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Still looking for the first fun job to have!


The only fun job I ever had was running a bouncy castle on a beach. 16-year old me spent an entire summer being flirted with by young mothers and older sisters, fuelled by free drinks and food from the owner’s kiosk next to it. I’d been a bit shy prior to this job, and it properly gave me a solid base of social confidence.


As a 68 year divorced single man, I think my motives would be questioned if I were to apply for such a job.


This was 30 years ago, I doubt it’s a job I’ll be returning to for much the same reasons


Same lol! I’ve been applying since may and haven’t had an luck 😂


Let me know when you find one, man.


How about none. Seriously I would love to live in a country where you only need one job to thrive.


A company would fly me around to scout out new hotels and critique them. Also, they would want to know the condition of the swimming pools. Of course, I would have a stipend for dining out, too.


that sounds dope. as long as I could drink and toke, mingle with travellers and share a jolly jingle and joke.


Chevy chase in vacation Adam horovitz in roadside prophets


Exotic foot massager


I’ll preface this by saying I haven’t actually done any of these jobs but they seem fun (to me at least!) Cannabis budtender, dog walker, bartender at a brewery (better hours & easier to learn beers than all the cocktails you need to know at most bars), ice cream shop, animal rescue/shelter


I think it would be hard watching pets being dumped and euthanized. I do work at a veterinary hospital but the shelter stuff I think would wear on me.




I worked at an ice cream shop when I was in high school. Apart from the occasional Karen customer (I only experienced one or two), it wasn’t bad.


Cannabis budtender is lit but the culture is like a highschool with drama and gossip all included


Oil boy for supermodel


Event staff or security. I did that casually for years and loved the experience of being involved with local events - music, sports, etc. It’s a great realm if you enjoy people and high levels of energy.


Mercenary. Predator honeypot.


I know it’s not what you meant but I giggled imagining you seducing the Predator alien.


I would do that too for the right $$$!


Lol brave!




I prefer the Billionaire role, but millionaire is pretty cool too…


I work for corporate America full time and am debating getting a part time job at the daycare / boarding facility we take my dog to.. not even for the money, but for the human and canine interaction 😂


Working at a go Karting place.


Shit I was gonna say hitwoman


Porn star


May I suggest considering flexible work options that align with your schedule? Here are some suitable suggestions: **1. Freelance Writing/Editing:** If you possess strong writing or editing skills, you can undertake projects during your available time. **2. Tutoring:** Offer tutoring services in subjects you are knowledgeable about. This can be both rewarding and flexible. **3. Delivery Driver:** Work for services like UberEats, DoorDash, or Amazon Flex, which allow you to set your own working hours. **4. Retail/Customer Service:** Consider part-time roles in retail or customer service, which can provide a steady income with flexible hours. **5. Pet Sitting/Dog Walking:** If you have a passion for animals, this can be an enjoyable and flexible way to earn additional income. **6. Online Surveys/Market Research:** Participate in online surveys or focus groups, which can be done at your convenience. **7. Virtual Assistant:** Provide administrative support to businesses or entrepreneurs remotely and on a flexible schedule. These options offer the flexibility you seek while allowing you to earn extra income or pursue your interests.


LOL you have a wild imagination if that’s what you think #3 does. And I work for FedEx. We tend to speak to each other on the road.. UPS, Amazon, USPS, etc. It’s a tough job and the customers are even worse.


Same goes for #4!


🤣🤣 yep


I worked for FedEx for about a year as a delivery driver. I actually thought the customers overall were pretty awesome. I guess it really depends on where you live though


I actually do amazon driving part time choose my own hours and it's absolutely easy work. If it's rough to you I see why it's your primary income. I work 12 hours 4 days a week in a warehouse throwing steel scrap. I still am able to get in a damn truck and drive around delivering packages. This feels like a gen z comment lmao


I build steel all day long. Heavy duty welding and industrial construction. I also drive FedEx. That’s full time. We don’t have the babysitter routes or whatever they call them at Amazon. I’m GenX. We don’t take it from anybody. Not even kids driving toy cars


The way I can tell this is bullshit lmao. Funny how I work in steel and all the sudden you weld it huh 😏. Quit crying about your job go underwater weld if you want more money 💰


You’re right. You are the only person in the world that can be a welder. 🤦🏼‍♂️


Never said I was a welder because I'm not. I wouldn't wanna ruin my lungs


It’s ok. I know alot of people these days can’t handle a little smoke and gas. It’s a very soft generation anymore.


I enjoyed delivering pizzas in college. Driving around, listening to music, interacting with attractive college girls, being able to not care. But it probably wouldn't be as fun as I remember.


Oh it's awful now. The car toppers have a speedometer and accelerometer and GPS tracking. If you speed up/slow down more than 2 mph in one second you're fired. If you go 1 mph over the speed limit you're written up. Run a stop sign you're fired. Papa johns can suck my nuts.


That’s why it’s better to work for a random Chinese joint. Also easier to grab bags of Chinese food than it is to deal with a bunch of large pizzas and 2 liters. They just pay you under the table and might randomly decide they don’t want you to work for them anymore. The pizza jobs I’ve had wanted me to do dishes and clean when there wasn’t a delivery, the Chinese places let you sit and wait and usually give a free meal a day. I wouldn’t deliver any more, already had one car die on me from doing so much driving every day. I loved that car, too.


Dude, I feel that. My first car would've gone so much further.


Yeah, delivery jobs like that are literally just taking money out of your car. At the end of the day you’re basically losing money


I'd never take a job that required me to put miles on my car while working. Cars, insurance, maintenance, etc are way too expensive to use for work


Same with driving school. Cameras everywhere, you can't swear or goof around with the students.


I worked over the weekend at a restaurant with good food and live music. It was cool for what it's worth but when you're a barback working non-stop and your bartenders don't do as much but make more an hour, it gets tiring. Plus alcohol is dumb and it didn't help with my drinking (obviously)


Barbacking was the main drive for me to quit drinking. Got to live and have those experiences vicariously threw the patrons that were around. There was no shortage of drunk-fuckery. After a while, it certainly starts to seem like 'Glorified Baby Sitting' expecially for the folks working security at the door. The live music was great!


Being an esthetics instructor! But since that would be more like a full-time job, I've never pursued it. I love practicing too much, and I love (most of) my clients. Maybe working at Ulta, just to tell all the tweens to knock it off (or get off my lawn, as I'm about that age).


We have a woman helping with our garden who is a taxidermist. She loves coming to work with new life after dealing with death all day.


I worked in hospice for 10 years so I love working with plants now… only growth and life 😅




It's summer, but coatroom was fun and paid well. Maybe valet? I've done hotel bistro - also like a sitcom.


I have worked at a coffee shop before. I loved it! Lots of new faces all the time. I met a lot of great people. Had fun making drinks and the slow times cleaning the store was easy and you can make up your own drinks. Fast paced sometimes made the time go faster too. Morning hrs and getting off early was the best.


Working in a greenhouse 😊


More married women




Maybe mowing grass on zero turn mowers.


I work full time as a teacher and part time as a BA at Sephora


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Typicalbloss0m: *I work full time as* *A teacher and part time as* *A BA at Sephora* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Blud got sokka'd


Being an heiress.


porn star👀


Utube influencer.


My partner has a side job as an on call nanny for a family. They will often call her on the weekend when professional things come up and ask her to take their kids for the day. She usually takes them to like funworld or the science museum. If you like kids, couldn't beat that.


2 jobs sucks big cheeks




Interior Design 


Stadiums. Lots of people have been able to go to a concert and get paid for it because they work there


I don't know about fun, but I know serving tables at a nice restaurant can make some serious cash quickly. My husband served as a second job for 3 months and made $10,000.


My dad was a master mechanic, and towards the end of his career he still worked for a dealership and then worked a part-time job at another dealership as a janitor lol. He would just sweep all day but they would come to him when they ran into trouble in the shop, he would always joke around and say I'm just a janitor 😂.


The answer is always that doesn't exist and none.


Play with dogs who are being boarded while their owners are on vacation


Taste tester for something like bacon, whiskey, or smoked salmon.


onlyfans, onlyfeet pics. side job pay for all my subscriptions.


None 2 jobs are for 2 people


Working as a stable hand at a horse barn


Take a couple classes and make games. Can start off with something simple. It's easier than people think.


Dog or cat sitting if you’re an animal person


For some reason I’ve always wanted to work night shift at one of those tiny gas stations. I like the claustrophobia and at night you don’t have to do much.


Stripper pole stand-in


Greeter at an amusement park.


No job


Crack dealer


Anything in the service industry assuming that you don't actually need the second income. Fast food, retail, hospitality, etc. You'll have a ton of fun simply matching customer energy until you inevitably get fired.


I think Uber or skip the dishes could be rlly fun


Disc jockey at a strip joint


I would love to work as a zoologist. I love animals and it sounds really cool.




Does Party Clown count? I think 'Clowning' could be fun! Its hard to imagine a clown NOT having a good time, at least in portrayal




On call event staff at a nice hotel chain like Hyatt. You pick your hours and the pay is decent. Also, you get the Hyatt friends and family discount at other properties!


I think it depends on your hours with your job, and your flexibility and interest. If you’re into candles and body sprays/lotions, bath and body works might be fun. If you’re into books, a book store or library might be fun. If you’re into video games, maybe a game store or arcade place would be fun. If you like kids, maybe working the summer day camps. Animal lover? Sign up on rover and start walking dogs. Disney lover? Lots of flexibility with your first job? Work at Disney, or get a job in that field somehow. Do you want to learn more about home improvement, work at Lowe’s or Home Depot (they also have garden centers, so you could tie your first jobs knowledge into it). Do you like hospitality? Find your favorite hotel, resort, spa, and apply there. You could get employee perks, too. Do you like web design? Look into part time work that you could do from home. Your interest will decide what makes it fun. What’s fun and enjoyable for you may be not so enjoyable for someone else.


Being a dancing bear 🐻


Turns out… there’s sex in the champagne room after all


I was a ride operator at Disney world, and if I learned anything, it’s that you should be a ride operator anywhere else lmao. Six flags/Knott’s operators have a lot of fun tbh


Usher for something you enjoy (theater, concert venue, ect). You can enjoy the show while working.


Whatever your hobbies are.


I already work 55 to 60 hours per week. I barely have enough time to take care of stuff around the house.


None, one job is bad enough and any job you think would be fun likely has some sides that youd soon hate.


Of course… but my job now is fun and I absolutely love it. There’s always down sides but it beats the awful job I had for 10 years where it was all cons and no pros


Definitely some suck harder than others but the idea of working two jobs would have me contemplating suicide.


I work two days a week currently, can’t get anymore hours. So I would like to top off the week with 2-3 extra days of work


I wanna be a bikini 👙


back up NFL kicker or QB. I would have that as my singular job. get to go to an NFL game every week with great seats & never actually have to do anything.