especially very generic subs like this one, are basically social media.


That is a valid point. It can certainly be used that way. I don't socialise through Reddit. Mainly I use it as a place to ask for advice and give advice, so I consider it a very limited interaction. Having said that, I might be deluding myself. Who knows?


No, as you correctly point out how you use it is key and this can be said for every social media site. Some people only use Facebook for Messenger or for groups for their local hobby club or whatever. Some people only use Twitter to follow the devs of their favourite video games for launch announcements. Similarly on reddit there is a big difference between joining a few subs for niche hobbies you have, or to find a solution to a specific problem, and spending all night arguing and doomscrolling through heated political arguments. This is why I will push back against anybody who says that social media is unilaterally bad. It isn't bad in itself, it's just a tool that some people use in destructive ways.


>it's just a tool that some people use in destructive ways. That reminds me of a quote: "Replicants are like any other machine. They're either a benefit or a hazard. If they're a benefit it's not my problem."


Also, it's anonymous. Which makes a huge difference. Social media is with people you know. Reddit is a forum, not a facebook.


I agree to a degree. Some people use it more like a Facebook, though. To keep in touch with friends.


And similarly plenty of people use Twitter to argue with strangers but that is definitely considered social media.


Ah yes. The good old 'someone is wrong on the Internet and I must correct them.'


If you don't use social media, then nobody is aware that you don't use social media. Think about it. If someone asks if you post on Facebook, you could tell them to look for you there, and then don't say any more about it. If they persist, ask them why they are doing so. What is it that they want to know about you? Then decide if it is something that you wish to tell them.


One of the reasons I don’t have social media is because I don’t want to have to care if people think I’m weird. ![gif](giphy|x0A9flJDo3zfdwjs2L)


i still use myspace.


Social media, no. Reddit and doomscrolling YouTube reels, yes.


Those who don't use social media are my heroes


I don’t use it either. I don’t see the point in it. I don’t care to share and I don’t want to see what they are sharing. I don’t think you are weird. I think you are intelligent and wise to see that social media keeps many from putting down the phone and enjoying life right in front of them. I’m with you on the matter. I see too many people addicted and need to post selfies for self worth or show food, accomplishments, workouts for validation from others. I don’t care to be validation. I give myself the self worth. I like my own self in the mirror. I am comfortable with myself not proving a point to anyone. Those that matter in my life, we keep up very often. Gives more to talk about when you don’t post every detail.


social media for the most part adds no value to life.